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NAMHSA - June 1-30, 2014 News
NAMHSA News for the period of June 1-30, 2014 based on the minutes compiled by Jackie Arns-Rossi, Recording Secretary. NAMHSA NEWS FOR JUNE, 2014 JUNE 3 -------------------------------------------------- Jackie Arns-Rossi posted the results of the Region 5 Rep election with 50 possible votes, 70% turnout. Lynn Weber was elected the new representative. Lynn Weber posted a proposal from a Region 5 member regarding ownership transfers in the database. Carra McClelland posted the June Agenda. Ongoing NAN Prep Message Board Agenda One Person, One Vote Database Code of Conduct Carra reported that the poll to accept the NAN class list had not closed. After some investigating, she discovered that the poll had been set to never close. She closed the poll, which caused it to delete all votes, but not before recording that 9 Board members had voted to accept the new class list. Jackie added that although she was in favor of migrating the BOD to a message board, polling there had been difficult, as well. She suggested that each Board member have an account that could be passed on as the position changes hands. Kathy Williams requested a clarification and asked if the motion to move to the message board was just for the BOD or all of the Yahoo! Groups. Natalie Kilpatrick moved to accept the forum at NAMHSA.org and modify it as necessary, Jackie Arns-Rossi seconded the motion. Jackie Moore proposed suggestions for the database. Chris Wallbruch reported that Yashka Hallein was ordering the MSOTY plaque. JUNE 4 -------------------------------------------------- Discussions on the new forum continued. Jackie Moore and Kathy Williams stated that they, and their regions, were more comfortable with Yahoo! Groups. JUNE 9 -------------------------------------------------- Kate Cabot and Jackie Arns-Rossi forwarded an email from Robin Briscoe asking for an updated handout about NAMHSA for the Hobby Information Booth at Breyerfest. JUNE 14 -------------------------------------------------- Amy Peck forwarded an email to the Board inquiring about a show series hosted by different people. She mentioned that there were no Bylaws or policies for this unique situation. The Board came to the consensus that if this were an incorporated entity or similar that the person collecting the money may show as long as they are not involved with other aspects of the show (hiring judges, etc.). JUNE 16 -------------------------------------------------- Carra McClelland began discussing the NAMHSA Annual Meeting. She suggested that it be held at noon on July 9th and confirmed that the meeting would be streamed on Ustream for those of us at home. Tom Dean had some questions about the forum, specifically relating to being able to view poll results by individual, moderation of the board, file areas and an archiving process. Lynn Weber replied noting that while the mod for polling wasn’t working correctly, everything else was within the administrators’ control. JUNE 18 -------------------------------------------------- Jackie Arns-Rossi suggested a workaround for the polling issue, stating that she could have members privately message the Recording Secretary with their motion, the motion posted for the Board to read, and then votes submitted to the Recording Secretary via PM. The major difference being that members would not be able to see the voting as it was happening, but only once voting was done. Lynn Weber suggested starting a new topic and calling for votes there, pinning it to the top of the forum as a sticky. JUNE 19 -------------------------------------------------- Natalie Kilpatrick noted that the discussion period for the forum as set by Carra McClelland had ended two days earlier. Carra suggested keeping the window open for another week. Jackie-Arns Rossi suggested moving all discussions to the forum to allow the Board to see how it would work. Carra agreed and requested that all members of the Board who had not done so to sign up and begin using the board. Kathy Williams expressed concerns over testing the new forum just prior to NAN and Breyerfest, while others did not share this concern. Lynn Weber notified the Board that the “What is NAMHSA?” flyer had been updated and could be found on the web site. She asked for either Kate Cabot or Jackie Arns-Rossi to forward it onto Robin Brisco, which Jackie did later that day. Jackie Arns-Rossi posted to the forum that she had created a personal account as well as an official NAMHSA account, “Recording Secretary,” using the Recording Secretary’s email address. She recommended that the Board consider requiring a formally titled account for each position and allowing only those accounts access to the Board of Directors Forum that this would minimize any chance of a personal account being accidentally left with forum access after their term was up. Jackie Moore agreed with this approach. JUNE 20 -------------------------------------------------- Carra McClelland advised that any weekend in June was available for NAN 2015 and recommended the first or second weekend to avoid the heat. Kathy Williams recommended avoiding Father’s Day weekend and Eleanor Harvey expressed concerns over the