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NAMHSA - September 1-15, 2013 News
NAMHSA News for the period of September 1-15, 2013 based on the minutes compiled by Jackie Arns-Rossi, Recording Secretary. SEPTEMBER 1 -------------------------------------------------- Discussion about granting DUN reciprocity continued. SEPTEMBER 3 -------------------------------------------------- Natalie Kilpatrick sought out the old Merit Award Coordinator solicitation and edited it to 2013 standards. Tom Dean posted a draft of the 2014 NAN Auction Chair solicitation. SEPTEMBER 4 -------------------------------------------------- Discussion about a potential 2014 NAN Auction began, again. Danielle Miller brought up that the BOD was moving towards year round fundraising to which Carra McClelland replied that there had been no interested parties in the fundraising position, and that it remained vacant after a year of advertising. The NAN 2014 Auction Coordinator Solicitation was made live. Carra McClelland started a poll asking whether or not NAMHSA should grant reciprocity to the Down Under Nationals (DUN). Stacy Quick asked for clarification as to what positions of NAN 2015 the BOD would fill and what positions the Chair would fill. Carra McClelland responded that the BOD filled the NAN Chair, Registrar and Head Steward positions. SEPTEMBER 6 -------------------------------------------------- The Merit Award Coordinator Solicitation was made live. SEPTEMBER 10 -------------------------------------------------- Carra McClelland had been made aware of a situation where a judge at NAN had possibly made a unilateral decision and disqualified a horse in her halter class. Carra disclosed the current procedures for disqualifying a horse in a wrong class. SEPTEMBER 11 -------------------------------------------------- The poll created September 4 closed with 7 yes, 1 no and 2 abstain votes. Discussion began regarding changing the color scheme for NAN Top Ten Rosettes. Carra announced that she would add this to the November agenda. There was continued discussion regarding the judge DQ situation at NAN. SEPTEMBER 12 -------------------------------------------------- Natalie Kilpatrick proposed migrating to a mailing list format for the news and other announcements in addition to or in lieu of Yahoo! Groups. Carra McClelland added this to the November agenda. Niki Hertzog reported that a show had taken place in her region that may have been a violation of NAMHSA's show holder rules. The BOD opened a discussion as to whether or not the NAN cards from the event should be invalidated. REGIONAL REPORTS -------------------------------------------------- REGION 1 ------------------------- No Report REGION 2 ------------------------- August 25th was an exciting day with the Delta Stampede! Show taking place in Stockton, CA, hosted by Cindy Ruth. The show hall was packed, classes commenced on time and went on nonstop until late that evening. From Cindy: "Region 2 ROCKS! You all made DS '13 a fantastic show once again, but this year was awesome! I want to thank all those who came to the show. We had a record number of entries. WOW! Who would have thought we could pack the hall? I want to thank all my judges who gave up a whole day for the show, my announcer Chris Jones and everyone else who helped. A special thanx to Caroline Boydston for painting and donating "DELTA ICE"! Isn't he stunning?! Congratulations to Mary Reardon for being the lucky winner. And congratulations to Laura Duarte for winning the beautiful "ZUNI"!" Upcoming Events: September 28, 2013, will see the Western States Fall Benefit in San Martin, CA. Contact: Lindsey Hall. This show will have divisions for OF Plastic, OF China/Resin, Simple Custom, Artist Resin and Custom Glazed China. Website: http://www.westernstatesmodelhorses.com/ An all performance show will be held on October 5, 2013. Saddle Up! Performance Show and Clinic will take place in Herald, CA. Contact: Kathy Williams. This show is combined with an educational clinic teaching the basics of performance showing. The show will be followed by a barbeque and optional overnight campout. Website: http://www.horsyme.com/SaddleUp October 12, 2013: Sleepy Hollow Live in LaVerne, CA. Contact: Suzanne Francis. This will be an All Custom show with divisions for: Artist Resins, AR Minis, Simple Customs, Simple Custom Minis and Custom Glazed China. On November 23rd Gold Country Model Horse Show will be hosted by Robin Kent and Marie Sobieski in Davis, CA. This will be the 11th year for Gold Country! Congratulations, Robin & Marie! It's a big 2 day show with classes for everyone! Website: http://www.gcmhs.org/ The Holiday season will be kicked off on December 7th, 2013, when Jane Morehouse will host her WACCO (Workmanship & Collectability Classes Only) in San Martin, CA. This show includes the area's Christmas Party and the Naughty Santa Ornament Gift Exchange, which is always a lot of fun! There are also fun classes (NonNAN) that are all Christmas Themed. Look for more information on Jane's show soon. REGION 3 ------------------------- Happy Fall Unfortunately our region has not had an entirely happy fall so far, with significant flooding in Colorado. Best wishes go to folks in the affected areas. Region 3 was host to three shows on August 17 Pioneer Classic in Utah, Red Devil Live OF Stone/China/Resin and CG China in Colorado, and CassAway Live Mini Meltdown in Arizona. Unfortunately, I didn't receive any reports from the shows in Utah and Colorado. Reports from CassAway Live are that everyone had a fun time. The Hawaiian theme was entertaining, the