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NAMHSA - May 1-15, 2011 News
NAMHSA News for the period of May 1-15, 2011 based on the minutes compiled by Bobbi Devine, Recording Secretary. MAY 2 --Bobbi Devine (Recording Secretary) submitted the April 16-30, 2011 minutes report. These were approved by Jackie Arns-Rossi (President) the same day. --Jackie Arns-Rossi asked Pauline Entin (Public Relations) to post the announcement for the NAN 2012/2013 Trophy Contest. --Jackie Arns-Rossi noted that the transition of administration and materials for the Merit Award program from Jennie Kaech to Gail Schuenemann and Jill Schuenemann-Zorn had gone very smoothly and was complete. Gail Schuenemann confirmed that she had received a box of materials and applications and would begin work on them immediately. Jackie thanked Jennie for her service to the Board and reminded the Reps to make sure their regions were aware of the change. --Discussion continued regarding the status of NAN 2013. --Jackie Arns-Rossi posted the latest agenda: *AGENDA Sunday May 1- Saturday May 7, 2011* A. UNDERWAY: 1. PRES/VP: Hammering out specific language for bylaws 2. NAN 2013: discussion underway 3. NAN 2010 Auction/Sweepstakes: Nothing to report so far 4. 2012/2013 NAN TROPHY CONTEST: request made to post solicitations for entries B. IN THE PIPELINE: 1. PENALTIES FOR RULE INFRACTIONS: Ranging from loss of membership to ban on right to hold NAMHSA positions or member shows. 2. CONTRACTS: All stipend positions should sign a contract outlining what is expected of them and what needs to be done before they are eligible for their stipend (thank you notes, receipts all in, any accounting etc.) 3. BONDING: Consider for treasurer, temp bonds for NAN...or just stop taking cash and run all transactions through PayPal? Or make bonding part of the contract (individuals handling NAMHSA cash need to get their own bond) 4. THE 60 DAY RULE: Extensions/higher fees for late shows? How late is too late? 5. PERFORMANCE DIVISION RULE RECONSIDERATION: Possibly rewriting the rule defining performance divisions for NAN qualifiers--to permit a judge for Western performance to enter in a separate English Performance division, etc. 6. FILES SECTION RE-ORG: Needs spring cleaning 7. NAN 2014 C. DONE : 1. NAN 2012: Initial call for key posts on April 9. Repeats every 30 days until BFest, then every 2 weeks **** --Gail Schuenemann (Show Member Secretary) posted the Newly Approved Show listing: REGION 1 No shows to report REGION 2 Napa Valley Mustang Days Model Horse Show 6/18/2011 Napa, CA Robin Kent REGION 3 No shows to report REGION 4 No shows to report REGION 5 The BYO 2011 (The BAKERS-DOZENTH (Believe It Or Not) Absolutely Positively Gonna Happen Every Year (Good Lord Willing and the Creek Don't Rise) Annual North Texas Equine Miniaturists Association Bring-Your-Own Many Rosettes and Still Some Trophies (assuming I can find them in the garage) No-Tag-No-Card North American Nationals Tune-Up, Pre-NAN Strategy Soiree, Swap Meet, Schmooze-Fest, All-Performance Qualifying Show with Pink Performance NAN Cards (But Only Two Per Class), Pot Luck Lunch, Still No NAN Tag Preparation Required, No Wedding Showers but We Can Toast Miss Olivia's Arrival, and No Longer on the Parking Lot Weiner Roast XIII In A Building with Working Air-Conditioning and Lots of Parking.) 6/4/2011 Sanger, TX Sue Stewart Summer Excitement #4 8/6/2011 Oklahoma City, OK Jacklyn Catena REGION 6 No shows to report REGION 7 Breakables & Fairytails Live at BreyerFest 7/14/2011 Lexington, KY Maggie Barkovitz REGION 8 Midwest Model Mania 8/13/2011 Galesburg, IL GLC Workmanship and Collectability Stir Crazy Show 8/27/2011 Huntley, IL Sam Cory GLC No Frills Show Series 9/17/2011 Huntley, IL Sam Cory GLC No Frills Show Series 11/12/2011 Huntley, IL Sam Cory REGION 9 Trojan Horse Expo – Original Factory Finish Only 8/7/2011 Jackson, NJ Dara West REGION 10 No shows to report REGION 11 No shows to report ***** --Teresa Buzzell (Region 3 Representative) posted that the NAN 2011 Raffle page was live on the NAMHSA website. --Bobbi Devine posted the spring 2011 election results. Regional Representatives were elected in odd regions, all regions voted for Vice President. *REGION 1:* 81 possible votes 31 ballots returned Tracy Eilers re-elected. 27 voted in favor of Teresa Buzzell for Vice President 4 voters abstained on the VP ticket *REGION 2:* 47 possible votes 20 ballots returned 18 voted in favor of Teresa Buzzell for Vice President 2 voters abstained on the VP ticket *REGION 3:* 40 possible votes 22 ballots returned Pauline Entin elected. 