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NAMHSA - April 1-15, 2013 News
NAMHSA News for the period of April 1-15, 2013, based on the minutes compiled by Jackie Arns-Rossi, Recording Secretary. APRIL 2 -------------------------------------------------- Carra McClelland uploaded the writing sample from one of the Public Relations applicants and the Board began discussions. Teresa Buzzell summarized the current discussions about Judges proxy showing at NAN. She stated that the Board needed to be speedier about this subject. She emphasized that Board members had made no remarks about removing the Judge Proxy Showing at NAN, but that a handful had stated that they would like to see the proxy limit removed. Those who wanted to voice any concerns were urged to do so before the morning of April 4th. Some Board Members were concerned with Judges who were proxying being able to speak with other Judges, technically a violation of NAN rules per the NAN 2013 Packet (page 3 - Exhibitors may not solicit judges’ opinions at any time before or during the running of the show). Danielle Miller emphasized that she would like to see her proposed changes be implemented for this year, should they be approved. APRIL 3 -------------------------------------------------- Discussion of the NAN Judge Proxy Showing Program continued focusing on how limiting a judge's showing would be of benefit for NAMHSA. Board Members stated that by limiting judges to showing in only a single division would allow them to judge more classes during the day. It would also allow more judges to judge classes where they are considered experts instead of exhibiting in those classes. APRIL 4 -------------------------------------------------- Jackie Arns-Rossi advised that the fantasy vote would go out to members with their Regional Representative and Vice President ballots in the near future. She emphasized that there were still no candidates for Region 11 and that Stacy Faraci was withdrawing her candidacy bid for Region 7. Jackie also posted the minutes for the second half of March where they were approved by Teresa Buzzell on April 6th. Carmen Robertson posted the February 2013 financial summary after uploading the full report to the files section. Bank of America Checking Account - $64,049.74 PayPal Account - $38.54 Total Account Balances - $64,058.28 Jackie Arns-Rossi updated the Board with a list of candidates for the upcoming election. Nominations for Regional Representatives closed on March 29th. Among them were: Region 1 - Stacy Quick Region 3 - Pauline Entin and Yashka Hallein Region 5 - Lyn Norbury and Lynn Weber Region 7 - Stacy Faraci (Later Withdrawn) Region 9 - Nichole Hertzog and Kim Bjorgo-Thorne Region 11 - None Nominations for Vice President later closed on April 2nd with one nomination, Tom Dean, former Region 2 Representative. Candidates were asked to supply bios, however, only one had been returned. Jackie Arns-Rossi made plans to send a reminder to the remaining candidates so that the ballots could be delivered within the next week. APRIL 5 -------------------------------------------------- Teresa Buzzell advised the Board that elections would be held regardless of whether or not candidates could be found to represent regions 7 and 11. She believed that even without representation from those two regions the Board would still have enough participation from the represented regions to conduct business. Meanwhile, discussions continued regarding the Public Relations applicant. APRIL 6 -------------------------------------------------- Lynn Weber updated the website with newly approved shows which can be viewed at https://www.namhsa.org/showsbydate.htm APRIL 7 -------------------------------------------------- Pauline Entin posted a draft of the February 1-28 NAMHSA News for approval. APRIL 9 -------------------------------------------------- Teresa Buzzell posted the April Agenda: Done: 1. Regional Representative Solicitation 2. Vice President Solicitation 3. Public Relations Solicitation In Progress: 1. Judge Proxy Showing Program 2. MSOTY Chair/Committee Solicitation 3. Public Relations Decision New, In Order of Importance: 1. Formalizing eligibility of voting for new members 2. MA Ideas 3. National Showers Database Removed: 1. MSOTY (Due to lack of time) Teresa advised the Board that they would be reviewing the 2013 NAN Packet soon. With that in mind, Eleanor Harvey recommended that the Board make a decision of the Judge Proxy Showing Program prior to NAN Entry Opening Day. Lack of data from 2012 prevented the Board from being able to decide on changes to the program for 2013. Reps weighed in on their support for the program with 8 Board Members agreeing to keep the program as it were in an informal vote. The Board revisited the Public Relations position at this time, as well. Eleanor Harvey confirmed that the position could be reopened if needed if no viable candidates were available during the