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NAMHSA - May 1-31, 2014 News
NAMHSA News for the period of May 1-31, 2014 based on the minutes compiled by Jackie Arns-Rossi, Recording Secretary. MAY 2 -------------------------------------------------- Jackie Arns-Rossi posted a draft of the Region 5 Recall Election ballot that was approved by Carra McClelland. MAY 3 -------------------------------------------------- Jackie Arns-Rossi posted that the Region 5 Recall Election ballot had been sent out. MAY 4 -------------------------------------------------- Chris Wallbruch posted the list of shows nominated for Member Show of the Year. Model Horses Anonymous Palmetto State Live Palms and Ponies Fantastic Plastic Classic Plastic Ponies on Parade Spring Fling at Big Mill Sleepy Hollow Live Midwinter Night's Ball Northwest Model Horse Expo Carolina Gold Classic The Southern Model Horse Convention First Show of the Season Gold Country Model Horse Show Big Orange Bash Great Lakes Congress Holiday Party Region X Championships Cajun County Live Sweet Onion Live New England Performance Challenge MITS Models In the Sun Live Baystate Models Live She also advised that the first round of voting was underway and that a winner would be selected by next Saturday. Lyn Norbury requested an update to the membership list, to which Lynn Weber replied that it had been updated early on May 3rd. Chris Wallbruch posted a question from her region regarding Fantasy Animals. There had been a show earlier in Ohio that was awarding fantasy cards to non-approved Fantasy Equids and asked for clarification on what was eligible. Lynn Weber replied that the information was on the Show Membership Requirements page. Tom Dean advised that Annette Dean was aware of the issue and had already made contact with the show holder to correct the issue. Carra McClelland informed the BOD that the same show had also awarded NAN Cards to dog and bull models which has never been permitted. MAY 5 -------------------------------------------------- Carmen Robertson posted the April treasurer report summary. MAY 6 -------------------------------------------------- Carra McClelland posted the May agenda. 1. Message Board 2. One Person, One Vote (Proposal Pending) 3. Code of Conduct Sandra Gibson made some comparisons between the message board and Yahoo! Groups including easier tracking of discussions (threading discussions), holding multiple conversations at once and improved ability to search the message board. Jackie Arns-Rossi asked for clarification if the message board was for NAMHSA-BOD or NAMHSA-DISCUSSION to which Natalie Kilpatrick replied that she’d hoped to see the message board cover all aspects of NAMHSA’s activities. She then listed examples of different message board formats (ProBoards, PHPBB, SimpleMachines, Vanilla and Yet Another Forum) along with her recommendation of using a forum hosted by GoDaddy since they are NAMHSA’s server host. Niki Hertzog also agreed with moving to the message board and listed additional reasons to abandon Yahoo! Group, including the possibility of YG coming to an end and could be eliminated at any time. She argued that YG did not have unlimited storage and that NAMHSA would be able to have full control over the forum software, suggesting an overlap period between YG and the forum to allow people to migrate. She also reported that some forum software did support email messaging for people who preferred that. Lynn Weber had setup an impromptu forum on ProBoards, but instead went on to create a PHPBB board on namhsa.org. Jackie Moore informed the group that Region 6 preferred YG for the email digests and would likely prefer a forum with a digest feature. Chris Wallbruch reported that her region was overwhelmingly in favor of getting rid of YG. Chris and Natalie both noted more activity on their regional Facebook groups other than Yahoo! Groups. Jackie Arns-Rossi presented early voter turnout information for the VP/Rep elections and asked reps to advertise the election to their regions. Erin Corbett requested that removing the 3 judge system from NAN be added to the agenda. Natalie Kilpatrick advised that Lindsay Diamond, the incoming R4 Rep, had been experiencing trouble accessing the Region 2 Yahoo! Group, which Kathy Williams quickly remedied. MAY 7 -------------------------------------------------- Carra McClelland listed the 2nd and 3rd weekends in June 2015 as potential NAN dates for Palm Springs. Discussion regarding scheduling began. Lynn Weber posted the URL for the tentative NAMHSA Forum and asked BOD members to sign up