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NAMHSA - May 1-15, 2010 News
NAMHSA News for the period of May 1-15, 2010 based on the minutes compiled by Bobbi Devine, Recording Secretary. MAY 1 --Pauline Entin (Public Relations) posted previous years' criteria for considering the different bids for NAN 2011. MAY 3 --Bobbi Devine (Recording Secretary) posted the April 16-30, 2010 minutes report. These were approved 5/3. --Lindsey Hall (President) conducted an informal poll regarding producing a Stone SR for NAN 2010. The informal vote of the regional representatives was 10 not in favor of a SR and one in favor. --Valerie Parker (Region 10 Representative /MSOTY Chair) posted that she still needed panel members from Regions 2, 8, & 11. MAY 4 --Lindsey Hall posted that she would notify Lauren Wood (NAN 2010 Auction/Raffle Coordinator) that the Board had decided not to have a Stone Special Run produced for NAN 2010. --Carmen Robertson (Treasurer) posted information about Paypal's processing fees for non-profit organizations. She urged the Board to vote promptly regarding the choice of getting a merchant account (to accept credit cards) or not. MAY 5 --Lindsey Hall requested a poll be set up to narrow down the choices of location for NAN 2011. A poll was started. --Lindsey Hall posted the latest Board agenda: 1. NAN items - entry window open 2. NAN 2011 - under discussion 3. Website redesign - done 4. Judging Handbook Committee - no activity? 5. Breed guidelines for NAN - done 6. Fees for late show applications - tabled until proposal received 7. 2010 elections - waiting on nondisclosure forms 8. Junior IM/Merit Award programs 9. MSOTY contest - underway 10. NAMHSA Facebook page 11. Online ballots/voting 12. Merchant account for accepting credit cards 13. Nondisclosure form necessity 14. Allowing fantasy equines in collectibility/workmanship --Carra McClelland (Region 4 Representative) passed along a suggestion from a NAN sponsor to put up banner ads on the website for sponsors, as was done for the auction and raffle donors. Lindsey Hall agreed with the idea. MAY 9 --Gail Schuenemann (Member Show Secretary) posted the latest newly approved show listing: (See www.namhsa.org for current member shows) May 10 --Lindsey Hall requested a poll be set up for voting on the merchant account. A poll was started. --Carmen Robertson posted the April Financial Report: NAMHSA April 2010 Reconciled Treasurer's Report Prepared and submitted by Carmen Robertson, Treasurer ~ May 4, 2010 4/1/2010 through 4/30/2010 Total Income: $260.00 Total Expenses: -$563.60 Balance in BOA Checking as of 4/30/10: $69358.00 Balance in PayPal as of 4/30/10: $925.76 Balance in NAMHSA accounts as of 4/30/10: $70283.76 --Silke Brockmoeller (incoming Vice President) and Kate Cabot (incoming Region 10 Representative) joined the Board email list. REGIONAL REPORTS Region 1 (Tracy Eilers) Happy May from Region 1! We had two shows in April. The Annual Treasure Valley MHC Show was held in Boise, ID and the classic NW Expo was held in Corvallis, OR. I didn't get any reports from Treasure Valley, but always hear what a great time those shows are. I attended the sold-out NW Expo, and it was a huge turnout of hobbyists and gorgeous models! I judged the CM/AR division, and boy did we have some amazing horses to see! The performance classes were also enormous, with over 20 horses in many classes. We also have a huge longear/exotic contingent that shows at Expo each year, so its great to see all those guys out on the tables spicing things up a bit! May has a fun specialty show held by Amy Peck for Drafts and Ponies. What a cool opportunity to bring out the biggest and smallest of our collections! ****** Region 2 (Tom Dean) 3 shows to report for April. April 17-18 saw the companion shows, The Fantastic Plastic Classic and BAAHCCCC held in a new, smaller hall in San Martin, CA. I judged some excellent Minis while Annette made one of her rare forays into the Halter arena. Both shows were well attended and ran smoothly thanks to Jane & Ann Morehouse (Fantastic Plastic) and to Robin Kent & Marie Sobieski (BAAHCCCC). April 24-25 saw a new show, The Great Outdoors in Hemet, CA hosted by Jacquie Fernandez. We were unable to attend, but heard that this was enjoyed by all who made it. Scheduled for May 15 is the first of this year's KISS performance series, hosted by Sharon(and Phil) Massouris in Anaheim. ****** Region 3 (Teresa Buzzell) April saw just a couple of shows for the region in Arizona, on the weekend of April 24 & 25. Kick AZ Live: Minis to the Max! and Arizona Live were both held in Peoria by Teresa Candelaria-Northcutt. Arizona Live is the longest running show in the region, going strong at for 19 years and this year's theme was safari. I was unable to attend, but it sounds and looks like everyone had a wonderful time! May will kick off a few more shows for the region, this time in Colorado and Utah. May 8 (held as of this report) is a two-fer - Pioneer Classic in Provo, Utah, held by Tara Oliver and Redline Revival: OF Breyer, in Boulder, CO, held by Heather Roell. May 22 - Devilish Kokopelli Live, Golden, CO. I know space is still available, so come to one of the best shows in the region! Please contact Heather Roell or Teresa Fedak for more information. (Contact information is on the NAMHSA website.) Upcoming shows: Another two-fer on June 19, 2010: OSC: Light/Gaited/Sport & Spanish Classic in Tucson, AZ. Contact: Christine Armstrong and June 19, 2010: Redline Revival: OF China, CMG China, Mini AR in Boulder, CO. Contact: Heather Roell. (Contact information for both shows is on the NAMHSA website.) ****** Region 4 (Carra McClelland) April saw a revival of showing in our region! It always makes me smile to see us all waking up from the long, cold winters. April gave us: April 3, 2010: Dream Acres Live Model Show in Parkersburg, IA. April 24, 2010: Spirit Horse All Mini Halter Show in Omaha, NE Upcoming events include: June 12, 2010: Rough Riders Live in Fargo, ND. Contact Nancie Warga. September 25, 2010: Party on the Platte in Ashland, NE (Mahoney State Park). Contact Carra McClelland or Chris Allen I have also heard talk of possible shows in Minnesota and Wisconsin! Thank to all our show holders! You put on awesome shows and I know all of us in the region really appreciate it. We are all gearing up for NAN and I think that Region 4 should have pretty good representation! See y'all there! ****** Region 5 (Lori Batchelor) April brought us the return of Tejas in Bryan/College Station Texas. The show was a real success. Lots of classes and yet we managed to get out of the showhall both nights by 7:00 ish. Quite refreshing. The showhall was very nice, though load-in was a bit of a problem till we found the back entrance. May brings us Indian Nations Live, in Dewey, Oklahoma on May 22. This is one of, if not the, oldest recurrent shows in the region. It will be only a one day show, but it will definitely be worth the trip, so ya'll come! ****** Region 6 (Jackie Moore) Hello All! There was one show in Region 6 in April - MITS (Models In The Sunshine), April 24-25 in Ocala, FL. But it wasn't just a show - it was three days of horses and fun! Friday kicked off at 4 with a Swap Meet. We also had some very special guest horses on Friday. Brenda Hall brought her fabulous PRE stallion Buhonero and treated us to a harnessing demonstration. And Bob Folk (and his daughter, Ariel) of WR Ranch brought Kuchi for a visit! That's right - THE Kuchi from Breyerfest last year. We also had a sculpting seminar planned, but our instructor couldn't make it, so we gathered up all the new showers and we had an informal "showing 101" seminar instead. It was so nice to have real horses there to meet up close and in person, as well as to have time to sit and chat with people without all the craziness of the show going on. Saturday was OF Halter and CM/AR Performance day, while Sunday was CM/AR Halter and OF Performance day (with separate mini divisions on both days). Most divisions were done around 3 PM on Saturday, with OF Breyer finishing up around 4:30 and China finishing at 5:30. All divisions were finished by 5:30 PM on Sunday as well. There was a Breyer dealer there on Friday and Saturday (Donna Arteaga of Old Oak Farm) as well as Debbie Jones of Model Horse Jumps Co showing off her jumps and props. Competition was super tough in all divisions, and everyone should be proud of their placings! It seems like many Floridians won't be able to make it to NAN or Breyerfest this year due to the economy, so it was nice to have a mini Breyerfest in our own backyard! There are two shows coming up in Region 6 in May: May 8 will be South Florida Live in Pompano Beach, FL, and May 15 will be Heart of Carolina Live in Cary, NC. We're very excited! ****** Region 7 (Heather Jackson-Lain) April has come to region 