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NAMHSA - April 16-30, 2011 News
NAMHSA News for the period of April 16-30, 2011, based on the minutes compiled by Bobbi Devine, Recording Secretary. APRIL 18 --Jackie Arns-Rossi (President) posted the latest Board agenda: AGENDA Sunday April 17- Saturday April 23, 2011 A. UNDERWAY: 1. PRES/VP: Discussion of details underway 2. NAN 2013: discussion initiated, temp tabled to deal with Pres-VP details 3. NAN 2010 Auction/Sweepstakes: Lawyers are in discussions, with a hopefully a resolution this week. B. IN THE PIPELINE: SANCTIONS FOR NAMHSA RULE INFRACTIONS: Ranging from a lifetime ban from holding positions in the organization (for severe infraction) through a cascade of lesser penalties for breaking showholder/entrant rules CONTRACTS: All stipend eligible positions should sign a contract outlining what is expected of them and what needs to be done before they are mailed their stipend (thank you notes, receipts all in, any accounting etc) BONDING: Consider for treasurer, temp bonds for NAN...or just stop taking cash and run all transactions through PayPal? Or make bonding part of the contract (individuals handling NAMHSA cash need to get their own bond) THE 60 DAY RULE: Extensions/higher fees for late shows? How late is too late?* PERFORMANCE DIVISION RULE RECONSIDERATION: We discussed rewriting the rule defining performance divisions for NAN qualifiers--to permit a judge for Western performance to enter in a separate English Performance division, etc. FILES SECTION RE-ORG: Needs spring cleaning NAN 2014 C. FINISHED ITEMS: NAN 2012: Initial call for key posts on April 9. Repeats every 30 days until BFest, then every 2 weeks? MERIT AWARD COORDINATOR: Post needs to be advertised, transition underway. Gail and Jill handling the position until it gets filled, they can fill this role through the end of Jennie's term (Jan 2013), if necessary. ********** --Jackie Arns-Rossi forwarded a question from a hobbyist regarding the differences between the 2010 Annual Report and the NAN 2010 Auction Financial report. Carmen Robertson (Treasurer) explained that the 2010 Fiscal report deals only with expenses and income for 2010. The 2010 Auction report shows expenses and income regardless of the year incurred (2009, 2010, and 2011). --Jackie Arns-Rossi forwarded information regarding a three part ticket for the NAN raffle. APRIL 20 --Bobbi Devine (Recording Secretary) submitted the April 1-15, 2011 minutes report. Jackie Arns-Rossi approved the report with a minor change. --Jackie Arns-Rossi copied the Board on an email she sent to NAMHSA's lawyer inquiring about the status of the NAN 2010 Auction case. --Sandra Gibson (R11 Representative) forwarded an inquiry from a hobbyist regarding the decision to void the NAN cards from the AR division at Winter Blahs Live. Jackie Arns-Rossi copied the Board on the response she sent to N-D dealing with this issue. --Jackie Arns-Rossi said that with permission from the Board, she would draft the bylaw language for the Pres/VP succession issue. --Jackie Arns-Rossi asked if the Board would be ready to put the issue of bidding out NAN 2013 to an initial vote (to bid or not to bid). APRIL 21 --Pauline Entin (Public Relations) re-posted Danielle Miller's (Individual Membership Secretary) NAN restructuring proposal from January 2010 for review. APRIL 22 --Jackie Arns-Rossi motioned that the Board vote on the status of NAN 2013. Tom Dean (R2) seconded the motion. [NOTE: A motion is made and seconded before discussion, and before a vote is actually taken. This vote has not been completed due to extensive discussion.] APRIL 24 --Carmen Robertson (Treasurer) uploaded the March 2011 Treasurer's report: March 1, 2011 through March 31, 2011 Total Income: $1056.00 Total Expenses: -$3684.44 Balance in BoA Checking 3/31/11: $78,838.94 Balance in Paypal 3/31/11: $ 131.63 Balance in NAMHSA's accounts 3/31/11 $78,970.57 APRIL 25 --Tom Dean (R2 Representative) mentioned that the NAN Cookie Contest for the 2012/2013 design needs to be launched. --Pauline Entin posted a copy of the solicitation used for the 2010/2011 NAN Cookie Contest. She mentioned that the Board should begin advertising in May. --Pauline Entin reminded Marilou Mol (R8 Representative) that the last weekend for shows eligible for the 2011 Member Show Of The Year award was this coming weekend, and that she would need to keep to a tight deadline in order to have a show selected in time to announce at NAN 2011. APRIL 26 --Pauline Entin posted draft solicitations for MSOTY committee members and show nominations. Marilou Mol approved the drafts and requested that Pauline post them to the lists. APRIL 27 --Jackie Arns-Rossi posted the latest Board agenda: AGENDA Sunday April 24- Saturday May 1, 2011 A. UNDERWAY: 1. PRES/VP: Hammering out specific language for bylaws 2. NAN 2013: discussion underway 3. NAN 2010 Auction issue: Requests for update sent 4/25 and 4/27 B. IN THE PIPELINE: 1. PUNISHMENT FOR RULE INFRACTIONS 2. CONTRACTS 3. BONDING 4. THE 60 DAY RULE 5. PERFORMANCE DIVISION RULE RECONSIDERATION 6. FILES SECTION RE-ORG 7. NAN 2014 C. COMPLETED ITEMS: 1. NAN 2012 posts ***** --Jackie Arns-Rossi copied the Board on an inquiry she sent to NAMHSA's lawyer regarding the status of the NAN 2010 Auction case. They responded that the lawyer has been out on a trial all week. --Jackie Arns-Rossi reminded the Board that the NAN 2013 issue is still on the table to be discussed and asked that the Reps discuss this with their regions and report back to the Board with the results by Friday, 4/29. --Carmen Robertson uploaded the First Quarter Financial Report: January 1, 2011 through March 31, 2011: Total Income: $2191.00 Total Expenses: -$5296.12 Overall Total: -$3105.12 APRIL 30 --Pauline Entin inquired if the Board was ready to kick off the NAN 2012/2013 trophy contest. Posted by Pauline Entin, NAMHSA PR 6/2/2011 | |
Last updated on June 4, 2011 |