to explore it. MAY 8 -------------------------------------------------- Niki Hertzog asked to add an agenda item to evaluate alternate show halls in the Lexington, KY area. MAY 9 -------------------------------------------------- Jackie Arns-Rossi asked to add formalizing the independent bid procedure to the agenda. Jackie also proposed adding a rotating Indy NAN Schedule. She received immediate feedback from Kathy Williams, Erin Corbett and Dayle Steinke all in favor of the rotating schedule. MAY 10 -------------------------------------------------- Amy Peck asked about having someone pick up old NAN Cards at NAN for recycling in which Lynn Weber volunteered. MAY 11 -------------------------------------------------- Jackie Arns-Rossi posted the results of the Region 5 Recall Election which was in favor of removing Lyn Norbury. Carra McClelland advised that Lyn would be removed from the BOD in 24 hours and asked Natalie Kilpatrick to draw up a press release. Natalie posted a draft that Carra approved. Pauline Entin asked if the announcement about the recall had gone out without approval, but later saw that it had been approved by Carra. She asked that the BOD have 48 hours to review future announcements. She also asked about the specifics of the Region 5 petition and ballot and if it followed procedures, specifically the 10% signature requirement. Lynn Weber and Jackie Arns-Rossi again explained the petition requirements. Chris Wallbruch announced the winner of the 2013-2014 Member Show of the Year. She asked who to go through to get the plaque and certificates for the winners. Carra McClelland replied to contact Aulds for the plaque and Teresa Buzzell for the certificates. MAY 12 -------------------------------------------------- Carra McClelland advised the BOD that Lyn would be removed from the board shortly and thanked Lyn for her service to NAMHSA and wished her well in her endeavors. Lyn responded with a lengthy reply. Immediately thereafter, Lyn was removed from the Board of Directors. Natalie Kilpatrick sent out the Region 5 Rep solicitation. The election would allow for a 1 week turnaround for voting, with 3 weeks to round up candidates. Lynn Weber changed all BOD-related passwords on namhsa.org to prevent unauthorized access. MAY 13 -------------------------------------------------- Natalie Kilpatrick suggested continuing on the message board topic since there had been many complaints about YG not sending out messages that morning and people not being able to access YG due to a system-wide Yahoo! glitch. MAY 14 -------------------------------------------------- Natalie Kilpatrick suggested upgrading the NAMHSA Ustream account for July to eliminate the ads and delay that they were encountering during testing. Carra McClelland felt this was worthwhile. MAY 16 -------------------------------------------------- Natalie Kilpatrick asked for a status update on the database. Carra McClelland replied that Jim West and Jackie Hamilton were busy with NAN right now and that she wanted to wait until there were a full set of regional reps to work on it. Danielle Miller advised that she had received a money order made out to her for an IM and asked the BOD how to proceed. MAY 18 -------------------------------------------------- Carmen Robertson advised Danielle to cash the MO and send the payment in the name of the person who sent the MO or send it back requesting a corrected MO. Danielle cashed the MO and sent a check to NAMHSA. She asked that Carmen notify the BOD when the check arrived. MAY 20 -------------------------------------------------- Discussion of the 2014 NAN Classlist continued, focusing on splitting 2 very large OF plastic breed classes and a CM games class. MAY 21 -------------------------------------------------- Lynn Weber advised the BOD that there had been a question on Facebook regarding the Merit Award Drive at Breyerfest. Lynn offered to collect applications and cards since Dayle Steinke would not be attending. Jackie Arns-Rossi posted the results of the spring election for Vice President and Regional Representatives (results found below). There was an overall turnout of 43%. Jackie Arns-Rossi advised that she had multiple nominations for a single candidate. She asked the candidate for a bio so the election process could proceed. MAY 22 -------------------------------------------------- Natalie Kilpatrick released an approved election results press release. Carra McClelland added the new reps to the YG BOD and placed them under moderation until their terms began at NAN in Kentucky. Carra McClelland asked