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NAMHSA - March 2014 News
NAMHSA News for the period of March 2014, based on the minutes compiled by Jackie Arns-Rossi, Recording Secretary. View the Enhanced News. MARCH 3 Carra McClelland advised that she had one final bid that came in on March 1st for 2015 NAN. She uploaded it and recommended there be a standardized way for bidding in the future. NAMHSA received another bill, this time for $527, from it's lawyer regarding the Region 9 case. Carra McClelland posted the March agenda: Ongoing: 1. Database Proposal 2. Member Names on Website 3. NAN Prep Agenda: 1. Review NAN Bids 2. Discussion Forum for NAMHSA/NAMHSA BOD 3. Discontinue Postal Ballots 4. Code of Conduct Carra McClelland advised she wanted to be sure that Danielle Miller was on board with considering additional membership levels prior to the item being added to the agenda. Carra McClelland called for a vote to put member names on the NAMHSA website. MARCH 4 Niki Hertzog posted an update to the 2014 NAMHSA Auction. Jackie Arns-Rossi posted the final results from the Region 11 Special Election. 7 Possible Votes 5 - Sandra Gibson 0 - No 0 - Abstain Jackie Arns-Rossi posted the candidates for the 2014 VP/Rep Elections. VP - Teresa Buzzell R2 - Kathy Williams, Mary Thomson R4 - Lindsay Diamond R6 - Jackie Moore R8 - Marisa Hildenbrand, Sarah Townsend, Jenna Murphy R10 - Sharon Mossy MARCH 5 Annette Dean asked of the members listing if contact information (i.e., email addresses) and minor (under 18) information would be listed. Carra McClelland asked for the poll to be started, which Jackie Arns-Rossi started. Erin Corbett posted an update on the fundraising effort including information about Breyer's donation, Caroline Boydston's piece and an unpainted Mini Utopia resin. MARCH 6 Carra McClelland called for discussions regarding the 2015 NAN bids. Lynn Weber added an Individual Membership form onto the website. MARCH 7 Sandra Gibson approached the BOD with an email to ND from Teresa Buzzell asking for an explanation from Lyn Norbury, Annette Dean, Kathy Williams and Pauline Entin for the reason behind the way they voted for the mailing list that had gone unanswered for some time. Lyn Norbury advised that she would not answer the question because she believed she was being baited. Chris Wallbruch felt that not responding was disrespectful when the question was directly posed by a member. Lyn disagreed. Kathy Williams refused to be baited into answering, feeling that the questions were attempts to discredit reps who had voted against the mailing list. Kathy stated that she had discussed the topic with her region and that they were not in support of the new mailing list. Pauline Entin posted a public reply to ND answering Teresa directly, shortly thereafter Kathy replied to an ND email explaining her position. Lynn Weber believed the BOD reps should be held accountable for their votes. Tom Dean felt it was inappropriate for Sandra to bring the question to the BOD and felt that Natalie Kilpatrick's discussion about the mailing list on ND was inappropriate as well. Sandra Gibson expressed her opinion that it was not questionable and that as a rep she was accountable to her region and the members of NAMHSA in general, stating that what she votes on can affect everyone. Lynn Weber also responded that she believed some of the region reps were not asking their region members what they think and just voting the way they feel, citing Lyn as an example never asking her region about the mailing list, member names on the web site or even the database. MARCH 8 Discussion continued regarding the question posed by Teresa Buzzell on ND. Pauline Entin reminded the BOD that historically reps had not polled regional members on every issue before the BOD. Lyn Norbury reported that a constituent of hers, Jamie Stine, had cross posted a post from the Region 5 Yahoo Group to NAMHSA-DISCUSSION and requested that the post be removed. Erin Corbett reminded the BOD that this had happened to her a year previous and the posts were not removed. Lyn continued to demand that the post and the posts replying to it be removed stating, "All responding posts that pertain to that one can be and need to be removed as well. It has been done right here on the BOD list. If I had wanted that to be posted to N-D I would have done it myself." Erin Corbett responded that she had been irritated when it occurred to her as well, but censoring ND and removing posts wasn't something we do and it was a slippery slope to start down. Carra responded that no posts would be deleted; that any posts that had ever been deleted were done so only because it was legally required. Pauline Entin uploaded a comparison chart of the 2015 NAN Bids. MARCH 9 Lynn Weber asked to add creating a privacy policy for the NAMHSA website to the agenda, which Carra McClelland added. MARCH 10 Carmen Robertson advised that she needed a new, updated version of Quickbooks that she used for NAMHSA accounting. It was recommended by both Eleanor Harvey and Carra McClelland that upgrading to the newer