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NAMHSA - September 1-15, 2012 News
NAMHSA News for the period of September 1-15, 2012 based on the minutes compiled by Jackie Arns-Rossi, Recording Secretary. SEPTEMBER 1 -Jackie Arns-Rossi (Recording Secretary) posted the August 16-31 minutes. These were approved by Teresa Buzzell (President) on September 4. - Lindsey Hall (Vice President) forwarded a post from NAMHSA-Discussion from a person who submitted a NAN 2013 bid, expressing frustration that she was never given any sort of acknowledgement that her bid had been received or its status during the bid process. - Pauline Entin (Region 3 Representative) offered to assist with the list of outstanding PR posts. - Carmen Robertson (Treasurer) advised she was still working on the NAN 2012 Financial Report. SEPTEMBER 2 - Lyn Norbury (Region 5 Representative) explained that her relative Board inactivity was related to ongoing computer issues and very limited online time. - Teresa Buzzell summarized the discussion to date on NAN card extension. She noted that all Board members were in favor of extending the qualification period for two years, but there was some disagreement regarding whether or not that extension should apply to cards that had already expired (retrospectively). She also stated that the next step would be to craft the bylaws/policy language to vote upon and send to the membership. She called for more discussion on these topics. - Discussion ensued about the extension, mostly about whether or not to extend older cards (2009 and forward) as well as current/future ones. Pauline Entin voiced her opinion that there were no significant disadvantages to "modest retro-active extension". She suggested that cards marked 10-11 be extended to 2012, cards marked 11-12 be extended to 2014, cards marked 12&13 be extended to 2015, and so on. She thought advantages included encouraging more horses to be entered at NAN 2013 and 14, and that it would be good for people who felt shut out of NAN 2013 (due to the Eastern location). She asked that individuals who were against this proposition please articulate the disadvantages. She noted that Jim West had said that this proposal would not have a significant impact on the NAN Registrar's work. - Pauline Entin (Assisting PR) posted a draft announcement for the social media additions and for completing NAN cards. - Pauline Entin reminded the BOD that Carmen Robertson’s term as treasurer was nearly up, and the BOD should put that on the agenda as well. Teresa Buzzell asked Pauline and Teresa Candelaria (PR) to work on a solicitation for treasurer. SEPTEMBER 3 - Teresa Candelaria posted a draft of NAMHSA News for August 16-31. - Lindsey Hall advised she currently owned the following Yahoogroups, and that she would like someone else to take them over: NAN2009, NAN2010 and namhsajudgeshandbook. She also maintains NAMHSA-MEMBER-SHOWS and wants someone else to take that over. SEPTEMBER 4 - More support was expressed for extending NAN cards retroactively as outlined out by Pauline Entin on September 2. - Carra McClelland (Region 4 Representative) offered to take over ownership of the namhsajudgeshandbook Yahoogroup. - Teresa Buzzell reassigned the Yahoogroups mentioned by Lindsey Hall - Carra McClelland was given ownership of namhsajudgeshandbook, since she was chair. Ownership of that group should also go to the VP id versus a particular individual. The VP id was given ownership of NAN2009 and NAN 2010, and Jackie Arns-Rossi was given ownership of NAMHSA-MEMBER-SHOWS as that group is usually owned by the Recording Secretary. SEPTEMBER 5 - Kate Cabot (Region 10 Representative) advised she was having email issues. - Stacy Faraci (Region 7 Representative) copied the BOD on an email she sent to Doug at Peter Stone Company asking for an update on the situation with the results for 2012 Equilocity. - Teresa Candelaria forwarded an email from a NAMHSA member and NAN 2012 entrant asking when NAN rosettes would be sent out. This member also enquired about getting a T shirt. Carra McClelland said she would reply. SEPTEMBER 6 - Carra McClelland cc'ed the Board on her reply to the member asking about NAN rosettes. She said the rosettes had arrived and she would be mailing them out shortly. - Kate Cabot reported that her email issues had been resolved. SEPTEMBER 7 - Teresa Buzzell advised she was heading to Rocky Mountain Rendez-Vous (RMR) for the weekend and would have spotty internet access. She planned