Jackie Arns-Rossi to start a poll to accept the final NAN classlist. MAY 23 -------------------------------------------------- Jackie Arns-Rossi posted a draft of the Region 5 Rep ballot that Tom Dean approved for distribution. MAY 27 -------------------------------------------------- Jackie Arns-Rossi sent out the Region 5 Special Election ballot with a due date of June 3rd. Chris Wallbruch reported that per Teresa Buzzell, the NAN Chair needed to order the MSOTY plaque. Carra McClelland directed Chris to Yashka Hallein. Teresa Buzzell offered to bring back merit award applications from Breyerfest to hand off to Dayle Steinke. She also recommended a PR post to let the hobby know about the Merit Award Drive and NAN Card collection. MAY 29 -------------------------------------------------- Natalie Kilpatrick advised Jackie Arns-Rossi that a message had come across the R5YG asking for a ballot. Jackie advised that she was already aware. Amy Peck posted the latest approved shows list. Natalie Kilpatrick reported that she was unable to access any Yahoo! Groups and asked about moving the message board topic along to make it a reality. Carra McClelland agreed on a phase out. MAY 30 -------------------------------------------------- Amy Peck uploaded a revised version of the member show application noting the major changes and asked for approval from Carra McClelland and Tom Dean and to have Lynn Weber post it to the web site. 1. Added the NAMHSA logo at the top. 2. Removed the line for fax number. (I have never faxed a show holder. I've only called a handful.) 3. Removed the section with the lines to opt for 'email me to confirm acceptance of my show' and 'email me to inform of upcoming membership votes'. (All ballots are electronic, and show confirms are via email.) 4. Added a section to designate a primary show holder. This is the person who will receive the email to vote, and the discount to enter NAN. 5. Revised wording to state that Fantasy may now earn a NAN card as per the policy document. 6. Removed the line to contact SMS if need help counting cards (needed the extra space on the front page so we could keep all the fee info on the front page). Anyone who needs help with counts already contacts the SMS, plus I count the classes for all shows to confirm anyway. Carra and Tom approved of the changes. MAY 31 -------------------------------------------------- Natalie Kilpatrick suggested requiring the names of judges in NAN Qualifier Results, noting that without this rule in place NAMHSA was not able to enforce its rule against allowing judges to show in the division they were judging in. Natalie Kilpatrick suggested removing the moderation from NAMHSA-DISCUSSION. ELECTION RESULTS ------------------------- Region 2 – Kathy Williams (Rep) Region 4 – Lindsay Diamond (Rep) Region 6 – Jackie Moore (Rep) Region 8 – Jenna Murphy (Rep) Region 10 – Sharon Mossy (Rep) REGIONAL REPORTS -------------------------------------------------- REGION 1 ------------------------- April was a busy month in the North West for model enthusiasts. Saturday April 12th was Spokane Spring Minis in Spokane, WA. An all mini show and a nice turnout for a small show. Its always nice to see the ladies from Region 11 at our shows! The following weekend, Saturday April 19th was the NW Expo. A former MSOTY winner, this show sells out its 4050 showers every year & the competition is tough! Finally, the last show for our area to get any ponies qualified for NAN 2014 was Wine Country Classic Saturday 26th in Pasco, WA. It's 9 divisions offered just about everything a shower could want, door prizes & a photo booth were a nice touch. REGION 2 ------------------------- Recent Shows: The Fantastic Plastic Classic #11 was held on April 12, 2014 in San Martin, CA. This was FPC’s 11th great year! A wonderful time was had by all. Jane always makes the show special; this year included cute little “mint chip” stablemate awards and a yummy ice cream social in the afternoon plus a nice potluck lunch. Be on the lookout for next year! Sheryl Leisure hosted the Bay Area All Halter Custom Classic and China Show / aka Jamboree Custom Show on the next day, April 13, 2014. Beautiful models and another day of fun and friendship to add to our show year. Thanks Sheryl! Upcoming Shows: On May 17, 2014, Sharon Massouris will host her mini show First Show of the New Season (FSOTNS) in Anaheim, CA. Sharon’s show features all mini competition plus the fun of watching the Preakness race. Contact Sharon at: smhomefree at att dot net A weekend of showing is being planned for August 9-10, 