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NAMHSA - June 16-30, 2013 News
NAMHSA News for the period of June 16-30, 2013 based on the minutes recorded by Jackie Arns-Rossi, NAMHSA Recording Secretary. JUNE 16 -------------------------------------------------- Jackie Arns-Rossi advised the minutes were coming later in the day and asked for Regional Reports. JUNE 17 -------------------------------------------------- Jackie Arns-Rossi posted the June 1-15 minutes for approval, which were later approved by Teresa Buzzell on June 19. Pat Coulter posted an update on the raffle. She was unable to get a permit in time, but felt a silent auction could still be held (cried auctions require a licensed auctioneer in Pennsylvania) or items could be sold elsewhere or be held and sold at a later time. The silent auction could accept PayPal and Credit Cards. A list of auction items and their donators can be found at the bottom of the news. A customized model from Beth Hoffert had gotten sticky during finishing and had to be pulled from the auction. Pat noted that it had been difficult to get people to respond to requests for donations. Questions arose concerning locations judges were prohibited from attending between classes. Pauline Entin was concerned that it may discourage future judges if they were unable to watch the show. Kathy Williams and Lyn Norbury shared in her objection, while Pat Coulter and Jackie Arns-Rossi felt the change was necessary to prevent judges from interacting with exhibitors during the show and making judges immediately accessible when it was their time to judge. Stacy Faraci reported that it had been requested by many of the 2012 NAN entrants that there be an increase of judge segregation. Concern was expressed that the original show hall listed in the Harrisburg bid did not meet the minimum requirements. According to the bid information it did. JUNE 18 -------------------------------------------------- NAN being streamed via Ustream was brought up by Jackie Arns-Rossi. Natalie Kilpatrick advised the board that Jim West would be streaming, but requested that NAMHSA setup their own Ustream account for archival purposes rather than using Jim's personal account again this year. Teresa Buzzell authorized Lynn Weber to setup a NAMHSA Ustream account and forwarded Jim the login and password. Niki Hertzog would be uploading photos during NAN this year since Lynn Weber would not be available to make it. Teresa Buzzell wanted to ensure that high resolution photos were saved for future use on Cafe Press items such as the calendar. Danielle Miller requested time during the Annual Meeting to announce the winners of the Individual Membership Cafe Press gift certificates. Teresa Buzzell approved. Amy Peck posted the list of newly approved shows to the list. Kathy Williams advised that she would begin traveling to Harrisburg the next day and would not have internet access. JUNE 19 -------------------------------------------------- The NAMHSA Show Results email account had been compromised and was sending unauthorized emails to recipients on Yahoo! and Gmail. Amy would soon change the password for the account. Discussion regarding the judges' bullpen resurfaced. Eleanor Harvey stated that the bullpen's location decided by the NAN Chair, not the BOD, but that the BOD could make recommendations. Lyn Norbury, Pauline Entin and Kathy Williams were persistent in their objection requiring that the bullpen be within the actual show hall and not outside of it, which was highly irregular. Eleanor responded by noting that NAMHSA was not to micromanage the NAN Show Committee and to let them continue to control the situation and that they didn't need approval from the BOD for many of their decisions. The next day Carra would inform the BOD that there was to be no further discussion of this issue. JUNE 20 -------------------------------------------------- Natalie Kilpatrick advised that the NAMHSA Ustream account was not listed and requested the URL for a PR post she was drafting. Lynn Weber replied with the URL. Shortly thereafter Jim West began streaming the NAN Packet Pickup on the Ustream account. Carra McClelland proposed custom lanyards for NAN entrants' use and reuse, but was ultimately rejected due to the risk of damaging show models. Carra McClelland also received an application for reciprocity and asked for volunteers to review it. Lyn Norbury asked if show holders are allowed to put a cap on model entries at show. Carra McClelland, Tom Dean, Amy Peck and Lynn Weber confirmed that this was not a violation of NAMHSA's bylaws as many shows capped the model entries, most notably BreyerFest Live. JUNE 21 -------------------------------------------------- NAN 2013 began. Lynn Weber updated the NAMHSA website with new representatives and requested contact information from them. Teresa Buzzell advised that Terri Wright had agreed to continue to serve as the Region 11 Rep since there were no candidates and the region was risking being unrepresented. Lynn Weber was working on getting NAN Champ and Reserve photos uploaded to the website, but later reported experiencing issues with uploading the Performance classes. Danielle Miller confirmed later that evening that the issue had been resolved. JUNE 22 -------------------------------------------------- NAN 2013 continued. Natalie Kilpatrick advised that she would be out of town Saturday and Sunday with little/no internet access. JUNE 23 -------------------------------------------------- NAN 2013 concluded. Lynn Weber reported that all of the NAN photos were up and that only one horse was missing. JUNE 24 -------------------------------------------------- Jackie Arns-Rossi forwarded an email with a spelling correction for a finish artist of one of the NAN Champions. Corrections were made. Natalie Kilpatrick asked for the names of the winners of the MSOTY so that she could announce it. Lynn Weber posted the results (found below). Carra McClelland removed all of the outgoing BOD members and made Tom Dean a moderator on BOD and gave him his VP login information. She also took the new members off moderation. Lynn Weber advised she would be getting new contact information up on the website. Danielle Miller posted that she