version was an operating expense. MARCH 11 The following BOD-NAMHSA poll is now closed. Here are the final results: POLL QUESTION: Should NAMHSA members be listed on the NAMHSA website, and if so, how? CHOICES AND RESULTS Abstain, 0 votes, 0.00% Do not list member names on the website, with the exception of required contact information for member show holders (No change from current policy), 1 votes, 8.33% Provide a password protected listing that is only accessible to board members, 9 votes, 75.00% Provide a public facing listing (with an opt out option when joining), 2 votes, 16.67% INDIVIDUAL VOTES Abstain Do not list member names on the website, with the exception of required contact information for member show holders (No change from current policy) - Kathy Williams (R2) Provide a password protected listing that is only accessible to board members - Stacy Quick (R1) - Pauline Entin (R3) - Lyn Norbury (R5) - Jackie Moore (R6) - Annette Dean (R7) - Chris Wallbruch (R8) - Kate Cabot (R10) - Sandra Gibson (R11) - Tom Dean (VP) Provide a public facing listing (with an opt out option when joining) - Natalie Kilpatrick (R4) - Niki Hertzog (R9) Discussion continued regarding the potential NAN 2015 venue. MARCH 12 Discussion continued regarding the potential NAN 2015 venue. Carra McClelland asked the BOD for input on what information they would like to see on the approved member listing, such as names, regions and contact email. Carmen Robertson uploaded the February 2014 treasurer report. MARCH 14 Carra McClelland advised that discussions on the first round of 2015 NAN Locations would end at 4PM CDT and requested that Jackie Arns-Rossi set up a poll at that time to allow voting members to select their top 3 options. Lyn Norbury felt that it was unfair that the Palm Springs bid put in an adjustment on their information and asked if she could renegotiate the Tulsa bid. She felt that the addendum was unfair and unethical and also felt that someone had told Mary Thomson (the Palms Springs bid liaison) that there were price concerns. Eleanor Harvey advised that this adjustment was no different than clarifying if padded chairs set up/break down were included in other bids, which had been clarifying questions asked of those submitting the bids. The discussions regarding the legitimacy of the Palm Springs bid between Lyn and Eleanor continued throughout the day. MARCH 15 Natalie Kilpatrick uploaded the February 2014 NAMHSA News for approval upon which Lyn Norbury objected. She believed she was being unfairly portrayed when it was quoted that Lyn had objected to Carra McClelland's statement that the proposal's wording would be discussed by the BOD and then put to a vote on whether or not to be sent to the hobby public. Jackie Arns-Rossi asked Lyn if she understood that the BOD vote *was* to send the proposal to the hobby public so that it could be discussed by reps to find out what the majority wanted. She regurgitated past notes that Lyn had immediately posted that she wanted the hobby public to see the proposal, but then voted against sending the proposal to the hobby; contradicting herself. MARCH 16 Tom Dean recommended edits to the February News that included cutting out the section that Lyn Norbury objected to sending out the database proposal. Carra McClelland advised not to send out the News until she had a chance to review it. Eleanor Harvey responded that according to RROO, the minutes should reflect accurately each discussion that takes place here on the board as they are intended for archival purposes. The news, on the other hand, should also reflect accurately all matters that come before the board. That said, the lawsuit matter has to remain, that is a matter the membership should see, especially since it costs the organization money; and because Carmen's treasurer's reports will list those charges we will need to be publicly accountable for them. She went on to state that the same thing was needed on discussions that lead to votes, and that each board vote is a matter of public record, that constituents should see how each board member votes and the discussions leading up to those votes. "We cannot keep anything secret from our membership, especially when it covers board decisions and legal matters." Lyn Norbury continued that she was "NEVER against sending the proposal to the public. That is what I wanted from the beginning, and that never changed... Had the question been simply, 'Should the BOD send a National Database proposal to the hobby public?' that would have definitely gotten a big 'yes' from me." Lynn Weber responded that the vote was on whether it should be sent to the public and that, "You can't send it to the public before you vote on whether you should send it to the public... You don't even understand what you were voting on!" Chris Wallbruch explained that she had asked her region how they felt about the national database, received their feedback (which was largely positive) and submitted her vote based on those conversations. Jackie Arns-Rossi proclaimed that Lyn had, in fact, changed, and that she could