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NAMHSA - July 2014 News
NAMHSA News for the period of July 2014 based on the minutes recorded by Jackie Arns-Rossi, NAMHSA Recording Secretary. Jul 1 -- The following poll closed: The BOD has elected to hold NAN 2015 on June 26-28, 2015 Yes: -Stacy Quick (R1) -Kathy WIlliams (R2) -Pauline Entin (R3) -Natalie Kilpatrick (R4) -Lynn Weber (R5) -Jackie Moore (R6) -Annette Dean (R7) -Chris Wallbruch (R8) -Kate Cabot (R10) -Sandra Gibson (R11) -Tom Dean (VP) No: no votes Abstain: no votes -- Jackie Arns-Rossi (RS) posted the June 16-30 minutes for approval. These were approved by Carra McClelland (pres). -- Discussion continued on the one member/one vote discussion. Several reps reported that their members appeared to be in favor of changing to either one vote per person, or allowing members to have an individual membership as well a single show holder membership, no matter how many shows were held. Jul 2 -- Jackie Arns-Rossi (RS) advised she was still waiting on approval of the Jun 1-15 minutes. Jul 3 -- Natalie Kilpatrick (R4 and PR) advised she was putting together an announcement for the NAN 2015 NAN location and requested approval ASAP. Jul 5 -- Natalie Kilpatrick (R4 and PR) repeated her request for approval for the 2015 NAN location announcement. Jul 7 -- Carmen Robertson (tres) posted the June Treasurer Report Summary, and uploaded the full report and the 2013 tax return to the Yahoo Groups file section: Balance in BOA checking as of 6/30/2014: 91,811.46 Balance in PayPal as of 6/30/2014: 61.26 Balance in NAMHSA accounts as of 6/30/2014: 91,872.72 Jul 8 -- Natalie Kilpatrick (R4 and PR) advised she had the NAN 2015 location announcement scheduled to go out on July 9, 4 pm central time as she had had no objections. Jul 15 -- Jackie Arns-Rossi (RS) advised she still needed the Jun 1-15 minutes approved. These were later approved by Tom Dean (VP). -- Eleanor Harvey (parl) posted a reminder for all BOD members, especially for the new members, that when an issue is brought up publicly regarding NAMHSA, to not automatically post a reply. Instead, bring the topic to the BOD for discussion. If a statement is necessary, it will be published through the PR representative. -- Several reps posted results of polling their region on one person/one vote. All reports suggested that members (or those responding to the poll) prefered either one vote per person, or one vote per class of membership (multiple show holders would only hold one vote as a showholder, rather than one vote per show). -- Stacy Quick (R1) posted that she was in favor of the NAMHSA forum. -- Lynn Weber (R5 and web) gave an update on the NAN champ photos. On day 3, all but three photos were missing, and there were many missing photos from both performance divisions. The photographer for those days appeared to take photos of things that he liked, rather than what he had been assigned to do. -- Annette Dean (R7) forwarded an email from Kristina Lucas Francis about issues with the china division at NAN. An email from Stacy Faraci was also forwarded to the BOD by Annette. Discussion began. Jackie Moore (R6) agreed with Kristina Lucas and disagreed with Stacy Faraci’s comparison of Stone models to test ceramics. Test model ceramics that were intended to be OF runs should be shown with OF, while Stone was creating one of a kind horses intended to be individual. Kathy Williams (R2) felt that Test chinas were more similar to CM glaze, with the exception of Royal Worcesters, where a standard piece was kept at the factory for all production models to be compared with. She suggested adding a class to the MGC for documented tests only, and have them removed from the small production classes. -- Kathy WIlliams (R2) noted that several CM glaze workmanship entries at NAN included an explanation card for the entry. She felt these cards gave an unfair advantage. Kathy Williams (R2) voiced concern that cards provided by the creating artist describing how the workmanship was achieved provided unfair advantage similar to the prohibited "judging the class" cards in performance. Also using such cards gave creating artists an advantage versus showers that are not the creating artists. Kathy's opinion is that such explanation cards should not be allowed for Workmanship so as not to influence the judging Kathy's opinion is that explanation cards should be banned for Workmanship. She clarified Workmanship criteria. Jul 16 -- Eleanor Harvey (parl) reported issues with how the NAN