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NAMHSA - November 1-15, 2012 News
NAMHSA News for the period of November 1-15, 2012 based on the minutes compiled by Jackie Arns-Rossi, Recording Secretary. NOV 1 -- Eleanor Harvey (Parliamentarian) advised she would need to review the timeline of the NAN card extension ballot motion to see if the BOD needed to vote on it or not. Jackie Arns-Rossi (Recording Secretary) posted that if she had to formally amend her motion, she then motioned to accept Pauline Entin’s (Region 3 Representative) version of the ballot. She also noted that Pauline’s version had come up in what would have been the discussion period for Lyn Norbury’s (Region 5 Representative) ballot, and that no formal vote had been called for Lyn’s motion. -- Jackie Arns-Rossi posted the minutes for October 16-31, 2012. These were approved by Teresa Buzzell (President) on November 3rd. -- Pat Coulter (Region 9 Representative) advised she had intermittent access to the BOD due to damage after Hurricane Sandy. NOV 3 -- Carra McClelland (Region 4 Representative) advised she was planning on contacting her insurance agent for the specific information Teresa Buzzell had requested on 10/31. -- Lindsey Hall (Vice President) posted the resumes of two applicants for the NAMHSA Treasurer position. -- Carmen Robertson (Treasurer) uploaded the third quarter financial report to the Yahoogroups Files section. NOV 4 -- Teresa Buzzell advised that she was going to move the discussion about the treasurer applicants off the BOD, since Carmen Robertson (current Treasurer) was one of the applicants. NOV 5 -- Eleanor Harvey called for discussion about the NAN Card Extension ballot motion (Pauline Entin’s version) on the floor. -- Eleanor Harvey posted that she had reviewed the timeline and details regarding the wording of the NAN card validity extension ballot. Lyn Norbury had posted the a draft of the ballot on 10/4, and then after comments amended it on 10/12. On 10/16, Jackie Arns-Rossi formally motioned to use the 10/12 version. Carra McClelland seconded the motion on the same day. Pauline Entin posted an edited version after Carra’s second on 10/16. On 10/31, Jackie Arns-Rossi moved to accept Pauline’s 10/16 language, however since the Board was reminded that there was already a motion/second on the floor, Jackie then offered to rescind her original motion in preference for the 10/16 revised version. Eleanor explained that per parliamentary procedure, Jackie did have the option to rescind her own motion. Since Jackie did that, the Eleanor said the floor was open for a new motion. --Jackie Arns-Rossi rescinded her motion on Lyn’s proposal and made a motion to accept Pauline’s 10/16 version. This was seconded by Pat Coulter. -- Jackie Moore (Region 6 Representative) asked if the Board should add to the ballot the change to the Bylaws regarding member show results (which would move some of the results specifications out of the Bylaws and into the Policy document). -- Teresa Buzzell advised that the member show results Bylaws change had to be voted on by the membership, and this needed to be a second ballot item but could go out in the same vote as the NAN card extension. -- Discussion continued about the NAN card extension ballot wording, as well as ballot wording to clarify the section of the Bylaws dealing with member show results submission. Eventually Teresa Buzzell and Eleanor Harvey stepped in to say that things needed to be dealt with one at a time--finalize the ballot wording for the NAN card extension, approve it, and then move to finalize ballot wording for the results Bylaws. -- Discussion also continued about the Treasurer position. NOV 7 -- Jackie Moore posted a revised version of the ballot language that included the proposed change to the Bylaws regarding member show results. -- Thomas Dean (Region 2 Representative), Lindsey Hall (Vice President), and Carra McCelland discussed whether or not PDF files could be considered a “searchable format” for member show results. -- Jackie Moore reposted her version of the ballot with minor revisions. NOV 8 -- Carmen Robertson uploaded the October 2012 treasurer report to the Files section in Yahoogroups. NOV 10 -- Pauline Entin apologized for being late with PR posts, but her laptop had died while she was working on the October News. --Teresa Buzzell asked if there was further comment on the ballot as posted by Jackie Moore on November 7. Lyn