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NAMHSA - July 16-31, 2011 News
NAMHSA News for the period of July 16-31, 2011 based on the minutes compiled by Bobbi Devine, Recording Secretary. JULY 18 --Bobbi Devine (Recording Secretary) submitted the July 1-15, 2011 minutes report. These were approved by Teresa Buzzell on 7/19/11. --Stacy Faraci (Region 7 Representative) raised a question about NAN card confusion (yellow vs. green cards) at the Breyerfest Live show. JULY 19 --Teresa Buzzell (Vice President) posted an update on the NAN 2010 Auction/Sweepstakes legal case: Receipts were mailed from Lauren Wood to NAMHSA's attorney, who forwarded the receipts on to Teresa. Teresa said she would upload the receipts to the files section as soon as she had a chance. She said she would send the attorney a copy of NAMHSA's check request form, so that he could send that on to Lauren's attorney. The attorney would have the $545 owed to NAMHSA sent, but it may be that $784 (total) is owed. In addition, the attorney would ask that the remaining unsold auction item be sent to Tom Dean (Region 2 Representative). Teresa stated that she and Carmen and Silke would need to go over the receipts before a check was mailed. --Eleanor Harvey (Parliamentarian) questioned if NAMHSA fronted any money to Lauren Wood for her budget for the NAN 2010 Auction Party. JULY 20 --Gail Schuenemann (Show Member Secretary) explained the NAN halter card situation at Breyerfest Live and confirmed that the show did not break any NAMHSA rules. --Silke Brockmoeller posted the latest Board agenda: AGENDA for July I. UNDERWAY: NAN 2010 Auction/Sweepstakes case: We presented a counter offer (kudos to Teresa for an excellent job) and are currently working out a few details, with luck this will be wrapped up soon. PRES/VP: Hammering out specific language for bylaw (in progress) NAN 2012: Still need to advertise for Chair & Registrar, applications taken until August. NAN 2013: Show will be held in 2013, voted on bidding it out vs running it in KY. We will bid out 2013, all regions eligible. We need to discuss possible revisions to the bidding process, will we *require* at least a NAN chair or other key personnel with a successful NAN bid? II. IN THE PIPELINE: PUNISHMENT FOR RULE INFRACTIONS: Should NAMHSA have a graded policy for sanctions in response to rule infractions? CONTRACTS: Should all stipend positions should sign a contract outlining what is expected of them and what needs to be done before they are eligible for their stipend (thank you notes, receipts all in, any accounting etc)? BONDING: Consider for treasurer, temp bonds for NAN...or just stop taking cash and run all transactions through PayPal? Or make bonding part of the contract (individuals handling NAMHSA cash need to get their own bond) THE 60 DAY RULE: Extensions/higher fees for late shows? How late is too late?* PERFORMANCE DIVISION RULE RECONSIDERATION: We discussed rewriting the rule defining performance divisions for NAN qualifiers--to permit a judge for Western performance to enter in a separate English Performance division, etc. FILES SECTION RE-ORG: Needs spring cleaning (some done) --Teresa Buzzell uploaded a file containing copies of the receipts from Lauren Wood to the files section for review. JULY 21 --Carmen Robertson (Treasurer) confirmed that Lauren Wood did not receive advance payment for the NAN 2010 Auction Party. --Eleanor Harvey relayed that Kim Bjorgo-Thorne had volunteered to create a map showing the NAN qualifying shows by region, and also a separate map tracking NAN entrants by year. This information will be helpful when selecting locations for future NANs. Information to get Kim started was requested. --Pauline Entin (Region 3 Representative/PR) submitted a preliminary draft of the NAN 2013 Bid Solicitation for review. Discussion ensued. JULY 22 --Silke Brockmoeller requested that Pauline Entin repost the solicitations for NAN 2012 Chair/Registrar and for the Public Relations officer positions. JULY 23 --Carmen Robertson requested permission to pay the Registrar's stipend to Jim West, NAN 2011 Registrar, as his duties are complete. Teresa Buzzell (VP) granted permission. --Lyn Norbury (Region 5 Representative) inquired if it was possible to allow NAN entrants the option of purchasing a second, full table in addition to the table space they are allotted with their NAN entry. JULY 24 --Pauline Entin inquired if she should prepare a solicitation for the Merit Award Coordinator position now that Breyerfest has passed. JULY 25 --Eleanor Harvey posted that she thought it was time to discuss the pros and cons of the three judge system at NAN, and to consider reducing to a single judge per class. Discussion ensued. JULY 28 --Teresa Buzzell posted that she has sent the last of the NAN 2011 Raffle items to the winners. JULY 30 --Pauline Entin summarized the discussion surrounding the NAN 2013 bid requirements. Silke Brockmoeller requested that all Board members read it carefully and submit any additional suggestions. JULY 31 --Marilou Mol (Region 8 Representative) motioned that the Board vote on whether to require volunteer names with NAN 2013 bids. Kate Cabot (Region 10 Representative) and Pauline Entin seconded the motion. Silke Brockmoeller requested that Bobbi Devine set up the poll. The poll was begun. --Carmen Robertson uploaded the June 2011 Treasurer's Report: June 1-30, 2011 Total Income: $8,827.19 Total Expenses: -$26,827.08 Balance in BoA Checking 6/30/11: $85,997.69 Balance in Paypal 6/30/11: $714.74 Balance in NAMHSA accounts 6/30/11: $86,712.43 ------------------------------ Posted by Pauline Entin, NAMHSA PR 8/13/2011 | |
Last updated on August 15, 2011 |