17 voted in favor of Teresa Buzzell for Vice President 8 voters abstained on the VP ticket *REGION 4:* 22 possible votes 6 ballots returned 6 voted in favor of Teresa Buzzell for Vice President 0 voters abstained on the VP ticket Region 5: 37 possible votes 21 ballots returned Lyn Norbury elected. 17 voted in favor of Teresa Buzzell for Vice President 4 voters abstained on the VP ticket *REGION 6:* 25 possible votes 10 ballots returned 10 voted in favor of Teresa Buzzell for Vice President 0 voters abstained on the VP ticket *REGION 7:* 29 possible votes 15 ballots returned Stacy Faraci elected. 15 voted in favor of Teresa Buzzell for Vice President 0 voters abstained on the VP ticket *REGION 8:* 62 possible votes 22 ballots returned 22 voted in favor of Teresa Buzzell for Vice President 0 voters abstained on the VP ticket *REGION 9:* 52 possible votes 23 ballots returned Pat Coulter re-elected. 23 voted in favor of Teresa Buzzell for Vice President 0 voters abstained on the VP ticket *REGION 10:* 38 possible votes 16 ballots returned 16 voted in favor of Teresa Buzzell for Vice President 0 voters abstained on the VP ticket *REGION 11* 8 possible votes 5 ballots returned Terri Wright elected. 5 voted in favor of Teresa Buzzell for Vice President 0 voters abstained on the VP ticket MAY 4 --Marilou Mol (Region 8 Representative) informed the Board that she still needed MSOTY committee members from Regions 2, 4, and 8. MAY 6 --Gail Schuenemann reported that she and Jill were making good progress with the backlog of Merit Award applications and that the first of the certificates have been mailed. She requested contact information for Auld's Crafters to order plaques. MAY 7 --Jackie Arns-Rossi inquired if the newly elected Regional Representatives have been notified so that she may add them to the discussion list for read-only purposes at this time. She also requested that another solicitation be sent out for NAN 2012 staff by early next week. MAY 8 --Jackie Arns-Rossi posted the latest agenda: *AGENDA Sunday May 8- Saturday May 15, 2011 A. UNDERWAY: 1. PRES/VP: Hammering out specific language for bylaws 2. NAN 2013: discussion underway 3. NAN 2010 Auction/Sweepstakes: Nothing to report so far 4. NEW REPS TO BOD: Read only once they are announced B. IN THE PIPELINE: 1. PENALTIES FOR RULE INFRACTIONS: Ranging from loss of membership to ban on right to hold NAMHSA positions or member shows. 2. CONTRACTS: All stipend positions should sign a contract outlining what is expected of them and what needs to be done before they are eligible for their stipend (thank you notes, receipts all in, any accounting etc) 3. BONDING: Consider for treasurer, temp bonds for NAN...or just stop taking cash and run all transactions through PayPal? Or make bonding part of the contract (individuals handling NAMHSA cash need to get their own bond) 4. THE 60 DAY RULE: Extensions/higher fees for late shows? How late is too late? 5. PERFORMANCE DIVISION RULE RECONSIDERATION: Possibly rewriting the rule defining performance divisions for NAN qualifiers--to permit a judge for Western performance to enter in a separate English Performance division, etc. 6. FILES SECTION RE-ORG: Needs spring cleaning 7. NAN 2014 C. DONE: 1. NAN 2012: Initial call for key posts on April 9. Repeats every 30 days until BFest, then every 2 weeks 2. Merit Awards: Transition complete ***** MAY 9 --Pauline Entin posted the draft solicitation for the 2012/2013 NAN Trophy Contest. She inquired about who would be coordinating the entries. MAY 10 --Carmen Robertson (Treasurer) requested that the NAMHSA Check Request form in the files section be updated with the current address. MAY 12 --Jackie Arns-Rossi reminded the Board that the NAMHSA Annual Meeting needs to be scheduled at NAN. She will be unable to attend and requested that Silke Brockmoeller (VP) chair the meeting again since she will be in attendance. Jackie mentioned that she could be present via Skype. REGIONAL REPORTS Region 1 (Tracy Eilers) April had three shows in Region 1 to welcome back Spring and finish up the NAN-Qualifying year. The laid-back Nothin' But NAN Cards in Camas, WA was held by yours truly. It had a huge array of lovely custom and resin horses to see, which made for tough competition! NW Expo in Corvallis, OR had a large selection of divisions and was a blast as always with a packed-full and sold out show again this year. Congratulations on another success, Traci D-K! We ended the month with another neat TVMHC Spring Fling and Costume Show in beautiful Boise, ID. May has two shows in Washington to roll us into summer weather. Only Originals Live and Wine Country Classic look to be really fun! ****** Region 2 (Tom Dean) April 16th saw The Fantastic Plastic