search period. She also stated that any additional candidates need go through the same screening process as the original candidates and, in the event a candidate already held a position on the Board, they were permitted to hold two positions provided they could handle the workload of both positions. If one position started to suffer due to the assigned work that the member be asked to keep whichever position suited them best. Teresa Buzzell asked Carra McClelland and Pauline Entin to get the MSOTY materials ready to find a chair and members for that committee. APRIL 10 -------------------------------------------------- Jackie Arns-Rossi requested Regional Representatives post their Region Reports by April 15. All of the Regional candidates for the upcoming election had turned in their bios for the ballots with the exception of one who stated they were not aware that they needed to respond to the reminder and that she was aware that there was a deadline for bios (April 12th). Danielle Miller revisited the Individual Membership Program's benefits. Her main concern was getting members more benefits for their membership, encouraging more people who don't attend NAN to become NAMHSA Individual Members. She suggested different options, such as gift certificates, NAMHSA Approved Show entry fees reimbursed and further NAN entry discounts. APRIL 12 -------------------------------------------------- Amy Peck posted an e-mail from a potential NAMHSA approved show holder requesting her show, scheduled for the first Saturday of each month starting in May, be approved. This Show Member was requesting that two shows, one for May and one for June, become NAMHSA approved, offering to pay a late penalty fee. The Board agreed that the 60 day deadline needed to be enforced, denying these two show dates NAMHSA Approved status. In another informal vote regarding the Judge Proxy Program, some Board Members were in favor of lifting all division limits for judges proxying at NAN 2013. Other members were not in favor of lifting all limits and voted to limit judges to 1 division per day. A reminder was sent out to the Board asking members to not divulge privileged information with their region unless directed to do so by the President or Vice President. Stacy Faraci pointed out how agenda items can become confusing and misunderstandings can occur when discussing them on the internet vs. face to face. Kathy Williams stated that her region specifically asked for transparency from their Regional Representative and disagreed with information control. Teresa reiterated that discussing agenda items, more specifically, quoting posts on the NAMHSA-BOD list, was not acceptable behavior. APRIL 13 -------------------------------------------------- Chris Wallbruch asked that Teresa Buzzell specifically state when items were okay to discuss in public while Kathy Williams proclaimed that she does not accept any form of information control. APRIL 14 -------------------------------------------------- Teresa Buzzell presented a new Public Relations candidate to the Board. Because the new candidate was also a current member of the Board all discussions pertaining to the new candidate would be taken off NAMHSA-BOD. Lyn Norbury requested a writing sample from the new candidate in which Teresa Buzzell replied that one had already been requested. Jackie Moore reported that an exhibitor at a show over the weekend had requested a flyer for the Merit Award Program. Because no such flyer exists, she was unable to fulfill this request. Lynn Weber offered to assist Beth Lamm in creating one for the web site. APRIL 15 -------------------------------------------------- Jackie Arns-Rossi posted a draft of the ballot for the Fantasy Equine, Vice President and Odd Numbered Regional Representatives Vote to the NAMHSA-BOD List for approval. REGIONAL REPORTS -------------------------------------------------- REGION 1 No Report Available. REGION 2 Recent Events: A Memorial Luncheon for Ann Morehouse was held in San Leandro, CA, at one of Ann's favorite restaurants and was hosted by her sister Jane. As usual, Jane did a tremendous job organizing this happy event. Ann would have loved it. Many friends were there; we all got to see many of Ann's favorite treasures and lots of nostalgic photos. Each person brought a living flowering plant to go into Ann's garden at home. Our luncheon was serenaded by a Scottish bagpiper (Ann loved Celtic music). Though we all miss Ann sorely we know that she will be remembered by us all. Over The Hump Live was held held in Pahrump, NV, by Donna Anderson on March 24, 2013, and was a sold out show! Donna tells us that next year they may be looking into a bigger venue so that more people can be accommodated. "Over the Hump II- it was GREAT!!! Donna did a bang-up job putting it all together and running it... the awards were super and we had lots of new faces there that I hope to see continue in the hobby." – CeCe O'Connor. "I