program apparently sorted Hagen Renakers into classes, as HR models showed up in other classes aside from an HR specific class. -- Jackie Arns-Rossi (RS) posted the July 1-15 minutes for approval. -- Amy Peck (SMS) advised she had not received results for either Springamathing held in R3 at the end of May. Her last contact with the showholder had been on 7/5. -- Lynn Weber (R5 and web) updated information on the missing NAN champ photos. No one appeared to be sure who had the cameras for NAN day 3, and it was not clear if these photos had been lost or were not taken. Jul 17 -- Tom Dean (pres) approved the July 1-15 minutes. Jul 18 -- Discussion of NAN 2014 issues continued. Topics included how classes were split, horses that were entered in wrong classes and not caught ahead of time, workmanship documentation, and china horse entries. -- Niki Hertzog (R9) advised that her region supported one vote per person, or going to a maximum of 2 votes per person (one show membership and one individual membership). -- Lynn Weber (R5 and web) reported that she had photos from Kathy WIlliams (R2), Jackie Moore (R6) and Niki Hertzog (R9) to fill in holes for missing champ photos. SHe asked Natalie Kilpatrick (PR) to put out a call for missing photos and asked Kathy if she could use Jen Al-Beik’s photos. Jul 19 Discussion of NAN 2014 issues continued: topics included table assignment issues and non-interested parties taking pictures at NAN. -- Teresa Buzzell (VP) reported that at least one entrant disagreed with where her horses should go based on the published breed list and threatened to pull her entry over it. She suggested making a similar list of where horses go for collectibility. -- Teresa Buzzell (VP) reported that Region 3 had not been formally polled about the question of one member, one vote, but people she had spoken to favored one vote per actual person. Chris Wallbruch (MSOTY) reported that Region 8 had mixed responses, but most leaned to one vote per person. -- Teresa Buzzell (VP) advised that she had unedited Springamathing results that she could pass on to Amy Peck (SMS). She also noted that late results were not a new thing for Springamathing’s showholder, and she had always gotten results in eventually, just not on NAMHSA’s timetable. Jul 20 NAN discussion continued. Pauline Entin (R3) was not sure how to ultimately solve where OF china tests should go, but she did feel that there needed to be consistency. Kathy Williams (R2) noted that part of the problem was level of quality for tests. -- Lynn Weber (R5 and web) reported that at least 10 people were sending in missing show photos. -- Natalie Kilpatrick (PR) advised the call for missing photos had gone out. -- Kathy WIlliams (R2), Niki Hertzog (R9), and Lynn Weber ((R5 and web) confirmed that more people had granted permission to use their photos from NAN. -- Teresa Buzzell (vp) did not feel that the issue with the photographer was not that they were non hobbyists, but that they had been volunteered by someone else. Jul 21 Continued NAN discussion: Niki Hertzog reported that with the photographer and missing photos, part of the issue was that a horse might be in the next class and did not have the time to be photographed. Other times it appeared that the photographer did not appear accessible. Due to the issues with the photographer, Jim West (registrar) suggested making the photographer and steward positions paid positions. Niki added that the announcer(s) should be a paid position as well, in order to have someone available that had experience with announcing shows and the timing needed for performance. -- Kathy Williams (R2) also cited that having more performance rings made Day 2 much better, as on Day 1 there was often a long wait for table space. -- Amy Peck (SMS) reported that she had results from Springamathing and they could be posted to the website. Jul 22 NAN Discussion: Included analysis regarding the announcer and issues from day one, issues with dual purpose documentation (as workmanship/halter classes are judged on different standards). Kathy Williams (R2) suggested that the BOD draft job descriptions for any paid volunteer positions. She also suggested merit based pay. Staging issues for performance classes were also discusses. -- Teresa Buzzell (VP) asked Natalie Kilpatrick (PR) to work on the NAMHSA News. Natalie reported she was working on it, but a recent change at work restricted her personal time. Jul 23 -- Sandra Gibson (R11) reported Region 11 was also in favor of one vote per