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NAMHSA - April 1-15, 2011 News
NAMHSA News for the period of April 1-15, 2011, based on the minutes compiled by Bobbi Devine, Recording Secretary. APRIL 1 --Bobbi Devine (Recording Secretary) submitted the March 16-31, 2011 minutes report. These were approved by Jackie Arns-Rossi (President) the same day. --Marilou Mol (Region 8 Representative) announced that she would be available to chair the MSOTY committee. --Jackie Arns-Rossi motioned that the Board accept Marilou Mol as the chair of the MSOTY committee. Sandra Gibson (Region 11 Representative) seconded the motion. --Jackie Arns-Rossi uploaded a PDF document containing the Facebook messages about the NAN 2010 Auction and Sweepstakes between herself and Lauren Wood, NAN 2010 Auction and Sweepstakes Coordinator. --Jackie Arns-Rossi forwarded a message she received from a hobbyist asking for her phone number. In a later message, it was revealed that the hobbyist wanted to give it to Lauren Wood. Jackie advised the hobbyist NOT to give her number to Lauren, because the NAN 2010 issue was now with attorneys and any communication needed to be through the attorneys. APRIL 2 --Jackie Arns-Rossi requested a poll be set up for the purpose voting on the appointment of Marilou Mol as the 2011 MSOTY Chair. A poll was begun that day. APRIL 3 --Jackie Arns-Rossi posted the latest Board agenda: AGENDA Sunday April 3- Saturday April 9, 2011 MSOTY: Vote underway for chair NAN 2010 Auction & Sweepstakes: Waiting on update from lawyer. PRES/VP: brought back to discussion NAN 2012: chair post underway NAN 2013: Are we accepting bids this year? Changes to bid rules? Considering an every other year NAN cycle (which would make a truly rotating NAN more sensible, as well as being an argument to build a better stationary NAN)? CONTRACTS: All stipend positions should sign a contract outlining what is expected of them and what needs to be done before they are eligible for their stipend (thank you notes, receipts all in, any accounting etc). THE 60 DAY RULE: Extensions/higher fees for late shows? How late is too late? FILES SECTION RE-ORG: Needs spring cleaning FANTASY ANIMALS: tabled, really needs more support from the community for us to consider MEDALLIONS: see Fantasy animals. DONE: INDIVIDUAL MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY: Bobbi will help Danielle through the NAN entry period, and Danielle will stay on. 2011 NAN MGC APPROVAL: approved --Jackie Arns-Rossi requested to move on to the Pres/VP succession issue. She re-posted the summary of the three options. --Jackie Arns-Rossi copied the Board on the emails she sent to NAMHSA's lawyer regarding the request for her cell phone number. APRIL 4 --Jackie Arns-Rossi relayed that since she had heard nothing from the attorney, she called his office. She received a brief update. NAMHSA's attorney had left a message with Lauren Wood's attorney. APRIL 5 --Jackie Arns-Rossi asked if any interest had been generated from the preliminary solicitations for the NAN 2012 positions. She requested that Pauline Entin (Public Relations) send out the solicitations every two months until NAN 2011, then send out more often. --Jackie Arns-Rossi copied the Board on an email that she sent to Lauren Wood's attorney in response to a voice mail that was left on her cell phone. Her email referred Lauren Wood's attorney to NAMHSA's attorney. APRIL 6 The poll to accept or deny Marilou Mol as the 2011 Member Show Of The Year (MSOTY) Chair closed. Marilou's appointment was approved unanimously. ACCEPT- 10 votes -Tracy Eilers (R1) -Tom Dean (R2) -Teresa Buzzell (R3) -Carra McClelland (R4) -Lori Batchelor (R5) -Jackie Moore (R6) -Heather Jackson-Lain (R7) -Pat Coulter (R9) -Kate Cabot (R10) -Silke Brockmoeller (VP) DENY- 0 votes ABSTAIN- 0 votes DID NOT VOTE -Marilou Mol (R8) -Sandra Gibson (R11) --Jackie Arns-Rossi motioned that the Board vote on the three options for the Pres/VP succession issue. Tracy Eilers (Region 1 Representative) seconded the motion. --Bobbi Devine announced the candidates for the 2011 elections (odd-numbered regions and VP). --Pat Coulter (Region 9 Representative) forwarded an email from NAMHSADiscussion