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NAMHSA - May 1-15, 2009 News
NAMHSA News for the period of May 1-15, 2009 based on the minutes recorded by Chris Wallbruch, Recording Secretary. On May 6th, the Board poll to select a new NAMHSA website manager closed. Lynn Weber was elected by a majority vote. NAMHSA thanks everyone who applied for this volunteer position. On May 7th, Barb Ness posted the March and April 2009 Treasurer's Reports: NAMHSA March 2009 Reconciled Treasurer's Report Prepared and submitted by Barbara Ness, Treasurer ~ May 7, 2009 3/1/2009 through 3/31/2009 TOTAL INCOME: 330.00 TOTAL EXPENSES: -606.91 Balance in BOA Checking as of 3/31/09: $68,799.83 Balance in PayPal as of 3/31/09: $391.59 Total in NAMHSA accounts as of 3/31/09: $69,190.62 NAMHSA April 2009 Reconciled Treasurer's Report Prepared and submitted by Barbara Ness, Treasurer ~ May 7, 2009 4/1/2009 through 4/30/2009 TOTAL INCOME: 170.00 TOTAL EXPENSES: -2,782.27 Balance in BOA Checking as of 4/30/09: $66,167.56 Balance in PayPal as of 4/30/09: $1,383.14 Total in NAMHSA accounts as of 4/30/09: $67,550.70 On May 9th, Chris Wallbruch posted her resignation as Recording Secretary effective July 1st, 2009. On May 10th, Chris Wallbruch posted the April 16-30, 2009 minutes. These were approved. On May 13th, Lindsey Hall posted the latest NAMHSA agenda: 1. Tabled. 2. Work on the policy manual. 3. NAN 2010. Breyer does not have a date yet. 4. NAN 2009 judges - recruitment ongoing. 5. Done 6. Done 7. Recording Secretary position. Post has gone out to all lists. 8. Done 9. Elections. Done! 10. NAN Cookie Contest. Post has gone out to the lists. 11. Judging Handbook - progres report. 12. Upcoming open positions - Treasurer, IM Secretary, Merit Award Coordinator. 13. Entering NAN without qualifying. 14. Co-owned models On May 14th, Chris Wallbruch posted the list of shows nominated for Member Show of the Year: A Midwinter Night's Ball Big Orange Bash Clinky Classic Live Fantastic Plastic Live Intermediare Intersport Meows and Minis Mid Atlantic Regionals Mini Mayhem Live Model Horses Anonymous Models In the Sunshine NEMHC NorthWest Expo Ozark Mountain Live Region 10 Regionals Sea To Bay Model Horse Club Show Show For the Cure Tri State Live Spring All Mini Show Also on May 14th, Danielle Miller volunteered to stay on as the Individual Membership Secretary for a three year term. REGIONAL REPORTS Region 1 (Zana Goulding): "Well, I think we set a record for Region 1.. 7 shows all in one month. WOHOOOOOO.!... Reports were that they were well attended, and had great competition. I didn't get to attend any, but I did hold one, and I can tell you, if they were all like mine, placings were very well earned. Nice to see the whole region behind the shows, and hope that bodes well for NAN in Portland." Region 2 (Tom Dean): "April was a busy month, starting with the Fantastic Plastic Classic hosted by Jane Morehouse, an all OF plastic show held April 4th in Hayward. FPC had large competitive classes all day (and evening). Region 2, repeat after me..."Tom is Not, repeat Not, a Breyer Judge" April 5th saw the same hall being used for 2 additional shows; the Bay Area All Halter Custom Classic and China Show hosted by Robin Kent and the Keep It Super Simple (K I S S) Perfomance show (1st of the series) hosted by Victoria Zanutto. Although the classes were smaller, the competition was as fierce and all ribbons were well earned. The last weekend saw two shows in Stockton, the 5th almost annual Mini Mayhem hosted by Chris Jones, and a new show, Spring Stampede hosted by Karen Harper. Annette and I enjoyed judging OF at Mini Mayhem (at least I did). Spring Stampede the next day was also fun, smaller classes but some very nice models in every section. A nicely paced show with the last Champion pinned just before 5 PM. Coming up in May, So Cal Spring Horse Live in San Diego on the 16-17th, and Lazyhorse Live Small Fry Frolic in Sunnyvale on the 30th." Region 3 (Teresa Buzzell): "April came in as a bit of a lion here to Region 3. It snowed on and off, I swear ALL month here in Denver. As far as model things going on, the only shows to go on in the region were in Arizona. The first one, AZ Live is one of the longest consecutively held shows in the nation and the longest one in the region. Teresa Northcutt's theme this year was "green", complete with recycled ribbons from previous AZ Lives. The next day saw AZ Minis to the Max, also held by Teresa. Congrats on two great shows Teresa! Upcoming events: May: May 9th - Pioneer Classic in Salt Lake, held as of this report. My fave show of the year in the local area - Devilish Kokopelli Live in Golden May 23rd. June: I'll be heading out for NAN as a judge plus a few days on each side of the show to visit the parents and other semi important stuff like