person. Eleanor Harvey (parl) asked the BOD to consider the alternate perks for show holders aside from multiple votes. She pointed out that BOD members were not automatically awarded a vote, yet they put in at least as many hours on NAMHSA as a show holder put in on a show. -- Lynn Weber (R5 and web) advised she planned to put up show results from Springamathing as well as deal with NAN champion photos. -- Lynn Weber (R5 and web) reported that she had received emails from 27 people that included 91 of the missing photos, making the list go down considerably. There had been no complaints, and entrants seemed eager to share their win photos. She posted a link to the updated missing photos list. -- Stacy Quick (R1) felt documentation was important to have, but also noted that in her region it was rare for a workmanship entry to have documentation except for color. -- Stacy Quick (R1) felt that OF China should be in the OF division & there should most definitely be OOAK/Test classes. She also felt tests needed to be documented Stacy said she would look over the class list for China to be able to discuss further how it should be set up and to help resolve future issues. -- Stacy Quick (R1) asked how announcers were selected for NANon the announcing. Lindsay Diamond (R4) offered her thoughts on announcing based upon her experience announcing AQHA shows. -- Lynn Weber (R5 and web) agreed that breed and collectibility documentation should be separated, but also thought this had been stated in at least the 2007 NAN packet. -- Teresa Buzzell (VP) reported that there had so far been no debriefing with Yashka Hallein (NAN chair) or Jim West (registrar) and that either she or Tom Dean (pres) would follow up. Jul 24 -- Jackie Moore (R6) agreed with the previously presented issues regarding the day 1 announcer and suggested that training be done for ring stewards. Radios were suggested to facilitate communication between stewards and the podium at NAN. Niki Hertzog (R9) reported her experience using walkie-talkies with real horse shows, and felt this may work as well. A cheap set could be used as a trial and if they worked, could be replaced with better quality equipment. -- Danielle Miller (IMS) posted her idea for changes to the NAMHSA membership program--she favored eliminating the different categories of members and having a single membership category that would allow a member to hold shows. Her specific recommendations: 1. Eliminate all Show memberships 2. Eliminate all Individual memberships 3. Create ONE new membership that is all encompassing and rename it a "NAMHSA Membership" with one vote for each person and whatever other privileges/perks we decide should be included. Then you are either a NAMHSA member or you are not. This will: 1. Create unity within our membership as opposed to division 2. Streamline the entire process 3. Make tracking and processing memberships and votes much much easier for all involved including the members themselves. 4. Eliminate the need to increase the show holders' cost for NAN cards as the cost of a NAMHSA membership will cover the expenses of the NAN. Jackie Arns-Rossi (RS) noted that NAN cards were currently available on a sliding cost scale, depending on how many were needed, and the costs of these cards was greater than the current membership fee. She asked if large shows requiring large numbers of cards would really be covered and if not how those would be handled. Lynn Weber (R5 and web) suggested changing the names of shows to Registered shows and requiring membership to hold one, but to include additional fees for cards. She also felt the card fees needed to increase. Niki Hertzog (R9) agreed with this approach, as she had concerns about a single person holding multiple shows that would end up costing NAMHSA money in card fees. Danielle clarified her post “In order to hold a show you would have to have a NAMHSA membership and pay the appropriate fees (which would most likely be the current $30 IM fee). Then you would also need to pay for the NAN cards just like show holders do now.” Danielle felt that the only way to hold a show and get a vote was to be a member. Jackie Moore (R6) and Teresa Buzzell (VP) supported this idea. Teresa noted there would need to be bylaws changes. Kathy Williams (R2) felt her region may accept this idea depending on the costs associated with this change. -- Niki Hertzog (R9) posted her thoughts on the issues with the announcer at NAN and the problems it caused, which covered calling too many classes