requesting the Board change the bylaws to no longer use the term "equid". It was agreed that the hobbyist needed to present the request formally to the Board through her regional representative. --Jackie Arns-Rossi copied the Board on an email she sent to NAMHSA's lawyer requesting that he call Lauren Wood's attorney. --Jackie Arns-Rossi relayed that she received a voicemail from NAMHSA's lawyer. --Eleanor Harvey (Parliamentarian) suggested that the Board should consider adopting a policy of penalties for anyone who knowingly breaks NAMHSA's rules. She suggested a sliding scale of penalties, contingent on the severity of the infraction, and any previous infractions. APRIL 7 --Eleanor Harvey requested to add to the agenda the possibility of re-writing the rule defining divisions, specifically performance divisions. --Jackie Arns-Rossi requested a poll be set up for the purpose of voting on the options for the Pres/VP succession issue. A poll was begun April 8. APRIL 8 --Jackie Arns-Rossi requested again that solicitations be sent for the NAN 2012 Chair, Registrar and Sponsor positions. Pauline Entin responded that she would do so on the weekend. --Eleanor Harvey summarized the discussion that resulted from the suggestion of changing the term "equid" in NAMHSA's bylaws. She had suggested that perhaps NAMHSA could support having few classes at NAN 2012 for the fantasy creatures that would be judged purely by popular vote. It would be a way to gauge public interest in allowing fantasy creatures to be eligible for NAN qualification in the future. --Jackie Arns-Rossi started the discussion on the next agenda item, which is whether or not to accept bids for NAN 2013. APRIL 9 --Pauline Entin posted the draft of the NAN 2012 Chair solicitation and asked Jackie Arns-Rossi for edits. APRIL 10 --Jackie Arns-Rossi posted the latest Board agenda: AGENDA Sunday April 10- Saturday April 16, 2011 NAN 2010 Auction & Sweepstakes issues: Lawyers are in discussions, with hopefully a resolution this week. PRES/VP: vote underway to decide a pathway NAN 2012: Announcements for key positions out weekend of April 9 NAN 2013: discussion initiated SANCTIONS FOR RULE INFRACTIONS: Discussion underway CONTRACTS: All stipend positions should sign a contract outlining what is expected of them and what needs to be done before they are eligible for their stipend (thank you notes, receipts all in, any accounting etc) BONDING: Consider for treasurer, temp bonds for NAN? Or just stop taking cash and run all transactions through PayPal? Or make bonding part of the contract (individuals handling NAMHSA cash need to get their own bond) THE 60 DAY RULE: Extensions/higher fees for late shows? How late is too late? PERFORMANCE DIVISION RULE RECONSIDERATION: We discussed rewriting the rule defining performance divisions for NAN qualifiers--to permit a judge for Western performance to enter in a separate English Performance division, etc. FILES SECTION RE-ORG: Needs spring cleaning DONE: MSOTY: Marilou Mol is committee chair, she will be assembling her committee and reporting back to BOD FANTASY ANIMALS/MEDALLIONS/PREHISTORIC SPECIES: Tabled. Needs more community support to be considered. Recommend that interested parties follow the bylaws rules in making a FORMAL petition to the BOD to have these considered. Note last petition was 2007, and a new one is needed for the BOD to reconsider this topic. --Lynn Weber (Website Coordinator) posted that she had received the NAN 2011 show packet, and asked if the Board was ready to go live with registration. --Teresa Buzzell (Region 3 Representative) posted an update regarding the NAN 2011 raffle. --Carmen Robertson (Treasurer) forwarded an emailed request for more information regarding the cash that Lauren Wood had in her possession. Eleanor Harvey advised that Carmen not answer the email because the issue was on-going with respective attorneys. APRIL 11 --Sandra Gibson (Region 11 Representative) inquired what was required to present a proposal to the Board regarding Fantasy creatures. --Eleanor Harvey provided the history of the last Fantasy proposal (2007) and subsequent rulings. --Lynn Weber uploaded the NAN 2011 show packet to the files