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NAMHSA - May 16-31, 2011 News
NAMHSA News for the period of May 16-31, 2011 based on the minutes compiled by Bobbi Devine, Recording Secretary. MAY 16 --Jackie Arns-Rossi (President) reported to the Board that she checked with the attorney regarding the need to continue to use the non-disclosure form (that new members of the Board have to sign). The attorney's assistant suggested that perhaps a general one should be used instead of the specific one that has been used to date. --Jackie Arns-Rossi forwarded an email from the attorney's office regarding the NAN 2010 Auction & Sweepstakes/Lauren Wood situation. More information was expected shortly. --Jackie Arns-Rossi motioned that the NAN 2013 issue be taken to a vote. There were no seconds. Discussion continued. MAY 17 --Silke Brockmoeller (Vice President) posted that she had notified the new reps of their successful bid for office, and that she had sent each of them the non-disclosure form to sign. She would notify the Board once she received the signed forms. MAY 18 --Bobbi Devine (Recording Secretary) submitted the May 1-15, 2011 minutes report. These were approved 5/19 by Silke Brockmoeller. --Teresa Buzzell (R3 Representative/NAN 2011 Raffle Chair) posted an update on the raffle ticket sales. MAY 20 --Teresa Buzzell inquired if the Board had any objections to NAN Raffle ticket sales at a show she would be attending. She would not be handing out the tickets at the show, only taking orders to mail the tickets later. No objections were raised, only suggestions to be sure that receipts were given out for any sales. MAY 23 --Jackie Arns-Rossi forwarded an email from the attorney's office regarding the NAN 2010 Auction & Sweepstakes/Lauren Wood issue. NAMHSA's attourny and Lauren's attorney had exchanged phone messages. Lauren's attorney was to try to reach NAMHSA's on Thursday, May 26th. --Lynn Weber (Web Content Manager) forwarded an email regarding a discussion about recycling old NAN ribbons for other shows. The policy is that because of the NAMHSA logo is on the ribbons, that they cannot be re-used for shows other than NAN. Jackie Arns-Rossi said she would email the showholder to let her know. She requested that this information be added to the logo section of the policies document on the website. MAY 27 --Jackie Arns-Rossi forwarded an email from NAMHSA's attorney's office. The email stated that the two attorney's had spoken regarding the NAN 2010 Auction/Lauren Wood matter, and that a draft agreement would be ready on Tuesday, May 31. MAY 28 --Eleanor Harvey (Parliamentarian) posted a summary to explain why NAN Auction income is separated from the NAN show financial accounting. --Teresa Buzzell reported that she sold about $250 worth of NAN 2011 raffle tickets at the show she attended, and would get the funds sent to Carmen Robertson (Treasurer) ASAP. MAY 31 Jackie Arns-Rossi posted the latest Board agenda: *AGENDA Sunday May 29- Saturday June 2, 2011* I. Issues UNDERWAY: A. NAN 2010 Auction/Sweepstakes: Lawyers have reportedly been passing information, more this week?* B. NEW REPS TO BOD: in the works, waiting on NDAs C. PRES/VP: Hammering out specific language for bylaws D. NAN 2013: discussion underway II. Issues IN THE PIPELINE: A. Sanctions for NAMHSA rule/policy infractions B. Contracts C. Bonding D. 60 Day Rule E. Performance division rule F. Files section spring cleaning III. Issues that are DONE: A. NAN 2012: Chair posting repeats every 30 days until BFest, then every 2 weeks? B. 2012/2013 NAN trophy contest: Organization on-going Posted by Pauline Entin, NAMHSA PR 7/3/2011 | |
Last updated on July 3, 2011 |