at once, resulting in overcrowded tables, timers being up on too many tables at once, and recommended getting more performance tables. -- Teresa Buzzell (VP) noted that Yashka Hallein (NAN chair) and Jim West (registrar) had both felt that preassigning judges to classes was a waste of time as things changed quickly during the show. She felt that the method of getting judges to classes by having a steward walk up to a group of judges and ask who wanted to judge was not the best method for getting a qualified person to each class. She suggested color coding judge badges for a visual cue on who could judge what divisions. Jul 25 -- Jackie Arns-Rossi (RS) noted that when she co-chaired NAN in 2010, she did assign 3 judges to each class as much as she was able. She also suggested more training for stewards and a list of steward duties that could be taped on the back of clip boards. Niki Hertzog (R9) also reported assigning judges to classes prior to the start of NAN in 2013. Jackie Moore (R6) also felt the show ran better when judges were pre-assigned. Eleanor Harvey (parl) summarized things suggesting that the BOD needed to create templates for running NAN to prevent each show manager from having to re-invent the wheel each year. Niki advised she was working on such a document and had received material from Jackie Arns-Rossi to incorporate into it. She offered to head a committee if the BOD felt one was needed. -- Niki Hertzog (R9) noted an issue with a decorator that had earned a green card. The NAN entry packet states that horses in this situation may only show in collectibility/workmanship, and if they have earned a green card, they are still allowed to enter the appropriate class. There had been some disagreement of the interpretation of this rule between Niki and Jim West (NAN registrar.) Niki suggested tightening up the wording on this issue as well as closing loopholes to prevent fantasy horses from entering the decorator classes. -- Jackie Arns-Rossi (RS) uploaded several documents that she had created to help manage the 2010 NAN for the BOD to read over for future NANs. Niki Hertzog (R9) added links to documents she had used to manage NAN 2013. Eleanor Harvey (parl) advised she had kept notes during the show on one of the 2010 documents and would add what seemed useful when she had time. -- Teresa Buzzell (VP) forwarded an email from Jim West (NAN registrar) from a shower who had not been able to attend NAN due to several issues along the way that were not under her control. Jim requested that she bring her request for a refund to the BOD for discussion. Eleanor Harvey (parl) said she would look over past notes for wording for a refund. -- Teresa Buzzell (VP) also felt stewards at NAN had not received enough training, and suggested starting before NAN next year by sending them a document outlining the position and their responsibilities. She suggested Niki Hertzog discuss her NAN document with members of the NAN Committee list. -- Teresa Buzzell (VP) asked Tom Dean (pres) to follow up on requests for the NAN post mortem from Yashka Hallein (NAN chair) and Jim West (NAN registrar) as there had been no response from either yet. Jul 26 -- Pauline Entin (R3) posted her thoughts on the new discussion board. -- Pauline Entin (R3) asked what role the Head Steward had played in addressing with the issues that had come up during NAN 2014. Jul 27 -- Amy Peck (SMS) posted the latest approved shows: Region 1 No shows to report. Region 2 Three Ring Circus Model Horse Show 9/27/2014 San Martin, CA Marie Sobieski msobieski@gmail.com http://www.gcmhs.org/threeringcircus Region 3 OWSS-Stone Show 9/7/2014 Phoenix, AZ Teresa Candelaria teresam.candoit@gmail.com High Country Live 9/14/2014 Calhan, CO Nancy Dement ynunan@gmail.com OWSS-Breyer (non-Stone) 9/27/2014 Phoenix, AZ Teresa Candelaria teresam.candoit@gmail.com Region 4 3rd Annual Jackson County 4-H and Open Model Horse Show 10/11/2014 Black River Falls, WI Deb Johnson CTE38894@centurytel.net http://jcmodelhorseshow.webs.com/ Region 5 Mid Ark Model Horse Expo 11/1/2014 Greenbrier, AR Tracy Rogalla tearog@hotmail.com http://midarkmodelhorseexpo.weebly.com/ Labor Day Live 9/1/2014 Magnolia, TX Elena Lemm ejb7920@yahoo.com http://www.lemmonadelive.weebly.com/ Hooftoberfest 2014 9/20/2014 DFW, TX Heather Gearhart gearhart2012@att.net http://hooftoberfest.weebly.com Mid Kansas All Mini Halter Show 9/27/2014 Rose Hill, KS Ashley Smith stormransom2002@yahoo.com http://www.freewebs.com/midkansaslive/ Silver Spur Live on the