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NAMHSA - August 1-15, 2011 News
NAMHSA News for the period of August 1-15, 2011, based on the minutes compiled by Bobbi Devine, Recording Secretary. AUGUST 1 --Carmen Robertson (Treasurer) reported that she had mailed all of the NAN 2012 volunteer checks. She also said she was ready to mail Teresa Candelaria's (NAN 2012 Chair) stipend. AUGUST 2 --Bobbi Devine (Recording Secretary) submitted the July 16-31, 2011 minutesreport. The minutes were approved the same day by Silke Brockmoeller (President). AUGUST 3 --Stacy Faraci (Region 7 Representative) volunteered to do the NAN thank you cards. --Silke Brockmoeller (President) requested that ALL board members, voting and non-voting, to send her [privately] their top three ideas for improving NAN. She said she would compile the suggestions and bring some forward to the Board for discussion. AUGUST 5 --The poll to decide on whether to require, give preference to, or not include NAN Chair/Registrar volunteers in the 2013 bid solicitation closed. Option 2, give preference to (but not require) NAN Chair/Registrar volunteers with bids won by majority vote. There were three options. Under Volunteer Requirements: Option 1: Require two to three named individuals who are committed to serving as NAN Chair, NAN Co-Chairs, and/or NAN Registrar for NAN 2013. (These individuals need not reside in the same region as the bid.) Option 2: State in the bid solicitation that *preference* will be given to bids that include the names of two to three individuals who are committed to serving as NAN Chair, NAN Co-Chairs, and/or NAN Registrar for NAN 2013. Further state that including these commitments is not a requirement to submit a bid, and all complete bids (bids containing all required information) will be considered. Option 3: Do not include a requirement OR preference for named individuals to serve as NAN Chair, Co-Chair, or Registrar. Solicit for NAN Chair and Registrar after the winning bid is chosen, as has been done previously. Voting for option 1 (4 votes) -Tracy Eilers (R1) -Pauline Entin (R3) -Jackie Moore (R6) -Kate Cabot (R10) Voting for option 2 (6 votes) -Carra McClelland (R4) -Stacy Faraci (R7) -Marilou Mol (R8) -Pat Coulter (R9) -Terri Wright (R11) -Teresa Buzzell (VP) Voting for option 3 (2 votes) -Tom Dean (R2) -Lyn Norbury (R5) Abstain (0 votes) --Teresa Buzzell (Vice President) posted the statements of interest from for the Public Relations Officer position for Board review. --Carra McClelland (Region 4 Representative) informed the Board that she had all the items for Jackie Arns-Rossi's thank you gift and would mail it in the coming week. AUGUST 6 --Pauline Entin (Region 3 Representative/Public Relations) posted the revised NAN 2013 bid solicitation document for review. AUGUST 8 --Silke Brockmoeller requested a poll be set up for voting on the applicants for the Public Relations Officer position. A poll was started the following day. AUGUST 9 --Eleanor Harvey (Parliamentarian) inquired if there was any news from NAMHSA's attorney regarding the NAN 2010 Auction/Sweepstakes case. Silke Brockmoeller responded that Teresa Buzzell had been in touch with the attorney and was working on it. --Teresa Buzzell posted an update regarding the NAN 2010 Auction/Sweepstakes case: She reported she had talked with a representative of NAMHSA's attorney's office on Friday. Teresa was sending him requested information. She said that a draft settlement agreement and release document had been placed in the Board files section. Teresa advised other board members to refer to the settlement document while reading the rest of her comments. She then commented on a number of specific components of the document. AUGUST 10 --Silke Brockmoeller requested that Pauline Entin re-post the NAN 2012 Chair solicitation. This was done. --Silke Brockmoeller posted Jackie Arns-Rossi's original proposal to consider sanctions against those who break NAMHSA rules/mishandle NAMHSA assets. She requested that the Board review and discuss this proposal. --Silke Brockmoeller asked for more suggestions to be emailed to her privately about how to improve NAN 2012 and beyond. AUGUST 11 --Gail Schuenemann (Show Member Secretary/Merit Award Coordinator) posted the latest Merit Award winners, including those processed in person at Breyerfest. AUGUST 13 --Teresa Buzzell requested that Lynn Weber (Web Administrator) put the 2011 quarterly financial reports on the website. She also inquired of Carmen Robertson