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NAMHSA - June 1-15, 2013 News
NAMHSA News for the period of June 1-15, 2013 based on the minutes recorded by Jackie Arns-Rossi, NAMHSA Recording Secretary. JUNE 1 -------------------------------------------------- Jackie Arns-Rossi requested approval for the May 16-31 minutes which were approved by Teresa Buzzell on June 4th. Teresa Buzzell uploaded the NAN Final Classlist for the BOD's review. Carmen Robertson uploaded the April 2013 Treasurer report to the files section. Carra McClelland advised that she was having equipment issues at home and her internet access would be limited. Chris Wallbruch asked Natalie Kilpatrick to send out a post asking for MSOTY submissions. Natalie replied that it had been sent. Theresa Buzzell advised that Niki Hertzog may be able to help with getting a plaque for the winner at NAN. JUNE 2 -------------------------------------------------- Amy Peck ask to change the wording on the show membership application to default to email ballots unless a member specifically requested a paper ballot. Teresa Buzzell approved this on June 4. JUNE 3 -------------------------------------------------- Teresa Buzzell advised that she had several things going on at home and knew there was much to do. She asked the BOD to continue discussing the Merit Award proposal in the mean time. JUNE 4 -------------------------------------------------- Teresa Buzzell asked Pat Coulter for an update on the NAN Raffle. She noted that this was the third time she'd asked for an update. Teresa Buzzell approved the NAMHSA News for April 1-15, 2013. Teresa Buzzell posted a list of final tagging committee members which comprised of 7 non-BOD members and 4 BOD members. Natalie Kilpatrick sent out an announcement thanking all of the applicants and interested parties. She asked Eleanor Harvey if a public post needed to go out announcing the members and noted a chair for the committee was still needed. Teresa Buzzell asked Natalie Kilpatrick to post a draft advertising the Merit Award Drive at NAN. Teresa Buzzell asked the BOD to comment on the final NAN classlist. She also posted comments from Niki Hertzog explaining her rationale behind splitting classes. JUNE 5 -------------------------------------------------- Tom Dean asked if the Region 7 ballot had gone out. Jackie Arns-Rossi responded that it had not as she was still waiting on approval. At that time, Teresa Buzzell approved it and asked Jackie to send it out. Teresa Buzzell asked the BOD to decide on a day/time for the NAMHSA annual meeting. JUNE 6 -------------------------------------------------- Natalie Kilpatrick reported that the Region 5 Yahoo! Group needed moderation, as spam was getting through. Lyn Norbury advised that she would get the list owner, Daralyn Wallace, on it. In addition to the email forwarded from Niki Hertzog on June 4, Carra McClelland forwarded another email from Niki focusing on the CM/AR Other English Performance classlist with reasons for splitting out Dressage. Niki confirmed the following day that the classes had been split. JUNE 7 -------------------------------------------------- Lynn Weber advised she would be out of town through Sunday. Teresa Buzzell advised that she had put some special NAN 2013 items in the NAMHSA Cafe Press Store. She asked Natalie Kilpatrick to send out a post advertising them. Natalie did so. JUNE 8 -------------------------------------------------- Teresa Buzzell uploaded a version of the NAN Final Classlist to the files section. She advised the BOD they did not need a formal vote, but needed opinions on it no later than Monday. Accept: Carra McClelland, Tracy Eilers, Natalie Kilpatrick, Jackie Moore, Stacy Faraci, Chris Wallbruch, Pat Coulter, Kate Cabot. Decline: Pauline Entin, Lyn Norbury Pauline Entin suggested rolling out the newer proposed Merit Award Levels in increments rather than all five at once. JUNE 9 -------------------------------------------------- Teresa Buzzell forwarded an email from Niki Hertzog responding to Pauline Entin and Lyn Norbury's questions. She also advised she would be informing Niki that the classlist had been accepted by the majority of the BOD. Teresa Buzzell advised that since there had not been discussion on it that the NAMHSA Annual Meeting would be at 12:30 on Saturday. Chris Wallbruch posted a list of shows nominated for MSOTY (found below). Teresa