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NAMHSA - August 1-15, 2010 News
NAMHSA News for the period of August 1-15, 2010, based on the minutes compiled by Bobbi Devine, Recording Secretary. AUGUST 1 --Carmen Robertson (Treasurer) posted that Lauren Wood (NAN 2010 Auction Coordinator) used about $80 from sweepstakes income to purchase supplies for the NAN 2010 Auction Party. She will provide a receipt to Carmen. --Marilou Mol (R8 Representative) posted a copy of the public thank-you to Chris Wallbruch that she posted on the Region 8 Yahoo group. --Pat Coulter (R9 Representative) relayed that she inquired with Model Horse Blab to see if they would be willing to grant Board personnel that are not Blab members access to NAMHSA related forums. Mary from Blab said that she would be willing to grant access, but that any Board personnel that are not Blab members would have to register. --Lindsey Hall (Past President) posted that she was ready to hand the reins over to Liesl and Silke to take over. She offered to continue with the show results project, and will continue to host the NAMHSA website. She mentioned that she had supplies for the 2011 NAN in Tucson and would house them until next year. She welcomed Silke Brockmoeller (VP) and Kate Cabot (R10 Representative) to the Board. She also thanked Valerie Parker for her time as Region 10 Representative and for chairing the MSOTY committee this year. AUGUST 2 --Bobbi Devine (Recording Secretary) posted the July 15-31, 2010 minutesreport. These were approved August 5th. The July 1-15, 2010 minutes were also approved. --Gail Schuenemann (Show Member Secretary) posted the latest Newly Approved Shows listing: Region 1 Rose City Live 9/11/2010 Portland, OR Vicky Harms Region 2 K.I.S.S. Performance Challenge 8/7/2010 Porterville, CA Jan Manning Mini-Mayhem Live! 9/18/2010 Morgan Hill, CA Chris Jones First Show of the New Season 10/2/2010 Anaheim, CA Sharon Massouris Region 3 Redline Revival: Performance Edition 8/14/2010 Boulder, CO Heather Roell Region 4 No Shows to Report. Region 5 Sunflower All Mini Show 8/14/2010 Rose Hill, KS Cassie Black Red River Live 9/4-9/5/2010 Gainesville, TX Carmen Robertson Mid Kansas Live Show 9/18/2010 Wichita, KS Gay Mahlandt Region 6 DATE CHANGE Heart of Carolina Live 9/18/2010 Cary, NC April Pack Peach State Live 11/13/2010 Gainesville, GA Jennifer Bui Region 7 No shows to report. Region 8 Midwest Model Mania 8/21/2010 Galesburg, IL Marilou Mol GLC No Frills Show Series 8/28/2010 Huntley, IL Jamie Rott GLC No Frills Show Series 11/6/2010 Huntley, IL Sue Hallwas GLC No Frills Show Series 12/4/2010 Huntley, IL Sam Cory Region 9 "Intermediaire", 2010 10/17/2010 Harrisburg, PA Didi Hornberger "Intersport", 2010 10/17/2010 Harrisburg, PA Didi Hornberger Region 10 Empire State Live 9/25/2010 Brockport, NY Lynda Gillette New England Performance Challenge 10/16/2010 Spencer, MA Nancy Timm and Jennifer Al-Beik Fall Foal-iage Live 10/30/2010 Cooperstown, NY Chrissie Kessler Region 11 No shows to report. ****** August 2 (continued) The poll regarding purchase of additional NAN supplies closed. The purchase of a second set of supplies, so that one set could remain in KY, was approved by a 9-0 vote. Voting to APPROVE -Pat Coulter (R9) -Teresa Buzzell (R3) -Tom Dean (R2) -Jackie Moore (R6) -Heather Jackson-Lain (R7) -Kate Cabot (R10) -Marilou Mol (R8) -Carra McClelland (R4) -Tracy Eilers (R1) DID NOT VOTE -Lori Batchelor (R5) -Sandra Gibson (R11) -Liesl Dalpe (VP) --Lynn Weber (Website Manager) posted links to explore how the online credit card payments for memberships might work. --Marilou Mol posted the NAMHSA Annual Meeting minutes and asked for corrections. AUGUST 4 --Lindsey Hall posted an update regarding Lot 27 from the NAN 2010 Auction. Lyn Norbury wlll send the documentation to the bidder, both via email and standard mail. The bidder will be in touch if she does not receive the items. --Lindsey Hall asked Liesl Dalpe to confirm she was ready to take over as the new president. AUGUST 5 --Marilou Mol posted a corrected version of the NAMHSA 2010 Annual Meeting minutes and asked for any further corrections. (These minutes have been posted and are available on the NAMHSA website.) --Liesl Dalpe (incoming President) announced that she was ready to step up as president and would do so on Monday, August 9th. AUGUST 9 --Lynn Weber inquired if Lauren Wood had compiled the final bid amounts for the auction. Lindsey Hall responded that she had sent an email in to Lauren and would post when she had more information. --Teresa Buzzell (R3 Representative) posted the final costs for printing NAN 2010 documents (program, auction program): 275 NAN Programs, w/ full color cover $307.22 300 Auction Party programs, tri folded $88.77 Taxes: $23.76 Grand total: $419.75 AUGUST 10 --Lindsey Hall asked if anyone would like to take over the NAMHSA Member Shows Yahoo Group, or if she should stay on as moderator. AUGUST 13 --Silke Brockmoeller (Vice President) posted the latest agenda: 1 - NAN 2010 open items - waiting on financial information 