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NAMHSA - November 2014 News
NAMHSA News for the period of November 2014 based on the minutes recorded by Jackie Arns-Rossi, NAMHSA Recording Secretary. View the Enhanced News through Mail Champ. Nov 2 -- Teresa Buzzell (VP) advised she was still working on the MSOTY certificates. -- Teresa Buzzell (VP) advised Erin Corbett (fund) there was no need for a formal vote, and she could move forward with her plan. -- Eleanor Harvey (parl) asked if the vote on the tagging system were officially tabled until a budget and time frame could be established. Jackie Moore (R6) expressed her hopes that Teresa Buzzell (VP) would have an answer on the costs, etc quickly to get the BOD to vote the system up or down. --Sandra Gibson (R11) asked Tom Dean (pres) for the text of the email sent to Yashka Hallein (NAN chair) post NAN. Nov 3 -- Tom Dean (pres) posted the email as requested. It was confirmed that a post NAN recap was sent by Jim West and one had not been received from Yashka Hallein. --Lynn Webter (R5 and web) also asked that someone from the BOD read through emails in the NAN chair email account. Jackie Arns-Rossi (RS) offered to do this with approval from Tom Dean (pres) or Teresa Buzzell (VP). -- Sharon Mossy (R10) copied a conversation she had to the BOD. Nov 4 -- Tom Dean (pres) posted his resignation. -- Teresa Buzzell (VP) asked Lynn Weber (R5 and web) to give herself, Eleanor Harvey (parl) and Jackie Arns-Rossi (RS) access to the NAN chair emails and to change the password on the account. -- Jackie Arns-Rossi (RS) posted the October 16-31 minutes for approval. These were approved the same day by Teresa Buzzell (VP). -- Teresa Buzzell (VP) advised she asked Jim West about costs for the tagging system and had yet to get a reply. She asked Jackie Moore (R6) and Annette Dean (R7) (both members of the tagging committee) to advise the committee of the following: A. the BOD is wanting to vote on this matter NOW (to agree/disagree to send it to the membership at large) B. we can't vote due to question/concerns of cost C. we would like a ball park figure about how much this will cost for the program to be created (and most likely implemented)? Teresa also formally tabled vote on this motion until the costs could be discovered. -- Jackie Moore (R6) advised that she contacted the committee regarding the motion being tabled. -- Sharon Mossy (R10) posted a draft of a letter for Yashka Hallein (NAN chair), and editing of the letter began. -- Kathy Williams (R2) requested that PRs be sent out regarding NAN dates, hotel information, and Registrar / Chair positions being available. Natalie Kilpatrick (PR) advised that a formal announcement that the Convention Center contract had been signed, but she could add why no hotel room block was acquired. Eleanor Harvey (parl) suggested reaching out directly to Donna and Harvey Stone, who had been named as potential chairs in the original bid, when making a call for a NAN chair. Teresa Buzzell (VP) thought that Tom Dean (pres) had reached out to the Stones but would make sure to do so. Kathy Williams (R2) still felt that the chair position should be open to all applicants as well. -- Natalie Kilpatrick (PR) posted a draft of an announcement reporting Tom Dean’s resignation. She also updated several standard job postings for quick referral. -- Eleanor Harvey (parl) advised there was no clear cut way to deal with succession post presidential resignation. She noted that each time something had happened, a solution had been created to deal with the specific circumstance. She also noted that there was no way to deal with an AWOL president who did not resign or at least designate the VP to act in their stead. She recommended that the BOD deal with this, as well as uncoupling the VP and presidential offices. -- Teresa Buzzell (VP) posted a PDF of the MSOTY certificate for Chris Wallbruch (MSOTY). -- Teresa Buzzell (VP) posted a to-do list/agenda in light of Tom Dean's resignation. Sharon Mossy (R10) posted an updated list of missing NAN trophies. Jackie Moore (R6) reported that she was waiting on a reply from the tagging committee regarding costs. Stacy Quick (R1) advised she would contact Jim West. Niki Hertzog (R9) advised she would