academic calendar, as some schools ended their school year in mid-June. Eleanor reported that Breyerfest would be occurring the weekend of July 18th, 1 week later than in 2014. She noted that no matter what time in June the weather would always be hot in the high desert and urged the Board to approve the weekend after Father’s Day. Pauline Entin and Lynn Weber agreed. JUNE 21 -------------------------------------------------- Jackie Moore began discussing One Person, One Vote stating mixed emotions on the topic. If someone were to put time and effort into hosting a show, they should get a vote, but also felt that any one person should not be able to sway the votes in a single region. Jackie Moore also expressed concerns with the security of the forum. She explained that she was doing an image search where she had come across subforums that allowed her Read-Only access. She was concerned that having the BOD Forum linked with the public forum would allow for unauthorized access to the Board’s forum. Jackie Arns-Rossi explained that each forum and subforum had individualized sets of permissions that could allow anyone to read but not write, and that the BOD Forum could be restricted further allowing only certain members Read-Write Access. JUNE 22 -------------------------------------------------- Lynn Weber suggested allowing one vote per membership, one for a show holder and one for an individual membership, allowing a maximum of two per person. Jackie Moore and Jackie Arns-Rossi liked this idea. JUNE 24 -------------------------------------------------- The Board came to a general consensus that the weekend of June 26-28, 2015 would work best for NAN. JUNE 26 -------------------------------------------------- Jackie Moore asked if the file section had been figured out for the forum. Jackie Arns-Rossi replied that she had successfully posted an HTML file as an attachment, but that there was no “files area.” She also noted that the only file type she could upload was HTML, not a PDF as she had been uploading on Yahoo! Groups. She suggested numerous workarounds for the issue, to which Lynn Weber replied that she would look into the file type problem. Chris Wallbruch agreed with the 2 votes, max, per person. JUNE 27 -------------------------------------------------- Carra McClelland called for a poll to choose the 2015 NAN Date. JUNE 28 -------------------------------------------------- Tom Dean started a poll to approve June 26-28, 2015 as the 2015 NAN Date. JUNE 29 -------------------------------------------------- Stacy Quick, Kate Cabot and Sandra Gibson all posted in favor of discontinuing multiple votes for show holders with multiple shows. REGIONAL REPORTS -------------------------------------------------- REGION 1 ------------------------- No report. REGION 2 ------------------------- Recent Shows: On May 17, 2014, Sharon Massouris hosted her mini show First Show of the New Season (FSOTNS) in Anaheim, CA. This was an all mini competition. As they always do, Sharon and Phil made the day so much fun. Weather was wonderful, food was delicious and the company was a blast. We all took a break to cheer California Chrome romp home in the Preakness. Sharon pledges she’s ready for a repeat next year! Upcoming Shows: A weekend of showing is being planned for August 9-10, 2014 in Galt, CA. Saturday will be Heather Visser’s No Frills Mini Show (all halter). http://theachyacresminispringfling.weebly.com/ Two performance shows are being planned for the following day (Sunday, August 10, 2014) at the same location. An OF performance show called Saddle Up! will be held in the morning: http://horsyme.com/SaddleUp2014 And a CM performance show, Big Valley, will be held in the afternoon http://bigvalleyperformanceshow.weebly.com/ October 4, 2014, we will see Suzie Francis’ Sleepy Hollow show in LaVerne, CA. https://sites.google.com/site/sleepyhollowlive/home November 16, 2014 is tentatively scheduled for Mary Reardon’s Wild Horse Running Show in Simi Valley, CA. December 6, 2014, is reserved for Jane Morehouse’s WACCO show in San Martin. Lots of fun coming up in Region 2! REGION 3 ------------------------- Happy summer everyone! After a midsummer hiatus (no shows in June or July), the show season will resume in Region 3 on August 2. In Tucson, Arizona, we'll have High Noon Open Performance and in Golden, Colorado, we'll have Red Devil Live OF Plastic. The next show in the region will be Red Devil Live OF China/Resin, CG, and OF Stone in Golden, Colorado on August 16. Teresa Candelaria has announced she will run her "One Woman Show Series" again this year, starting on Sept 7 in Phoenix, Arizona. There will likely be five shows in the series OF Breyer, OF Stone, CM, AR, and China. The order of the shows hasn't been determined yet. Best of luck to everyone heading East for NAN this year! REGION 4 ------------------------- No report. REGION 5 ------------------------- The new show year started out quietly with just one show, Mid Kansas All OF Halter Show in Rose Hill, KS, hosted by Amy Jones. I asked Gay Mahlandt for a show report since she attended. Gay says they had 12 showers, their biggest show yet. It was double judged and had wonderful raffle items including a Phoenix resin donated by Gay and