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NAMHSA - April 1-15, 2010 News
NAMHSA News for the period of April 1-15, 2010, based on the minutes compiled by Bobbi Devine, Recording Secretary. APRIL 1 -Bobbi Devine (Recording Secretary) posted the March 15-31, 2010 minutes report. -Carmen Robertson (Treasurer) posted the February Treasurer's Report: NAMHSA February 2010 Reconciled Treasurer's Report Prepared and submitted by Carmen Robertson, Treasurer ~ March 23, 2010 2/1/2010 through 2/28/2010 TOTAL INCOME $1422.00 TOTAL EXPENSES -$335.07 Balance in BOA Checking as of 2/28/2010: 71,176.09 Balance in PayPal as of 2/28/2010: 327.47 Balance in NAMHSA accounts as of 2/28/2010: 71,503.56 APRIL 3 -Lindsey Hall (President) posted 7 proposals for NAN 2011 to the files section. The proposals are for Houston, Tucson, San Jose, Santa Clara, San Mateo, Vallejo and Pleasanton. APRIL 4 -Lindsey Hall posted the latest Board agenda: 1. NAN items - judges, volunteers, class list, entry window 2. NAN 2011 - bids uploaded to Files section. Ready for discussion. 3. Website redesign - comments welcome 4. Judging Handbook Committee 5. Breed guidelines for NAN registrar - Eleanor is already working on this? 6. Fees for late show applications - waiting on proposal from Gail and Jill 7. 2010 elections - ballots have been sent out 8. Junior IM/Merit Award programs 9. MSOTY program - Valerie heading this up for 2010. 10. NAMHSA Facebook page -Bobbi Devine requested to add to the agenda Online Ballots for voting purposes. APRIL 6 -Gail Schuenemann (Show Secretary) posted the latest Newly Approved Show listings. APRIL 8 -Lynn Weber (Webmistress) commented about the logistics of selling NAN raffle tickets online. Discussion was underway about how best to accomplish this. APRIL 9 -Jennie Kaech (Merit Award Coordinator) posted the latest Merit Award Winners. -Lynn Weber posted a link to a possible merchant processing (credit card) service. Accepting credit cards directly would allow NAMHSA to better accommodate online raffle ticket sales. APRIL 10 -Pauline Entin (Public Relations) uploaded an Excel spreadsheet to compare the NAN 2011 bids and invited discussion. -Lindsey Hall uploaded a revised spreadsheet for NAN 2011 bid comparisons. APRIL 13 -Lynn Weber announced that the NAN Auction Preview page was up on the website. APRIL 14 -Carmen Robertson uploaded the March 2010 Treasurer's Report: NAMHSA March 2010 Reconciled Treasurer's Report Prepared and submitted by Carmen Robertson, Treasurer ~ April 10, 2010 3/1/2010 through 3/31/2010 TOTAL INCOME 984.00 TOTAL EXPENSES -2233.70 Balance in BOA Checking as of 3/31/2010: $69,661.60 Balance in PayPal as of 3/31/2010: $185.32 Balance in NAMHSA accounts as of 3/31/2010: $69,846.92 -Eleanor Harvey (NAN Co-Chair) uploaded NAN packet documents and invited review. REGIONAL REPORTS Region 1 (Tracy Eilers) Spring is finally reaching through the layers of grey clouds here in the Northwest, and the shows are starting up in earnest! March brought us a show in Camas with a turnout of amazing minis at Rosebud All Minis Live! We are looking forward to a few shows in April to squeak in by the NAN-qualification date for those that are heading to Kentucky this year. This includes the long-standing Northwest Expo in Corvallis, OR, Luck of the Irish Live Classic in Silverton, OR, and the TVMHC Annual Spring Show in Boise, ID. It's a great time to be showing in Region 1 with these wonderful shows to look forward to! ****** Region 2 (Tom Dean) One show to report for March, Las Vegas Live hosted by Jacquie Fernandez March 19-21 Annette and I enjoyed going for the first time in several years, and judged some very competitive classes. Coming up in April, the 2010 presentations of two ongoing shows, The Fantastic Plastic Classic on the 17th and Bay Area All Halter Custom and China Collectibility Classic (say that 3 times fast) on the 18th in San Martin, CA. Also the 1st of a new show, The Great Outdoors in Hemet, CA. ****** Region 3 (Teresa Buzzell) March was rather quiet with only one NAN qualifying show being held in the region - the Redline Revival:OF Stone Show in Boulder, CO, held by Heather Roell. Heather graciously brought out an outside judge (Carra McClelland) to wade her way through the tough competition, which thankfully was limited to traditional sized models! It was a small show but everyone enjoyed themselves quite a bit with a lot of whole room banter/chatting going on. (One of the great things about small shows!) I and my small show string had a successful day (and cupcakes!) with a 100% ribbon winning percentage. Thanks again Heather! April will be a bit busier with two shows in Arizona: April 24, 2010: Kick AZ Live: Minis 2 the Max! in Peoria, AZ. Contact: Teresa Candelaria-Northcutt for more information and April 25, 2010: Arizona Live in Peoria, AZ. Contact: Teresa Candelaria-Northcutt for more information Other upcoming