on asking Doug about Equilocity results while there, and encouraged ongoing discussion about the retroactive portion of the NAN card extension and specific bylaws language for the change. SEPTEMBER 9 - Chris Wallbruch (Region 8 Representative) asked if MSOTY applications could be submitted all year long, and if so, where to send them. Pat Coulter (Region 9 Representative) replied that yes, year round submissions had been approved and that Amy Peck (Show Secretary) had agreed to collect them. - Discussion continued about the NAN card extension, including if the extension was simply a policy change versus a bylaws change (requiring a full membership vote). The consensus was that the scope of the proposed change requires a membership vote if even there is no specific bylaws language about it. - Teresa Buzzell posted an update about the Stone Equilocity show results. She said she was not able to talk to Randy, but that she had spoken with a few individuals who attended Equilocity. The entrants said they remembered Sandy Cord actually typing the results into a computer at the show itself, something one entrant remembered that Sandy had done in previous years. It wasn't clear where results that were put into a box had gone. Teresa also stated that she was told that someone named Peggy had taken over Sandy Cord's duties at the Peter Stone factory. - Discussion ensued about the impact the lack of Equilocity results might have on RMR, specifically whether or not that show was in any danger of having its NAMHSA member status revoked. - Eleanor Harvey (Parliamentarian) stated that it was up to Teresa - she suggested that perhaps Stacy Faraci should call Peter Stone and explain that NAMHSA membership status for future Stone shows was in jeopardy until the Equilocity results were submitted. - Stacy Faraci forwarded a reply from Doug at Peter Stone that she had received in reply to her email about Equilocity. Doug's email stated that the company had contacted as many Equilocity showers as possible, and many had replied with their details. They were still reaching out to showers, and results were being gradually updated. He also stated that a few showers said that the show had run short on NAN cards, but he was not certain if that was true or not, since he was not in attendance. - Eleanor Harvey posted she had a failing hard drive and would have spotty communication until it was repaired. - Chris Wallbruch asked about where the link for MSOTY applications was on the website. Lynn Weber (Website Administrator) advised she updated the form and it was now available. SEPTEMBER 10 - Teresa Candelaria posted her resignation from the Public Relations position to the BOD, all the Regional lists, Haynet, and NAMHSA-Discussion. - Lynn Weber asked about sending out a solicitation for a new PR officer. - Teresa Buzzell advised she had been in touch with Pauline Entin about taking over PR duties for now. She also asked that Teresa Candelaria be formally thanked for her service. - Tom Dean (Region 2 Representative) summarized the situation with Equilocity. He asked if Amy Peck had been told to hold or deny any additional show applications from Stone company, if NAMHSA should suspend or revoke approval for Stone's Little Horse Show scheduled for 10/6/12, and what reasoning would cause revocation of RMR membership status, assuming those results were submitted on time. - Teresa Buzzell replied that Peter Stone shows that had been previously approved for NAMHSA membership would not be in jeopardy (unless results were not submitted) but that future Stone shows may not be approved. - Amy Peck advised that she was following the discussion and that she had not been formally instructed to hold or deny any Stone shows, and that the cards for The Little Horse Show were to be mailed next week. - Carmen Robertson uploaded the financial report for the 2012 NAN to the Files Section of the BOD list. SEPTEMBER 11 - Jackie Moore (Region 6 Representative) asked that if partial results were received from Equilocity if those classes would still be valid. Teresa Buzzell replied that cards from classes NAMHSA has results for will be valid. However, NAN cards from classes with no results would unfortunately be invalid. - Jackie Arns-Rossi asked if a list of valid classes would be posted to the website. Both Teresa Buzzell and Lynn Weber said this could be done. SEPTEMBER 12 - Lynn Weber posted a draft of a thank you post for Teresa Candelaria. - Pauline Entin (Interim PR) posted