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NAMHSA - March 1-31, 2013 News
NAMHSA News for the period of March 1-31, 2013, based on the minutes compiled by Jackie Arns-Rossi, Recording Secretary. MARCH 1 -- Carra McClelland (Vice President) posted a draft solicitation for candidates for NAMHSA Vice President. -- Carra McClelland made a final call for discussion of reciprocity. MARCH 2 -- Pauline Entin (Region 3 Representative and Interim PR) advised Lynn Weber (Website Manager) that she had set the deadline for applications for the NAN Head Steward position as April 7, 2013. -- Teresa Buzzell (President) posted the March Board agenda: Teresa noted that the Board would have to stay on track to get several new items discussed and finalized that month She stated that each discussion item would have strict deadlines. I. Done: -Show Results - Listing for late/delinquent show results -Reg 4 & 2 solicitation II. In Progress: -Reciprocity -Regional Rep/VP/PR Positions Solicitation III. NEW, in order of importance: 1. NAN classlist 2. Judge Proxy showing 3. MSOTY discussion 4. Formalizing eligibility of voting for new members (See Danielle’s discussion in latest news) 5. MA Ideas 6. National showers data base Lyn Norbury (Region 5 Representative) asked when the fantasy proposal was going to make it to the agenda. Eleanor Harvey (Parliamentarian) advised that the fantasy proposal had been tabled in favor of moving forward on more time-sensitive agenda items. Based on the current agenda, Eleanor did not see it having a higher priority, especially with NAN looming. MARCH 3 -- Jackie Moore (Region 6 Representative) noted that her fantasy proposal was presented on 8/5/2012 and tabled 4 days later. She expressed frustration at not being able to have the issue discussed in seven months. Natalie Kilpatrick (Region 4 Representative) felt this was something that could be put to a vote sooner rather than later. Teresa Buzzell advised that any new policies for fantasy animals would not be in place for classes at NAN 2013 (Bylaws policy). Eleanor Harvey noted that since there had been no qualifying classes for fantasy animals, entry for NAN 2013 was a moot point, and the timeline need not be accelerated. MARCH 4 -- Carra McClelland asked Jackie Arns-Rossi (Recording Secretary) to set up a poll for the Board to vote on reciprocity. Jackie created the poll. -- Teresa Buzzell uploaded the NAN 2013 Minimum Guaranteed Classlist (MGC) for the Board’s approval. She noted this would need a quick turnaround by the BOD. She included notes from Niki Hertzog (2013 NAN Chair) regarding historical data used from the 2008-2010 and 2012 NANs to build the current MGC. -- Jackie Arns-Rossi posted the February 16-28 minutes for approval. These were approved by Teresa Buzzell on March 4. -- Discussion on the time line for the fantasy proposal continued. Natalie Kilpatrick offered to head up a committee to discuss details if needed. Jackie Moore did not feel a committee was needed and reposted her proposal. In short, the proposal would allow equine-based models (e.g., unicorns and pegasi) to be eligible for non-breed halter NAN qualification. The proposal defined ‘equine-based’ models that would be eligible. Jackie also offered the wording for Bylaws changes that would be needed. --Teresa Buzzell urged caution, noting that CM decorators, another class that had been requested by showers, had never had more than 15 horses in the class since its inception in 2009. She did not want to open the door to allowing non horse animals into NAN, and felt that taking a slower approach (start with OF collectibility, for example) would be better. Jackie Moore pointed out that the CM decorator and CM fantasy animals could be combined, producing a fuller class. MARCH 5 -- Discussion on the 2013 NAN Minimum Guaranteed Classlist continued. -- Jackie Arns-Rossi posted the results of the Region 2 Representative special election. Out of, 32 possible votes, 21 were cast. Kathy Williams was voted into the position by majority vote and would take office immediately. -- Jackie Arns-Rossi asked the Board if it would be helpful to post lists of expiring IMs to encourage these members to renew and remain current. Several people felt this was a good idea, and Teresa Buzzell asked for Jackie to move forward on this. -- The Board poll regarding NAN entry