work on both the July and August news. Nov 5 -- Jackie Arns-Rossi (RS) uploaded the entire set of the 2013 minutes and a partial set of the 2012 minutes to the Minutes section. Nov 6 -- Teresa Buzzell (VP) posted a communication she had with a former BOD member regarding an issue with an entrant at NAN. Nov 7 -- Chris Wallbruch (MSOTY) advised she would print up the MSOTY certificates and send them out. -- Teresa Buzzell (VP) asked Natalie Kilpatrick (PR) to work on a formal announcement for the dates and venue for NAN 2015. -- Natalie Kilpatrick (PR) advised that the announcement about Tom Dean’s (pres) resignation was out. -- Jackie Moore (R6) reported that she did not have any answers back from the tagging committee, and she would send another request to them if there was still no reply by Wednesday. -- Discussion ensued regarding the issue brought to the BOD by Teresa. -- Jackie Moore (R6) advised she had just learned that Beth Patterson was owed a volunteer trophy from NAN 2014. Stacy Quick (R1) advised she was compiling this information. -- Sharon Mossy (R10) posted some information from a former BOD member's Facebook page. Nov 8 -- More discussion continued about NAN. Nov 9 -- Sharon Mossy (R10) posted a final draft of a letter to be sent to Yashka Hallein (NAN chair) that was approved by Teresa Buzzell (VP). -- Discussion continued about NAN 2015 items brought up by Sharon Mossy (R10). Nov 10 -- Teresa Buzzell (VP) advised that she had sent the letter composed by Sharon Mossy (R10) to Yashka Hallein (NAN chair). -- Teresa Buzzell (VP) advised that items 1 and 3 had been completed on her to-do list. -- Teresa Buzzell (VP) advised she would email Tom Dean (pres) tonight for any loose ends she needed to be aware of. -- Natalie Kilpatrick (PR) advised she would be resigning as she no longer had the time to devote to her position. She said she would stay on for 30 days to allow the BOD time to find a replacement and train them to use the new services Natalie had implemented. -- There was discussion over a Facebook posting. -- Teresa Buzzell (VP) advised she was aware of and appreciated the concerns expressed by BOD regarding the recent Facebook discussion / post. Eleanor Harvey (parl) suggested finding a neutral way to handle announcing the lack of a hotel room block for NAN 2015. Nov 11 -- Amy Peck (SMS) advised that she had not received results from Classy Chassis Live, held in Region 7. Lindsay Diamond (R4) offered to contact the show holder. Teresa Buzzell (VP) told Lindsay to have her contact Amy at the SMS email address with the results. Nov 12 -- Annette Dean (R7) advised she was back in the country, and had sent a post on her Regional Yahoo list asking the show holder for Classy Chassis Live. Nov 13 -- Annette Dean (R7) advised that Jen Pomerance was also going to try and contact Jen Dodd (show holder for Classy Chassis Live). She also asked Lindsay Diamond (R4) to try. Nov 14 -- Jackie Moore (R6) advised she had sent the email privately to both Jim West and Jackie/Kira Hamilton. -- Annette Dean (R7) posted results from Classy Chassis Live. Nov 16 -- Teresa Buzzell (pres) posted a draft of an announcement about Natalie Kilpatrick's (PR) resignation, the call for PR applicants, the call for applicants for Vice President and an announcement with official dates for NAN 2015. -- Amy Peck (SMS) posted the latest group of approved shows: NAMHSA Approved Show List 11/16/2014 Just a reminder to send your show applications to show-secretary@namhsa.org. If you sent in a show for approval, and have not seen it on an approved list, please let me know. REMINDER: Show results are due within 30 days from the date of the show. For a listing of show results due: https://www.namhsa.org/membershows-pendingresults.htm All NAN qualifier results are required to be submitted to NAMHSA in an electronic, searchable format. Examples of searchable formats are MS Word documents, MS Excel documents, and in most cases PDF documents. Hand-written or scanned results are not acceptable. Thanks! Amy Peck 2012/2013/2014 NAMHSA Show Secretary Region 1 No shows to report. Region 2 No shows to report. Region 3 No shows to report. Region 4 SW Minnesota Live – OF & Performance Show 3/7/2015 Lakefield, MN Hilary Rossow hilaryrossow@gmail.com http://swmnshows.weebly.com/ Region 5 No shows to report. Region 6 Old Oak Farm presents All The Pretty Ponies Model Horse Show 1/31/2015 Newberry, FL Donna Arteaga oldoakfarm2002@yahoo.com www.oldoakfarmmodelshow.webs.com Carolina Gold Classic 2015 3/14/2015 Monroe, NC Julia Harmon harmonqhs@yahoo.com http://carolinagoldclassiclive.webs.com/ Region 7 No shows to report. Region 8 Show for the Cure Live 3/21/2015 Elk Grove, IL Jenna Murphy showforthecure@gmail.com www.showforthecure.com Region 9 A Mini Halter Benefit! 