pull up the emails where Lyn wanted the proposal sent out, then didn't want the proposal sent out, and how her very first reaction was to send the proposal as it was to the public, and that that is what the board was voting to do. Jackie was not clear on whether or not Lyn understood what was actually being voted on. Jackie continued to elaborate on how Lyn was splitting hairs with the poll question; that "the poll question was to send out the specific proposal, which you were against, yet if the question had been to send it out for a generic proposal you would have been for that?" She continued to educate Lyn that the board heavily relies on written communication and how it can be a drawback at times. She considered that perhaps Lyn wasn't actually communicating what she meant and that her words weren't actually being "twisted" as Lyn claimed they were, but she was simply not clear in what she was trying to say. She advised that she had begun quoting Lyn in the minutes and suggested that may be what needed to happen in the News as well. Tom Dean suggested a slight modification to the NAN 2015 bid finalists including confirming room sizes, taxes and/or service charges, table/chair counts and names of any volunteers for Chair and Registrar. MARCH 17 Carra McClelland introduced the next item on the agenda, elimination of postal ballots. Discussions began quickly with Stacy Quick agreeing on the grounds that email only voting is Earth friendly, saves time and money and that since NAMHSA is an online organization it should not be out of the question to suggest. Lynn Weber had been researching privacy policies and found additional rules pertaining to children under the age of 13. Annette Dean stated that she had brought up a similar question earlier but it had gone unanswered. Niki Hertzog has dealt with these laws on web sites that she'd worked on previously and offered several examples on how to handle the information, recommending asking for professional legal advice to which Lynn agreed. MARCH 18 Jackie Arns-Rossi posted the requested information on the postal ballots citing that only 6% of the entire membership were postal ballots and that only 33% of the ballots were returned. Sending out paper ballots required an entire day's work and extended the length of elections by several weeks. Stacy Quick and Chris Wallbruch agreed that eliminating postal ballots would be for the best. MARCH 19 Carmen Robertson advised that Lindsey Hall was asking about the 2013 3rd and 4th Quarter Financial Reports. Lynn Weber replied that she would upload them immediately. MARCH 20 The poll to select the final three locations for the 2015 NAN venue concluded with the following results: INDIVIDUAL VOTES West Allis, WI none Pasco, WA Stacy Quick (R1) Chris Wallbruch (R8) Kate Cabot (R10) Sandra Gibson (R11) Palm Springs, CA Stacy Quick (R1) Kathy WIlliams (R2) Pauline Entin (R3) Natalie Kilpatrick (R4) Jackie Moore (R6) Chris Wallbruch (R8) Niki Hertzog (R9) Kate Cabot (R10) Sandra Gibson (R11) Tom Dean (VP) Ottawa, IA none Tulsa, OK Kathy WIlliams (R2) Pauline Entin (R3) Lyn Norbury (R5) Jackie Moore (R6) Annette Dean (R7) Sandra Gibson (R11) Tom Dean (VP) Dayton, OH Annette Dean (R7) Niki Hertzog (R9) San Jose, CA Stacy Quick (R1) Kathy Williams (R2) Pauline Entin (R3) Natalie Kilpatrick (R4) Lyn Norbury (R5) Jackie Moore (R6) Chris Wallbruch (R8) Kate Cabot (R10) Sandra Gibson (R11) Tom Dean (VP) Hurst, TX Natalie Kilpatrick (R4) Annette Dean (R7) Niki Hertzog (R9) MARCH 21 Amy Peck forwarded a message she'd received asking for NAMHSA to clarify it's roll in her model horse show, and how her local 4-H office felt that NAMHSA was actually sponsoring the show, and if that was the case their rules and regulations stated that all sponsors need to provide a certificate of liability insurance. Niki Hertzog responded that the member contact a certain other member in Pennsylvania who had also done 4-H shows in the same state. Lynn Weber suggested sending over the "What is NAMHSA?" document. Annette Dean asked if the section of the membership list the BOD could view included postal ballot members since she could only see a list of members with email addresses. Lynn Weber advised that the information was not on the list she posted but that she could update the list with that information. Jackie Arns-Rossi replied that the section of the member list included all members of NAMHSA and that she kept the mailing addresses of those requiring postal ballots on a section of the spreadsheet not included with what the BOD could view. Carra McClelland posted that she had received several complaints regarding the conduct of certain board members on N-D and demanded all BOD members cease making questionable posts to N-D. N-D's entire membership was then placed on moderation. Natalie Kilpatrick asked Lynn Weber to add a link for the BOD members to the web site to make it easier to locate the member list. Lynn created a small link at the bottom of the home page. MARCH 22 Natalie Kilpatrick advised Danielle Miller that there was a separate, private Mail Chimp mailing