reciprocity with other national model horse show organizations closed. Accept: Tracy Eilers (R1); Tom Dean (R2); Pauline Entin (R3); Natalie Kilpatrick (R4); Lyn Norbury (R5); Jackie Moore (R6); Stacy Faraci (R7); Chris Wallbruch (R8); Pat Coulter (R9); Kate Cabot (R10); Terri Wright (R11); Carra McClelland (VP) --Carra McClelland advised she would send an invitation to Kathy Williams (New Region 2 Representative) to join the Board email list. The Board thanked Tom Dean (previous Region 2 Representative) for his service and wished him luck on his move. MARCH 6 -- Discussion continued on the NAN 2013 Minimum Guaranteed Classlist. -- Carra McClelland reported that Kathy Williams was now part of the Board list. The Board welcomed her. Teresa Buzzell directed Kathy to the MGC for discussion. -- Teresa Buzzell suggested making a list of IMs available on the website, with the idea that members could see when their memberships were expiring. This could be updated monthly. Jackie Arns-Rossi cautioned that members may not want their names on the site, and to make such an offer optional. Danielle Miller (Individual Membership Secretary) reminded the board that all Individual Memberships start on May 1 and end on April 30, so posting names or sending out a reminder snail mail was not really necessary. -- Teresa Buzzell reminded the Board that the discussion on the NAN 2013 MGC needed to be wrapped by the end of the week. -- Teresa Buzzell reminded Board members that they needed to submit bios to Lynn Weber for blog content. MARCH 8 -- Carra McClelland asked for 2 volunteers to assist in approving requests for NAN entry reciprocity. Natalie Kilpatrick and Kate Cabot (Region 10 Representative) offered to serve in this capacity. MARCH 9 -- Teresa Buzzell asked Jackie Arns-Rossi to set up a poll regarding the NAN 2013 MGC. Jackie started a poll the same day. The proposal was to accept the proposed MGC with three changes: 1. Combine the china stock horse classes 2. Rename the British natives classes 3. Change the run limit on certain china collectibility classes from 700 to 750 -- Natalie Kilpatrick commented that she had recently attended a horse fair, and wondered at the feasibility of having NAMHSA set up promotional booths at national horse fairs. While this was considered a good idea, there were concerns about having volunteers to staff these booths and if a live horse venue was the right audience. Teresa Buzzell reminded the Board that NAMHSA did have a presence at Breyerfest in their hobby booth, but really did need better promotional materials and an independent booth. -- Kathy Williams suggested promoting the hobby to 4H and FFA, as there would be benefits to all parties involved. MARCH 10 -- Pauline Entin posted a draft of the NAMHSA News for the entire month of January 2013. MARCH 11 -- Jackie Arns-Rossi posted a list of IMs that were set to expire in April 2013. -- Beth Lamm (Merit Award Coordinator) posted a list of the latest Merit Award winners. MARCH 12 -- Carra McClelland uploaded the British Model Equine Collectors’ Society (BMECS) reciprocity statement to the Files section. She also advised that the first reciprocity request had been filed and reviewed by herself, Natalie Kilpatrick and Kate Cabot and approved, but she would like the general Board’s input. Kathy Williams and Jackie Moore both agreed with the approval. -- Discussion on the Fantasy proposal continued. There was some question about fantasy animals in the past that seemed to have earned NAN cards, however these incidents appeared to be honest mistakes made at some shows which were corrected as discovered. MARCH 13 -- Jackie Moore posted another draft of the fantasy proposal, with some modifications incorporated. --Discussion ensued about keeping the proposal limited versus more broad, and the proposal was further amended making clear that eligibility would be limited to unicorns and pegasi (or a combination of those forms). --Discussion continued, with some Board members indicating they were ready to vote. MARCH 14 -- Discussion on the fantasy proposal continued. Amy Peck (Show Member Secretary) reminded the board that the current Bylaws wording included the word “equids”. Jackie Moore replied that she had addressed these concerns on March 4 by delineating the Bylaws changes that would be needed. -- Carmen Robertson (Treasurer) posted the January financial report summary: Total Income 1696.00 Total Expenses -1219.92 Balance in BOA checking as of 1/31/2013: 68,615.11 Balance in PayPal as of 1/31/2013: 40.00 Balance in NAMHSA accounts as of 1/31/2013: 68,655.11 -- Jackie Moore posted another revision of the fantasy proposal. Members of the Board indicated they were ready to vote on the proposal. MARCH 15 -- Jackie Moore posted another revision of the fantasy proposal which was followed by discussion as to whether a membership vote would be required for the proposal itself, or only for the Bylaws changes. Eleanor Harvey stated she thought the proposal should be voted upon by the membership for “both official and common sense reasons.” She agreed that the qualification period should start immediately, but that would require the membership to vote on “emergency” implementation. She added that the Board might want to consider allowing shows already approved for membership to add fantasy classes without penalty. -- Stacy Faraci (Region 7 Representative) moved to accept the fantasy proposal. The motion was seconded by Natalie Kilpatrick. Carra McClelland asked Jackie Arns-Rossi to set up a poll. -- The poll regarding the proposed NAN 2013 MGC closed. The MGC was approved with the stated three amendments by unanimous vote. Accept: Tracy Eilers (R1); Kathy Williams (R2); Pauline Entin (R3); Lyn Norbury (R5); Jackie Moore (R6); Stacy Faraci (R7); Chris Wallbruch (R8); Pat Coulter (R9); Kate Cabot (R10); Terri Wright (R11); Carra McClelland (VP). Abstain: Natalie Kilpatrick (R4). -- Jackie Arns-Rossi set up the poll to approve or reject the fantasy equid proposal. -- Jackie Arns-Rossi requested that representatives post their regional reports. -- Amy Peck reminded the Board that there was a document in the files section from 2008 for Region Representative Accountability. She noted it might be good to update it as needed and provide it to new representatives. -- Cara McClelland posted another draft of the Vice President solicitation. MARCH 17 -- Pauline Entin reminded the Board that she was out of the country with very limited email access. -- The poll regarding the Fantasy equine proposal closed. The proposal was approved by a margin of 11 to 1. Accept: Tracy Eilers (R1); Kathy Williams (R2); Pauline Entin (R3); Natalie Kilpatrick (R4); Lyn Norbury (R5); Jackie Moore (R6); Stacy Faraci (R7); Chris Wallbruch (R8); Kate Cabot (R10); Terri Wright (R11); Carra McClelland (VP). Reject: Pat Coulter (R9). -- Jackie Moore posted a draft of the ballot language for the Fantasy proposal. The draft included the proposal, the Bylaws changes it would require, and the option for an “emergency change” in order to implement qualification without delay. -- Jackie Arns-Rossi submitted the March 1-15 minutes for approval.These were approved on March 21 by Teresa Buzzell. -- Lynn Weber asked if there were any applicants for the Fundraising Coordinator position. Carra McClelland said she may have someone interested in the position. Teresa Buzzell asked Lynn to repost the position and extend the deadline an additional month if Carra’s candidate did not pan out. -- Teresa Buzzell advised the new representatives that there was a document in the files section on Yahoo that outlined Regional Representative duties. She invited the new reps to look that over and to explore the Facebook page, blog and website. She also reminded the Board that all members were to treat each other with respect and civility and to use open communication methods. MARCH 18 -- Teresa Buzzell asked if there was any more discussion for the proposed language for the Fantasy equine proposal ballot. -- Carra McClelland reminded the board that today was the deadline for discussion on the reciprocity request from BMECS, and asked for a poll to be set up. MARCH 19 -- Jackie Moore posted another draft of the Fantasy Equine Proposal ballot. --Several Board members indicated they were ready to vote. Carra McClelland moved to accept the ballot wording as above. This motion was seconded by Kate Cabot. -- Carra McClelland asked Jackie Arns-Rossi to start a poll for the Fantasy Equine Proposal ballot. Jackie started the poll the same day. -- Carra McClelland retracted the motion on the reciprocity for BMECS, clarifying that the NAMHSA BOD is not voting on the language or guidelines for