painted by Cassie Black. They even had a new girl show up and she had a blast and plans to come back to all their events. The Overall Halter winner with both judges was a PS ISH into a great Appaloosa (Night Fury owned by Ruth Dimmitt) and she went home with two brand new Breyer Traditional horses. The Reserve Champions both got a brand new Classic Horse. June brings us The BYO hosted by Sue Stewart in Sanger, TX on June 14, and Indian Nations Live hosted by Cassie Hayes in Dewey, OK, on June 21. Both shows have been around many, many years and showers always look forward to attending them. That is it on the calendar for the year so far, but Lemmonade Live, Lone Star Live, and Silver Spur are in the planning stages for some fall shows and there are some other favorites that will be returning, I hope! REGION 6 ------------------------- There were two shows in Region 6 in May. MITS (Models In The Sunshine) was held May 17 and 18 in Lady Lake, Florida, with a setup and Swap Meet on May 16. The hall was full of top quality models and performance entries shown by longtime hobbyists and first time showers alike. The Novice Performance division had quite a few entries and there were some talented young tack makers in attendance. The icing on the cake was when Gentle Carousel Miniature Therapy Horses brought Hamlet by on Saturday during lunch for a visit. Hamlet will be attending Breyerfest in July, along with his stablemate Magic. Attendants were able to meet and have their picture taken with Hamlet as well as listen to stories about all of the wonderful work these therapy horses do and the training they go through. Gentle Carousel is an all volunteer nonprofit charity check them out here and help support their work: www.HorseTherapy. org www.facebook.com/TherapyHorses Also on May 17 was the Hollow Horse All Mini Mini Show in Cumming, GA. By all accounts, the show was well attended and well run as all of the Hollow Horse model shows are. There are no shows scheduled in the region for June or July as many of us are saving up and preparing for the trip to Kentucky in July for NAN/Breakables/Equilocity/Breyerfest. REGION 7 ------------------------- May is over and we did not have any shows to report for our region. However the summer is really heating up with lots of shows to go to. Upcoming shows are: June 7: Big Orange Bash in Knoxville, TN hosted by Carol Tuft July 10th – Breakables Live in Lexington, KY hosted by Heather Malone/Jackie Arns-Rossi/Stacy Faraci July 11th – Breyerfest Open Show hosted my Michelle Masters July 12th – Equilocity Show hosted by Amy Showalter (And on July 12th – The Breyer Children and Youth Show) REGION 8 ------------------------- Happy summer! I'm looking forward to seeing all of you at NAN next month and competing once again against your amazing horses, LOL! We had two great shows in Region 8 in May. First up was the May 3rd Stone Horses County Fair, held as always in Shipshewana, Indiana. If you have never visited this town or the Stone factory, put it on your 'must see' list it's a really neat place to visit! I was unable to attend, but I heard the show was very well attended and provided great competition. The second show was another installment of the Michigan Models and Milkshakes show on May 31st. I am so pleased that a show series has begun in the shower heavy state of Michigan it looks like the attendees have met these with great enthusiasm! Upcoming Region 8 shows... August 2 (rescheduled date, cards printed with original date of July 26), 2014: Michigan Model Series All Performance in Waterford, MI. Contact: Melissa Hart. August 16, 2014: Festival of the Horse and Drum GiddyUp Model Horse Show in St. Charles, IL. Contact: Molly Benstein. August 23, 2014: GLC NoFrills Show in Huntley, IL. Contact: Jamie Rott (GLC Inc). REGION 9 ------------------------- No report. REGION 10 ------------------------- No report. REGION 11 ------------------------- No report. FINANCIAL REPORT -------------------------------------------------- MAY Balance in BOA checking as of 5/31/2014: $85,711.32 Balance in PayPal as of 5/31/2014: $57.66 Balance in NAMHSA accounts as of 5/31/2014: $85,768.98 BOARD MEMBERS FOR THE PERIOD -------------------------------------------------- President: Carra McClelland Vice President: Tom Dean Treasurer: Carmen Robertson Recording Secretary: Jackie Arns-Rossi Region 1 Representative: Stacy Quick Region 2 Representative: Kathy Williams Region 3 Representative: Pauline Entin Region 4 Representative: Natalie Kilpatrick Region 5 Representative: Lynn Weber Region 6 Representative: Jackie Moore Region 7 Representative: Annette Dean Region 8 Representative: Chris Wallbruch Region 9 Representative: Niki Hertzog Region 10 Representative: Kate Cabot Region 11 Representative: Sandra Gibson Individual Membership Secretary: Danielle Miller Show Secretary: Amy Peck Member Show Results Processor: Amy Peck Public Relations: Natalie Kilpatrick Webmaster: Lynn Weber Parliamentarian: Eleanor Harvey Merit Awards Coordinator: Dayle Steinke 2014 NAN Chair: Yashka Hallein 2014 Member Show of the Year Chairperson: Chris Wallbruch Judge's Handbook Committee: Carra McClelland Posted 8/20/2014 by Natalie Kilpatrick, NAMHSA PR | |
Last updated on September 15, 2014 |