1/10/2015 Gap, PA Barbara DiAnnibella bniesley@comcast.net http://minihaltershow2015.weebly.com/ MiniMAR Performance Show 1/10/2015 Gap, PA Betsy Andrews FPMVendetta@yahoo.com http://minihaltershow2015.weebly.com/ Pocono Ponies Live 5/2/2015 Aquashicola, PA LeeAnn Bachman geohorse@ptd.net www.poconoponieslive.weebly.com Region 10 No shows to report. Region 11 No shows to report. Nov 17 -- Lindsay Diamond (R4) posted a draft of the July News. -- Teresa Buzzell (Pres) reported that there were 2 applicants for the Show Secretary position and posted resumes. Niki Hertzog (R9) started discussion about the SMS position. Nov 18 -- Teresa Buzzell (pres) posted drafts for the Registrar, and NAN Chair call for applications. Lynn Weber (R5 and web) advised she would work on forms for these positions for the website. -- Teresa Buzzell (pres) posted a schedule for PR posts. Nov 19 -- Lindsay Diamond (R4) posted a second draft of the July News and an initial draft of the August News. -- Discussion continued regarding the SMS applicants. Nov 20 -- Jackie Arns-Rossi (RS) posted the November 1-15, 2014 Minutes for approval. -- Carmen Robertson (treas) reported that a check that Yashka Hallien (NAN chair) recently submitted from NAN had been from an account that had been closed, resulting in a charge back fee that was nearly the amount of the check. She asked how to proceed. -- Teresa Buzzell (pres) posted a second draft of the call for a new Vice President. -- Teresa Buzzell (pres) advised she had not heard anything back from Yashka Hallein (NAN chair) about the email sent to her on November 10th. -- Teresa Buzzell (pres) approved the November 1-15 minutes. Nov 21 -- Carmen Robertson (treas) had more information about the bounced check. -- Jackie Moore (R6) advised she had not heard from Jim West about the requested costs for the proposed tagging system/database. She had heard from Jackie (Kira) Hamilton and had forwarded a copy of the current proposal to her, but had heard nothing since. -- Lynn Weber (R5 and web) asked if the announcement of Natalie Kilpatrick’s (PR) resignation should go out in the same message as a call for a new PR officer. Nov 24 -- Teresa Buzzell (pres) advised that she had sent the email to Yashka Hallein (NAN chair) to a second email address. -- Lindsay Diamond (R4) posted a draft of the September 2014 News. -- Teresa Buzzell (pres) reported that the NAMHSA Facebook page had reached 1000 likes. In contrast, there were 784 members of NAMHSA-Discussion. She solicited ideas for postings to the Facebook page. Nov 25 -- Applicant discussion continued. REGIONAL REPORTS R1 No Report R2 Region 2 November 2014 Report: Recent Shows: The Three Ring Circus Show was held September 27th in San Martin. It was a gorgeous day and we all had great fun at this Halloween themed show. Great job, Robin & Marie! October 4th we gathered in Norco (aka “Horse Town USA”). Norco is an equestrian friendly community whose old town section is lined with bridle paths instead of sidewalks. Suzie Francis hosted Sleepy Hollow Live with a Halloween theme including Peter Stone OOAK Halloween models. Everyone had a wonderful time and we are eager to do it again! Upcoming Shows: November 16, 2014 is scheduled for Mary Reardon’s The Really Big Show in Simi Valley, CA. http://www.modelhorsemobile.com/ReallyBigShow.html This show is now Sold Out! December 6, 2014, is reserved for Jane Morehouse’s Workmanship & Collectability Only (WACCO) show in San Martin. Jane has added a China division this year! This show serves as our model horse Christmas Party and Potluck where we all bring yummy dishes and then engage in a Sneaky Santa Ornament Exchange. http://www.fantasticplasticclassic.com/wacco/ The following Sunday