reciprocity, that that had already been done. Eleanor Harvey clarified “what she (Carra) is presenting is a specific application from a specific show to be approved for the already-in-place guidelines governing reciprocity. So you are NOT voting whether reciprocity is okay, or what the governing guidelines are--those things are already in place. you are simply approving the first actual show to request reciprocity.” -- Lynn Weber asked for information about reciprocity that she could put on the website. -- Carra McClelland moved that the BOD accept reciprocity with BMECS. This was seconded by Jackie Moore Eleanor Harvey called for discussion, and several BOD members indicated they were ready to vote. -- Carra McClelland posted another draft of the VP solicitation email. Carra asked Lynn Weber to post the information to the website and Facebook. MARCH 20 -- Teresa Buzzell voiced her concerns regarding privileged information being discussed among regional lists, specifically directly quoted information. Discussions ensued regarding how to poll regions for their opinions while still maintaining a level of privacy within the BOD. MARCH 21 -- Teresa Buzzell asked Jackie Arns-Rossi to set up a poll to accept reciprocity for BMECS. -- Carra McClelland posted language for the NAMHSA policy document regarding reciprocity and asked Lynn Weber to add it. In order to help grow the hobby on an international scale, and to foster greater participation in North American Nationals and the National Shows in other countries, NAMHSA would like to offer reciprocity to interested organizations. Requirements for reciprocity: 1. A card system like the one NAMHSA employs. Cards must be given to the 1st and 2nd place horses in each qualifying class. NAMHSA'a card color scheme is: Green ˆ Breed Halter Yellow ˆ Collecibility/Workmanship/Non-Breed Halter Pink ˆ Performance Matching colors are not required, but cards from each division should be clearly marked. 2. Results should be accessible for reference by the NAN registrar. These should be presented in a searchable format such as a PDF file or Word Document. Results must come from the organization. 3. Cards from other countries are ONLY valid for NAN entry, not the Merit Award Program. Cards from other countries are only valid for NAN Entry for the dates printed on them. 4. Qualifying shows for the national show for an organization seeking reciprocity must go through an approval process similar to NAMHSA's, where the show is submitted to and approved by an individual or group of individuals and cards issued by the governing body. 5. Organizations seeking reciprocity must allow for a level playing field. To that end, customizers should not be permitted to judge their own work and showholders should not be permitted to judge their own models or models they have owned within the last 6 months. Reciprocity will be considered on a case by case basis by the BOD and may be reviewed and revoked at any time if the BOD deems necessary. -- Teresa Buzzell asked that either Carra McClelland or Lynn Weber repost the solicitation for Regional Representatives. MARCH 22 -- Teresa Buzzell asked Carra McClelland if there were any applicants for the PR position. -- Carra McClelland posted the application statement and resume of a hobbyist applying for the PR position. Discussion then began on the applicant's ability to perform the role. -- Lynn Weber asked if she should leave the Fundraising Coordinator post up with a deadline of “open until filled.” Carra McClelland responded that she still needed to talk to a potential candidate. -- Jackie Arns-Rossi started a poll asking if the NAMHSA BOD should grant reciprocity to the BMECS. -- Jackie Arns-Rossi reposted the March 1-15 minutes with additional regional reports that had not made it into the first version. -- Stacy Faraci asked about having a NAMHSA booth at Breyerfest. She also reported that a booth in the covered arena was $400. Currently, NAMHSA supplies flyer that are given out at the Breyer hobby Information booth, but otherwise has no official presence at the event. Pat Coulter (R9) asked about having a table at the Artisan’s Gallery ($125 for 3 days). There was some discussion about which option would be better (the booth in the covered arena would expose more people unfamiliar with the hobby, but require many volunteers to man