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NAMHSA - April 16-30, 2013 News
NAMHSA News for the period of April 16-30, 2013, based on the minutes compiled by Jackie Arns-Rossi, Recording Secretary. APRIL 16 -------------------------------------------------- Jackie Arns-Rossi submitted the April 1-15 minutes for approval. Teresa Buzzell approved the ballot previously posted. Teresa Buzzell asked for responses to an informal vote regarding the NAN Judge Proxy Showing Program. Kathy Williams, Natalie Kilpatrick, Lyn Norbury, Jackie Moore and Chris Wallbruch were in favor of unlimited proxy showing for judges while Tracy Eilers, Pauline Entin, Stacy Faraci, Pat Coulter, Kate Cabot, Terri Wright and Carra McClelland preferred to keep the limit of one division per day of judging. APRIL 17 Eleanor Harvey recommended an official poll be created based on the results of the informal poll. APRIL 18 Jackie Arns-Rossi was asked to start a poll for changes to the NAN Judge Proxy Showing Program. Carra McClelland advised that she had given another PR applicant a writing assignment due Monday, April 22. APRIL 19 Jackie Arns-Rossi started the poll: What, if any, changes should be made to the policy of allowing NAN judges show the same day they judge at NAN? Current policy limits a judge to proxy showing up to 20 classes on a day they are judging. o Keep current policy o Limit judges to showing in one division, with no limit on the number of classes they may enter o No limits to the number of classes or divisions shown, so long as judges do not show in the division they are judging o Abstain Teresa Buzzell asked Danielle Miller to present her changes to the Individual Membership Program. APRIL 20 Danielle Miller posted proposed changes to the Individual Membership Program, including potential drawings for gift certificates to various web sites and NAMHSA programs. Suggested changes included Jackie Arns-Rossi's request to specify that digital voting to be the default method of voting and Natalie Kilpatrick's request to explicitly state that Member Shows are not eligible for drawings. APRIL 21 Beth Lamm posted the latest Merit Award winners (list found below). Discussion regarding the proposed changes to the Individual Membership Program continued. Amy Peck submitted the newly approved shows to all of the regional lists and Lynn Weber updated the website and Facebook Events. The updated list of approved shows can be viewed at https://www.namhsa.org/showsbydate.htm APRIL 22 Carra McClelland posted the writing sample from the PR applicant and discussions began. Teresa Buzzell asked BOD members to plug the NAMHSA Facebook page and Lynn Weber asked BOD members who hadn't yet submitted their bios for the blog to do so. Carra McClelland uploaded the 2013 NAN Packet for approval. The poll for changes to the NAN Judge Proxy Showing Program closed with the following results: - Keep Current Policy (0 Votes, 0%) - Limit judges to showing in one division, with no limit on the number of classes they may enter (7 Votes, 58.33%) Tracy Eilers, Pauline Entin, Stacy Faraci, Pat Coulter, Kate Cabot, Terri Wright, Carra McClelland - No limits to the number of classes or divisions shown, so long as judges do not show in the division they are judging (5 Votes, 41.67%) Kathy Williams, Natalie Kilpatrick, Lyn Norbury, Jackie Moore, Chris Wallbruch - Abstain (0 Votes, 0%) APRIL 23 Natalie Kilpatrick verified that bronze would be an acceptable color for fantasy should the initiative pass. APRIL 24 Discussion continued on the PR Applicant. A question was raised by a Regional Representative in which a judge of a CM Division at a show had recently shown her own work in two classes dedicated to her work, yet she did not judge the class. Because the models were not judged by their creator nor were they allowed into Callbacks the Workmanship Cards were ruled valid by a number of the of the BOD. Carmen Robertson posted the March Financial Summary (found below) and uploaded the full report to the files section. APRIL 25 Teresa Buzzell posted a draft of the MSOTY Chair and Committee Member solicitations. APRIL 27 Teresa Buzzell asked Jackie Arns-Rossi to begin a poll on the PR Applicants. A final call for corrections to the 2013 NAN Packet were made. Teresa Buzzell asked Carra McClelland, Pauline Entin and Lynn Weber to post the approved MSOTY solicitations. APRIL 28 Amy Peck brought it to the BOD's attention that a portion of the results file for the Show for the Cure (3/16/13) was corrupt. She had asked the show holder to resend the results but had not yet received a reply. Teresa Buzzell and Carra McClelland suggested the show be considered delinquent until all results were received. APRIL 29 A poll to choose the next Public Relations Officer was created by Jackie Arns-Rossi. APRIL 30 Teresa Buzzell reported that 2013 NAN entry was now live. She also reported that a chair for the MSOTY Committee had been named (Chris Wallbruch) and that the committee currently consisted of members from Regions 6, 7, 9 and 11. Chris Wallbruch advised that she would be contacting the Show for the Cure show holder directly and privately to sort out the missing portion of the results. FINANCIAL SUMMARY -------------------------------------------------- Total Income 740.00 Total Expenses -4962.90 Balance in BOA checking as of 3/31/2013: 64199.70 Balance in PayPal as of 3/31/2013: 135.61 Balance in NAMHSA accounts as of 3/31/2013: 64335.31 MERIT AWARD WINNERS -------------------------------------------------- Sweet Pea earned a ROM in OF PS Pony Foal and is owned by Vickie Carper Yucatan earned a ROM in OF Other Pure Light and is owned by Sarah Whelehan Rogue River earned a ROM in OFP Breyer Halter and is owned by Adrien Synnott Congratulations! BOARD MEMBERS FOR THE PERIOD -------------------------------------------------- President: Teresa Buzzell Vice President: Carra McClelland Treasurer: Carmen Robertson Recording Secretary: Jackie Arns-Rossi Region 1 Representative: Tracy Eilers Region 2 Representative: Kathy Williams Region 3 Representative: Pauline Entin Region 4 Representative: Natalie Kilpatrick Region 5 Representative: Lyn Norbury Region 6 Representative: Jackie Moore Region 7 Representative: Stay Faraci Region 8 Representative: Chris Wallbruch Region 9 Representative: Pat Coulter Region 10 Representative: Kate Cabot Region 11 Representative: Terri Wright Individual Membership Secretary: Danielle Miller Show Secretary: Amy Peck Member Show Results Processor: Amy Peck Public Relations: Pauline Entin (Interim) Webmaster: Lynn Weber Parliamentarian: Eleanor Harvey Merit Awards Coordinator: Beth Lamm 2013 NAN Chair: Niki Hertzog 2013 Member Show of the Year Chairperson: Chris Wallbruch Judge's Handbook Committee: Carra McClelland Thank you, Natalie Kilpatrick NAMHSA Public Relations Posted by Natalie Kilpatrick, NAMHSA PR 9/10/2013 | |
Last updated on June 24, 2012 |