7 and the show year is geared up. this month we had 1 show in the region. Model Horses Anonymous Live III was help April 10th 2010. The show welcomed 61 entrants from as far away as Indiana and Michigan as well as Georgia, Tennessee, North Carolina, Kentucky and many other places. MHA offered a full class list with ALL classes being double judged. MHA focus has always been on Raising money for Thoroughbred charities. this year the show was kicked off with a farm visit to see two wonderful off track racehorse mares Lady of Riches and Orange Juice Moon. The showers got pony time and the mares got a total of 6 pounds of carrots over the entire weekend. After the farm visit showers rushed to wash up before a wonderful preshow get together for dinner. Show day dawned bright and clear as the showers arrived and many other places to unpack there ponies and show off their equine treasures. The show ran at a steady pace as the crew of judges worked hard to pin some wonderful classes. The raffle tables were overflowing with goodies donated by people from all over in many aspects of the hobby. The show wrapped up after a fun filled but long day. We once again gathered for the traditional MHA post show dinner. The weekend of events was capped off by another group of visitors to the farm for a bit more pony time and carrots. May will bring us the AQHA Quarterfest with Breyer. Next up on the show schedule is the eighth installment of Big Orange Bash on June 19th in Knoxville Tn. B.O.B always promises good food and good times. if you find yourself in southeast Tn in June stop by and say hello and partake in some of our good old fashioned southern hospitality. ****** Region 8 (Marilou Mol) April was a hopping month for Region 8 shows! April 3--Ozark Mountain Live in Springfield, Missouri. I was fortunate enough to attend this show last year, and while I couldn't make it this year, I know that Deb White puts on a great show! April 10--The Small Show in Sand Lake, Michigan. Melissa Hart was hostess for this show, and I was glad to see her back in the show world. I'm sure that this one was fun! April 10--GLC No Frills All-Mini show in Huntley, Illinois. I attended this show, and it featured tough competition and a great opportunity to see friends and meet new ones! April 17--Plastic Ponies on Parade in Fenton, Michigan. Shelley Hogle sponsors this show every year, and it is usually well-attended and much enjoyed! April 24--The Last Call Show in Osseo, Michigan. Silke Brockmoeller is the hostess of this show, so I'm certain it was a lot of fun! April 24--IL-IA Live Show in East Dubuque, Illinois. Brenda Metcalf always puts on a fun show with a lot of divisions, and of course, her mother's pies!!! The competition was really tough, and I really enjoyed the show! The Spring show season is slowing down a bit now, but with the Stone Country Fair and Breyerfest and Equilocity coming up, we'll have a great summer! ****** Region 9 (Pat Coulter) Region 9 rounded out the show year with the 14th Annual Berks County 4-H MHS on April 10th and the Bloomsburg Original Finish MHS on the 24th. The Berks 4-H show was once again a fantastic show! Well run with a great judges roster and packed with plenty of stiff competition. The hit of the day was Beth Hoffert giving away a variety of items to the Novices, who came running like a pack of animals each time! I'm sure I'm not the only one looking forward to the 15th show next year. The 24th brought the welcome return of the Bloomsburg MHS. (sister CM/AR show coming in May!) This was also, as always, well run with a wonderful group of judges. There's been idle talk of horse shows in the planning stages for the Fall in R9. If you are looking to set a date, SPEAK UP, so that all show managers have an idea who's planning for what weekend! It's in everyone's best interests to plan together, not against! ****** Region 10 (Valerie Parker) There were 3 shows in Region 10 in April: The Random Mini Show and Color Crazy were held the same weekend in Spencer, MA in conjunction with the New England Model Dog Expo. A couple weekends later was the Quabbin Valley Performance Open. I did not personally attend any of these shows, but from reading reports it sounds like everyone had a great time with good competition. There is just one show in May: the CT River Classic Live. ****** Region 11 (Sandra Gibson) NO REPORT ****** Posted by Pauline Entin, NAMHSA PR 6/7/2010 | |