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NAMHSA - July 1-15, 2011 News
NAMHSA News for the period of July 1-15, 2011 based on the minutes recorded by Bobbi Devine, NAMHSA Recording Secretary. JULY 1 --Bobbi Devine (Recording Secretary) submitted the June 16-30, 2011 minutes report. This was approved with one change by Teresa Buzzell (Vice President) on July 3. --Discussion continued regarding NAN 2013. --Teresa Buzzell requested that Pauline Entin (Region 3 Representative/Public Relations) publicly post the final NAN 2011 raffle figures. JULY 2 --Eleanor Harvey (Parliamentarian) made a suggestion regarding the discussion of future independent NAN's that it might be time to consider downsizing the show hall size requirement based on the entrant figures from the last three independent NAN's. She also mentioned pros and cons of requiring a Chair and Registrar to be named as part of the requirement for any bid. JULY 3 --Teresa Buzzell mentioned she had received one application for the Public Relations Officer position. She requested that the solicitation post be repeated up to the application deadline. --Eleanor Harvey reminded the Board that Board discussions are not to be forwarded to any other lists, nor are any parts of actual discussions to be cut and pasted into emails sent to others. --Lyn Norbury (Region 5 Representative) suggested that polls be set up on each Regional list and the NAMHSA-Discussion list for the purpose of asking the membership to informally vote on the location of NAN 2013. It was noted that polls are already running in R4 and R6. R8 had a poll a month or so ago. Other lists had been queried without a poll per se. JULY 4 --Stacy Faraci (Region 7 Representative) brought a concern to the Board about a class at the Breyerfest Live show. This class includes both test run horse AND animal models. Since animals are not eligible for NAN cards, how would this class be handled should an Animal win first or second place? --Pauline Entin (Public Relations) posted a draft of the minutes from the Annual Meeting for review. JULY 5 --Eleanor Harvey posted that the Silke Brockmoeller (President) had requested that the current motion on the floor regarding NAN 2013 location be rescinded. The language should be revised to allow an option to have bids for NAN open to ANY region, including Region 7. --Kate Cabot (Region 10 Representative) revised the motion language as follows: (original motion) *"I would like to motion that we vote on where to hold the NAN in 2013, will it be KY or will it be by bid from other regions."* is revised to read: *"I would like to motion that we vote on where to hold the NAN in 2013, will it be held in Lexington, KY before BreyerFest 2013 or will it be by bid from ANY region?"* --Carra McClelland (Region 4 Representative) seconded the above, revised motion. --Silke Brockmoeller reminded the Board to conduct discussions professionally and congenially. JULY 5 --Gail Schuenemann (Show Secretary) responded to the Breyerfest Live Test class question. She had covered the fact that animals are not eligible for NAN cards with the show hostess. Gail said that she would send a reminder to the show hostess. --Teresa Buzzell posted a draft of the letter to be sent to NAMHSA's attorney regarding the NAN 2010 Aucton/Sweepstakes case for review. JULY 6 --Silke Brockmoeller requested that Bobbi Devine set up a poll for the purpose of determining whether NAN 2013 will be held in Lexington, KY or be open to bids from all regions. A poll was begun. --Eleanor Harvey notified the Board that the Breyerfest 2012 dates have been announced as July 20-22, 2012. She requested that Pauline Entin follow up with Heritage Hall to finalize NAMHSA's reservation for July 17-19, 2012. Pauline responded that she would email NAMHSA's contact at Heritage Hall, and requested that Silke Brockmoeller follow up via a phone call. JULY 9 --Gail Schuenemann posted the latest Newly Approved Shows listing: Region 1 Rose City Live 9/10/2011 Portland, OR Vicky Harms `Merica Homecoming Live Show & Potluck 9/3-4/2011 Milwaukie, OR (Portland) Tracy Eilers & Erin Corbett Region 2 K.I.S.S. Performance Challenge 8/6/2011 Porterville, CA Jan Manning 2011 Keep It Super Simple (K.I.S.S.) Performance Series – Show #2 8/28/2011 Stockton, CA Victoria Zanutto Delta Stampede 8/28/2011 Stockton, CA Cindy Ruth Region 3 Red Devil Live OF Stone, OF China/Resin, plus Custom Glaze Classes 9/3/2011 Golden, CO Teresa Fedak Region 4 Dream Acres Live Model Show 11/12/2011 Parkersburg, IA Letrisha Wise Region 5 Spookie Okie Live 10/1/2011 Oklahoma City, OK Jacklyn Catena Mid Ark Model Horse Expo 11/19/2011 Greenbrier, AR Tracy Rogalla Region 6 Hollow Horse Live 8/27/2011 Valerie Rice Region 7 No shows to report Region 8 UP Equifest 9/25/2011 Escanaba, MI Adonica Badura Region 9 A Foal Benefit for MAR 8/21/2011 Oxford, PA Marcella Peyre-Ferry Muncy Mini Model Horse Show 8-27-11 Muncy, PA Vicky Bartlow Region 10 Baystate Halter Live 8/20/2011 Spencer, MA Anne Field New England Performance Challenge 10/15/2011 Spencer, MA Nancy Timm Region 11 Chinook Winds Live 8/13-14/2011 Chestermere, Alberta, Canada Rosemarie Greening --Gail Shuenemann (interim Merit Award Coordinator) posted the newest Merit Award winners. --Teresa Buzzell uploaded the final copy of the letter sent to NAMHSA's attorney in response to the letter from Lauren Wood's attorney. The letter was sent July 7th. JULY 10 The poll to determine if NAN 2013 should be held in Lexington, KY, or should be open to bids from ALL regions closed. The option of opening the location to bids from all regions prevailed by a 6-5 margin. Voting to hold NAN 2013 in Lexington, KY: -Tracy Eilers (R1) -Jackie Moore (R6) -Stacy Faraci (R7) -Pat Coulter (R9) -Kate Cabot (R10) Voting to open to bids from all regions: -Tom Dean (R2) -Pauline Entin (R3) -Carra McClelland (R4) -Lyn Norbury (R5) -Marilou Mol (R8) -Terri Wright (R11) Abstain: -Teresa Buzzell (VP) --Gail Schuenemann relayed to the Board that the Marriot in Tuscon (NAN 2011 show location) had been trying to get in touch with NAMHSA. Carmen Robertson (Treasurer) said that she had replied, but has had no response as of yet. *REGIONAL REPORTS* Region 1 (Tracy Eilers) June had one show this month, held by first-time show hostess Amy Widman. It was a small show held at her lovely home in Seattle, WA and was packed with entrants. It was great to see folks there and have some good conversation with pretty ponies! Coming up, we have one show in July in Kent, WA held by Amy Peck at her wonderful home. Those Amys are go-getters this summer! Safe travels and have a blast for those attending BreyerFest in Lexington! ****** Region 2 (Tom Dean) June saw 1 show in the region, Napa Valley Mustang Days Model Horse Show, held in Napa, and hosted by Robin Kent. Was unable to attend, as we attended NAN in Tucson, but from all reports the show was so well received that there may be a fall version as well. For those who were able to make it to Tucson, NAN was a memorable and enjoyable event. July is an off month, but we will be back in gear with multiple shows starting in August. ****** Region 3 (Pauline Entin) Hello all. Thanks for letting me serve as representative for Region 3. June was NAN-centric for Region 3. Folks began to arrive in Tucson on Wednesday, June 15th. It was HOT in that land of saguaro cactus! On the plus side, the host hotel, the Marriott Starr Pass was really posh, with a gorgeous pool and grounds. Teresa Candelaria, Jim West, Teresa Buzzell and others spent much of Thursday preparing in the showhall and handing out show packets. Unfortunately for me, I went to a bar and ended up sick on tequila (incident of infamy). NAN ran smoothly and enjoyably Friday through Sunday. We finished up at reasonable hours each day. Congratulations to all the winners, and thanks to the many, many people who volunteered their time and expertise to help run the show. Congratulations also to Teresa Candelaria for the Member Show of the Year award for the 20th renewal of Arizona Live. Way to go out with flare! Upcoming shows include Horses n' Hangers Live in Colorado on July 23rd, and Red Devil Live OF Plastic edition in Colorado on August 6th (see NAMHSA website for more details). The Tucson Outlaws crew are tentatively planning a show for November, back in Tucson. It will be a lot cooler then! ****** Region 4 (Carra McClelland) June saw no shows in Region 4, but July bring is Rough Riders Live in Fargo, ND on the 30-31! I know many of us are going to Breyerfest, and if you are showing at BF Live - I wish you much success! Upcoming Events: November 12, 2011: Dream Acres Live Model Show in Parkersburg, IA. Contact: Letrisha Wise. ****** Region 5 (Lyn Norbury) No Shows in our region for June since Lori's last post. - The NAN 2011 in AZ was great, and well represented by our region. Congrats to all those who made it out there and to all those winners! The end of July will bring Indian Nations Live, and although not a NAN qualifying show this year, is always fun to go to. ****** Region 6 (Jackie Moore) Hello All! There were no shows in Region 6 in June. I hope that everyone that made the trek to NAN had a safe trip and a wonderful time! Thank you to everyone who has posted photos from the event, and thank you to all those involved in running the show. We appreciate all your hard work! Many folks in our region are busily making preparations to attend Breyerfest this month. We are also very excited about a brand new show in our region - Hollow Horse Live - to be held August 27 in Cumming, GA. ****** Region 7 (Stacy Faraci) June in Region 7 brought showers to Knoxville, TN for 2011's installment of The Big Orange Bash. 2011 was BOB's largest yet with 42 entrants and thousands of horses! The day was full of friendly competition, good food and a raffle to die for! Huge thanks go out to Carol Tuft and "Assistants" Jennifer and Arnold Pomerance as well as all the judges that helped make BOB a wonderful day! We're also gearing up for Breyerfest and Equilocity here in Region 7 as well as Breakables which are all right around the corner! Our heartfelt thanks go out to Heather Jackson-Lain for her amazing work as our Region 7 Rep! Thank you for all of your hard work for our region! I want to thank you all so very much for letting me serve as your Region 7 rep. I am always an email or phone call away, so please don't hesitate to reach out if you need anything and I hope to meet many of you at Breyerfest! Word has it there's a few new shows coming up in the fall including Rebecca Jann's BOMB on September 24th in Nicholasville, KY. So mark your calendars and don't miss it! ****** Region 8 (Marilou Mol) Hi, all! June was a pretty quiet month in region 8, if you didn't count heat, rain and storms! Breyerfest is coming in July, and then in August, things get going again with two shows in Illinois! ****** Region 9 (Pat Coulter) No shows to report in Region 9 for June. Wishing everyone a safe trip to KY, hope to see many familiar faces when I get there! ****** Region 10 (Kate Cabot) No Report ****** Region 11 (Terri Wright) June was a quiet one for shows in Region 11 (Canada). However it did not mean that we didn't have our hobby time. We watched and speculated about NAN 2011 and wished our hobby friends good luck. June also saw the end of Sandra's successful lead as representative. We hope future reps can follow in her foot steps as easily. The summer should be exciting on the show front, with two of the regions biggest summer shows coming up quickly; Lethbridge Live in July, and Chinook Winds in Calgary mid-August. Good luck! ****** Posted by Pauline Entin, NAMHSA PR 8/6/2011 | |
Last updated on August 6, 2011 |