Bayou 11/8-9/2014 Sulphur, LA Charlotte D. Martin and Renee Jordan carousel1093@aol.com http://silverspurliveonthebayou.webs.com Region 6 The 27th Annual Southern Model Horse Convention 10/4/2014 Covington, GA Laura Hornick Behning morgans@mindsprings.com http://www.brookridgemorgans.com/southcon.htm Region 7 Classy Chassis Live 9/27/2014 Knoxville, TN Jen Dodd mechanicaljen@yahoo.com http://mechanicaljen.wix.com/classychassis Sixth Annual New Year's Bash Live(The Defrosted Edition) 3/7/2015 Ashland, OH Chesna Wertz monarchviewfarms@yahoo.com www.monarchviewliveshows.webs.com Region 8 Milkshakes & Minis 8/23/2014 Waterford, MI Suzanne Feld wildwing1@mac.com http://modelsandmilkshakes.webs.com/ 45th Parallel Live – Futuristic Follies 9/20/2014 Interlochen, MI Sue R. Sudekum ssudekum@charter.net www.semperfas.com/45/ Region 9 No shows to report. Region 10 No shows to report. Region 11 Toronto’s Autumn Live: Small Horse, Big City 10/5/2014 Toronto, ON Neena Bickram raventyde@gmail.com http://harvestdream.wix.com/autumnlive Jul 28 -- Kathy Williams (R2) questioned the reserve championship placing of a horse with molded on tack in a costume class, citing the entrant was not being judged on performance skills with this particular model. Jackie Moore (R6) was familiar with the model and reported that it regularly showed in performance in her region. She noted there was no rule prohibiting such horses from showing, and felt it was up to the judge to decide how much weight to give molded on tack vs tack placed on by the entrant. She noted that horses with tack were allowed to show in halter as well, and judges were given the same freedom to make decisions about these models. Jul 29 -- Teresa Buzzell (VP) asked Natalie Kilpatrick (PR) if she was going to have any News ready before she left on a weekend trip, and offered to help get the News together. -- Stacy Quick (R1) asked about allowing collectibility and workmanship classes for carousel horses. For NAN qualifying purposes, it was felt that fantasy type carousel horses (as defined by current NAN fantasy guidelines) could show in the fantasy class, or as decorator. -- Sandra Gibson (R11) did not feel models with molded on tack should be prohibited from performance classes. Kathy Williams (R2) felt that for the purposes of NAN, a ruling should be made one way or the other and felt that with molded on tack, there was no challenge to the entrant, which was essentially what the performance division was about. Teresa Buzzell (VP) did not feel that a molded on piece made things easier--such a piece could not be adjusted, it just is what it is. She did not feel there were enough of these to need a ruling for NAN. Jul 30 -- Jackie Arns-Rossi (RS) felt that the forum format made keeping minutes easier. -- On the subject of performance horses with molded on tack, Jackie Moore (R6) agreed with Teresa Buzzell (VP), saying she did not feel it was an issue. Stacy Quick (R1) and Lynn Weber (R5 and web) also agreed with Teresa. Kathy Williams (R2) agreed that it was unlikely that large numbers of these type of models would ever show, but still disagreed that they fit the spirit of the performance division. Jackie Arns-Rossi (RS) agreed with Teresa, and felt it was not fair to owners of these models that they be allowed to earn NAN cards but be barred entry from NAN. -- Niki Hertzog (R9) posted a photo from the Stone Unrealistic color class, which had been won by a three headed horse. This horse does not fit the current criteria for fantasy under NAMHSA guidelines, but Niki did not feel it was appropriate to have been put in a decorator class. It was noted that this horse qualified in the fantasy class despite not meeting criteria for the class, and was moved to the decorator class by show management. -- Jenna Murphy (R8) posted a concern about a show in a neighboring region that appeared to have a ghost show holder (the true show holder offered another name for the NAMHSA paperwork and then was showing) but did not give details. Jackie Moore (R6) advised that before NAMHSA could take action, all parties in the dispute would need to be named, and there would need to be some sort of proof. Teresa Buzzell (VP) confirmed Jackie’s statements. -- Natalie Kilpatrick (PR) advised she would upload what News she had the following day. -- Sharon Mossy (R10) disagreed with requiring separate documentation for breed and collectibility classes at NAN, though did feel that workmanship cards detailing the creation of a piece were out of bounds. She