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NAMHSA Database Proposal
Enclosed is the official proposal for a non-mandatory NAMHSA Database Registry for horses showing at NAMHSA Approved Events, including the North American Nationals. The proposal was created by the NAMHSA Registry Committee and has been nearly a year in the making. Once you have reviewed this proposal please communicate with your Regional Representative or the NAMHSA-DISCUSSION message board, Regional Facebook and YahooGroup pages (all links available on our Contacts page), your ideas and opinions regarding this proposal by April 15, 2014. All hobbyists' opinions matter during this epic event. After a reasonable amount of time this proposal will be modified and released to Individual or Show Member for a vote to accept or reject the creation of a hobby-wide database sometime during the 2nd Quarter of 2014. If you would like to request a ballot and are not a current Individual Member or Member Show Holder please consider joining NAMHSA. Your vote matters. Make it count! The NAMHSA Registry Committee hereby proposes the creation and implementation of a NAMHSA Registry System. The goal of this system is to make showing easier for entrants, judges, and show holders. By using one system, model identification at shows can be more standardized within or across regions. Keeping track of which models have qualified for NAN or are eligible for Merit Awards, as well as NAN entry, will be simplified. For judges, only a number will need to be written down to record their placings. And for show holders, results typing will also be made much easier as the system will auto-fill the models' and owners' names from the model ID. [*Note: For those of you familiar with Region 10's online Tag Manager system, please do not be confused. This proposed system is entirely different and separate. While you may see some similarities in some of the capabilities of both systems, they are not the same, so please read the proposal carefully.*] This system would consist of one database, accessed from a single website, with the following tables: NAMHSA Entrant Registry NAMHSA Model Registry NAMHSA Show Registry NAN Entry For each table, there will be required fields of entry. Some tables may also have optional fields of entry. These fields can be added to in the future, if it is decided that some other information is needed. Each entrant, upon notification to either a Registry Administrator or a Member Show holder, will be given an entrant number and a password to log in to the Registry. This password can be changed by the entrant at login. The entrant number will likely be 5 or 6 digits (to be determined). The IM Secretary may also have the ability to issue entrant numbers and passwords for IM applicants. NAMHSA Entrant Registry Required fields: Last Name First Name Email Address Optional Fields: Mailing Address Phone Number NAMHSA Model Registry For the model registry, only the information needed for local and regional shows will be required at first. If an entrant wishes to enter a model in NAN, the optional information will then be required information. Once the model has been entered in a NAN, that optional information will be saved, and will not need to be re-entered for another NAN entry, unless fields need to be corrected or edited. Required Fields: Model Name Model Breed Model Gender Optional fields, required for NAN entry: (again, these are the fields currently in use, but may be changed or added to by future NAN Chairs) Make Scale Color Standing or In Motion Run Size Sculpting Artist Painter Performance Activity Other optional fields: Age Once a model is registered, the model will be given a unique number. This number will likely be six digits long (also to be determined). The ID number will stay with the model, even if the model's other information (such as owner or breed) changes. The model's name can also be changed and still keep the same ID number. Currently, a model's show record is tied to its name. When the model's name is changed, the model's show record starts fresh and the model must be re-qualified under the new name in order to enter NAN under that name. The proposed system will be able to keep track of which qualifications were earned under which name for a single model. A model will still need to be entered in NAN under the name that it showed under when it qualified for that particular class. Similarly, a customized or artist resin model that has been altered or re-painted can keep it's same number, but either the model's name will need to change after the alteration or the date of the alteration will need to be marked so that the new qualifications can be tracked separately from the old. Once an entrant has entered their models into the system, they will be able to create a document from which they can print identification labels for their models. The labels will have the entrant number, model number, model name, model breed, and model gender. These labels can be affixed to tags and/or cards, as needed. The entrant will be able to select models from their entered models list and print out a list of models they are bringing to a specific show, if desired or requested by the show holder. Entrants will also be able to pull up their model list and see at a glance which models have qualified for NAN, Regionals (if applicable) and Merit Awards. When models are sold, if both the new owner and the original owner are registered in the system, it will be a simple thing to transfer a model from being associated with one entrant number to another. This will be a two step process where that association will be changed in the table, and both the new owner and the former owner will need to accept the change (to assure that the correct model is transferred). In the event someone is selling models for someone who is ill or passed away, a system administrator will have the ability to reset the owner's password so that the seller can have access to the registry in order to transfer models. A system administrator will also have the ability to manually transfer models, when provided