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NAMHSA - April 1-15, 2009 News
NAMHSA News for the period of April 1-15, 2009 based on the minutes recorded by Chris Wallbruch, Recording Secretary. On April 1st, Lindsey Hall forwarded a question regarding co-owned models and whether or not co-owners were eligible to show in a co-owner's show. On April 5th, Chris Wallbruch shared a comment from a voter regarding the current ballot. Also on April 5th, Chris Wallbruch posted the March 16-31, 2009 minutes. These were approved. On April 9th, Lindsey Hall posted the latest NAMHSA agenda: 1. "Do Not Duplicate" added to NAN cards. Done! 2. Tabled. 3. Work on the policy manual. 4. NAN 2010. Dianne in contact with Breyer. 5. NAN 2009 judge recruitment. 6. Done 7. Defining show holders/absentee showholders. Vote underway. 8. Recording Secretary position. Post has gone out to all lists. 9. Website manager. Several applications received; closes April 20. 10. Elections. Ballots due back by April 26th. 11. NAN Cookie Contest. Post has gone out to the lists. No entries yet! 12. Judging Handbook - Danielle is chairing committee. 13. Upcoming open positions - Treasurer, IM Secretary, Merit Award Coordinator. 14. Entering NAN without qualifying. 15. Co-owned models On April 14th, Pauline Entin posted the March 1-15, 2009 News. These were approved. REGION REPORTS Region 1 (Zana Goulding): "There were two shows in March, however I was not able to attend either. No show reports were posted either. Everyone is excited about NAN and I think that excitement will continue to build." Region 2 (Tom Dean): "March saw one show in region 2, Las Vegas Live (now 3 days). From all reports, a good time was had by all, large classlist, and all division were on tap. The expansion from 2 days allowed for China(only) to be shown Friday evening." Region 3 (Teresa Buzzell): "March marked the start of the Colorado Show Season with Fran Lowe's Central Colorado Expo show held March 21st in Parker, CO. It was lovely to get back into the swing of things, and revisit the lovely (and cheap) Senior Center. While the TV seems to have disappeared, there were more tables available as Fran was told the secret of where they were being hid for so many years. And we certainly needed them as we all crammed into the hall, happily chatting and catching up with new and old friends alike. It was great to see everyone and so nice to see some new faces also! At least it was sunny too - snow came later..." Upcoming: April only has two shows on the docket, both in Arizona - Arizona Live and Minis to the Max. According to show holder Teresa Northcutt, Arizona Live is full at this point but Minis to the Max still has some openings. May 9th, Pioneer Classic, Orem, UT - please contact Tara Oliver for more information May 23rd, Devilish Kokopelli Live, Golden, CO - please contact Teresa Fedak or Heather Roell. Region 4 (Carra McClelland): "March saw a spring renewal of activity in Region 4! Horse Expos and Fairs with model horse show affiliated, 4-H sponsored shows, all very exciting stuff! March 7 was C-Dragon Live in Superior, WI. The entrants lists looks like it was a highly competitive show with some of the best in the region represented! March 13-15 was Nebraska Model Horse Expo. Two other events in adjacent regions did bite a bit into attendance, but the people that did show were highly competitive and despite some bumps with the concurrent Nebraska Horse Expo, it was a good show. March 21 was South Dakota Model Horse fair. Another show affiliated with a horse Expo/Fair. The show was fun with a friendly but competitive atmosphere. March 21 also saw the Rock County 4-H Horse and Pony Project Open Model Horse Show in Janesville, WI! I love shows that involve 4-H or Pony Club, as they are a great way to introduce the next generations to our hobby. March 28 was the Crystal Creek Riders Double Judged show in Randolph, WI. Another club show that allowed people to get a look at model horse showing! Coming up in Region 4: April 18, 2009: IL-IA Live Horse Show in Dubuque, IA. http://www.freewebs.com/ilialiveshow/index.html Thank you show holders and showers for making March great in Region 4!" Region 5 (Carmen Robertson): "We had one show in March. Lone Star Live in Fort Worth, TX hosted by Sue Stewart was held on March 14 & 15. This show is always a crowd pleaser with a huge class list and stiff competition. Held in conjunction with the Horse-O-Rama, a real horse show, you can get your model and real horse fix. Putting on my judges hat once again this time around; it was great to get to see all the lovely entries for a change. Judging both days my feet were happy it was over but I wasn't. We hope Lone Star Live can continue to be largest show in Texas and with the earlier weekend no more worries about it being on Easter weekend anymore. Next month we have the Sunflower Series Show 1 Favorite 20 in Rose Hill, KS on April 25 hosted by Bekki Moore. http://www.freewebs.com/cassieblackcreations/sunflowershowseries.htm" Region 6 (Jackie Moore): "Hello All! March 14, 2009 saw the return of MITS (Models In The Sunshine) to the heart of Florida horse country in Ocala, FL. We had a sold out crowd of approximately 46 entrants, with so many awesome models to drool over! Our judges did a fantastic job, and the competition was tough. Once again, we also had a good number of first-time showers in attendance. It is always so nice to see new people get involved in the hobby, as well as meet up with so many long-time friends. There was a show, Heart of Carolina Live, which was scheduled for March 28 in Raleigh, NC, but it appears to have been rescheduled for May 16. There are no shows in Region 6 in April, but many Region 6ers will be traveling to Model Horses Anonymous Live in nearby Region 7 on April 18." Region 7 (Shannon de Waal): NO REPORT SUBMITTED Region 8 (Marilou Mol): "Hi, all! March was an up-and-down weather month in Region 8, with winter appearing frequently and spring only occasionally! There were two shows in March. March 7 saw the Marquette County Horse Club Model Show in Skandia, Michigan. I haven't specifically heard anything, but I know that the Michigan group always puts on a good show! Then on March 14 was the Show for the Cure in Itasca, Illinois. The Show for the Cure is a fundraiser put on by college student Jenna Nejman to raise funds for cancer research. The show was well-attended and great fun! I judged, and had many excellent models to see. Thanks, Jenna, for hosting this fund-raising show! Have a great month!" Region 9 (Bobbi Devine): "One show in the region for March, but what a show! The perennial favorite, Mid-Atlantic Regional (a.k.a. MAR) was held March 14th and 15th. Two days filled with model horsies of every flavor, and it always pulls in the best of the best. I hear the china classes were incredibly competitive this year, even more so than usual. Next year is the 30th anniversary of this show, can you believe it!" Region 10 (Liesl Dalpe): "The showseason has officially started here in Region 10! We had three shows, all towards the end of March-- there was the Saddle-Up for Spring Live on March 28th, and then the New England Model horse Dog show/Model Horse Collector's Rally on March 29th. I did not go to the latter, but did go to Saddle-Up for Spring and that was a very nice show and well attended. Sources tell me that the Collector's Rally show was also a wonderful show, also well attended!" Region 11 (Kim Carter): NO REPORT SUBMITTED Posted by Pauline Entin, NAMHSA PR 5/20/2009 | |
Last updated on March 28, 2010 |