later pointed out that in her region, most shows were double judged and a documentation card served double duty. Jackie Arns-Rossi (RS) reminded Sharon that NAN was not a member show and had different rules, including not double judging classes and having stewards check documentation to ensure it was legal. She also felt that editing a documentation card and reprinting it was probably an easy thing to deal with for NAN prep. Jul 31 -- Jackie Moore (R6) asked if the BOD needed to get back to the original issue brought up about the OF China test horses at NAN. She also asked if refunds would be issued. Sharon Mossy (R10) agreed with having an OF Test run class for china at NAN and had questions about refunding owners of horses that were incorrectly disqualified at NAN. Lynn Weber (R5 and web) agreed with refunding the OF test china entrants that were affected as well. Teresa Buzzell (VP) advised that she and Tom Dean (pres) had still not gotten answers from Yashka Hallein (NAN chair) or Jim West (registrar) about what had happened in that situation, or a general NAN debriefing yet despite asking for one. -- Tom Dean (pres) posted a list from Jim West (registrar) about what worked and what did not for NAN 2014. -- Tom Dean (pres) posted the final bill from Heritage Hall for NAN 2014. -- Natalie Kilpatrick (PR) uploaded a draft of the April 2014 News. -- Natalie Kilpatrick (PR) advised she had increased the types of formats the forum would accept for file storage. -- Natalie Kilpatrick (PR) assured Jenna Murphy (R8) that all information given to the BOD would stay on the BOD, and specific names and details were needed to investigate potential violations. REGIONAL REPORTS R1 It's hasn't been a very busy month in region 1. There was one show, Summer in Seattle Live, hosted by Amy Widman on June 21st. It's a small show, only 15-20 entrants/judges. As with most region 1 shows, it sold out. July is a quiet month out here with no shows until Home show Hoote-NAN-y & Sweet Onion live in mid August. As fall approaches, the showing season will ramp back up with several shows coming in September & October. There are several R1-ers heading to BF/NAN/EQ/Breakables & wish everyone the best of luck! R2 Region 2 Report: Recent Shows: June was a quiet month in Region 2 with no shows. But the rest of the year promises to be busy! Upcoming Shows: A weekend of showing is being planned for August 9-10, 2014 in Galt, CA. Saturday will be Heather Visser’s No Frills Mini Show (all halter). http://theachyacresminispringfling.weebly.com/ Two performance shows are being planned for the following day (Sunday, August 10, 2014) at the same location. An OF performance show called Saddle Up! will be held in the morning: http://horsyme.com/SaddleUp2014 And a CM performance show, Big Valley, will be held in the afternoon http://bigvalleyperformanceshow.weebly.com/ The Three Ring Circus Show will be held Sunday, September 28th in San Martin. Robin Kent and Marie Sobieski will be show holders. http://www.gcmhs.org/threeringcircus/ October 4, 2014, we will see Suzie Francis’ Sleepy Hollow Show in LaVerne, CA. https://sites.google.com/site/sleepyhollowlive/home November 16, 2014 is scheduled for Mary Reardon’s The Really Big Show in Simi Valley, CA. http://www.modelhorsemobile.com/ReallyBigShow.html And December 6, 2014, is reserved for Jane Morehouse’s WACCO show in San Martin. http://www.fantasticplasticclassic.com/wacco/ Lots of fun coming up in Region 2! Kathy Williams, R2 Rep R3 Region 3 Report First, congratulations to the organizers and participants in NAN 2014. Special kudos go out to our Region 3 members who made the long trek to Kentucky to exhibit, judge, and run the show! Region 3 is thrilled with the news that NAN 2015 is returning to Southern California. Hopefully this news will motivate more shows in the Southwest this year. We have two shows coming up on August 2 - Red Devil Live OF Plastic in Golden, CO and OSC: High Noon All-Performance in Tucson, AZ. Next up will be Red Devil Live OF China/Resin and CG China on August 16, also in Golden, CO. Teresa Candelaria's "One Woman Show Series" will start on Sept 7 with the Stone models show. The rest of the OWSS schedule is as follows: Breyers 9/27; OF China/Resin 10/19; CM 11/1; AR 11/16. Please note, entries for these shows are needed early (>2 months before the show date) so that Teresa knows she had enough interest to submit for NAMHSA membership. Region 3 members: Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or comments about