2014 in Galt, CA. Saturday will be Heather Visser’s No Frills mini show. Two performance shows are being planned forSunday, an OF show in the morning and a CM show in the afternoon. More details will be coming soon. October 4, 2014, we will see Suzie Francis’ Sleepy Hollow show in LaVerne, CA. November 16, 2014 is tentatively scheduled for Mary Reardon’s Wild Horse Running Show in Simi Valley, CA. And December 6, 2014, is reserved for Jane Morehouse’s WACCO show in San Martin. Lots of fun coming up in Region 2! REGION 3 ------------------------- Although it's midMay, it hasn't been feeling much like spring in the Northern reaches of Region 3. The Denver area had a foot of snow last week and we've been having brisk, windy weather in Northern Arizona. I'm sure it will be hot enough soon! The weather was certainly warm enough down in Phoenix for the 2014 edition of Jewel Heist Live on May 10 and 11. Lauren Hoeffer put on a great show. About 20 showers from AZ, NM, CA, and OK attended one or both of the days. Lori Batchelor did a wonderful job critiquing the performance entries, as we had a trio of youth showers participating in that division. The unexpected snack bonuses (cookies, cake!) brought by some of the showers were also enjoyed by all. Many thanks to Lauren for all her hard work. Coming up we have two shows on May 24 in Golden Colorado Springamathing and the aptly named The Other Show!, both hosted by Heather Roell. After a June/July hiatus, we have two shows for August 2 one in Golden, CO and one in Tucson, AZ. Several members of Region 3 have mentioned plans to travel to NAN this year and I wish all the best of luck. As well, hats off to Region 3 members Yashka Hallein and Jim West, our NAN 2014 Chair and Registrar. REGION 4 ------------------------- WOW! What a last blast to the show season. Region 4 was packed with a whopping 3 shows in one weekend! I managed to make it up to both of the Amazonians Live shows in Lakefield, Minnesota where Hilary Rossow hosted an OF show and Denise Fritschmann hosted an AR/CM/Performance show in the same hall. It was incredible! Tons of great folks, wonderful food and delicious prizes. The show was definitely one of the most efficient I have ever been to with so many classes running ahead of schedule and we even got out of there early. I was able to make the 3 1/2 hour drive up there and back in one day and still had energy to spare to unload the car. These two great gals did a heckuva job putting on these twin shows and many people hope to see them do it again. Wisconsin had their final blowout as well at Greg Stebnitz' Meeme House Double Judge All Performance Show. I've seen photos from this show and there was a TON of fabulous competition! Greg always does a great job putting on all these shows for Wisconsin and is a true asset to the hobby. Much appreciated, Greg! Earlier in the month the 12th Annual Pie Show held by Brenda Metcalf was held in Hazel Green, WI. This show is always a draw for the big guns and they did not disappoint. The competition was fierce, but as always, fun. We sure hope to see The Pie Show back in Region 4 for a 13th season next year. 2013-2014 sure did go out with a loud bang and 2014-2015 is coming in with a boom, as well. M.O.M. Live will be held on May 17 in Black River Falls, WI by Deb Johnson. The VP and Region 4 ballots went out late last month which means by now you've discovered that as of July you will all be welcoming in a new Regional Rep as I step down after 1 1/2 years of service. It has been a wonderful experience and I will continue on with the Board of Directors in a different position. I wish the new Regional Rep the best of luck and godspeed! REGION 5 ------------------------- April brought rain, tornadoes, and a mix of warm and cool temperatures to Region 5, but it also brought multiple shows to the region as well. Lemmonade Live was hosted by Elena Lemm on April 26th and held in Magnolia, Texas. I believe this was Elena's first show, congrats on your success! I hope to see another one next year. Tornado Alley and Hog Wild were both hosted by Lyn Norbury as a double judged show in Tulsa, OK also on April 26th. Also a first time show host, Lyn says she will be doing it again, and often. Congrats to entrant Marilyn Jensen, a Region 4 member, winner of the Breyer Benefit Raffle Model Lionesse at Tornado Alley Goes Hog Wild!! Upcoming shows include: May 24th Mid Kansas All OF Halter Show in Rose Hill, KS hosted by Amy Jones. June 14th The BYO All Performance Show in Sanger, TX hosted by Sue Stewart. June 21st Indian Nations Live in Dewey, OK