it. The Artisan’s Gallery table would be easier to staff, but also probably not expose new hobbyists to the organization.) MARCH 23 -- Amy Peck advised she had received an application for MSOTY. -- Amy Peck posted the newly approved show list which can be viewed at https://www.namhsa.org/showsbydate.htm MARCH 24 -- Teresa Buzzell (President) posted the March agenda: I. Done: 1. Reciprocity 2. NAN Classlist II. In Progress: 1. Regional Rep/VP/PR Positions Solicitation III. New, In Order of Importance: 1. Judgy Proxy Showing 2. MSOTY Discussion 3. Formalizing Eligibility of Voting for New Members 4. MA Ideas 5. National Showers Database She also asked the BOD to consider some changes to the MSOTY program to improve it, and advised the BOD that they would be sticking to this agenda short of NAN issues or emergencies. -- Teresa Buzzell started discussion on NAN judge proxy showing. Currently, judges may judge and show on the same day, but they cannot show in a division they are judging, and are limited to 20 classes on that day. She asked the 2012 NAN chairs, Stacy Faraci and Carra McClelland to report on their experiences. Stacy and Carra reported mixed feelings on the issue--it was difficult to schedule judges as some judges could not judge what they were best at, as they preferred to show in that particular division. There were some issues with judges speaking to their proxy showers during the show. Kate Cabot noted there seemed to be a large pool of judges, with some that only worked a few classes and asked if the showing fees charged to judges made up for the increased cost of the judges. Jackie Arns-Rossi offered her experiences as a shower/judge last year. Teresa Buzzell asked if Stacy or Carra had the data on how many judges were hired per day and how many also showed. MARCH 25 -- The poll asking to accept the ballot and bylaw language for the fantasy equines proposal closed. Accept: Tracy Eilers (R1); Kathy Williams (R2); Pauline Entin (R3); Natalie Kilpatrick (R4); Lyn Norbury (R5); Jackie Moore (R6); Stacy Faraci (R7); Chris Wallbruch (R8); Pat Coulter (R9); Kate Cabot (R10); Terri Wright (R11); Carra McClelland (VP). MARCH 26 -- Stacy Faraci advised she had been contacted by Laura Pervier about the MSOTY program. Teresa Buzzell said it was on the agenda, and to not have Laura close the Yahoo group. She also asked for a copy of the questionnaire Laura had done. Lynn Weber offered a link to a document for the MSOTY: https://www.namhsa.org/forms/MSOTYnominationform.doc She later advised this link was the new version of the application. -- Kathy Williams asked what the most urgent agenda item was. Carra McClelland replied this was judge proxy showing. -- Carra McClelland reported that information about the Fantasy proposal had gone public, and there was already a lot of misinformation circulating. She reminded members of the BOD that if anyone asked, “...yes, it did pass the BOD vote and is going to be a ballot item for members to vote on. IT IS NOT FINAL. It still has to get through the membership vote.” Carra reported that she planned on making a public post on the subject today. Teresa Buzzell (President) reinforced that having a clear message from the BOD to prevent these games of telephone was important. -- There was some discussion on changing the specifics of allowing NAN judges to proxy show the same days they judged. MARCH 28 -- The poll asking if the NAMHSA BOD should grant reciprocity to the BMECS closed. Approve: Tracy Eilers (R1); Kathy Williams (R2); Pauline Entin (R3); Natalie Kilpatrick (R4); Jackie Moore (R6); Pat Coulter (R9); Kate Cabot (R10); Terri Wright (R11); Carra McClelland (VP). Abstain: Lyn Norbury (R5); Chris Wallbruch (R8) Teresa Buzzell asked Carra McClelland to let BMECS know that they had been granted reciprocity with NAMHSA. She also requested a PR post be drafted to announce that the status had been given to BMECS and to let the public know about the requirements. She also suggested changing the future protocol for granting approval with a committee of 3 (the VP and 2 randomly chosen Regional Reps) who would vet each application and report results back to the BOD, rather than having the BOD vote on each application. She also noted that the reciprocity procedures should go in the policy document and asked Carra to come up with language for the policy