section. --The poll to choose one of three options that would be best for the President/Vice President succession issue closed. The third listed proposal (see below) was selected by majority vote of the Board. Proposal #1: A President and Vice President will be elected every year. In order to run for these positions, one year of prior BOD experience (in any capacity) is required. Both the President and Vice President will be allowed to run for re-election at the end of their one year term, if they so choose. Proposal #2: A President and Vice President team will be elected every year. Upon nomination for President, the candidate will choose their Vice President and they will run together on one ticket. In order to run for these positions, one year of prior BOD experience (in any capacity) is required. Both the President and Vice President will be allowed to run for re-election at the end of their one year term, if they so choose. Proposal #3: Keep the current procedure of electing a Vice President every year, who becomes the President after their one year term. In the case where the Vice President is unable to serve as President, the elected Vice President will step into the Presidential role and a new Vice President will be elected. If the Vice President prefers to serve their year as Vice President before serving as President, a BOD member will be elected to serve as interim President, and a new person will be elected to serve in their vacated position. At the end of the interim Presidency, the BOD member will be allowed to return to or run for their prior position. The incoming Vice president shall have 1 year of previous BOD experience. Proposal #4 No change is needed to the bylaws as they are currently. Proposal #1- 1 vote --Kate Cabot (R10) Proposal #2- 0 votes Proposal #3- 7 votes --Tom Dean (R2) --Teresa Buzzell (R3) --Lori Batchelor (R5) --Jackie Moore (R6) --Heather Jackson-Lain (R7) --Marilou Mol (R8) --Silke Brockmoeller (VP) Proposal #4- 0 votes Abstain- 0 votes DID NOT VOTE: --Tracy Eilers (R1) --Carra McClelland (R4) --Pat Coulter (R9) --Sandra Gibson (R11) APRIL 12 --Pauline Entin posted an update on the latest PR posts that had been sent, and those pending. --Jackie Arns-Rossi asked that the Board work on the Pres/VP issue, since the voting had closed. --Sandra Gibson posted a draft response to the group in her region wanting to petition the Board to add Fantasy classes. --Jackie Arns-Rossi gave the green light to go live with NAN 2011 registration. --Marilou Mol inquired about the status of Merit Awards, as she had a member that had still not received awards. --Jennie Kaech (Merit Award Coordinator) posted that while she had hoped otherwise, she felt that she could not adequately maintain the position and offered her resignation, effective immediately. --Gail Schuenemann (Show Secretary) posted that she and Jill would be happy to fill in as temporary Merit Award Coordinators until a candidate is found. --Bobbi Devine reported that the spring election ballots had been sent. APRIL 13 --Jackie Arns-Rossi requested that Pauline Entin draft a solicitation for a new Merit Award Coordinator. --Gail Schuenemann relayed that she had been in contact with Jennie Kaech and the process had begun to transfer the MAC items to her and Jill. --Lynn Weber posted that she had updated the website with the new MAC contact information. --Discussion continued on the Pres/VP succession issue. APRIL 14 --Pauline Entin posted the draft solicitation for a new Merit Award Coordinator. --Jackie Arns-Rossi suggested that the Board take their time in locating a replacement due to the more pressing issues in front of the Board at this time. Gail and Jill will handle the duties for the MAC until a suitable candidate is found. She requested that Silke Brockmoeller (Vice President) field the candidates. --Pauline Entin posted that the announcement that NAN registration is now open had been distributed. APRIL 15 --Sandra Gibson asked if it was ok to send the letter she had composed to the people interested in petitioning the Board to add Fantasy classes to NAN. Jackie Arns-Rossi apologized for not giving the OK sooner, and said that it was ok to send it. --Lynn