hosted by Cassie Hayes. Good luck to those of you going to NAN 2014! REGION 6 ------------------------- April 12 saw the third show in the Palmetto State Live series of shows in Jenkinsville, SC. By all accounts, this was another very successful show! I hope to make the drive up to one of these shows one day. In other news, on April 6 Morgen Kilbourn hosted a 6 hour judging clinic at her home in NC. Ann Harris made the trip down to share her judging expertise with the attendants, and Morgen was able to borrow a neighbor's live horse in order to discuss anatomy and sculpting. Beth Patterson provided models from her collection so that mock classes could be set up and judged, and Maggie Bennett was able to attend and be the photographer. From what I hear, they had a full house and everyone learned a great deal and had a great time! I would have loved to attend this clinic, but, sadly, my magic transporter was on the fritz and I couldn't make it. But many thanks to Morgen for creating and hosting the clinic, and I hope it is the first of many! Coming up on the Region 6 schedule are: MITS (Models In The Sunshine) on May 17 and 18 in Lady Lake, FL Hollow Horse All Mini Mini Show in Cumming, GA, also on May 17 There are no shows scheduled for June and many of us will be making the trip to Kentucky for NAN and Breyerfest in July. See you there! REGION 7 ------------------------- April was an “active” month ! We had three shows to go to. On April 19th, we had Model Horses Anonymous Live 5 in Athens, TN hosted by Heather Jackson-Lain. The show hall was packed full with lots of entrants and awesome horses. The show was a benefit show for Thoroughbred and Rehab Charities. A great time was had by all. On April 26th – there were two show offered. The first one was Four Leaf Clover Show 2 in Xenia, Ohio hosted by Karen Mahan. This show was a benefit show for the Greene Co. 4H Club. The second one was the Spring Mini Show in Maumee, OH hosted by Dee Majors. No shows scheduled for May but we will have a show in June. June 7th will be the Big Orange Bash 12 hosted by Carol Tuft. The show will be in Knoxville, TN. The web site is: http://ctuft4.wix.com/bigorangebashlive . You can use this link or choose the one off the NAMHSA website. The proceeds benefit the Large Animal Clinic at the University of TN College of Veterinary Medicine. REGION 8 ------------------------- Happy Spring! Region 8 had two awesome shows during the month of April, both held on April 12th! Shelly Hogle hosted her annual Plastic Ponies on Parade, which is always a very well run and well attended show. The reports that came out of the show were both enthusiastic and glowing clearly, this show well represented the Michigan tradition of excellent model horse shows! That same day, the GLC hosted another one of their popular No Frills series, this time an all mini show. I was able to attend this one and the minis were out in full fierce force! Upcoming shows... May 31, 2014: Models & Milkshakes May 2014 show in Waterford, MI. Contact: Jen Kroll. Please check https://www.namhsa.org/showsbyregion.htm for more detailed info on upcoming shows. REGION 9 ------------------------- No report. REGION 10 ------------------------- No report. REGION 11 ------------------------- No report. FINANCIAL REPORT -------------------------------------------------- APRIL Balance in BOA checking as of 4/30/2014: $64,055.57 Balance in PayPal as of 4/30/2014: $2,547.47 Balance in NAMHSA accounts as of 4/30/2014: $66,603.04 BOARD MEMBERS FOR THE PERIOD -------------------------------------------------- President: Carra McClelland Vice President: Tom Dean Treasurer: Carmen Robertson Recording Secretary: Jackie Arns-Rossi Region 1 Representative: Stacy Quick Region 2 Representative: Kathy Williams Region 3 Representative: Pauline Entin Region 4 Representative: Natalie Kilpatrick Region 5 Representative: Lyn Norbury Region 6 Representative: Jackie Moore Region 7 Representative: Annette Dean Region 8 Representative: Chris Wallbruch Region 9 Representative: Niki Hertzog Region 10 Representative: Kate Cabot Region 11 Representative: Sandra Gibson Individual Membership Secretary: Danielle Miller Show Secretary: Amy Peck Member Show Results Processor: Amy Peck Public Relations: Natalie Kilpatrick Webmaster: Lynn Weber Parliamentarian: Eleanor Harvey Merit Awards Coordinator: Dayle Steinke 2014 NAN Chair: Yashka Hallein 2014 Member Show of the Year Chairperson: Chris Wallbruch Judge's Handbook Committee: Carra McClelland Posted 8/20/2014 by Natalie Kilpatrick, NAMHSA PR | |
Last updated on August 20, 2014 |