list that was standing by and ready for paind NAMHSA members if she wished to use it. Eleanor Harvey suggested posting the number of NAMHSA members annual on the web site. She stated several reasons for the information including helping the hobby see where we all are geographically, fueling discussion on encouranging new members in areas that are under-represented and giving everyone a sense of how robust the hobby is. MARCH 23 Natalie Kilpatrick uploaded an outlike of a NAMHSA Judge's Handbook she'd been working on privately. Amy Peck posted the list of newly approved shows. MARCH 24 Jackie Arns-Rossi posted the census of NAMHSA members by region. Eleanor Harvey asked if members that held both an IM and show membership had one or two votes, Jackie replied that there was one vote for each type of membership. Eleanor suggested changing this to one person, one vote, regardless the membership type. Stacy Quick, Pauline Entin, Annette Dean, Chris Wallbruch and Erin Corbett all agreed with the idea. Pauline asked if it would be a bylaws change. Carra McClelland advised that the three finalists for the 2015 NAN were Tulsa, OK, Palm Springs, CA and San Jose, CA. She advised that she would be contacting each bid liaison and allowing them a 5 day comment period to make final adjustments. Eleanor Harvey suggested that if anyone should have any questions or recommendations they need to ask them now. Carra McClelland asked for a poll to remove postal ballots to which Lyn asked if there had been a motion and a second to call for a vote. Carra admitted that she'd made a mistake and moved to discontinue postal ballots to which Jackie Arns-Rossi immediately seconded. Lyn Norbury was unhappy with the specific language used stating that "I move that we vote on discontinuing them" was unacceptable. Jackie Arns-Rossi began a conversation with Lyn asking her if she needed reminding again of how things work, and how there is a discussion period after the motion to hone and fine tune the motion. She reminded Lyn that she has been through this before, specifically with the fantasy proposal. Lyn replied that she has been on the board for 3 years now and "has been told from the very begninning that when making a motion the language needs to be specific because that exact language in the motion is what is being voted on. Based on the language, I voted no on a question that I really believed in, and now no one seems to be able to understand why I voted no. I am just wanting to get back to doing polls in a clear and precise formal way like we used to do them." Lyn suggested that "I move that we vote whether or not to continue sending out postal ballots" would be more appropriate wording. Eleanor Harvey stepped in and assured Lyn that "motions can, and often are, amended between the time they are seconded and discussion opens, and the time they are put to a vote." She advised that the person making the initial motion has the right/ability to amend the language at their discretion and/or the board's request. She recapped for everyone: - Motion is made and seconded (original wording) - Floor opens for discussion - Discussion yields an agreement that either you votre on the motion as worded or that the motion needs to be amended to accord with what the vote should be on - Final language posted to the BOD (if it differs from the original language); otherwise refer to the original motion - Call for a Vote - Vote Jackie mentioned that Carra made a mistake and asked Lyn to point out "all these other examples of things not being done in a proper manner? Because it would appear to me that you are the only person who has had these issues. Which leads me to believe that you are the one who does not understand what is going on." Jackie asked Lyn to stop being a cow about it and instead be a bit more polite. Lyn Norbury replied to Eleanor that she is simply asking to be part of the board and to have the language of the motion amended to a more formal style of verbiage. She believed that Carra's verbiage indicates bias from a supposedly unbiased official and that had it been almost anyone else on this BOD that made the suggestion it probably would've been accepted and changed without resistance. Jackie Arns-Rossi replied that she was originally intending to make a motion but instead found Carra calling for a vote. She intended to correct Carra, however, Lyn had already done so "in as snarky a manner as possible" so instead seconded her correction. Jackie made claims that Lyn is "making things up about some insidious shadow version of the BOD that only exists in your head." She demanded Lyn stop with the constant, veiled comments and to begin working as part of the group instead of making everything a struggle. She also corrected Lyn that the President is, in fact, not unbiased, and that the idea about bias was Lyn's own. Lyn (presumably) became infuriated that she had been called a cow and asked if name calling was now acceptable. She stated that she was not the only one who has had issues with informality and proper procedure being followed in the past year. Jackie