Norbury stated that it needed proofreading to remove minor typos. NOV 11 -- Pauline Entin posted drafts of the NAMHSA News for October 1-15 and October 16-31. These were approved by Teresa Buzzell the same day. Teresa also asked that a note promoting the blog and Facebook page be added to all News posts. -- Teresa Buzzell asked that Lyn Norbury point out the needed corrections to the ballot. NOV 12 -- Lynn Weber (Website Manager) asked Pauline Entin to post a solicitation for show photos and tutorials for the blog. -- Lindsey Hall posted that she was resigning the position of Vice President effective immediately. She summarized her reasons. She also noted that Carmen Robertson needed to change the password for the bank account, that another Board member needed to take over compilation of member show results, and that the NAMHSA website and email accounts needed to be moved off her server onto another server. She noted that she owned the domain name, but offered to sell it at cost. Lindsey unsubscribed herself from the Board email list after this posting. -- Lynn Weber offered to buy the domain name and give it as a gift to NAMHSA. She also said she would take care of moving the site to a new host. --Teresa Buzzell thanked Lynn Weber for this offer, but said NAMHSA should pay for the domain name. She also approved using the hosting service that Lynn currently uses, until the BOD can find a better solution, if there is one. -- Jackie Arns-Rossi moved to accept the ballot as posted by Jackie Moore on November 7th. This motion was seconded by several people, and minor edits (typo corrections) were made. Eleanor Harvey opened the floor for discussion. -- Jacke Arns-Rossi asked for regional reports. --Carmen Robertson asked if she could hold off on changing the bank password until after a new treasurer is selected. Jackie Arns-Rossi stated this was not a good idea, as that transition would not happen until June. Teresa Buzzell agreed and Carmen responded later that she had in fact changed the password. -- Teresa Buzzell posted regarding delegation of duties. She assigned the responsibility for member show results to Amy Peck, Show Member Secretary, as that was formerly a SMS responsibility. She asked Pauline Entin to draft relevant PR posts. She asked Lynn Weber to keep the Board updated regarding the NAMHSA website migration. She also asked Lynn to investigate the options for changing from .org to something else, such as .com or .net. She asked Eleanor Harvey for advice on the procedure for replacement of the Vice President. Teresa also asked the board to wrap up the discussion the ballot motion, so that the Board could move on to the Treasurer position and other agenda items. --Eleanor Harvey advised that all VP duties would fall to the President for now, and that filling the empty VP slot should go forward ASAP. NOV 13 -- Jackie Moore posted the latest version of the ballot. NOV 14 -- Teresa Buzzell asked if there was any more input on the ballot. She advised she would call for a vote on Friday morning. After this was underway, the Treasurer selection would be done. -- Lynn Weber advised she had paid for the NAMHSA.org domain and that Lindsey Hall (former VP) was getting paperwork together for the transition. Lynn also had the information to create new email accounts. NOV 15 -- Amy Peck confirmed that she had oversite of the Showresults Yahoo ID. REGION REPORTS: REGION 1 (Tracy Eilers) October was a busy month for shows in Region 1! Atomic City Live attendees gave "glowing" reports of a wonderful show early in the month. Thanks to the hostess Stacy Quick for another great year, and we already look forward to next year! The last weekend in October had two shows for folks to choose from. Our long-running Northwest Congress was hosted by Amy Peck in Kent, WA. It was a full two-day show with a zillion divisions that kept everyone hopping in the large show hall! We also had Spooky Live the same weekend, hosted by Melissa Clegg who always holds spooktacular shows! It was a smaller show, but that always leaves more time for chatting with fellow hobbyists. It is nice to see everyone in person at shows, but we rarely have much time to chat at the larger (and busy!) shows! November just has one show, Calliope Mini Live that is hosted by Amy Peck in her wonderful SuperGarage. Amy's on a roll with shows! REGION 2 (Tom Dean) One show to report: October 27th saw Calaveradas del Caballo in Valencia, CA