would like to get the logistics of the new IM Benefits straightened out and wanted to refer to this program as the Individual Member Rewards going forward. Carra McClelland received another reciprocity application and needed three members of the BOD to review it with her. Stacy Quick and Lynn Weber volunteered. Tom Dean requested that the future committees be made up of the VP plus two members. Carra the forwarded the application as well as all email she had with the applicant onto him. JUNE 25 -------------------------------------------------- Chris Wallbruch updated the BOD that Niki had contacted her and would be making and mailing the 2013 MSOTY plaque for Julia. She had also received a nomination for the 2014 MSOTY already and uploaded it to the BOD's YG files. All of the 2013 voters had been removed from the YG and the listserv remained only her. Chris also requested monthly advertising for MSOTY which Natalie agreed to setup on her calendar. Jackie Arns-Rossi received an email from an artist who had been credited with the finishwork of a NAN Champion, but claims that she did not do the finishwork. She offered up the name of the alleged artist for clarification. While investigating it was determined that the incorrect sculptor was listed, as well. When it was discovered that the photo was used as a reserve in another breed class Niki Hertzog offered to contact the entrant for clarification. JUNE 26 -------------------------------------------------- Danielle Miller posted questions to stimulate discussion of the new Individual Member Rewards including award amounts, expiration dates, redemption, etc. JUNE 27 -------------------------------------------------- Teresa Buzzell forwarded a post listing the winners of the 2013 MSOTY. (Listed below) JUNE 28 -------------------------------------------------- Danielle Miller continued discussions regarding the Individual Member Rewards, including how winners would be selected and making them non-transferable. From this point on they would be called Reward Certificates, not Gift Certificates. JUNE 29 -------------------------------------------------- No news to report. JUNE 30 -------------------------------------------------- Jackie Arns-Rossi forwarded a pair of requests from Robin Briscoe asking for an updated version of the "What is NAMHSA?" flyer for the Breyerfest Hobby information Booth. Lynn Weber emailed Teresa Buzzell to update the flyer. Tom Dean moved to formalize the Individual Member Rewards as follows: Cafe Press - $25 Reward Certificate, Non-Transferable (x2) Member Show Reimbursement - $50 of entry fees reimbursed upon confirmation from the show holder of fees paid with a 2 year expiration date, Non-Transferable. NAN Award Reimbursement - $100 of NAN entry fees reimbursed for current NAN year or deducted/reimbursed for a future NAN with a 2 year expiration date, Non-Transferable. Carra McClelland seconded the motion and discussions began. Some were in favor of making the NAN Entry Reimbursement good for 3-4 years instead of 2. There was also discussion of the exact implementation of the drawings. Danielle Miller added that she waited until 2 days prior to NAN to draw names for the certificate since most people join during NAN registration. Pauline Entin congratulated key staff members of NAN for a job well done. She was pleased to have had the judge's area brought into the show hall and liked the projected whiteboard. she noted that she missed the Top Ten tables for halter winners as well as some issues with horses landing in correct classes (particularly china classes). She also requested formalization of the policy on non-judge volunteers being able to show on the day they were volunteering. Discussions began regarding Top Ten tables and several members (Kate Cabot, Carra McClelland, Jackie Arns-Rossi and Tom Dean) agreed that it slowed down the show and was not missed by them. Kathy Williams also thought the show had been run well, but felt ring stewards needed more training and that they should have the authority to tell show management when models were placed in the wrong class. MSOTY WINNERS -------------------------------------------------- Winner - Carolina Gold Classic held by Julie Harmon Runner Up - GPMHS Go Big Or Go Home Benefit Show held by Kelly Weimer 2nd Runner Up - Over the Hump Live held by Donna Anderson NAN 2013 AUCTION ITEMS -------------------------------------------------- Roundabout - Donated by Jackie Moore Traditional Size Sidesaddle - Donated by Pat Coulter Breyer Ringmaster - Donated by Beth Dickinson Breyer Toby the Vaulting Horse - Donated by Beth Dickinson Breyer Black Angus Bull - Donated by Beth Dickinson Complete Book of the Horse - Donated by Beth Dickinson FINANCIAL SUMMARY -------------------------------------------------- Total Income: 26345.08 Total Expenses: -4301.51 Balance in BOA checking as of 05/31/2013: 81469.59 Balance in PayPal as of 05/31/2013: 327.27 Balance in NAMHSA accounts as of 05/31/2013: 81796.86 MERIT AWARD WINNERS -------------------------------------------------- No report. BOARD MEMBERS FOR THE PERIOD -------------------------------------------------- President: Carra McClelland Vice President: Tom Dean Treasurer: Carmen Robertson Recording Secretary: Jackie Arns-Rossi Region 1 Representative: Stacy Quick Region 2 Representative: Kathy Williams Region 3 Representative: Pauline Entin Region 4 Representative: Natalie Kilpatrick Region 5 Representative: Lyn Norbury Region 6 Representative: Jackie Moore Region 7 Representative: Unrepresented (Stacy Faraci, Interim) Region 8 Representative: Chris Wallbruch Region 9 Representative: Niki Hertzog Region 10 Representative: Kate Cabot Region 11 Representative: Unrepresented (Terri Wright, Interim) Individual Membership Secretary: Danielle Miller Show Secretary: Amy Peck Member Show Results Processor: Amy Peck Public Relations: Natalie Kilpatrick Webmaster: Lynn Weber Parliamentarian: Eleanor Harvey Merit Awards Coordinator: Beth Lamm 2013 NAN Chair: Niki Hertzog 2013 Member Show of the Year Chairperson: Chris Wallbruch Judge's Handbook Committee: Carra McClelland Thank you, Natalie Kilpatrick NAMHSA Public Relations Posted by Natalie Kilpatrick, NAMHSA PR 11/8/2013 | |
Last updated on July 25, 2012 |