Buzzell asked Natalie Kilpatrick to draft a post announcing the nominees. JUNE 10 -------------------------------------------------- Teresa Buzzell forwarded an email from Region 5 Member concerning entrants at Region 5 shows being hand picked. No action from NAMHSA was necessary. Natalie Kilpatrick posted a draft of the MSOTY nominees. Chris Wallbruch reported that she had received emails from people saying that they had nominated shows but they weren't on the list. Specifically, Clinky Classic and Lonestar Live. Nominations for these shows were allowed to be resubmitted. The Clinky Classic nomination was eventually located in a spam filter and the re-nomination for Lone Star Live did not get submitted in time. JUNE 11 -------------------------------------------------- Chris Wallbruch asked if Natalie Kilpatrick could put out a final post listing all the MSOTY nominees and asked anyone with a missing nomination to contact her by Thursday night. Natalie responded that she would give until the following night before posting the updated list. Lynn Weber asked for the ballot wording from the fantasy vote. Natalie Kilpatrick posted a copy from the ballot. Teresa Buzzell advised that the newly elected members were now on the BOD Yahoo! Group (read-only). pat Coulter gave a quick update on the raffle. There would be no online tickets sold, as this was not legal in Pennsylvania. Credit cards could not be accepted for raffle ticket sales. JUNE 12 -------------------------------------------------- Lynn Weber advised she was updating the bylaws and policy documents to reflect recent changes regarding fantasy animals. Past version of the policy had also included medallions. Pauline Entin confirmed that medallions were still not eligible for NAN qualification. JUNE 13 -------------------------------------------------- Carmen Robertson uploaded April and May's treasurer's reports to the files section. JUNE 14 -------------------------------------------------- Beth Lamm asked if there had been a published start time for NAN announced. Eleanor Harvey advised that the NAN Chair typically sent out this information to reinforce what was in the NAN packet, as well as send out separate emails to volunteers and judges. Teresa Buzzell confirmed that the volunteer email had gone out. Kathy Williams reported that she had not received an email, yet. Chris Wallbruch advised that the preliminary voting on the MSOTY was underway, with final voting to end Wednesday. She planned to both call and email Teresa Buzzell with results so they could be announced at NAN. She also offered to serve as the MSOTY chair on a permanent basis and take applications throughout the year to avoid the issues that occurred this year. Teresa Buzzell was in favor of the idea and asked for opinions. Tom Dean suggested taking Chris up on the offer. JUNE 15 -------------------------------------------------- Kathy Williams reported that she had received the email from Niki Hertzog with NAN housekeeping information. MSOTY NOMINEES -------------------------------------------------- Carolina Gold Classic Delta Stampede GPMHS Go Big or Go Home Benefit Show Midwinter Night's Ball SouthCon Miami Valley Live Clinky Classic REGIONAL REPORTS -------------------------------------------------- REGION 1 ------------------------- No report. REGION 2 ------------------------- Recent Events: First Show of the New Season (FSOTNS) was held by Sharon Massouris at her home on May 18, 2013, in Anaheim, CA.- Preakness Day! This was a mini show. The weather was perfect, Sharon and Phil made sure that we all ate like kings and queens. It was a really wonderful weekend! Western States Fundraiser #1 was held by Lindsey Hall in San Martin, CA, on May 25th. This show was also a nice show with an easy pace. Everyone had lots of fun and the tables were packed with beautiful models. Heather Visser had two great shows in Galt, CA on June 8-9. Achy Acres Mini Spring Fling (mini show) on Saturday was a well attended show despite the extreme temperatures (108 degrees!). Big Valley Performance Show followed on Sunday where the weather cooled down nicely. Upcoming Shows: Three Ring Circus will be held on June 29, 2013, in San Martin, CA, by Marie Sobieski. Three Ring Circus is a unique blend of specialty divisions: Traditional-Sized Breyer, Factory Custom Stones, Original Finish Chinas, and Artist Resin/Custom Performance. This