combination catered/pot luck lunch was great, and the show ran smoothly and efficiently. Christine Armstrong judged the Youth Division and took the time to explain to the young showers why she placed each class as she did. Congratulations to Cindy Davis on another very successful show! Teresa Candelaria held the first episode of her newly reinstated "One Woman Show Series" on Sept 7. This edition was for CM horses only. Although a full house was expected, late defections led to a small but also very relaxing show. Teresa awarded necklace/earring sets to champs, and candy (always appreciated!) to reserves. Next up in her series is the OF Stone Show on Oct 12. In the mean time, we have a nonmember show in Phoenix on Sept 28. The always popular Tucson Mountain Live will be held on Oct 27 and the following weekend (Nov 2), Teresa will host the All China edition of her show series. Enjoy the colors, crisp nights, and cooler days everyone! REGION 4 ------------------------- No Report REGION 5 ------------------------- Region 5 only had one show for August, Hooftoberfest All Halter Show, in Euless, Tx., hosted by a new show holder, Heather Gearhart. Heather did a wonderful job hosting her first show and has plans for more shows in the works. Big Congrats to Petra Kirchstein on winning the ZUNI model!! REGION 6 ------------------------- Hello All! There were two shows in Region 6 in August. Region 6 Saturday Social AR show was held Aug 10 in Gainesville, GA. By all accounts, this was another fun show! Florida Cracker Live was held Aug 17 in Parrish, FL. This was a sold out show with tough competition, topped off with a great catered lunch (and a little rumbling thunder!). One of our don't miss Florida shows! Next up on the 2013 Region 6 calendar are: Hollow Horse Live 3 in Cumming, GA on Sept 14 The 26th Annual Southern Model Horse Convention in Covington, GA on Oct 5 Palmetto State Live in Jenkinsville, SC on Nov 16 Rockin' Redneck Roundup Live in Kissimmee, FL on Nov 30 See you at the shows! REGION 7 ------------------------- August was a no show month for us. However, we have a fantastic show coming up on September 28th. Mandy Yontz and Tonjia Clark are hosting the SE Ohio Model Show in Cambridge Ohio. We hope to see everyone there ! REGION 8 ------------------------- There were three great shows in Region 8 in August! First up was Midwest Model Mania, held on August 17th in Galesburg, IL. This location is one of the prettiest places I've ever shown at, and those present enjoyed looking out over the lake while showing against tough competition. August 24th brought in two shows, one in Illinois and one in Michigan. The Illinois show was another one of the very popular GLC No Frills shows, with tough competition but a mellow vibe. The Michigan show was the Models and Milkshakes OF show, and by all accounts, was very successful! Upcoming shows this fall... September 14, 2013: GLC No Frills Collectability and Workmanship Show in Huntley, IL. Contact: Jamie Rott (GLC Inc) . September 21, 2013: Models & Milkshakes Live Show Series in Nashville, MI. Contact: Silke Brockmoeller. October 5, 2013: The Little Show in Shipshewana, IN. Contact: Jo Kulwicki. October 19, 2013: Models and Milkshakes More Model Madness!!! in Nashville, MI. Contact: Alicia StrayerMangan. November 2, 2013: Meows and Minis in Itasca, IL. Contact: Chris Wallbruch. November 9 10, 2013: Showplace Spectacular Model Horse Show in Novi, MI. Contact: Donnalee Pontius. (Please see https://www.namhsa.org/showsbyregion.htm for addresses and contact info) REGION 9 ------------------------- No Report REGION 10 ------------------------- Region 10 is in the midst of a really great fall, with Baystate Models Live at the beginning of September ushering it in on September 8th and 9th. A good time was had by all (and lots of great photos were posted afterward!) Coming up are the wild and wacky New England Performance Challenge, "Bazinga!" edition in Spencer, MA on September 21st, the longrunning favorite Empire State Live in Brockport, NY on September 28th, the Finger Lakes Open Classic Live Show in Horseheads, NY on October 5th, the Fall Foliage Open in Concord, NH on October 12th, the Model Horse Fun Day and Show (for Novice/Intermediate) on October 27th. All of this excitement leads up to the big ending of the show season in The Region X Championships (TRXC) in Albany, NY on November 2nd and 3rd! And if that isn't enough to keep us busy, I don't know what is! REGION 11 ------------------------- No Report BOARD MEMBERS FOR THE PERIOD -------------------------------------------------- President: Carra McClelland Vice President: Tom Dean Treasurer: Carmen Robertson Recording Secretary: Jackie Arns-Rossi Region 1 Representative: Stacy Quick Region 2 Representative: Kathy Williams Region 3 Representative: Pauline Entin Region 4 Representative: Natalie Kilpatrick Region 5 Representative: Lyn Norbury Region 6 Representative: Jackie Moore Region 7 Representative: Annette Dean Region 8 Representative: Chris Wallbruch Region 9 Representative: Niki Hertzog Region 10 Representative: Kate Cabot Region 11 Representative: Unrepresented (Terri Wright, Interim) Individual Membership Secretary: Danielle Miller Show Secretary: Amy Peck Member Show Results Processor: Amy Peck Public Relations: Natalie Kilpatrick Webmaster: Lynn Weber Parliamentarian: Eleanor Harvey Merit Awards Coordinator: Beth Lamm 2013 NAN Chair: Niki Hertzog 2013 Member Show of the Year Chairperson: Chris Wallbruch Judge's Handbook Committee: Carra McClelland Thank you, Natalie Kilpatrick NAMHSA Public Relations | |
Last updated on December 27, 2013 |