Weber posted that she had updated the website with the NAN 2011 contact information. *REGIONAL REPORTS*: REGION 1 (Tracy Eilers) February had the Light, Sport and Spanish Specialty show in the ever-wonderful Amy Peck's garage up in Kent, WA. Word from the show is that it was a great opportunity to see a wide array of these guys out and about! March had several shows in the Northwest! Shannon Granger hosted North Idaho Live in beautiful Coeur d'Alene, ID and it was a sold-out show with the awesome theme of 70's flashback tie-dye! How cool is that?! Tara Haskins also held another one of her cozy Living Room Live shows up in Bremerton, WA. Although small, they weren't short on nice models! April has Nothin' But NAN Cards in Camas, WA for CM/AR and performance classes held by myself (Tracy Eilers) as well as the long-running NW Expo in Corvallis, OR held by Traci Durrell-Khalife. Its a month of Tracy/Traci model show madness! LOL! There is also TVMHC Spring Fling and Costume Show on April 30 in lovely Boise, ID held by Karen Prescott. The shows keep on coming in May, and we are fortunate to have two in the works! Only Originals Live in Kent, WA is held on May 14th by Michelle Hansen for those OFs to shine on their own. Wine Country Classic in Pasco, WA is held the following weekend on May 21st by Tonia Ruebsamen. Happy Spring to everyone, and we are eager for the return of sunshine here in the Northwest! ****** REGION 2 (Tom Dean) Two shows to report for March, High Desert Leprechaun Live on the 12th hosted by Dixie Duggan and Donna Anderson, and Fragile Follies on the 26th, hosted by Victoria Zanutto. Both shows were new this year and very well received. While we were unable to attend either due to other commitments, reports were highly enthusiastic, and we hope they will become annual events. ****** REGION 3 (Teresa Buzzell) March was only somewhat eventful with one show a piece in Arizona and Colorado. First up was the inaugural Blue Skies Live held in Calhan, CO by first time show holder JerryLynn Rice. Once we "customized" the show hall a little bit, all was settled and the serious business of chatting, chatting, showing and judging (for me at least). I had a lovely time running from ring to ring and drooling over the lovely chinas. It was nice to see everyone - especially some faces we haven't seen out and about in a long time! Thank you JerryLynn for such a lovely time. Next up was the OSC: Last Chance Showdown Open Performance Show in Tucson, AZ held by Deb Ash. From what I heard, it sounded like all went well and lots of fun was to be had. Unfortunately, I don't seem to have any photo links for you to view! April will be busy in AZ with three shows: April 10, 2011: Spring China Fling in Glendale, AZ. Held by Renee DeVore as of this report April 23, 2011: Arizona Live Scottsdale, AZ. Contact: Teresa Candelaria April 24, 2011: Kick AZ Live; Minis 2 the Max! in Scottsdale, AZ. Contact: Teresa Candelaria. May will be slightly less busy with just one show on the slate in Colorado. The Springamathing is being brought to us by Heather Roell (of Devilish Kokopelli Live fame) and the Stone Company. Information on entry, classes, etc is available on the Stone Website. Several judges are being brought from out of state so don't miss it! ****** REGION 4 (Carra McClelland) March saw the Crystal Creek Riders DJ Spring Model Horse Show in Randolph, WI! What a way to welcome Spring! I know a number of people have been thinking about putting on their first shows, which is excellent! We have some good ones coming up soon as well! May 14, 2011: Dream Acres Live Model Show in Parkersburg, IA. Contact: Letrisha Wise. July 30-31, 2011: Rough Riders Live in Fargo, ND. Contact: Nancie Warga. And of course, a BUNCH of us have been getting our NAN entries in! Region 4 sends some of the best and I look forward to seeing all the wins from all of you in the results! ****** REGION 5 (Lori Batchelor) Two shows were held in the region in March. Lone Star Live was its usual great show on March 12 & 13. Then on March 26 the Kansas people had the Sunflower series Favorite 20 halter only show in Rose Hill, KS. It was a small but fun show and definitely worth the drive. On