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NAMHSA - November 1-15, 2011 News
NAMHSA News for the period of November 1-15, 2011 based on the minutes compiled by Bobbi Devine, Recording Secretary. *NOVEMBER 1* --Bobbi Devine (RECORDING SECRETARY) submitted the October 16-31 minutes report. These were approved the same day by Silke Brockmoeller. --Discussion continued regarding raising the stipends for NAN judges. *NOVEMBER 2* --Beth Lamm (MERIT AWARD COORDINATOR) posted the latest Merit Award winners. --"Silke Brockmoeller (PRES) relayed that the showholder of the Chesapeake Regional All-Halter Bash (CRAB) had to stop the show prior to completion due to a freak snowstorm on the East Coast. The un-judged divisions /classes were postponed to December 3rd. The showholder will submit the results she has thus far within the 30 day deadline, and then will submit the remaining results within 30 days of the completion of the show. Silke asked for unanimous consent to allow the showholder to do this. Unanimous consent was granted." *NOVEMBER 3* --Stacy Faraci (R7) inquired if the results were available for the NAN Trophy Contest. Silke Brockmoeller (PRESIDENT) posted that she has the information, and would forward it to the Board. *NOVEMBER 4* --Carmen Robertson (TREASURER) posted the Third Quarter 2011 Financial Report: 7/1/11 through 9/30/11 Income: $3928.23 Expenses: -$9121.36 Overall- $5193.13 The breakdown can be found on the NAMHSA website under "Financial Statements". *NOVEMBER 7* --Stacy Faraci (R7) posted that one of her region's shows is splitting the classlist and inquired if that was OK under NAMHSA's rules. Gail Schuenemann (SHOW MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY) replied that she had not been notified of the change, and that the showholder needs to get approval and pay for the additional NAN cards (if needed). Stacy will get in touch with the showholder. --Lynn Weber (WA) posted a link to the page she created for the NAN 2012/2013 Trophy Contest winners and entries. *NOVEMBER 8* --Silke Brockmoeller (PRESIDENT) requested a poll be set up for the purpose of voting on the NAN judge stipend raise to $100. Poll was started. --Silke Brockmoeller (PRESIDENT) approved the webpage for the NAN Trophy Contest, and notified Lynn that she can make the page live when she's ready. *NOVEMBER 9* --Silke Brockmoeller (PRESIDENT) reminded the Board to vote in the current poll. The next item to work on is the NAN judge proxy showing rules. *NOVEMBER 10* --Silke Brockmoeller (PRESIDENT) requested Teresa C. (PUBLIC RELATIONS) to draft a solicitation for the Show Secretary position, since Gail and Jill's term will soon be ending. The following poll closed: POLL QUESTION: Should the Board increase the NAN judges' stipends to $100 per day? YES (5 votes) -Tom Dean (R2) -Lyn Norbury (R5) -Jackie Moore (R6) -Marilou Mol (R8) -Teresa Buzzell (VP) NO (7 votes) -Tracy Eilers (R1) -Pauline Entin (R3) -Carra McClelland (R4) -Stacy Faraci (R7) -Pat Coulter (R9) -Kate Cabot (R10) -Terri Wright (R11) ABSTAIN (0 votes) --Carmen Robertson (TREAS) posted the October 2011 Treasurer's Report: 10/1/11 through 10/31/11 Total Income: $83.60 Total Expenses : $738.90 Balance in BoA Checking 10/31/11: $76,398.13 Balance in Paypal 10/31/11: $248.17 Balance in accounts 10/31/11: $76,646.30 --Gail Schuenemann (SMS) posted the latest Newly Approved Show listing: Region 1 The Buzz and Wally Bonus Room Show – Part Deux! 12/17/2011 St. Helens, OR Diana Patterson Ring in the New Year 1/14/2012 Kent, WA Amy Peck Region 2 WACCO (Workmanship and Collectability Classes Only) 12/3/2011 San Martin, CA Jane Morehouse Breed All About It Model Horse Show 12/4/2011 San Martin, CA Marie Sobieski New Years Bash Model Horse Show 1/21-22/2012 Ridgecrest, CA Trisha Cavalliere Region 3 OSC: Tucson Mountain Live 11/12/2011 Tucson, AZ Pat McDonald Region 4 Crystal Creek Riders Double Judged Halter & Collector Show 11/19/2011 Randolph, WI Kathy Gunderson Milwaukee County 4-H Horse + Horseless Project 1/7/2012 Oak Creek, WI Charlene Ehlert Region 5 Midwinter's Night Ball 1/7-1/8/2012 Georgetown, TX Shannon Southard, Kim Wandrey, and Brad Johnson Region 6 No shows to report Region 7 No shows to report Region 8 Showplace Spectacular Model Horse Show 11/12/11 Novi, MI Donnalle Pontius Region 9 Ride for Pride 4-H 16th Annual Model Horse Show 11/12/11 Leesport, PA Wendy Twaddell Sea to Bay Model Horse Club 7th Annual Winter Show 2/18-2/19/2012 Pocomoke City, MD Davene Rawlings Region 10 Banksville Blast 11/26/2011 Bedford, NY Renata Shura Region 11 No shows to report *NOVEMBER 12* --Lyn Norbury (R5) motioned to raise the NAN judges stipends to either $90 or $100. There was no second after 24 hours, so the motion dropped. *NOVEMBER 13* --Silke Brockmoeller (PRESIDENT) motioned to raise NAN judges stipends to $100 if not proxy showing, and $90 if they are proxy showing. Carra McClelland (R4) seconded the motion. --Pauline Entin (R3) posted a cost comparison (from the files section) from the last time the