want to thank all the Judges for their hard work, the showers for coming, and all the donors who helped make this show happen. Without you it just wouldn't. Congrats to all the winners, Champs, Res Champs, Star Award and People's Choice honorees." - Donna Anderson The Fantastic Plastic Classic #10 was held in San Martin, CA, by Jane Morehouse on April 6, 2013. "The 10th Anniversary FANTASTIC PLASTIC CLASSIC Show is history. The results are in progress, the winners are back home, and the glitter is almost swept away. I have photos that will go on the show website soon. I had a special gold pony for someone who had attended all 10 FPC shows. When I asked who had been to each of the previous years' shows - 6 hands shot up! Then we had to have a "guess the number" go-round - and Debb Parrish was the lucky gold-pony winner! Thanks to all of you who keep FPC full of great models and rolling-along year after year. May the rosettes be never-ending, and the show hall always full! 2014 FANTASTIC PLASTIC CLASSIC----Yes - FPC #11 will take place - how can it not? Look for final date - but the first weekend in April (pending Easter Sunday's date) is "it"." – Jane Morehouse Bay Area All Halter Custom Classic and China Show #10 was held in San Martin, CA, by Robin Kent on April 7, 2013. "It was great to see all the show reports for the double show weekend of FPC and BAAHCCCS. Both of these shows have an amazing repeat streak of 10 years and still going! Kudos and Thanks to showholders Jane and Robin as well as all the helpers and judges for this great weekend that we can count on. BAAHCCCS had a great selection of customs with collectability and workmanship classes– from Artist Resins, Simple Customs to Custom Glazed China. We were *very* happy to see Trep Parrish back up and around and making an appearance! We also got to visit with Sharon Merrihew who made the trek just say hello." – Kathy Williams Upcoming Shows: Fine Art Bash will be held in Littlerock, CA, by Sarah Whelehan at the home of Vickie Carper on April 20, 2013. www.fineartbash.weebly.com "Divisions include Artist Resins, Customs, and Custom China Glazes. Offering classes for big & small, breed & workmanship. First - thank you all for your support! All entrant spots for the show have been reserved! Can't believe April is right around the corner! See you then =)." - Vickie Carper & Sarah Whelehan First Show of the New Season will be held by Sharon Massouris on May 18, 2013, in Anaheim, CA. "This show will be held at Sharon's home (near Knott's Berry Farm). There are four divisions: OF BREYER-Judge CeCe O'Connor, OF STONE-Judge Diane Keiter, CUSTOM PLASTIC-Judge Alicia Miller, Artist Resin-Suzanne Francis. Come for the show, watch the Preakness with us, stay for dinner. Enjoy having time with your fellow showers".- Sharon Massouris Western States Fundraiser #1 will be held by Lindsey Hall in San Martin, CA, on May 25th. "The NAN cards will be here soon and the rosettes have been ordered. Divisions include OF Plastic, Artist Resins, Simple Customs and OF and CG China. Come on out, kick up your heels and join us for a fun day to kick off your Memorial Day weekend!" -Lindsey Hall A great weekend will be held in Galt, CA on June 8-9th. Achy Acres Mini Spring Fling (mini show) will be held by Heather Visser in in Galt, CA on Saturday, June 8th and Big Valley Performance Show will follow on Sunday June 9th. Both shows will be held at Heather's home. Delta Stampede! will be held by Cindy Ruth on August 25, 2013, in Stockton, CA. "This is a BIG show with all the divisions that one could want! Cindy does a great job organizing such a huge event into a one day show. Get your entries in soon! This is a benefit with show proceeds donated to Animal Friends Connection of Lodi, CA. Come on out and join us!" – Kathy Williams We have more shows in the works for the rest of the year – it's going to be a busy 2013! - Kathy Williams REGION 3 Hello Everyone and Happy Spring! Model horse shows are usually gearing up this time of year. We're off to a bit of a slow start in Region 3 in terms of show numbers, but not in terms of fun and quality. The only Region 3 Member Show in March was SPORK, held in Arizona. 17 showers came to the AZ Riverpark Inn to show in five breed halter divisions, as well as workmanship and performance. The spork theme was prevalent throughout - hostess Christine Armstrong had a lot of fun with that. Next up is Jewel Heist Live, this year to be held in Mesa, AZ at the end of April. The Colorado show season will kick into gear in May. So, support your members shows and have fun showing! Pauline Entin REGION 4 In Region 4 we saw three shows in March, Sinawa Double Judge All Performance Show in Randolph, WI, Crystal Creek Riders Double Judged Spring Model Show in Randolph, WI and Dream Acres Live in Parkersburg, IA. It was a good month for live shows in the region. More shows are scheduled for Wisconsin in the upcoming months. - Natalie