verification of the sale, if a seller neglects to accept the transfer. If the seller is not entered in the registry system, the seller would transfer the model along with its NAN cards to the buyer as is done currently. The buyer, if already entered in the system, would simply enter the new model on his/her registry providing the required registry information and qualifications. If an entrant decides to change their model's breed during the show, they will only need to write out a new tag or card with the new breed assignment. The breed assignments are not really tracked for local shows, and the breed assignment will only need to be correct in the case of NAN entry. If an entrant wishes to show a model that they are unable to register before the show, they can write up a tag or card with their entrant number, and the model's name, breed, and gender. The entrant would need to register the model after the show and contact the show holder with the model's number after it is registered. NAMHSA Show Registry A show holder will be able to log into the system and create their show. They will enter their class lists and other show information. This could even be used to streamline the show approval process. Show holders could create their show and then submit them to the Show Member Secretary through the Registry system. Or, show holders could submit their show information to the Show Member Secretary as they do currently, and only shows that have been approved will be allowed to be created in the system (procedure to be determined). Preference would be for class lists to be entered into the system as a document or spreadsheet. If the class lists will need to be entered class by class, it is suggested that drop down lists be created to make this process easier (always with an option for a show holder to enter a class name not in the drop down list). Part of the show holder system will be a list of entrants. The show holder will enter the entrant IDs as people enter their show. If someone without an entrant ID wishes to enter the show, the show holder will be able to create the ID (if desired by the entrant) and notify the entrant of the ID number. There will either be a system in place for the new entrant to then complete their own registration, or a Registry Administrator will need to do this step and contact the entrant with their password. Judges will need to record the model number during the show, and possibly also the entrant number. The model number should be sufficient for doing the results, but the entrant number may be needed in order to determine the correct model if the model number was written down incorrectly. Show holders will be able to complete their results by entering the model ID numbers into the class list; the system will auto-fill and replace the numbers with the model's name and owner's name. Show holders will be able to create both full results and results with only first and second placings listed. The show results will be saved in the online database, and the system will have to ability to generate a searchable document for the results. If a model ID number is entered in the results of a show and that ID number is associated with an owner that is not registered in the show, that entry will be flagged by the system. The person entering the results will know immediately that, either the model ID was entered incorrectly, or someone is showing a proxy model for someone that didn't actually enter the show. Show holders will have the ability to correct results, if a model's ID number is recorded incorrectly. NAN Entry If the system is approved, developed, and implemented, NAMHSA Member Show holders and entrants will not be required to use the system at a local or regional level; the system will be completely optional with the exception of NAN entry. Anyone wishing to enter NAN will be required to use the system to enter NAN within the NAN entry window, as is done currently. The only difference is that, with the implementation of this system, all of that NAN entry information will be saved. An entrant that chooses to enter NAN will only need to register those models that they are showing in NAN. And, if this person chooses to enter NAN again in the future and show any (or all) of the same models previously registered, those models' registry information will already be in the system. NAN cards will continue to be printed and issued. Show holders who elect to not make use of the system for generating show results will still be required to submit show results within 30 days from the show in a searchable electronic format, as per current NAMHSA policy. Entrants who elect not to make use of the system on a local or regional level will still be able to enter NAN during the online entry window, just as is done currently. No one will be denied entry to a NAMHSA Member Show if they choose not to register in the system, for whatever reason; while NAMHSA Member Show holders can request and encourage entrants of their show to use the system, it cannot be made a requirement of show entry. While the system will create a database of show results, it will also generate an electronic results document. Placings of any model not registered in the system can be added to this document manually and submitted to the SMS. If it is determined that use of the system is widespread on the local and regional level, the possibility of eliminating the use of printed NAN cards can be discussed. The projected cost for hosting the database would be less than $100 per year. There will be very little maintenance involved. There will be automated backups and system administrators who can issue passwords and do manual fixes to records if needed. It will be up to the BOD to determine how many administrators would be needed and whether or not these would need to be paid positions. Regions will be encouraged to set up lists of members willing to do data entry for region members who do not have a computer or who would be uncomfortable registering their models themselves (either on a volunteer basis or for some sort of compensation). | |
Last updated on February 28, 2014 |