a draft of the August 1-15 NAMHSA News. - Lynn Weber asked if the NAN 2012 Financial Report was ready to be posted to the website. - Pat Coulter advised she may be offline due to a family medical issue. SEPTEMBER 13 - Carmen Robertson uploaded the August 2012 financial documents to the files section. - Lyn Norbury forwarded an email from a Region 5 member expressing concerns about "the fund raising position". In particular, this member was concerned that the person would have to be classified as an employee, not a 1099 independent contractor. She advised consulting the attorney. - Amy Peck advised that she was planning on sending NAN cards for the Stone sponsored The Little Horse Show unless otherwise directed not to. There was discussion about holding the cards or not. - Eleanor Harvey posted a summary of results issues with past shows--in general, shows with delinquent results have either eventually produced results, or the show in question was never held again, meaning that NAMHSA has never had to enforce the rule before. - Pauline Entin posted a draft of the August 16-31 NAMHSA News. SEPTEMBER 14 - Amy Peck advised that she was going to hold the NAN cards for The Little Horse Show as there was no consensus from the BOD regarding whether to send them or not. - Lynn Weber announced that the NAMHSA FaceBook page was live. - Pauline Entin offered to get the social media information out to the lists ASAP. SEPTEMBER 15 - Teresa Buzzell requested that Amy Peck get the cards for The Little Horse Show ready but not mail them until after she had received Equilocity results from Peter Stone on Tuesday. - Pauline Entin posted a draft post about Equilocity results. Teresa Buzzell asked her to include Stone’s phone number as time was getting very short for the information to go out. REGION REPORTS: Region 1 - no report ---- Region 2 (Tom Dean): August saw one show, the 2nd annual Delta Stampede, hosted by Cindy Ruth in Stockton on the 26th. This is a large show, with divisions for Stone, Breyer/Other, OF Mini, Customs, Resins, China, and Performance. If you were not fortunate enough to make it this year, mark your calendars for next year as Cindy promises bigger and (if possible) better. Coming up in September, Falling Leaves Live, a new show in Poway hosted by Nader Ebeid on the 8th; and the revival of Gold Country Model Horse Show on the 15-16th in Davis hosted by Marie Sobieski and Robin Kent. ---- Region 3 (Pauline Entin): Hello fellow model horse enthusiasts, Fall is coming. Sunset is coming earlier and earlier, the nights and mornings are colder, and I've spotted some wooly catepillars. I'm writing this on the day of Rocky Mountain Rondez-Vous in the mountains of Colorado - I bet it's a bit nippy up there this morning. I eagerly look forward to reports from the show. In August Teresa Fedak put on two of her Red Devil show series, which was appreciated by all. Later in September we have Glyn Haven's Horse Faire on Sept 22 and 29 in Parker, CO. There were no shows in Arizona, Utah, or New Mexico in August and none planned for September. The next member show in Arizona is Tucson Mountain Live at the end of October (27/28). This region is highly supportive of a NAN card validity extension, and in fact several of our members support no expiration of NAN cards for NAN entry, as is done for Merit Awards. Enjoy fall everyone. ---- Region 4 (Carra McClelland): We had a fun little show in August in Region 4, River Valley Live Model Horse Show Extreme Micro (Home) Edition #5 in Little Canada, MN. Part of a series of small shows in the north part of R4! This fall has a BUNCH of upcoming events! September 29, 2012: River Valley Live Model Horse Show Extreme Micro (Home) Edition #6 in Minneapolis, MN. Contact: Marcia Seelhoff. November 3, 2012: Dream Acres Live Model Show in Parkersburg, IA. Contact: Letrisha Wise. November 4, 2012: River Valley Live Model Horse Show Extreme Micro (Home) Edition #7 in Monticelo, MN. Contact: Jan Pletsch. October 6, 2012: Spirit Horse All Halter Live in Omaha, NE. Contact: Christy Allen. October 27, 2012: Jackson County 4-Hand Open Model Horse Show in Black River Falls, WI. Contact: Deb Johnson. October 27, 2012: Sinawa Double Judged All Performance Show in Randolph, WI. Contact: Greg Stebnitz. Also, we now have a Facebook Page! Go and look for Region 4 NAMHSA! -- Region 5 (Lyn Norbury): August brought Region 5 two shows on the same date, Summer Excitement held in OKC, OK and Mid Kansas Live All CM held in Rose