hosted by Sarah Whelehan. Reports were that a great time was had by all, and plans are already being made to expand this to a 2 day show next year. While November will be quiet on the show front, don't forget to mark your calendars for WACCO on Dec 1st hosted by Jane Morehouse, and Breed All About It on Dec 2nd hosted by Marie Sobieski. Both to be held in the Lion’s Club in San Martin, CA. REGION 3 (Pauline Entin) Hello Everyone, After a remarkably warm fall, winter has found its way to Northern Arizona. It's windy and cold, and we are predicted for a little snow. Not Southern Arizona, though - it's always warm there! Southwest hobbyists convened on Tucson the last weekend in October for the Halloween themed Tucson Mountain Live. Once again, Pat put on a great show with lots of goodies and a few surprises. The orange and black ribbons came with spiders and the goodie bags had cockroaches (ew!). (All plastic, of course.) Cookies and other treats were the favored raffle items. The next Region 3 show is the holiday-season themed "Walkin in a Mini Wonderland" also in Tucson, on Dec 8. The show season has pretty much wrapped up for 2012 at the top of the region, about 900 miles away in Colorado. An interesting point to consider - the geographical size of Region 3: Region 3 consists of Utah, Colorado, Arizona, and New Mexico. Region 3 covers about 424,570 square miles. By comparison, New England (where I'm from) plus New York cover about 126,550 square miles (so it's less than a third as expansive). California + Nevada cover roughly 274,300 square miles. This is one reason a regional championship show is not equally feasible in all regions. Stay warm and cozy everyone! REGION 4 (Carra McClelland) October 6 saw Spirit Horse Live in Omaha, Nebraska. This fun little show with its pot luck lunch was well attended and a good time was had! October 27 saw 2 shows on the same day in Wisconsin! The Jackson Country 4-Hand Open Model Horse show in Black Rover Falls and the Sinawa Double Judged All Performance Show in Randolph. Wisconsin has been turning it out this year and I know that folks in the North have really been enjoying it. Upcoming Events: December 29, 2012: River Valley Live Model Horse Show Extreme Micro (Home) Edition #8 in St. Paul, MN. Contact: Stephanie Hicks. December 30, 2012: River Valley Live Model Horse Show Extreme Micro (Home) Edition #9 in St. Paul, MN. Contact: Bev Manderfeld REGION 5 (Lyn Norbury) October was a busy month in Region 5 with three shows to report. The weather has been great, the leaves are turning to their fall colors, making it nice to drive to shows to enjoy the scenery along the way. First off was Spookie Okie Galloping Ghosts held on the 6th, hosted by Jacklyn Catena in OKC, OK. Another fine job Jacklyn and her crew did on this show. Special thanks to Jacklyn for holding the most shows per year in Region 5. She hosts four shows per year and does a great job on all of them. You can always count on having lots of fun and having plenty of good food. Model Horse Expo was held on the 20th at Wichita Falls, TX, hosted by Jessica Geer. Jessica always hosts a great show too, and this one verified that. Thanks to Jessica and her crew of judges on a job well done. Mid-Kansas Live All Mini Show held in Rose Hill, KS on the 27th was hosted by Gay Mahlandt. I wasn't able to make it to this show, but I know her shows are always a lot of fun and she always does a good job. Thanks to all our dedicated hosts and judges and everyone else involved in making Region 5 shows successful and fun. Also to our competitive and enthusiastic showers who continue to make it to Region 5 shows, despite the economy. REGION 6 (Jackie Moore) Hello All! October 6 saw the 25th Annual Southern Model Horse Convention, hosted at Brookridge Morgans in Covington, GA by Laura Behning. Congratulations, Laura, on your Silver Anniversary! The Southern Model Horse Convention is the longest running show in Region 6 and is one of the longest running shows in the country. It is always a fun show, and is really the only show I attend where I actually have time to socialize. And with real Morgan horses as a backdrop, what could be better in a show? Thank you again, Laura, for continuing to host this show every year. There are no shows with definite dates in Region 6 until March 9 (Carolina Gold Classic in Monroe, NC) and March 30 (Hollow Horse Live Test of a Halter Champion in Cumming, GA). REGION 7 (Stacy Faraci) October in Region 7 brought back a favorite show, American Quarter Horse Congress. Held in Columbus Ohio, attendees got the chance to not only experience a wonderful model horse show but also a chance to see the real horse action at Quarter Horse Congress! The winter is nearing and Clinky Classic is just around the corner as are new shows for 2013! Rachel Kelley has already had an exciting amount of support for her new show, Snow Show-ers Live in LaGrange Kentucky and has switched to an even bigger venue in town! There's also been some whispers about new shows all over the region, so keep your ears peeled! REGION 8 (Chris Wallbruch) Hello, Region 8ers! October saw 3 awesome shows in our region, all with many beautiful horses and stiff competition! October 6th was the date of The Little Horse Show in Shipshewana, IN. Region 8 member Jo Kulwicki writes, "The show was great! It went very smoothly and finished up around 2:00! There were 12 entrants and everybody fit in snuggly at the factory's big room. The overall champ and reserve champ trophies were dark bay Pebbles Arab mares. The judges' models were traditional sized Arabs, also bay with with socks, blaze, flipped tail and straightened head. The judges did a great job juding and kept the show moving along. Lunch was provided and consisted of lunch meats with fixin's potato chips and yummy, pumpkin pie and a burnt sugar pie by made by the Blue Gate restaurant (Yum!!). The fall leaves decorator (which has become a fall tradition) was on display (on the new Morgan mold) and an offer for a purple combo leaf Morgan was available to the attendees of the show. The fall festival video models were available for viewing and purchase and the best offer models were also viewable. The weather was cool but nice and everyone seemed to have a fun time." Sounds like a great show! October 13th was the date of the IL/IA Live Xmas Show in East Dubuque, IL and was hosted by Brenda Metcalf. Brenda's shows always bring out tough competition, and this show was no exception! In addition to all of the eye candy, Brenda gave her show a Christmas theme....complete with a tree and wrapped gifts for all the entrants, a 'snowball race' competition at lunchtime, snowman shaped snacks, and prizes to those who wore the most Christmas bling! Karen Beeson has some lovely photos and a write up of the show on her blog at http://karenbeeson.blogspot.com/2012/10/great-show-dangerous-cookies.html (and yes, I was one of the people who ate a toothpick) Finally, October 20th brought the return of IndyCon Live, hosted by Pat Reed. Many of us Region 8ers have fond memories of Pat's shows in the 90s and early 00s, and it was good to see her back as a show host! I was not able to attend, but by all accounts, it was extremely laid back, fun, and a wonderful time for all! Welcome back, Pat! Upcoming shows in November and December (see https://www.namhsa.org/showsbyregion.htm for addresses and show packets): December 1, 2012: GLC No Frills Show Series in Huntley, IL. Contact Margie Juergensmeyer (GLC Inc). See you in the show ring! :) REGION 9 (Pat Coulter) Well, you pretty much couldn't throw a rock in Region 9 this October without hitting a show! Our always busy fall season started with Ellen Derr's Bloomsburg Mini Model Horse Show on October 6th. On the very next day we also enjoyed A Foal Benefit for MAR held by Marcella Peyre-Ferry. October 14th brought us Intermediare-Intersport in Harrisburg PA. This two-fer show is a perennial favorite but it may have been the last installment of this show. Thank you Didi Hornberger for bringing us this wonderful event for so many years and I do hope it really won't be the last! While not a NAMHSA show, the month was rounded out by the PA State 4-H Model Horse Show. It was a delight to once again attend this event and watch the 4-H'ers show and teach them about the hobby. REGION 10 (Kate Cabot) Region 10 had a good October with 2 shows held, Pint Size Plastic Live on the 6th and New England Performance Challenge on the 20th. A fun time was had by all! The Region has wrapped up its show season as of November 3rd-4th, the weekend of The Region X Championships in Albany, NY. All agreed that the hall and the hotel were great and the competition was particularly good this year! See you next year! REGION 11 (Terri Wright) No report submitted Posted by Pauline Entin, NAMHSA PR (Interim) 12/14/2012 | |
Last updated on December 15, 2012 |