2 - NAN 2011 - Tucson contract has been forwarded to Liesl 3 - Judging Handbook Committee - currently working on performance 4 - Fees for late show applications - tabled 5 - Junior IM/Merit Award programs 6 - MSOTY contest (done) 7 - NAMHSA Facebook page 8 - Online ballots/voting 9 - Merchant account (done) 10 - Nondisclosure form 11 - Allowing fantasy equines in collectibility/workmanship 12 - Individual Membership period 13 - Storing and shipping NAN supplies (done) ****** REGIONAL REPORTS Region 1 (Tracy Eilers) Region 1 had no shows this month due to NAN/BF happening across the country. Congratulations to all those that won at a tough KY NAN and managed not to melt in the heat! We do have an upcoming minis-only show, Mid-Valley Classic, in Albany Oregon on August 21st hosted by Cheryl Wood. Its sold out, and should be a wonderful display of gorgeous tiny models! I'm especially looking forward to seeing those performance classes. Its amazing what can be done with the small scales! ****** Region 2 (Tom Dean) No shows to report in the region for July. Several Region 2ers did make the trek to Kentucky for NAN/Breyerfest. It was great to get together with our friends from points east, and to meet a number of people that had been only "names" online or in trades. Two shows for on tap for August, The 2nd of the KISS performance show series on August 7th in Porterville, and SoCal Showdown Series - Norco August 28-29. ****** Region 3 (Teresa Buzzell) July was very quiet for Region 3 - unless you were at the hobby Mecca otherwise known as NAN/Breyerfest. Many congrats to those who garnered the big and little wins at NAN and the various Breyerfest shows! I could mention names but I know I'd miss a few so - you all know who you are - awesome job! One show was held in July - the High Noon Performance Challenge in Tucson on the 17th. Unfortunately, everyone must have slept the following day away as I did not see any chatter or photo links this time around! Upcoming for August: August 14, 2010: Redline Revival: Performance Edition in Boulder, CO. Contact: Heather Roell (see NAMHSA.org for contact information) I know there's still room! Judge is Tiffany Purdy. August 28, 2010: Red Devil Live OF Plastic Breyer in Golden, CO. Contact: Teresa Fedak (see NAMHSA.org for contact information) Upcoming for September: September 4, 2010: Red Devil Live OF Stone, OF China, plus Custom Glaze Classes in Golden, CO. Contact: Teresa Fedak (see NAMHSA.org for contact information) September 11, 2010: Rocky Mountain Rendezvous, somewhere around Grand Lake, CO. Contact the Stones for more information. I will be attending all of the above shows plus one August 21 in Albany, Oregon (Region 1). I hope to see you all there! ****** Region 4 (Carra McClelland) July had no shows in Region 4. I think we were all gearing up for Breyerfest and NAN. We did have a fantastic showing at NAN with our ranks represented in top tens and championships and within the body of judges and volunteers. Our region basket was well received and weighed a metric TON :) The person who won it is excited to get it as well! Thank you to everyone who contributed! Upcoming events in our region are: Party on the Platte in Ashland, NE on September 25. ****** Region 5 (Lori Batchelor) July was a relatively quite month, what with Breyerfest and all. The BYO was held on July 10 with a small but dedicated turn out. Nan was well represented by our area both as entrants and volunteers. Breyerfest was, well Breyerfest! No shows that I know of are scheduled for August, but Red River Live in Gainesville, Texas will be held on September 4 and 5. ****** Region 6 (Jackie Moore) Hello All! There were no shows in Region 6 in July, and many of us made the trek to Kentucky for NAN and Breyerfest. Region 6 was well-represented on all three days of NAN, with many, many top tens, Reserve Champs, and Championships earned, as well as Region 6 members donating their time and talent as ring stewards and judges. Region 6 was also well represented at the Breyerfest Live show, and Breakables as well! Even with all the showing going on, we all seemed to have a fantastic time hanging out and socializing together - I felt like I was at a big reunion party! Big congratulations also go to two Region 6 shows which were Runner Up Member Shows of the Year - Models in the Sunshine from Florida, and Carolina Gold Classic from North Carolina! Way to go Region 6!!! The next show on our calendar is Heart of Carolina Live in Cary, NC on Sept 18, 2010. ****** Region 7 (Heather Jackson-Lain) Whew what a busy month July was for us here in region 7. We had a plethra of Model Horse activities in Kentucky. Of course I am talking about all the activities that went along with Breyerfest including The North American Nationals, Breakables, Breyerfest Live, and Equilocity. The events of the week started out with the Best of the Best competing for Top honors at NAN. What a wonderful three days of competition. Some wonderful entries. During the yearly NAMHSA meeting the MSOTY was announced and it was won by