Hill, Kansas. Summer Excitement was again such a fun show hosted by Jacklyn Catena, was well attended with a full house. I believe they even had to bring in a few extra tables to fit everyone. Lots of fun contests, a wonderfully displayed Hawaiian theme lunch, fast paced show activity, and lots of good competition on the tables. I couldn't make it to Mid Kansas Live all CM Show (I only have 1 CM in my show string), but it was reported to be well attended, lots of fun and a big success. Both Jacklyn and Gay host multiple shows every year. A BIG KUDOS to them for their hard work and dedication to hosting their shows and for their contribution to the hobby in Region 5. -- Region 6 (Jackie Moore): Hello All! August 17 saw the rebirth of Florida Cracker Live in Parrish, FL. The show was well attended, ran smoothly, and competition was tough! The show hall was great, and included a fantastic catered lunch. All in all, the show was a great success! Region 6 is now gearing up for Hollow Horse Live in Cumming, GA on Sept 8. Next up on the calendar is the 25th annual Southern Model Horse Convention in Covington, GA on Oct 6. See you at the shows! -- Region 7 (Stacy Faraci): August may have been quiet in Region 7 but the rest of the fall is gearing up to be a busy one! Shows are popping up left and right and the enthusiasm in the region has been infectious! September 29th brings three exciting shows to Ohio! The Southeast Model Horse Show will be held in Byesville Ohio and is a favorite for many in the region! Pairing up for a double show, Gail Schuenemann and Region 9er Karen Deitrich are holding Hot In Cleveland Live and KL Keepsakes All Performance live in Westlake Ohio! These are already sold out, good luck to all! October brings two favorite shows in the region back! First up is Quarter Horse Congress held in Columbus Ohio on October 13th hosted by Region 9er's Kim Bjorgo-Thorne and Heather Mays! Finishing up October is the return of Cookeville Classic on October 27th at Kylee Demers' new farm in Cookeville TN! Cookeville Classic III has already sold, good luck to all! The fall sounds busy but winter isn't winding down either! November brings two shows to Ohio, Miami Valley Live on November 10th hosted by Hillary Rossow in Greenville, Ohio. Tri State Live follows a week later on November 17th in Maumee, Ohio hosted by Dee Majors! Last but certainly not least is the return of the fourth Clinky Classic on December 8th and 9th in Dandridge, TN! Also, for those of you on Facebook take a moment to join the Region 7 Facebook group! https://www.facebook.com/groups/118516051569890/ -- Region 8 (Chris Wallbruch): There were two shows in Region 8 this August! First up was Midwest Model Mania, held by past rep Marilou Mol on August 18th in Galesburg, IL. This show is held in one of the most beautiful locations I've ever showed my models at...a lovely two story pavilion overlooking a beautiful lake. The weather was perfect and we all enjoyed watching the sun dance on the lake. Marilou's shows are always extremely competitive and this one was no exception. Many of the Region's top showers were there to compete for their chance at victory! Thank you Marilou for hosting the show! The second show kicked off Great Lake Congress' (GLC) extremely popular No Frills series for 2012-2013. Held on August 25th in Huntley, IL, these almost monthly shows have become a staple in the Region 8 show season. The competition was hot and heavy all day long and all of the regulars came out with their ponies. Thank you GLC for hosting your show! If you have not yet become a member of the Region 8 Facebook page, please type in Region 8 NAMHSA into your Facebook search option and come and join us! This (along with the Region 8 yahoogroups listserv) is a great source for upcoming shows, NAMHSA topics, and other hot issues in our region. We'd love you to join us! UPCOMING REGION 8 NAMHSA SHOWS (please see the NAMHSA website for links to webpages...) SEPTEMBER September 29, 2012: GLC No Frills Collectability Show in Huntley, IL. Contact Antina Pennock (GLC Inc). OCTOBER October 6, 2012: The Little Horse Show in Shipshewana, IN. Contact Peter Stone Company. October 13, 2012: IL-IA Live Xmas Show in East Dubuque, IL. Contact Brenda Metcalf. October 20, 2012: Indycon Live Model Horse Show in Beech Grove, IN. Contact: Patricia Reed. ------ Regions 9, 10 and 11 No reports submitted ------ Posted by Pauline Entin, Interim NAMHSA PR 9/29/2012 | |
Last updated on October 4, 2011 |