NAN judges' stipends were increased. --Pauline Entin (R3) relayed feedback she received from her region regarding the proposed stipend increase. --Pauline Entin (R3) asked if a show that had been postponed due to unforeseen circumstances could use the existing NAN cards for the rescheduled date, and that the showholders would take care of re-stickering the cards. Gail Schuenemann (SHOW MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY) confirmed that the cards could be used, and there was a $10 change fee. *NOVEMBER 15* --Silke Brockmoeller (PRESIDENT) tabled the current motion for the NAN judge stipend increase in order to allow more feedback from the hobby public. In the meantime, Silke requested to work on the details for the NAN judge proxy showing rules. The objective is to get the special ballot out to the membership and back quickly and to have it effective for the 2012 NAN. *REGIONAL REPORTS* Region 1 (Tracy Eilers) No report ****** Region 2 (Tom Dean) One show to report for October, The will it or won't it, new venue, new date rendition of BreyerWest was held Oct 21-22 in the Cow Palace in Daly City (SF area). Ably hosted by Victoria Zannutto, both the show and the hobby demonstrations were enjoyed by those in attendance. Next up, the Region 2 Champ show in Visalia on November 12-13. ****** Region 3 (Pauline Entin) October was a quiet month in Region 3, with just one show - the OSC Open Performance Show on October 15th in Tucson. I was not able to attend this show, but I admire all the avid performance showers! Next up is Tucson Mountain Live on November 12th in Tucson. I look forward to seeing many R3 showers there. Meanwhile, the showing season up in Colorado has slowed down for winter. Like the Northeast, we've already had our first snow in Region 3, in both Colorado and Arizona. (Yes it snows where I live in Arizona!) In other news in R3, Arizona showers were disappointed to hear that the Pima Inn, host location for many Phoenix, AZ shows in the past, is eliminating the show hall room. Finding a suitable show space that is affordable is one of the greatest challenges to holding a show. Fortunately, in home (or barn) shows have gained popularity in recent years. Finally, congratulations to current VP and previous multi-term R3 rep Teresa Buzzell on becoming a home owner! ****** Region 4 (Carra McClelland) October was a busy month for me, and I am sure it was for a lot of other folks in the region as well, especially the good folks that held the World Clydesdale Show All Draft Model Horse show in Madison, WI! November has the following shows: November 5, 2011: Spirit Horse Live All Mini Show in Omaha, NE November 12, 2011: Dream Acres Live Model Show in Parkersburg, IA November 19, 2011: Crystal Creek Riders Double Judged Halter & Collector Show in Randolph, WI. Thank you to you brave showholders who are putting them on at the beginning of snow season! ****** Region 5 (Lyn Norbury) October started off with a bang in Region 5 with Spookie Okie Live hosted by Jacklyn Catena on the 1st in OKC. What a fun and fast paced show that was! I found it a real pleasure to attend and show. Thanks, Jacklyn! On the 15th we had Model Horse Expo Live hosted by Jessica Geer in Wichita Falls, Tx. That one proved to be another one to mark on my calendar for next year. We all had a great time! Thanks, Jessica! October 22-23 brought us Cajun Country Live in Vinton, La. hosted by Jennifer Moore. I could not make it to this one, but was told it was a huge blast of Cajun hospitality, fun, good home cookin'-Cajun style, and of course lots of top notch horses on the show tables. Thanks, Jennifer!! That was it for October, what a busy month for the model horse show world! Gearing up to head to Greenbriar, AR this weekend for Mid-Ark, hosted by Tracy Rogalla. ****** Region 6 (Jackie Moore) Hello All! The first Saturday in October saw the 24th annual Southern Model Horse Convention, hosted by Laura Behning at her picturesque Brookridge Morgans farm in Covington, GA. It was a beautiful day (although a bit chilly!) filled with beautiful horses, both model and living. This is always a very fun and relaxed show with great competition, and this year was no exception. We all had a great time! Region 6 is now gearing up for Peach State Live in Gainesville, GA on Nov 5, and Rockin' Redneck Roundup Live in Kissimmee, FL on Nov 26. ****** Region 7 (Stacy Faraci) October brought Region 7 the ever popular Quarter Horse Congress show! I wasn't lucky enough to attend but all reports stated that it was an amazing time! I'll be planning for next year for sure! November rounds out the year for us with Tristate Live in Maumee, OH and Miami Valley Live All Mini's in Lewisburg Ohio. Then it's time to start planning for 2012! Happy Thanksgiving! ****** Region 8 (Marilou Mol) No Report ****** Region 9 (Pat Coulter) No Report ****** Region 10 (Kate Cabot) No Report ****** Region 11 (Terri Wright) No Report Posted by Teresa Candelaria, NAMHSA PR 11/20/2011 | |
Last updated on November 21, 2011 |