NAMHSA. And start planning for Palm Springs in June 2015! Best wishes, Pauline Entin R4 No report given. R5 June brought us the BYO (an all performance show with lunch) in Texas and Indian Nations Live (a full scale show including mini and youth divisions) in Oklahoma. Both shows had raving reviews. The Kansas group also had a play day, where they worked on model horse projects, brainstormed future show ideas and had a fun day all around. In July we have no regional shows, but we are looking forward to Breyerfest and NAN! I hope everyone has a great time and comes home with lots of cookies. R6 Region 6 Report: Hello All! There were no shows in Region 6 in June and none are scheduled for July. The next shows up on the Region 6 calendar are: FL Cracker Live in Parrish, FL on August 16 Palmetto State Live in Jenkinsville, SC on August 30 Hollow Horse Live in Cumming, GA on Sept 13 I know many of us are making the trip to Kentucky in July for NAN/ Breakables/ Breyerfest/ Equilocity. I hope everyone has a safe trip up and I will see you there! Jackie Moore Region 6 R7 Hi everyone. The summer is really heating up with NAN and Breyerfest just around the corner. We had one show in June in Tennessee - Big Orange Bash, hosted by Carol Tuft. It was a great show with a lot of entries. There were a lot of beautiful horses and set ups to see. We had fun visiting with everyone and we even got to see the Belmont race on the big screen. The show was a benefit for the University of Tennessee Veterinary Program. We hope everyone is ready for the Lexington shows this month: - NAN, July 8-10 - Breakables Live July 10 -Breyerfest Open Show, July 11 -Equilocity" July 12 No shows so far for August but we then have Treaty City Live on September 13th in Greenville Ohio. For show information, you can go to the NAMHSA web page for links to the web sites. https://www.namhsa.org/showsbyregion.htm Happy summer! Annette Dean Region 7 R8 REGION 8 Hello, Region 8ers! By the time you read this, NAN will be all wrapped up and another show year will have begun. We had no shows in our region in June, but there are plenty coming up: August 2 (rescheduled date, cards printed with original date of July 26), 2014: Michigan Model Series - All Performance in Waterford, MI. Contact: Melissa Hart. August 16, 2014: Festival of the Horse and Drum Giddy-Up Model Horse Show in St. Charles, IL. Contact: Molly Benstein. August 23, 2014: GLC No-Frills Show in Huntley, IL. Contact: Jamie Rott (GLC Inc). August 23, 2014: Milkshakes & Minis in Waterford, MI. Contact: Suzanne Feld. September 13, 2014: GLC No-Frills Show in Huntley, IL. Contact: Liz Cory. November 8, 2014: Meows and Minis (Yahoogroup & Facebook) in Itasca, IL. Contact: Chris Wallbruch. December 6, 2014: GLC No-Frills Show in Huntley, IL. Contact: Jamie Rott (GLC Inc). Please go to https://www.namhsa.org/showsbyregion.htm for further information and contact info. Also, if you have not done so, please don't forget to sign up for the Region 8 Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/groups/298022553628867/ My term as a rep officially expires at NAN, and Jenna Murphy will be your new representative for the next two years. I know she will do a fantastic job! Thank you for letting me serve you - it has been my pleasure to be your representative. Thanks again! Chris Wallbruch wombats@earthlink.net R9 No report given. R10 No report given. R11 No report given. BOARD MEMBERS FOR THE PERIOD -------------------------------------------------- President: Carra McClelland/Tom Dean Vice President: Tom Dean/Teresa Buzzell Treasurer: Carmen Robertson Recording Secretary: Jackie Arns-Rossi Region 1 Representative: Stacy Quick Region 2 Representative: Kathy Williams Region 3 Representative: Pauline Entin Region 4 Representative: Natalie Kilpatrick/Lindsay Diamond Region 5 Representative: Lynn Weber Region 6 Representative: Jackie Moore Region 7 Representative: Annette Dean Region 8 Representative: Chris Wallbruch/Jenna Murphy Region 9 Representative: Niki Hertzog Region 10 Representative: Kate Cabot/Sharon Mossy Region 11 Representative: Sandra Gibson Individual Membership Secretary: Danielle Miller Show Secretary: Amy Peck Member Show Results Processor: Amy Peck Public Relations: Natalie Kilpatrick Webmaster: Lynn Weber Parliamentarian: Eleanor Harvey Merit Awards Coordinator: Beth Lamm 2013 NAN Chair: Niki Hertzog 2013 Member Show of the Year Chairperson: Chris Wallbruch Judge's Handbook Committee: Carra McClelland | |
Last updated on November 26, 2014 |