in the same hall we will see Kirsten Arendt’s Winter Festivus show which part of the Breyer Live Show Benefit Program is. This show includes OF Breyer and Stone, Simple Customs and Artist Resins. http://www.winter-festivus.com/ January 17-18, 2015 will bring Heather Visser’s Frozen Ponies shows in Galt, CA. Saturday will be OF Day and Sunday Custom Day. http://frozenponiesnofrills.weebly.com/ February 14, 2015 will be full of candy kisses at the St. Valentine’s Day Live show in Norco, CA. Suzie Francis is our show holder for the 2nd anniversary of this show: https://sites.google.com/site/stvalentinesdaylive/home February 28-March 1, 2015 will be a two day show weekend. The Gold Country show will be held in Davis, CA. Show holders are Robin Kent and Marie Sobieski. Gold Country has been a repeat show for over a decade!http://www.gcmhs.org/ March 28-29, 2015 is another two show weekend. Both shows will be hosted by Heather Visser in Galt, CA. Saturday will bring the Achy Acres Mini Spring Fling show, an all mini show with many divisions: http://theachyacresminispringfling.weebly.com/ Sunday brings the Big Valley Performance Show: http://bigvalleyperformanceshow.weebly.com/ April 11, 2015 will be Jane Morehouse’s annual revival of her Fantastic Plastic Classic show in San Martin, CA. This will be FPC’s 12th year! Congratulations to Jane for bringing us this amazing show year after year. http://fantasticplasticclassic.com/ The next day at the same show hall (April 12, 2015) the Bay Area All Halter Custom Classic and China Show (BAAHCCCS) will be held. Robin Kent and Marie Sobieski will be our show holders. BAAHCCCS is another show that has been in existence a long time - since 2002! http://www.gcmhs.org/baahcccs/ This great lineup of shows should give everyone a chance to qualify for NAN 2015 in Palm Springs! ________________ Kathy Williams, Region 2 Rep R3 Region 3 Report Wow, I can't believe it's almost Thanksgiving. In the Southern part of Region 3 (AZ, NM) we had an amazingly nice October with very pleasant temperatures in the high elevations and hot weather in the valleys. On cue, November 1 was cold. Colorado has already seen significant snow this month. Meanwhile, we had some shows while the weather was still good. Teresa Candelaria hosted the OF China/Resin edition of her "One Woman Show Series" at her home in Phoenix on October 19. This was an easy-paced show with a lot of quality chinas! Awards were Halloween-themed. The following Sunday, October 26, Pat McDonald and Deb and Dani Ash hosted a complementary pair of shows - Tucson Mountain Live and Ghost Town Showdown. Tucson Mountain Live was all halter, and Ghost Town was a performance show. I wasn't able to go (sniff!) but I heard it was a great set of shows. Concurrent judging for breed halter and workmanship or collectibility was tried at Tucson Mountain Live and seems to have worked well. Teresa Candelaria's AR show is coming up this weekend (November 16). In December, we have two mini shows - Walkin' In a (Mostly) Mini Wonderland on Dec 7 in Tucson and Blue Christmas Live, an all-china show, on Dec 14 in Glendale (Phoenix area). I am very pleased to say that Region 2 china connoisseur Kathy Williams will be a guest judge at Blue Christmas Live. As for 2015, Teresa says that she will be bringing back Arizona Live! Arizona Live ran for 20 continuous years before Teresa took a well deserved break a few years ago. But with NAN 2015 scheduled for Southern California, Teresa is bringing the show back for an encore. Hurrah! Undoubtedly the show season will pick up again in Colorado in the spring. Stay warm! Pauline Entin R4 Wow, it's already into November! Where has the year gone? November 1st, Jessica Vance hosted Harvest Fall Feast Live in Colfax. From the looks of show reports, it was a great show! November 15th sees a return of a show at the Nebraska Horse Expo in Lincoln. While the show is not a NAN-Qualifying show, it's great to see the show return! On November 22nd, the Crystal Creek Riders will host their all halter and collectibility Fall Show in Randolph, WI. This is always a well attended show with some great competition! Happy Thanksgiving everyone! R5 No Report. R6 Hello All! There were two shows in Region 6 in October. October 4 saw the 