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NAMHSA - September 1-15, 2011 News
Greetings from the world of NAMHSA! Below you will find minutes from September. My name is Teresa Candelaria and I will keep you "in the know" as the new Public Relations representative. Thank you to Pauline Entin, who did a fabulous job and has been mentoring me and who has also been instrumental in many facets of NAMHSA. And congratulations to her as the new Region 3 rep! NAMHSA Minutes for the period of September 1-15, 2011 as compiled by Bobbi Devine, Recording Secretary. *SEPTEMBER 2* --Bobbi Devine (RS) submitted the August 16-31 minutes report. These were approved with corrections on September 6, 2011 by Silke Brockmoeller (PRES). Discussion continues regarding the proposed changes to improve future NAN shows. *SEPTEMBER 4* --Pauline Entin (R3) inquired if the Board was going to consider holding an auction at NAN 2012 and if so, the Board needed to move on this decision quickly. *SEPTEMBER 8* --Silke Brockmoeller (PRES) posted the September agenda: September Agenda VERY SHORT 1) Discuss if we will have auction for 2012 NAN, then vote if need be 2) Will we re-post or extend deadline until end of Sept. for NAN Chair position? Still no outside applicants 3) Continue discussion on proxy showing for NAN judges 4) Continue discussion for pay increase for NAN judges and Chair/Registrar 5) Create job description and discuss pay rate for "Head Steward" 6) go back to longer, regular agenda *SEPTEMBER 10* --Pauline Entin (PR/R3) forwarded a request from Natalie Kilpatrick of ModelHorseSource for permission to use the NAMHSA Logo when she posts the NAMHSA News on her website. *SEPTEMBER 11* --Pauline Entin (R3/PR) reported that still no one has applied for the 2012 NAN Chair position. She proposed that the stipend be increased before re-advertisement. If the Board agrees on an increase, then the Registrar position should also receive an increase and be re-advertised. --Pauline Entin (R3/PR) announced that the deadline for submissions for the NAN 2012/2013 Trophy contests is on September 12. There are approximately 10 entries. *SEPTEMBER 12* --Kate Cabot (R10) motioned that the stipend be increased for both the 2012 NAN Chair and Registrar positions. Stacy Faraci (R7) seconded the motion. Discussion has begun to determine the amount of the increase. *SEPTEMBER 13* --Eleanor Harvey (PARL) inquired if the NAN 2011 financial documents have been finalized. This would be helpful to the discussion regarding stipend increases for the NAN 2012 Chair and Registrar positions. Silke Brockmoeller (PRES) replied that they are awaiting posting, as she and Teresa Buzzell (VP) had reviewed them already. --Carmen Robertson (TREAS) uploaded the August 2011 Treasurer's Report: 8/1/11 through 8/31/11: Total Income: 0.00 Total Expenses: -$763.65 Balance in BoA Checking 8/31/11: $75,850.87 Balance in Paypal 8/31/11: $776.02 Balance in NAMHSA accounts 8/31/11: $$76,626.89 --Carmen Robertson (TREAS) uploaded the NAN 2011 Financial reports: NAN Income: $18,405.90 Expenses: -$35,887.21 Total: $-$17,481.31 RAFFLE Income: $8,962.70 Expenses: -$2,014.62 Total: $6,948.08 *SEPTEMBER 15* --Silke Brockmoeller (PRES) asked the Board if they were ready to vote on the NAN Chair/Registrar stipend increase issue. *REGIONAL REPORTS* Region 1 (Tracy Eilers) No Report ****** Region 2 (Tom Dean) August saw the show season resume in the region. First up on the 6th, K.I.S.S. Performance Challenge #1 in Porterville, CA. Hosted by Jan Manning, the show was well attended and (of course) had the added benefit of lunch, dinner, snacks, chocolate.... August 28th saw the inaugural presentation of Delta Stampede hosted by Cindy Ruth in Stockton, Ca. Well attended and well received, with plans already in the works for next year. Also coupled with Delta Stampede was K.I.S.S. Performance Challenge #2 hosted by Victoria Zanutto. Next up: BreyerWest on October 21st and Keep it Super Simple (K.I.S.S.) Performance Series - Show #4 on the 28th. ****** Region 3 (Pauline Entin) Hi All, Well, fall is approaching, although in most of Region 3, that's not obvious yet. It was one of the warmest Augusts on record and Sept has started in the same way. September brought two great shows in Colorado; Red Devil Live OF and China on Sept 3 and just yesterday (Sept 10th), Rocky Mountain Rendezvous. The Red Devil Live shows are always well enjoyed and I'm eagerly waiting on reports from Rocky Mountain Rendezvous. The next show scheduled for Region 3 is the All Performance Show in Tucson on October 15th, with Deb and Dani Ash generously serving as show hostesses. On November 12th, we will have Tucson Mountain Live - contact Pat McDonald for more information. After that, the weather can get a little dicey in the high elevation locations (which is nearly all of Colorado!), but the weather will still be fine and hospitable down in Southern Arizona, so I'm hoping for more shows! ****** Region 4 (Carra McClelland) No Report ****** Region 5 (Lyn Norbury) No Report ****** Region 6 (Jackie Moore) Hello All! August in Region 6 saw the inaugural Hollow Horse Live show held in Cumming, GA. By all accounts, this was a well-attended and well-run show, and we in Region 6 are always happy to see new shows crop up! Next show on the calendar is the 24th (yes, 24th!!!) annual Southern Model Horse Convention hosted by Laura Behning at Brookridge Morgans in Covington, GA on Oct 1. ****** Region 7 (Stacy Faraci) August was a quiet month in Region 7 after all the excitement with Breyerfest! Heather Jackson-Lain has begun preparations for the well anticipated Model Horses Anonymous 2012 and we are gearing up for Rebecca Jann's show BOMB on September 24th! The fall is going to be busy in Region 7 with four shows to finish out the year and you won't want to miss even one of them! ****** Region 8 (Marilou Mol) The fall show season kicked off with two shows in Illinois in August. Midwest Model Mania was held on August 13 in Galesburg, Illinois, hosted by me. We had entrants from Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Iowa, and North Dakota. It was great to see old friends and make new ones! Thank you to all who attended. Two weeks later Great Lakes Congress hosted their Stir Crazy Collectability/Workmanship show in Huntley, Illinois. It was well-attended and a fun time! Shows are scheduled in Region 8 during September, October, November, and December, so hope to see you there! ****** Region 9 (Pat Coulter) No Report ****** Region 10 (Kate Cabot) After a quiet July with no shows in the region, August gave us two great offerings-- Summer Break Live, an all-novice show in Concord, NH and Baystate Halter Live in Spencer, MA. I was happy to see lots of old friends and meet many more new friends at Baystate this year! Coming up in September are the Rhode Island Model Horse Show in West Kingston on the 18th and Empire State Live in Rochester, NY on the 24th! As the leaves begin to turn, we all look forward to a slew of shows in October and look towards November when we cap off our year in Chicopee, MA at the first annual TRXC (The Region X Championships)! ****** Region 11 (Terri Wright) Welcome to the start of Fall, fellow Region 11'ers!! August saw one of the region's staple shows in Calgary AB. Chinook Winds was a fun show, with all showers walking away winners and with a smile on their faces. This year's show was considered the most successful in terms of participant satisfaction and judging turnouts! Hurray, and congrats to all showers! Currently we don't see any upcoming shows for the fall of yet, but we will keep you posted if anything comes up! ****** Posted by Teresa Candelaria, NAMHSA PR 10/4/2011 | |
Last updated on October 4, 2011 |