again asked for examples of the lack of proper procedures. Natalie Kilpatrick stated that Jackie had only said what we were thinking, just more tactfully. Sandra Gibson also agreed with Jackie stating that what she'd seen in her scant month on the BOD that Lyn had been argumentative and difficult to work with in private and in public; that the only problems she had seen were of Lyn's own creation. Erin Corbett agreed as well that there was no nefarious plans, just "a bunch of people trying to get things done and being hindered by you at every POSSIBLE opportunity as you grasp at straws to keep anything from happening without a struggle. It's exhausting." Sandra asked, same as Jackie, for examples, also requesting that their message number be included as well. MARCH 25 Carra advised that the 2015 NAN Bid Finalists had been notified and had until April 4 to rebut. Lynn Weber advised that NAMHSA's site was down and that she had a support ticket in with GoDaddy. Eleanor reminded everyone that there was an option motion on the floor regarding discontinuing postal ballots and that if anyone had anything to say that now was the time. Annette Dean asked for clarification of the first option. "Is it 'discontinue...' and then offer 'only email' or are we offering 'with the option of web site data entry' instead?" Lynn Weber clarified that the vote was to eliminate any more postal ballots and keep voting to email only. Carra McClelland expanded further into the explanation stating the "Discontinue postal ballots means we will not mail ballots out anymore via paper copy and a courier service (USPS is the one we use, but that could also encompass the others out there). All ballots will be sent in electronic format. That is currently via email, but that could (and probably should) evolve at some point." 1. Discontinue postal ballots. 2. Keep using postal ballots for the few people that still request them. 3. Abstain. Lyn Norbury still did not seem to understand what the motion was. Jackie Arns-Rossi and Carra McClelland both forwarded the three options that had been included in Eleanor's post. Annette asked when this would go into effect and Lynn replied that it would be with the new membership year. MARCH 27 Lyn Norbury posted to the BOD that Chris Wallbruch posted to the Region 8 Yahoo Group that she does not allow show advertising from other regions to be posted on the R8YG. Lyn had replied to her post the day before but had not received a response from her, nor had her reply been posted. She wanted to know why she was being moderated and wanted to know if it was because she had been advertising her show. She felt that she should at least get a response or her post made in a timely manner. Lyn stated that she thought cross advertising her show across other regions was highly recommended and have been posting advertising to the R8 list since she'd taken it over. She went on the proclaim that she had seven entrants and one judge, all from Region 8, that had entered her show. She felt that regardless of Chris' personal feelings towards her that her actions were counterproductive to NAMHSA's mission statement and bylaws. She didn't know if any action would be taken or not, but wanted the BOD to be aware of the situation. Later Lyn added that Chris had just made a post to R5FB under he show's thread that was not related to her show. "Chris, you are being childish and petty. I am not sure what you are trying to accomplish, but it can't be anything positive for your region or NAMHSA." Jackie Arns-Rossi stated that all regional reps were left to their own devices when creating rules and moderating their respective Yahoo Groups when it came to frequencies of postings for shows and sales lists and felt this was not a BOD issue, to which Natalie Kilpatrick agreed. Chris later explained that her members were complaining that there were excessive amounts of emails about the show being posted to her group and that she had rejected them. Carra McClelland stepped in and told both parties to cease discussion on the topic and take it private. Carra presented the first draft of the 2014 NAN Minimum Guaranteed Classlist. The discussion period to eliminate postal ballots had come to an end and Jackie Arns-Rossi started a poll. Should the BOD discontinue using postal ballots? - No, keep using postal ballots for the few people that still request them - Abstain - Yes, discontinue the postal ballot option Carra McClelland advised that new information about the Palm Springs bid hadd been received and uploaded to the files section. MARCH 28 Lyn Norbury advised that the person behind the Tulsa bid wanted to conduct a search for a NAN chair and other volunteers to which Eleanor Harvey responded would be okay with her, so long as the bid liaison did not announce that Tulsa was one of the three finalists. Carra McClelland encouraged the BOD to look over the MGC that she'd uploaded and requested discussion end on 4/3 so that final suggestions could be passed onto Yashka Hallein. NAN entry was currently set to open 4/21. MARCH 29 Discussions regarding the MGC