that. Otherwise, I think the region will be in summer heat/sleep mode!" Region 4 (Carra McClelland): "April was quiet in region 4, with one show held, IA-IL Live. This is right on the border with R8 and I think it is great when we can show with and against folks from another region so easily! May looks to be a quiet month in R4 but summer usually brings another crop of great shows!" Region 5 (Carmen Robertson): "Only one show for Region 5 in April. April 25th was the Sunflower Series Show 1 Favorite 20 in Rose Hill, KS hosted by Bekki Moore. The show allowed each entrant to bring their favorite 20 horses to show in OF and CM/AR halter. They also offered color classes; something not seen very much is our neck of the woods; but a nice change of pace nevertheless. They will also have an all mini show and an all performance show in June and August repectively. Up next in May we have two shows. Indian Nations Live; the oldest show in Oklahoma; on May 9th in Dewey, OK hosted by Cassie Hayes. http://www.wildhorsemodels.com. There will also be a Breyer Fun Day on the same day so you can pick up a special fun day model. Red Earth Live on May 30th in Oklahoma City, OK hosted by Lynn Yates. http://redearthlive.net23.net/index.html. I'll see our fellow Region 5ers and maybe some others, who knows, there. I'm looking forward to showing perfomance for the first time this year; it's been a while." Region 6 (Jackie Moore): "Hello all! There were no shows in Region 6 in April, but a few Region 6ers ventured up to nearby Region 7 for Model Horses Anonymous Live. The next show in our region will be Heart Of Carolina Live in Raleigh, NC on May 16." Region 7 (Shannon de Waal): "April finally brought us a show and none too soon! The second incarnation of Model Horses Anonymous was hosted by Heather Jackson-Lain and her wonderful husband Jared and held in Athens, TN on April 18th. Heather and Jared sure know how to bring on the fun, the food, and an all-encompassing classlist (including Youth and double judging) and a great time was had by all! Those of us slow packers even had Jared and some other model horse SOs to take our totes out to the cars after the show... talk about service!" Region 8 (Marilou Mol): "Hi, all! April was a busy month for shows in Region 8, with four excellent opportunities for Region 8 members to show! April 4 was the first show for the Hoosier Horse Fair, put on by the Indiana Horse Council! The show took place in Indianapolis, and I was really happy to have another show in Indiana. I assisted the Indiana Horse Council in putting on the show, and really enjoyed meeting Karen Dawes, the show coordinator, and her family. It was fun to meet new people and visit friends and acquaintances there. We had a couple of challenges--while it was very cool to be right next to the arena where Stacy Westfall and others were demonstrating real horse training, it did make it harder for exhibitors to hear the judges and to keep dust off of their models! Also on April 4, Great Lakes Congress held a No Frills All Minis show in Huntley, Illinois. I heard that the show was well-attended, and I know that GLC always puts on an enjoyable show! April 11 was the date for Debra White's Ozark Mountain Live show in Springfield, Missouri. It was my school's spring break, so I was able to get to that show also! It was a HUGE show, and I know I really enjoyed getting out and seeing people I hadn't seen in a while, and meeting new people as well! April 18 was the date for the Plastic Ponies on Parade show in Fenton, Michigan. I haven't heard specifically from anyone who attended, but Plastic Ponies on Parade has been around for quite a while, and I'm sure that Shelley Hogle and Debbie Delap put on an excellent show! Have a great month!" Region 9 (Bobbi Devine): "April brought two shows to Region 9. First up was the 13th Annual Berks County 4H Model Horse Show. A full turnout, lots of classes and divisions, great food. A good time had by all. Secondly on April 18th was the Southwest PA Classic Show, hostessed by Bonnie Valentine and Leslie Rothaar. From the reports I read, it was a really nice show! Next up on the schedule is Chincoteague Beach Party in June!" Region 10 (Liesl Dalpe): "We had 2 shows here in Region 10 in April; The Buffalo Spring Thaw Spectacular and the VT Live Model horse show. I did not have the opportunity to go to Buffalo, but did get to the VT show, and it was wonderful! It is coupled with Everything Equine, a real horse event similar to Equine Affaire. Having the real horse event there added a whole new dimension to the show and really enhances the experience. It was a lot of fun and I definitely recommend it as a really good show." Region 11 (Kim Carter): NO REPORT SUBMITTED Posted by Pauline Entin, NAMHSA PR 5/31/2009 | |
Last updated on March 28, 2010 |