none other than region 7's very own Kylee Demers and her wonderful freshman show Cookeville Classic Live. Next on the list of activities of course was Breakables Host by Maggie B. As the clinkies scare me I tried to stay away, but did here of some wonderful winnings from the show. Breyerfest opened with a bang with all the events and activities there including Breyerfest Live and The Breyerfest youth show. Both of which as always where tough competition and very well attended. Last but not least was the Equlocity show host by the Peter Stone Company. As always it was good to see region 7 host all of our dear friends from both near and far. Now we are off to rest for a bit and recover until the next few shows. ****** Region 8 (Marilou Mol) July was hectic due to NAN, Breyerfest, and Equilocity! While we had no shows actually IN region 8, many of our members were present in Kentucky! I would like to give a special thank-you to Liz Gower, who put together the Region 8 raffle basket and hauled it over two hours to a member who could take it to Kentucky! I would also like to thank the donors: Stone Horses donated a $100 gift certificate toward a Design-a-Horse, Kirsten Wellman donated a free mini paint job, Lakeshore Collections donated a $25 gift certificate, Bentley Sales donated 3 stablemates, a classics set, and 2 stablemate sets, and Kevin McFarland donated a $25 gift certificate toward a performance scene. Thank you to all (and also to Tiffany Purdy, who met Liz and brought the basket to me in Kentucky!)! Congratulations to Silke Brockmoeller, the new NAMHSA vice-president! Silke has been involved in region 8 and in the hobby for many years, and I am confident that she will be an asset to NAMHSA. Also, a belated and much-deserved thank-you to Chris Wallbruch. Chris stepped back from her duties for NAMHSA recently (new baby...can't imagine why she'd need to cut back!) after 10+ years with the NAMHSA board in many capacities, including most recently Recording Secretary and Member Show of the Year chairman. Thanks, Chris! Last but not least, I want to thank the NAN committee, including co-chairs Eleanor Harvey and Jackie Arns-Rossi, registrar Tom Dean, and the judges, stewards, and other volunteers at NAN. I have attended NAN for 4 of the last 5 years, and I felt like this year was absolutely outstanding! In August, we're back to showing in Region 8! ****** Region 9 (Pat Coulter) Since there were no scheduled shows in Region 9, I've asked for NAN reports from our members in attendance! The NAN reports will be posted on the Region 9 list. Congratulations to our many winners! WE DO have some additional Fall shows, one approved and on the NAMHSA website (Intersport) and ONE in the pre-planning stages. If you are thinking about it, well the time is NOW! Send in your packets! ****** Region 10 (Kate Cabot) Region 10 is traditionally quiet in July for the BreyerFest break during the summer and this year was no exception. Though there were no shows held in the region in July, there were many Region 10 showers who competed very successfully at NAN, Breakables, Equilocity and the BreyerFest Shows. Region 10 members also were among the many volunteers and judges who make these events run smoothly and successfully every year. The next event on our calendar is the Golden Oaks Workshop Day hosted by Stacy Becker in Concord, NH on August 21st. These events have been very popular, especially with a growing group of young showers and adult newcomers. Go check them out! A note to my Region 10 friends: This is my first report since my election as your new regional representative, I look forward to getting to know more of you in the coming year. It is a real privilege to serve you. Please do feel free to contact me anytime you want to talk about Region 10 and NAMHSA matters. In closing, I want to thank Valerie Parker for her stellar service as the Region 10 Representative over the last several years. Hers will be a tough act to follow! ****** Region 11 (Sandra Gibson) Region 11's report for July is short, but wonderful! We had one show to report, the ever amazing Lethbridge Live put on by Bobbie Mossimann. It's a wonderful show and this year expanded from a 1 day format into a 2 day format. It had numerous entrants and was simply an awesome experience. The judging was quick paced, and the fun was even quicker. Bobbie seems to put up most of the showers in her house these days,accommodating people from across the provinces (as far West as BC and as far East as Manitoba). She had people from the North (Edmonton!) And people from Washington, Montana and I do believe Idaho. This show is simply fantastic. There were TONS of raffles, fun classes and so much fun to be had! Everything ran very smoothly and Bobbie & her show committee should be congratulated on doing an amazing job! August has one show coming up Chinook Winds live on the 14th & 15th, this show is in Calgary and should be a lot of fun. Good luck to all who attend! ****** Posted by Pauline Entin, NAMHSA PR 9/21/2010 | |
Last updated on September 21, 2010 |