Kilpatrick REGION 5 March brought Region 5 the ever popular Lone Star Live on March 9th & 10th. Held in Ft. Worth, Texas, and hosted by Sue Stewart, LSL had 82 entrants in a two day extravaganza of horse show bliss. Sue always puts on a good show, and this year's LSL was no exception. Sure to be in the running for the MSOTY! This show was chosen for the special run Breyer Zuni model. All entrants had their fingers crossed in hopes of winning the drawing for the special model, and the winner is...Petra Kirchstein!! Congratulations Petra! Meanwhile up North in Rose Hill, Kansas, Gay Mahlandt hosted the Mid Kansas All OF Live Show on the 9th. Gay hosts great specialty shows that have always proven to be lots of fun in a relaxed atmosphere. Well worth attending. There are no shows scheduled in Region 5 for April, but mark your calendars for Indian Nations Live in Dewey, OK on May 25th. Lyn REGION 6 Hello All! Carolina Gold Classic was held on March 9 in Monroe, NC, and was definitely one for the record books! With 69 entrants, a full Open Division, a Novice Division, a Kids Division, a Limited (beginner) Performance Division, a Performance Challenge, and fantastic awards, there was something for everyone! The show ran very smoothly and I had a wonderful time, as always. Looking forward to next year! Next up on the Region 6 calendar is Hollow Horse Live Test of a Halter Champion in Cumming, GA on April 13. Show hostess Valerie Rice has come up with a very inventive concept for this show, and we are looking forward to it! With South Florida Live being postponed, there are no NAMHSA Approved shows in Region 6 in May. Next up will be MITS (Models In The Sunshine) in Lady Lake, FL on June 15 and 16. See you at the shows! Jackie Moore REGION 7 No Report Available REGION 8 Spring is in the air in Region 8 (despite winter's reluctance to let go!) and the show season is in full force. We had two great shows in our region in March... First up was Show for the Cure in Itasca, IL on March 16th. This is an annual benefit for cancer research, and over the years, showholder Jenna Nejman has raised quite a bit to help defeat this awful disease. (The model horse community has also responded in kind by nominating Show for the Cure as MSOTY more than once!) The show contained its usual level of high quality and depth in each class, and we judges had our hands full trying to pin the winners! The show is always very well attended, and everyone had a wonderful time. The following Saturday was the next installment of Great Lakes Congress' No Frills Live series up in Huntley, IL. These shows always manage to capture that elusive combination of high quality classes with a relaxed and mellow atmosphere. I judged OF Plastics and was kept extremely busy sorting through an awful lot of awesome horses! We are so lucky in Northern Illinois that GLC puts on so many of these shows - we get spoiled in this area! :) The day ran very smoothly and all had a great day. Next up in springtime... April 13, 2013: Plastic Ponies On Parade in Fenton, MI. Contact: Shelley Hogle. April 20, 2013: Great Lakes Congress All Mini No-Frills Show in Huntley, IL. Contact Jamie Rott (GLC Inc). April 20, 2013: Indy-Mini-Con Live Model Horse Show in Beech Grove, IN. Contact Patricia Reed. May 4, 2013: Stone Horse Country Fair in Shipshewana, IN. Contact: Jo Kulwicki. May 11, 2013: Great Lakes Congress No-Frills Show in Huntley, IL. Contact: Jamie Rott (GLC Inc). For more information on any of these great shows, please see the NAMHSA website at https://www.namhsa.org/showsbyregion.htm Happy showing! :) Chris Wallbruch REGION 9 No Report Available REGION 10 No Report Available REGION 11 No Report Available BOARD MEMBERS FOR THE PERIOD -------------------------------------------------- President: Teresa Buzzell Vice President: Carra McClelland Treasurer: Carmen Robertson Recording Secretary: Jackie Arns-Rossi Region 1 Representative: Tracy Eilers Region 2 Representative: Kathy Williams Region 3 Representative: Pauline Entin Region 4 Representative: Natalie Kilpatrick Region 5 Representative: Lyn Norbury Region 6 Representative: Jackie Moore Region 7 Representative: Stay Faraci Region 8 Representative: Chris Wallbruch Region 9 Representative: Pat Coulter Region 10 Representative: Kate Cabot Region 11 Representative: Terri Wright Individual Membership Secretary: Danielle Miller Show Secretary: Amy Peck Member Show Results Processor: Amy Peck Public Relations: Pauline Entin (Interim) Webmaster: Lynn Weber Parliamentarian: Eleanor Harvey Merit Awards Coordinator: Beth Lamm 2013 NAN Chair: Niki Hertzog 2013 Member Show of the Year Chairperson: Chris Wallbruch Judge's Handbook Committee: Carra McClelland *** Working on getting the new stories for the past months edited and uploaded for everyone to view. My apologies for getting behind. Thank you, Natalie Kilpatrick NAMHSA Public Relations Posted by Natalie Kilpatrick, NAMHSA PR 9/10/2013 | |