Classic, hosted by Jane Morehouse, and held in San Martin. Rescheduled due to a facilities problem, the show still had a good turnout and a class for virtually every OF plastic equine in existence. It was good to see some newer and younger entrants with some very competitive models. I enjoyed judging the Minis and we even managed to get a few more traditional scale "last minute" NAN qualifiers. April 16-17 also was Great Outdoors held in Hemet, and hosted by Jacquie Fernandez. Reports were a very enjoyable show, well run and also a large classlist giving opportunities for qualifying. April 23rd saw Lighten Up Live also in San Martin. Divisions were LIGHT Breed OF, LIGHT Colored Workmanship and LIGHT Breed Collectibility, and LIGHTWEIGHTS (OF Minis). Thanks to the able assistance of my wife Annette, and help in keeping classes getting staged by Pat Noble, we were able to complete all classes by 4:00 PM without the usual confusion and missed classes. Who knows what may be next ? "To Gait or Not To Gait" "Dark Side of The Force" stay tuned...... ****** Region 3 (Teresa Buzzell) April saw three shows in Region 3 - with all of them being held in Arizona. First off was Renee DeVore's Spring China Fling, held in her house on April 10th. Then, our already busy NAN Chair Teresa Candelaria put on her long running Arizona Live and Kick AZ Live; Minis 2 the Max! for those almost last minute NAN qualification seekers on April 23-24. I was unable to attend any of those and unfortunately, do not have any photos to share. Upcoming for the month of May: 5/28 - Springamathing, held by the Stone Company in Golden, CO. Show information is at their website and it should be a good one! Otherwise, it's all NAN prep, all the time! Don't forget, you can order t-shirts and other items at: http://www.cafepress.com/Region3NAN2011 and raffle tickets at: https://www.namhsa.org/nan2011/raffle/ ! ****** Region 4 (Carra McClelland) Region 4 saw no shows in April, but prep for many of us to send horses to NAN continues! We have one show coming up in July: July 30-31, 2011: Rough Riders Live in Fargo, ND. Nancie is a stand up gal and I just know this show is going to be great! ****** Region 5 (Lori Batchelor) April brought the mini version of Mid-Winter's Ball in Bolivar, TX. Since Shannon was unable to hold the show this year, Kim and Daralyn stepped in and put on two shows to act as a fill-in. Kim ran the halter show and Daralyn ran the performance show. A great time was had by all and we are looking forward to the return of Mid-Winter's next January. No shows are planned in May, but the "BYO" all performance show will be held in Bolivar on June 4. ****** Region 6 (Jackie Moore) Hello All! There were no shows in Region 6 in April, but many of us converged in Orlando during the first weekend for the Sunshine Celebration. It was a wonderful weekend full of real horses, plastic horses, and friends from all over! April also brought our region quite a bit of terror in the form of massive and seemingly never-ending tornadoes. Fortunately, it seems as though all of our hobby friends made it through the storms safely, thank goodness, although there were many close calls. We are all praying that this is not a harbinger of things to come during the upcoming hurricane season. There are no shows on the Region 6 calendar until The Southern Model Horse Convention in Covington, GA the first weekend of October. There was some talk of a possible GA show in August, but no definite announcement has been made yet. ****** Region 7 (Heather Jackson-Lain) No Report ****** Region 8 (Marilou Mol) No Report ****** Region 9 (Pat Coulter) No Report ****** Region 10 (Kate Cabot) No Report ****** Region 11 (Sandra Gibson) We have one epic & awesome show to report! In April we had the first (and hopefully annual!) Red Deer Rebellion live show. It was completely fantastic! It was held at a pioneer lodge (being very Canadian, complete with a giant moose head on the wall). Shauna McDaniel, our show hostess ran a beautiful show! It kept it's pace, it was well attended for a first time show, and everyone had a sugar fueled excellent time! The judges were well cared for as were the showers and in general it was simply fantastic. Competition was tough but everyone seemed to have a really awesome time! The best part about the show was that the proceeds (well over 1000) went towards the Bear Valley Horse Rescue in Sundre Alberta. It was WONDERFUL to be able to raise so much money at such an awesome event. Well done Shauna! The next show is Lethbridge Live, on the July long weekend! Can't Wait :) ****** Posted by Pauline Entin, NAMHSA PR 6/6/2011 | |
Last updated on June 6, 2011 |