show is always a ton of fun! http://www.gcmhs.org/threeringcircus/ Delta Stampede! Will be held by Cindy Ruth on August 25, 2013, in Stockton, CA. http://deltastampede.weebly.com/ This is a BIG show with all the divisions that one could want! Cindy does a great job organizing such a huge event into a one day show. The show was approved by Sommer Prosser to receive a special model from Breyer from their new benefit program. ZUNI is coming! Calaveradas del Caballo will be held on October 19-20, 2013 at the Tangerine Room of the Embassy Suites in Valencia, CA. This show is hosted by: Sarah Whelehan & Vickie Carper. Space is limited to just 20 entrants a day! ZUNI will be here! http://cdcmodelhorseshow.weebly.com/ REGION 3 ------------------------- Hello Everyone, Welcome to summer. The weather is very pleasant right now in the high West - warm and dry. Unfortunately, pleasant weather also means high fire risk, and in fact there are some destructive fires burning now in Colorado and New Mexico. Think rain, everyone. Pent up demand for model horse shows was evident this May in Colorado, when the show season started May 25th with Heather Roell's Springamathing. It was a huge show, with several attendees in from outside Region 3. Competition in was absolutely intense by all accounts - some future NAN champions were on display for sure! A good time was had by all and a lovely factory custom ISH was the judges' reward for their tough decisions. For anyone interested, Jennifer Buxton has posted some wonderful photos from the show, featuring both people and models. The High Noon All Performance show in Tucson was just yesterday as of this writing. I look forward to reports from the show. We have a show hiatus through July, but we get going again in August with Red Devil Live All Halter All OF Plastic Breyer on August 3. Then on August 17 we have shows in three of the four corners of our big region - Red Devil Live OF China/Resin, CG China, and OF Stone in Colorado, CassAway Live Mini Meltdown in Phoenix, and Pioneer Classic in Utah. A few members of the Region will trek East for NAN in June and Breyerfest in July. Have fun everyone! REGION 4 ------------------------- No report. REGION 5 ------------------------- No report. REGION 6 ------------------------- Hello All! The fun show planned in Georgia for May was, unfortunately, cancelled, but the fun show in Alabama (Central Alabama Live) was a huge success! Show hostess Amanda Smith did a great job of introducing the hobby to newcomers with this brand new Alabama show. The show's venue was in a huge park with lots of other activities. Amanda says she is hoping to host a NAMHSA approved show there in the future, and we are all hoping so as well! Next up on the Region 6 calendar is MITS (Models In The Sunshine) on June 15 and 16, and then some of us will be making the trip to NAN the following weekend. July 6 is the date for Region 6 Saturday Socials - a series of shows with a swap meet and clinic after the show in Norcross, GA - the July show will be an all-China show. See y'all at the shows! REGION 7 ------------------------- No report. REGION 8 ------------------------- No report. REGION 9 ------------------------- No report. REGION 10 ------------------------- No report. REGION 11 ------------------------- No report. BOARD MEMBERS FOR THE PERIOD -------------------------------------------------- President: Teresa Buzzell Vice President: Carra McClelland Treasurer: Carmen Robertson Recording Secretary: Jackie Arns-Rossi Region 1 Representative: Tracy Eilers Region 2 Representative: Kathy Williams Region 3 Representative: Pauline Entin Region 4 Representative: Natalie Kilpatrick Region 5 Representative: Lyn Norbury Region 6 Representative: Jackie Moore Region 7 Representative: Stay Faraci Region 8 Representative: Chris Wallbruch Region 9 Representative: Pat Coulter Region 10 Representative: Kate Cabot Region 11 Representative: Terri Wright Individual Membership Secretary: Danielle Miller Show Secretary: Amy Peck Member Show Results Processor: Amy Peck Public Relations: Natalie Kilpatrick Webmaster: Lynn Weber Parliamentarian: Eleanor Harvey Merit Awards Coordinator: Beth Lamm 2013 NAN Chair: Niki Hertzog 2013 Member Show of the Year Chairperson: Chris Wallbruch Judge's Handbook Committee: Carra McClelland Posted by Natalie Kilpatrick, NAMHSA PR 9/27/2013 | |
Last updated on September 27, 2013 |