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NAMHSA - June 1-15, 2009 News
NAMHSA News for the period of June 1-15, 2009 based on the minutes recorded by Chris Wallbruch, Recording Secretary. On June 3rd, Chris Wallbruch posted the May 16-31, 2009 Minutes. These were approved. Also on June 3rd, Susan Hurst posted a NAMHSA Merit Awards update. Also on June 3rd, Dianne Lievense asked for consent to grant member show status to a show for which the application had been lost in the mail. Proof of on-time member show fee payment was supplied. Consent was granted by the Board. On June 5th, Lindsey Hall posted the latest NAMHSA agenda: 1. Work on the policy manual. 2. NAN 2010. Breyer does not have a date set yet. 3. NAN 2009 judges. 4. Recording Secretary position. Vote underway. 5. Elections. Done, new members already on Board list. 6. NAN Cookie Contest. Post has gone out to the lists. 7. Judging Handbook. 8. Upcoming open positions - Treasurer, Merit Award Coordinator. 9. Entering NAN without qualifying. 10. Co-owned models. Discussion started. 11. Website redesign. On June 9th, Chris Wallbruch posted an update on the Region 10 Representative special election. Also on June 9th, Susan Hurst uploaded the 2009 Merit Award report for the annual meeting. On June 10th, Barb Ness posted the 1st Quarter Financial Summary: NAMHSA First Quarter Report 2009 Submitted by Barbara Ness ~ Treasurer June 10th, 2009 1/1/2009 through 3/31/2009 TOTAL INCOME 2,979.00 TOTAL EXPENSES -6,327.82 OVERALL TOTAL -3,348.82 On June 12th, the poll to select a new Recording Secretary closed. Bobbi Devine was selected by a majority vote of the Board. On June 14th, Pauline Entin posted the May 16-31, 2009 News. These were approved. REGION REPORTS Region 1 (Zana Goulding): "No shows to report. Region 1 folks are all gearing up for NAN in Portland. Everyone I've talked to is very excited and can't wait!!!" Region 2 (Tom Dean): "May saw 2 shows, So Cal Spring Horse Live on the 16th and 17, and Lazyhorse Live Small Fry Frolic on the 30th. So Cal Spring Horse Live was a new two dayshow held in San Diego by Andrea and Debra Aberbom. All reports were of a large, well defined classlist, and an excellent show hall filled with some great models. Small Fry Frolic (minis only) on the 30th, had small but competitive classes and the time to enjoy conversation (and food) that can get lost in larger more hectic venues. Looking ahead to June, hope to see many of you at the BreyerWest show in Sacramento on the 12th, and of course NAN in Portland." Region 3 (Teresa Buzzell): "May saw the return of one of my favorite shows - Devilish Kokopelli in Golden. Heather Roell and Teresa Fedak put on a great show and also fly in a couple of judges every year so we get outside opinions. Competition was rather stiff, as usual with any win being rather hard won! Some photos, courtesty of Jim West, can be seen here: http://gallery.jameswest.com/main.php?g2_itemId=73 New for this year was the hard decision of replacing the rosettes with certificates. While it's a blast to get a nice big rosette, all entrants understood that a reduction in show costs was greatly needed. Also in May was Tara Oliver's Pioneer Live out in Utah. I hope to get out there sometime to show as I hear that it's a small but quality show enjoyed by it's entrants. Upcoming Shows: June: None but NAN! I'll be there judging all three days so if you're there, make sure you say hi! July: July 11, 2009: Tuscan Mountain Live in Tucson, AZ. Contact: Pat McDonald. (see NAMHSA.com for links to website/email.)" Region 4 (Carra McClelland): "May had now shows in Region 4. I think many of us are busy-busy with the real horse show world. I look forward to the late summer and early fall when we have a nice, just in time for harvest, crop of fun live shows!" Region 5 (Carmen Robertson): "We had two shows in May and both were in Oklahoma. First was Indian Nations Live in Dewey, OK on May 9th hosted by Cassie Hayes. Mardi Gras in May was the show theme. A Breyer Fun Day was also scheduled so you could pick up a special Fun Day model. Indian Nations is the longest running show in Oklahoma. We're glad to see it still running strong. Next was Red Earth Live in Oklahoma City, OK on May 30th hosted by Lynn Yates. We had separate divisions for mini and traditional scale models in both OF and CM/AR halter. The OF mini classes were very full. Performance had all quality entries so small classes didn't mean it was easy. A catered lunch was available which was excellent. And everyone was treated to breakfast items and chocolate cake in the afternoon. In June we have The Pinto World Championship