continued. Lyn Norbury sent two posts in responseto a discussion declared closed by Carra McClelland on 3/24 with another post that accused Lynn Weber had worked with Heather Gearhart to harass Jacklyn Catena into cancelling all of her shows. Lynn Weber advised that she did not have any relationship with Heather Gearhart. Carra McClelland reminded both parties that the subject had been closed long before and placed both Lyn Norbury and Lynn Weber on moderation for 2 weeks. MARCH 30 Discussions regarding the MGC continued. Chris Wallbruch posted an update on the MSOTY advising that there were 14 shows nominated. Annette Dean posted several questions that her constituents had raised during the Database Proposal discussion period while Jackie Moore did her best to answer. MARCH 31 Lyn Norbury advised that her computer or ISP had sent 4 messages to the BOD that were never intended to be sent and apologized for any confusion or problems the posts caused. Carra McClelland advised all members of the BOD to make sure that no one else had their login information and not to give out account passwords to anyone. REGIONAL REPORTS -------------------------------------------------- REGION 1 ------------------------- No report. REGION 2 ------------------------- No report. REGION 3 ------------------------- No report. REGION 4 ------------------------- No report. REGION 5 ------------------------- No report. REGION 6 ------------------------- There were TWO Florida shows in February! It was very exciting to have some more Florida shows cropping up, and nice to be able to get home from both of them in time for supper. The first was Old Oak Farm's All The Pretty Ponies Live in Newberry, FL on Feb 8. Thank you to show hostess Donna Arteaga for reviving her show after a long break! The show was fun and well organized and raised some money for the Horse Protection Association of Florida as well as the local 4H chapter. A great show and worthy causes to benefit! The second show was Palms and Ponies Live in Apopka, FL on Feb 22 and 23, hosted by first time show hosts Nicole and Rey Ramos. The show hall was great and everything ran very smoothly. The awards were also super cool! We hope that this was the first show of many to come. There will also be two shows in the region in March. First up is Central Alabama Live on March 1 at the Alabama Horse Fair, where one lucky entrant will win Breyer's Lionesse. On March 8 in Monroe, NC, the fifth Carolina Gold Classic will be held. With 85 entrants, this is going to be one amazing show! Can't wait! See y'all at the shows! REGION 7 ------------------------- No report. REGION 8 ------------------------- Will this snow EVER end? Despite the nasty weather, Region 8 hosted a great show on February 22nd. This was another one of the very popular GLC No Frills shows, held in Huntley, IL. As always, the competition was fierce but friendly, and laughter and jokes could be heard throughout the room as the day went along. It made for some much needed cheer during this very arctic winter! Upcoming shows in our region... March 15, 2014: GLC NoFrills Show in Huntley, IL. Contact: Liz Cory. March 22, 2014: Show for the Cure Live in Elk Grove, IL. Contact: Jenna Murphy. April 12, 2014: GLC NoFrills All Mini Show in Huntley, IL. Contact: Marilou Mol. April 12, 2014: Plastic Ponies On Parade in Fenton, MI. Contact: Shelley Hogle. May 3, 2014: Stone Horses Country Fair in Shipshewana, IN. Contact: Jo Kulwicki. Please see https://www.namhsa.org/showsbyregion.htm for further addresses and classlists! REGION 9 ------------------------- No report. REGION 10 ------------------------- No report. REGION 11 ------------------------- No report. FINANCIAL REPORT -------------------------------------------------- FEBRUARY Balance in BOA checking as of 2/29/2014: $65,857.01 Balance in PayPal as of 2/29/2014: $407.73 Balance in NAMHSA accounts as of 2/29/2014: $66,267.74 BOARD MEMBERS FOR THE PERIOD -------------------------------------------------- President: Carra McClelland Vice President: Tom Dean Treasurer: Carmen Robertson Recording Secretary: Jackie Arns-Rossi Region 1 Representative: Stacy Quick Region 2 Representative: Kathy Williams Region 3 Representative: Pauline Entin Region 4 Representative: Natalie Kilpatrick Region 5 Representative: Lyn Norbury Region 6 Representative: Jackie Moore Region 7 Representative: Annette Dean Region 8 Representative: Chris Wallbruch Region 9 Representative: Niki Hertzog Region 10 Representative: Kate Cabot Region 11 Representative: Sandra Gibson Individual Membership Secretary: Danielle Miller Show Secretary: Amy Peck Member Show Results Processor: Amy Peck Public Relations: Natalie Kilpatrick Webmaster: Lynn Weber Parliamentarian: Eleanor Harvey Merit Awards Coordinator: Dayle Steinke 2013 NAN Chair: Niki Hertzog 2013 Member Show of the Year Chairperson: Chris Wallbruch Judge's Handbook Committee: Carra McClelland Thank you, Natalie Kilpatrick NAMHSA Public Relations Subscribe to the new NAMHSA Mailing List in full HTML! https://www.namhsa.org/mailing_list.htm | |
Last updated on May 5, 2014 |