events: May: May 8, 2010: Redline Revival: OF Breyer Halter in Boulder, CO. Contact: Heather Roell for more information (space *is* available!) May 8, 2010: Pioneer Classic Live Show in Provo, UT. Contact: Tara Oliver for more information (space *is* available!) May 22, 2010: Devilish Kokopelli Live in Golden, CO. Contact: Teresa Fedak &/or Heather Roell (space *is* available!) Enjoy the coming of spring everyone! ****** Region 4 (Carra McClelland) March saw a return to showing in Region 4! On the weekend of March 13 we had two great shows in the region! The Crystal Creek Riders show in Randolph, WI and Nebraska Model Horse Expo in Lincoln, NE. Despite weather being unpredictable in this part of the world in March, showers turned out to both shows with their best in tow! April showers have helped us sprout a BUNCH of upcoming shows: April 24, 2010: Spirit Horse All Mini Halter Show in Omaha, NE. Contact: Christy Allen. June 12, 2010: Rough Riders Live in Fargo, ND. Contact Nancie Warga. As well as a show pending NAMHSA approval in September and hopefully some of our steady eddies! THANK YOU show holders and entrants for making our Region 4 shows as fantastic as they are! ****** Region 5 (Lori Batchelor) March found us all ready to go showing! Lone Star Live was held in Ft. Worth and once again it was a fantastic show. Two whole days, 22 divisions, plus a youth show and extra stuff like fantasy classes, collector's classes and the Long Ears challenge. Just WOW! A great show. April brings us the return of Tejas in College Station on April 24 & 25. It should be just as good. YeeHaw! ****** Region 6 (Jackie Moore) Hello All! There was a brand new show in Region 6 in March - Carolina Gold Classic, held March 13 in Monroe, NC. This show was extremely well organized and ran super smoothly. I was so happy I was able to make the 13 hour drive to attend (and many thanks to my travel buddy for coming with me!). It was a fantastic show! Coming up in April in Region 6 is the long-awaited MITS - Models In The Sunshine - in Ocala, FL. MITS is shaping up to be a mini-Breyerfest with three days of fun - a Friday Swap Meet with a guest horse and sculpting seminar, plus two days of showing! We can't wait! ****** Region 7 (Heather Jackson-Lain) Spring has sprung and the 2010 show season in Region 7 has kicked off with a bang. Two shows were held in our region in March. The first was March 13th with the SE Ohio Model Horse Show in Byesville, Ohio. hosted by Mandy Yontz and Tonja Clark. Then following quickly behind that one was the next installment of Dee Majors super cool Tri State Live Spring Mini Show in Maumee, OH. Sadly I was not able to make it north to either show, but I heard good things about both :) Luckily for me, my show Model Horses Anonymous Live III is next up in April. ****** Region 8 (Marilou Mol) Hi, all! As I write this, the weather in the midwest has FINALLY decided that spring should be here! Yay! The month of March was fairly slow as far as Region 8 shows were concerned, with one really big exception: The Show for the Cure in Streamwood, Illinois. Show for the Cure is hosted by Jenna Nejman (a college student!!!) and this was the fifth year of honoring her uncle and others who died of cancer, and raising money to support a cure. This year, ovarian cancer was the "targeted" cancer, and special guest and cancer survivor Liz Cory had information about screening for this dreaded disease. Almost 50 exhibitors attended, and the show, as always, featured wonderful donations, tough competition, and a friendly atmosphere. Thanks, Jenna, for another excellent show! ****** Region 9 (Pat Coulter) March brought us 3 shows in Region 9. The perenial favorite, Mid-Atlantic Regionals in MD, was once again a great sucess! We also saw The Ridge Riders 4-H Open and Novice show in Pittsburgh, PA and the NW PA Spring Classic in Jamestown, PA. ****** Region 10 (Valerie Parker) March was a busy month in Region 10 with three shows. Jump into Spring in Cato, NY was well-attended with good competition. All Equines Great and Small was held in Spencer, MA which was also well-attended with good competition. There was an all-novice show (Saddle Up for Spring) in Concord, NH. April looks to be just as busy with Color Crazy and Random Mini in Spencer, MA and Quabbin Valley Performance Open in Ludlow, MA. ****** Region 11 (Sandra Gibson) Region 11 is quiet once again. We're gearing up for a couple shows, one is being busily planned for the end of June. There is a second show in July and a third in August. Early spring can be a bit trecherous in the western provinces where most NAN qualifiers take place. A few of our members had a very successful show in Las Vegas this past month, and will be traveling their usual show circuit in the Pacific North West of the U.S. And as usual we all wish them the best of luck! ****** Posted by Pauline Entin, NAMHSA PR 5/25/2010 | |