Model Horse Show in Tulsa, OK on June 13 & 14 hosted by The Pinto Horse Association of America. http://www.pintoworld.com/ Look under the 'Events' tab for the model show info. On June 13th we have the BYO all performance show in Bolivar, TX hosted by Sue Stewart. Contact Sue at suepstewart@aol.com for info. And on June 27th we have the Summer Excitement Live all OF Halter Show and Race Meet in Oklahoma City, OK hosted by Jacklyn Catena-Hart. http://okiemomodelshows.com/SummerExcitement.aspx" Region 6 (Jackie Moore): "Hello all! May in Region 6 saw a brand new show - Heart of Carolina Live in Raleigh, NC. From all accounts, this was a well-attended and well-run show, and it sounds like everyone had a great time! The next show coming up is another brand new show - Treasures of the Bay Live in Tampa, FL. This is shaping up to be an awesome show, and we are all excited about it!" Region 7 (Shannon de Waal): NO REPORT SUBMITTED Region 8 (Marilou Mol): "May was an enjoyable month for shows in Region 8! American Heartland Live was held in Platte City, Missouri, on May 2. I heard that there were attendees from several different states. Melissa Addison had lots of great prizes and an excellent classlist, so I'm sure her show was enjoyed by all! Also on May 2 was the Stone Horses Country Fair, held in Shipshewana, Indiana. As always, the Stones hosted a fun weekend, with a "Paint Your Own Test Run" seminar, the warehouse sale, and a Bar-B-Que on Friday night at Sapelo Farm (with a demonstration of the training of sheriff's horses!). There were opportunities to see the real horses which were the inspiration for the show special run models. On Saturday, the live show featured tough competition, and the auction featured some excellent models. I know I really enjoyed the weekend, and the hospitality extended to the exhibitors and guests! May 18 was the date of Detroit Rock City, a live show held as a benefit for the Secretariat Foundation. Denise Olejniczak hosts an excellent show, and I saw that their raffle and auction items were gorgeous! They always feature some items provided by the Secretariat Foundation, which make the show extra-special! June looks like a pretty light month in Region 8. Teri Steele and Silke Broekmuller are hosting shows in Howell, Michigan, and I hope to attend. There are a number of Region 8 members heading out to NAN, so best wishes and good luck to all of them!" Region 9 (Bobbi Devine): "No shows to report for Region 9 during the month of May." Region 10 (Liesl Dalpe): "In May there were 3 shows here in lovely Region 10: Empire State Live, Quabbin Valley (an all performance show) and the Random Mini Show. I managed to get to all 3, and had a blast at each!! All of them were very well attended. It was the first year of the Quabbin Valley all-performance show, and I think it went very well, and was well organized. No doubt next year it will be even bigger! Empire State Live was excellent, and the Random mini show was wonderful. Mini shows are always so amazing-- to see all that detail in such SMALL scale!! June brings even more shows... I look forward to ones to come!" Region 11 (Kim Carter): NO REPORT SUBMITTED NAMHSA MEMBER SHOWS On June 8th, Gail Schuenemann posted the latest list of NAMHSA member shows: REGION 1 No shows to report. REGION 2 No shows to report. REGION 3 Crazy Ladies 7: Yellow Card Extravaganza 10/31/2009 Boulder, CO Teresa Buzzell flicksmom@yahoo.com www.crazyladies.com REGION 4 No shows to Report. REGION 5 Summer Excitement Live 6/27/2009 Oklahoma City, OK Jacklyn Catena-Hart jacklyncatena@aol.com Celebrate Late Live 7/31/2009 Oklahoma City, OK Neeva Jones okiedokieliveokc@aol.com www.okiemomodelshows.com REGION 6 Peach State Live 11/7/2009 Gainesville, GA Jennifer Bui musthavebreyer@aim.com www.peachstatelive.org REGION 7 BreyerFest Open Show 7/17/2009 Lexington, KY Michelle Masters Michelle4374@triad.rr.com www.breyerhorses.com Stone Age Live Show, Equilocity 2009 7/18/2009 Lexington, KY Sandy Cord peterstoneco@embarqmail.com www.stonehorses.com Cookeville Classic Live 10/10/2009 Cookeville, TN Kylee Demers Kylee_de@yahoo.com www.cookevilleclassiclive.com REGION 8 UP Equifest 9/27/2009 Escanaba, MI Adonica Badura badura@yahoo.com www.upequifest.com REGION 9 InterSport, 2009 10/11/2009 Harrisburg, PA Didi Hornberger Rylos12@comcast.net www.intermediairelive.com Intermediarie, 2009 10/11/2009 Harrisburg, PA Didi Hornberger Rylos12@comcast.net www.intermediairelive.com REGION 10 No shows to report. REGION 11 No shows to report. Posted by Pauline Entin, NAMHSA PR Posted by Pauline Entin, NAMHSA PR 7/15/2009 | |
Last updated on March 28, 2010 |