27th Annual Southern Model Horse Convention at Laura Behning's Brookridge Morgans in Covington, GA. It was a chilly morning but a beautiful day full of friends, gorgeous models, and Morgan horses in the background. I always have a wonderful time at this show and this October was no exception. Lesli Kathman assisted Laura with the judging. The Champ and Reserve medallions (sculpted by Laura) featured a beautiful resting foal, and glazed ceramic versions of the medallion were graciously donated by Joan Berkowitz for the CG China Champs and Reserves. The following weekend, on Oct 11, saw a brand new show - Haunted Horses in Orlando, FL. Hosted by first time show holders Samantha Maybury and Gabrielle Scolaro, the show featured a super fun Halloween theme. The show ran very smoothly and a great time was had by all! There are also two shows scheduled in November in Region 6. Palmetto State Live in Irmo, SC will be held on November 8, and Rockin' Redneck Roundup Live in Kissimmee, FL will be held on November 29. There is also one show scheduled for December - Hollow Horse Holiday Show and Social is scheduled for December 6 in Cumming, GA. See you at the shows! _________________ Jackie Moore Region 6 Rep R7 For Region 7, we had one show in October. The Quarter Horse Congress show in Columbus, Ohio hosted by Heather Mays, Kim Bjorgo-Thorne, and Beth Lamm-Earl. As posted on their web site, there were 49 entrants and the show was a big success. There are photos on the show's Facebook and web site pages. There are two shows in November: Nov 1 - Tri State Live in Maumee, OH Nov 1-2 - Clinky Classic in Dandridge, TN Future shows: * Snow Show-ers Live II in LaGrange, KY on February 14, 2015 * New Year's Bash Live (the Defrosted Edition) in Ashland, OH on March 7, 2015 Website links to these shows can be found on the NAMHSA web site for Region 7. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone, Annette Dean Region 7 R8 No Report. R9 No Report. R10 Region 10 November Report The beginning of November brought us our annual year-end Championship show - TRXC! The event was held over two days from November 8th to 9th and featured several Divisions from Performance to China to Halter. The show was a complete success with lots of amazing horses and set ups. A HUGE thank you goes out to all of the individuals that make such a big show possible every year. Thank you to Anne Field and Marisa Evans for co-chairing the show. Thank you to Rob Harris for our awesome tag manager system and helping steward and keep things organized. Thank you to Melissa Lee for being the most fantastic show announcer. Thank you to Danielle Miller for getting the pizza party together. Thank you to our Ring Stewards for helping showers know what tables to go to. Thank you to all of our judges for all of your hard work. Thank you to all of the showers that came out. And if I missed anyone else who made the show happen, thank you too! Also, thank you to Jill O'Connor for running our Award Program. For now, Region 10 has no scheduled shows yet, but that will surely change as we get closer to the end of Winter. Keep up to date with the Region 10 website: http://www.regionxnation.com/ ~Sharon Mossy~ Region 10 Rep R11 No Report. BOARD MEMBERS FOR THE PERIOD -------------------------------------------------- President: Tom Dean Vice President: Teresa Buzzell Treasurer: Carmen Robertson Recording Secretary: Jackie Arns-Rossi Region 1 Representative: Stacy Quick Region 2 Representative: Kathy Williams Region 3 Representative: Pauline Entin Region 4 Representative: Lindsay Diamond Region 5 Representative: Lynn Weber Region 6 Representative: Jackie Moore Region 7 Representative: Annette Dean Region 8 Representative: Jenna Murphy Region 9 Representative: Niki Hertzog Region 10 Representative: Sharon Mossy Region 11 Representative: Sandra Gibson Individual Membership Secretary: Danielle Miller Show Secretary: Amy Peck Member Show Results Processor: Amy Peck Public Relations: Natalie Kilpatrick Webmaster: Lynn Weber Parliamentarian: Eleanor Harvey Merit Awards Coordinator: Dayle Steinke 2014 NAN Chair: Yashka Hallien 2014 Member Show of the Year Chairperson: Chris Wallbruch Judge's Handbook Committee: Carra McClelland | |
Last updated on December 26, 2014 |