April 2 the Tornado Alley #4 was held in OKC. I did not attend that show, but reports I have received from a few that did say it went smoothly and was well attended. Looking forward April 16 brings us a double header Mini Ball Live a halter only show put on by Kim Wandrey and Mini Tejas a performance only show put on by Daralyn Wallace. While these are two separate shows, with totally different classlists and formats, they are being held simultaneously at the same venue in Bolivar, TX. So whether your preference is for halter or performance or both, these shows should satisfy. I believe these are the last qualifying shows for the NAN 2011 in this region, so ya'll come. ****** REGION 6 (Jackie Moore) Hello All! There was one show in Region 6 in March, and what a show it was! Carolina Gold Classic was held March 12 in Monroe, NC. There was a full house and competition was tough! There were so many amazing models and performance entries as far as the eye could see. The show also had plenty of "extras," including awesome prizes for every entrant, a very clever and creative judging clinic, novice performance classes, fun fun classes, and a fantastic photo backdrop, complete with mini champ and reserve neck ribbons and bridle ribbons! A show definitely worth the trip! There are no shows scheduled for April, although many of us will be gathering in Orlando for the Sunshine Celebration during the first weekend of April. See y'all there! ****** REGION 7 (Heather Jackson-Lain) No Report ****** REGION 8 (Marilou Mol) Hi, all! March saw Region 8 start to pick up in shows, with two held in Illinois. On March 12, Great Lakes Congress held a No Frills All Mini show in Huntley, featuring artist resins, customs, original finish models, and performance, all pint-sized! I judged at that show, and not only did GLC have some new members, but also some novice showers had an opportunity to enjoy our hobby! The next show was the fifth anniversary of Show for the Cure Live! Jenna Nejman has hosted that show (held this year in Itasca) since she was just a student, and the show has raised thousands of dollars which has been donated to cancer research! Jenna's whole family gets involved, and it is an outstanding show, with cool donations, lots of divisions, and a lot of fun and competition! Thanks, Jenna! ****** REGION 9 (Pat Coulter) In March we had the perenial favorite, Mid-Atlantic Regionals in Queen Anne, MD. Of all the show reports afterwards, this was probably my favorite: Once again Betsy and her crew put on a great show! The Ruthsburg Community Center (located in the middle of rural farmland) may have been a smaller hall than we're used to but was packed with excitement and gorgeous horses. The show ran incredibly fast (yes, FAST, people!) as we were packed up and out by 5pm both days (I still can't believe it). The gals in the kitchen did an awesome job with food production (Breakfast sandwiches and Lunch)and keep us satiated with goodies (especially Saturday's fresh baked chocolate chip cookies that permeated entire hall...Oh!, The Humanity!.... and the smell of bacon for those breakfast sandwiches). (Dara West) March also brought the North Ridge Riders 4-H 2nd Annual MHS in Allison Park, PA. ****** REGION 10 (Kate Cabot) Spring means less snow and more shows in New England and New York! The show season has started off with a bang-- in March, there was the Jump Into Spring Show in Cato, NY and the All Novice Saddle Up For Spring show in Concord, NH, which though not a qualifier, drew novice and junior showers from all over the region, some from as far away as upstate New York! A good time was had by all, I am told. On April 2nd, the KOC hall at Spencer (the center of the Region X show universe) was the venue for the RXR Fundraiser, Region X Equine X, which raised well over $2,000 for this November's Regionals! I was at that show and I can report that it was a great time. Competition was fierce and fun and the peeps came out to show! Next on the schedule, Quabbin Valley Performance Open on April 23rd and After Winter Warm-Up on April 30th! See you at the shows! ****** REGION 11 (Sandra Gibson) No report ****** Posted by Pauline Entin, NAMHSA PR 5/14/2011 | |