if the NAN 2011 accounting had been finalized. Lynn posted the quarterly reports to the website the same day. --Pauline Entin inquired if anyone had comments regarding the NAN 2013 bid solicitation, or if it was ready to post. Silke Brockmoeller asked for the Board to speak up if there were any changes or objections to the bid solicitation. AUGUST 14 --Carmen Robertson reported that she is working on finalizing the NAN 2011 financial reports. --The poll to select the new Public Relations officer closed. Teresa Candelaria was chosen by majority vote of the Board. All 11 representatives and the VP voted. *REGIONAL REPORTS* Region 1 (Tracy Eilers) No Report ****** Region 2 (Tom Dean) July was quiet in the region, with no shows held. We did get an announcement on the rescheduled Breyerwest event however (to be held in October in San Francisco). August has 3 shows on tap. Delta Stampede-a new show hosted by Cindy Ruth in Stockton on the 28th, and 2 shows in the K.I.S.S. performance series, August 6th in Porterville (hosted by Jan Manning) and August 28th in Stockton in conjunction with Delta Stampede (hosted by Victoria Zanutto) ****** Region 3 (Pauline Entin) Hi all, July was a quiet month in Region 3, although several Region 3 members did make it out to Lexington for Breyerfest and all the associated festivities. Showing will pick up again this fall in Colorado. An all OF Breyer show was held on August 6th - I heard a highlight was that Karen Gerhardt brought some free goodies! Like Oprah! Two shows are planned for September - an edition of Red Devil Live and Rocky Mountain Rendezvous, Sept 3 and 10, respectively. A show was held in Provo, Utah also on August 6th - I haven't had a report on that show yet. Otherwise, no shows are planned for the region until possibly November. ****** Region 4 (Carra McClelland) No Report ****** Region 5 (Lyn Norbury) July was quiet in Region 5 with one show at Dewey, Ok., Indian Nations Live. Sorry, I didn't make it to this one, but have been told by many that it was a lot of fun, and of course, the cake was delicious as usual. No other news to report for July. ****** Region 6 (Jackie Moore) Hello All! There were no shows in Region 6 in July. Many folks made the trek to Breyerfest, and I hope that everyone that was able to go had a wonderful time! I'm sure plenty of Region 6 members made a good showing both at the Breyerfest Live show and at the Breakables show. Next up on the Region 6 calendar is a brand new show - Hollow Horse Live to be held August 27, 2011 in Cumming, GA. We are all excited about this new show in our region! ****** Region 7 (Stacy Faraci) July brought four shows to Region 7 along with Breyerfest! Between Breakables, Breyerfest Live, the Breyerfest Children and Youth show and Stone Age Live, choosing a show or two was hard! Fall is bringing at least three shows to our region, BOMB will be held on Sepetember 24th in Nicholasville, KY, Quarter Horse Congress Live will be held on October 8th in Columbus OH and Miami Valley Live will be held on November 19th in Lewisburg Ohio! Liz Cassel also has a Swap Meet Get Together planned for September 10th in Shepardsville KY which is just outside of Louisville. So mark your calendars Region 7 for what looks like a busy fall! ****** Region 8 (Marilou Mol) Hi, all! July was a sloooooooooow month in Region 8, with no shows held. However, many people from our region attended Breyerfest & Equilocity, and very much enjoyed their time! I was fortunate enough to invite and take along a person who had never been to Breyerfest before...of course, she loved it! We sometimes forget how special our hobby and the people in it are! Hope you are staying cool, and will be ready to start back showing in August! ****** Region 9 (Pat Coulter) No Report ****** Region 10 (Kate Cabot) No Report ****** Region 11 (Terri Wright) July brought to Western showers Lethbridge live, a staple show the past few summers in Southern Alberta. Participants traveled from as far away as Manitoba and the Northern states to enter this large show, graciously hosted by Bobbie Mosimann. Much fun was had by all, and we look forward to next year's event! In August Alberta showers get to look forward to Chinook winds Live, Hosted by the Greening family on the 13th and 14th of August. We also hear rumors of a show being planned in Toronto for next spring, so keep and ear out for more news of this exciting event!! ****** Posted by Pauline Entin, NAMHSA PR 9/4/2011 | |
Last updated on September 4, 2011 |