document. Lynn Weber advised that Carra had already submitted language for the policy document and reposted the new section: Kathy Williams felt that any reciprocity applications should come to a full BOD vote, rather than being delegated to 3 people. Teresa Buzzell pointed out that this procedure was similar to how qualifying shows are handled--rules are set and decisions on if a show meets them or not is delegated to the Show Secretary. Further discussion was tabled in favor of more urgent issues involving NAN. Carra asked that “reciprocity applications will be adjudicated by the Vice President and two members of the Board Of Directors” be added to the policy document. -- Carra McClelland posted a draft announcement about reciprocity. -- Teresa Buzzell asked if there was any more discussion about the PR candidate. If there was no further discussion, Teresa planned to ask for a writing sample to be submitted by Saturday morning. -- Pat Coulter (R9) advised that there appeared to be a issue with missing results from the Berk’s Saddle-its 4H Model Horse Show, as the show holder had contacted some, but not all entrants to rebuild results and claimed to have an extension from NAMHSA to do so. She asked Amy Peck to investigate. Beth Lamm advised she had been at the show and received the email from the show holder and could forward it as needed. Amy replied that she was aware of the situation, and as long as the show holder could have results in by Monday, April 1st, she would pass the full results to Lynn Weber for the website. She also offered to cc: the regional rep, president and VP when sending show holders reminders that results were coming due. -- Discussion continued on allowing NAN judges to proxy show on the same days they were judging. MARCH 29 -- Amy Peck advised she had been contacted by Erin Corbett, a member who held a show in 2011. Erin reported that the results of this show, ‘Merica Homecoming Live were not on the NAMHSA website. There were 2 judges for this show, and results were submitted separately. Only one judge’s results were listed. Erin did not have access to the results anymore and suspected that the former SMS may have thought she had duplicate results instead of results from a double judged show. She asked for the board’s input on allowing a correction or this show. Lindsay Hall (the former results manager) reported that she did not have any notations that the results had been late or a copy of the second set of results and also felt they may have been deleted in error. She recommended accepting the results. Teresa Buzzell agreed. MARCH 30 -- Discussion continued on NAN judge proxying--in particular the issue of limiting judges to 20 classes on the day they judge (the current limit) vs limited them showing in a single division to help free up judges who were showing and proxying the same day to allow them to judge more classes. No one was in favor of scrapping the program after a single year, but changes did seem to be needed for it to be successful. MARCH 31 -- The judge proxy issue was an ongoing topic of discussion. There was some discussion about penalties that judges could incur by having illegal contact with their proxy shower. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REGIONAL REPORTS Region 1 – Tracy Eilers No report Region 2 – Kathy Williams Region 2 sailed into 2013 with two shows, one in January and one in February: High Desert Holiday Live was held by Dixie Duggan in Ridgecrest, CA, on January 12, 2013. "Thanks again to all my showers, judges, judges helpers, my little raffle helper & all of our sponsors. We couldn't pull this off without you. Thank you!" - Dixie Duggan Eureka Live 2013 was held by Donna Stone in Santa Barbara, CA on February 24, 2013. "Well, another show is in the can and what a wrap party it was, afterward. Thanks SO much to everyone who pitched in to help us get it started and then breaking down the set last night. A big thank you to our producers (The Stones), the production crew, and Directors (US) are eternally grateful to all who helped make this show such a winner. To all my judges: Donna Anderson, Crystal Pomposo, Lacy Stormes, Cheryl Calentine, and Zaena Burdick, thanks for a wonderful job. Mary Thomson, you win the Oscar for Mistress of Ceremonies award as usual, every year. So thank you to everyone until next year, and "That's A Wrap!" - Donna and Harvey Stone Region 2 is ready for a busy spring showing season with 4 shows coming up in March and April: Over The Hump Live will be held in Pahrump, NV, by Donna Anderson on March 24, 2013. Donna tells us the show is now sold out. "Donations of all kinds have rolled in, and we sincerely thank ALL who have donated and supported the show. We're stuffed with classes and awards for OF Breyer, OF Stone, Customs, Artist Resin, China and Custom Glaze. Special awards for the Top Custom Mini and Artist Resin Mini, the Top 2 youth showers and last but certainly not least our Special Guest 'Zuni"! Direct from Breyer, from the run of between 30 to 35, for the Breyer Live Show Benefit Program. 'Zuni' has arrived here in the NV high desert, ready to go to his new home with one lucky attending shower. Huge Thanks to Sommer and Breyer/Reeves for this honor." – Donna Anderson The Fantastic Plastic Classic #10 will be held in San Martin, CA, by Jane Morehouse on April 6, 2013. http://www.fantasticplasticclassic.com/ This is the 10th consecutive year this show has been held. Congratulations, Jane! "***BLINGY 10TH ANNIVERSARY FPC SHOW PONIES!*** Each paid shower receives a gift model and this year's are special! We have a full lineup of judges in our panel: BREYER - BREED: Shawn McNeely, HARTLAND: Shawn McNeely, BREYER - COLLECTIBILITY: Karen Harper, STONE - BREED: Heather Visser, STONE - COLLECTIBILITY: Mary Reardon, MINI-SCALE: Cindy Ruth, YOUTH: Robin Kent. We are looking forward to seeing you all at FPC#10 - and do not forget the sister show the Bay Area All Halter Custom and China Classic the following day on Sunday April 7 in the same show hall as usual." – Jane Morehouse Bay Area All Halter Custom Classic and China Show #10 will be held in San Martin, CA, by Robin Kent on April 7, 2013. This is also the 10th year that this show has been held! "BAAHCCCS #10 is coming soon! There will be divisions for Artist Resin, Customs, Custom Glazed China, and OF China Collectibility. We are looking for judges for these divisions and welcome all volunteers! There will be special prizes for the champs of overall divisions. We look forward to seeing you there!" – Robin Kent Fine Art Bash will be held in Littlerock, CA, by Sarah Whelehan at the home of Vickie Carper on April 20, 2013. "Divisions include Artist Resins, Customs, and Custom China Glazes. Offering classes for big & small, breed & workmanship. First - thank you all for your support! All entrant spots for the show have been reserved! Can't believe April is right around the corner! See you then =)." – Vickie Carper & Sarah Whelehan Region 3 – Pauline Entin No report. Region 4 – Natalie Kilpatrick In February Region 4 had the Sleigh Rally Model Horse Show in Columbus, WI that saw an astounding 38 exhibitors! The real treat of the show were the numerous horse drawn sleighs that made an appearance along with a skijoring pair. Natalie Kilpatrick was voted in as Regional Representative replacing Carra McClelland who is our new Vice President. Wisconsin is again the place to be in March and April with 3 upcoming live shows, including the Pie Show which has been selected by Breyer to receive both a Zuni and a Glossy Black Beauty. Dream Acres Live, to be held in Iowa, will also be receiving both models from Breyer. Region 5 – Lyn Norbury February brought 28 Days After Christmas! The Ho! Ho! Ho! Show in OKC, OK on the 15th. I attended this show and it was a great show as usual. Jacklyn Catena always hosts a fun and fast paced show. Sue Stewart hosted Lone Star Live in Ft Worth, Texas on March 9th - 10th. LSL always proves to be one of the biggest and best in R5 with 82 entrants this year! Sounds like a good nominee for MSOTY!! LSL was chosen to give away one of the Breyer Zuni models. Big congrats to Petra Kirchstein, the winner of the coveted model. Also on March 9th was Mid Kansas All OF Live Show in Rose Hill, KS, hosted by Gay Mahlandt. I was at LSL and not able to attend MKL, but Gay always hosts a good show too. I am sure everyone had lots of fun! Region 6 – Jackie Moore Hello All! Panhandle Live was held in Milton, FL on Feb 16. This is always a very well-run and fun show with a well-rounded classlist and stiff competition, and this year was no exception. I had a great time, as always! Region 6 is currently gearing up for Carolina Gold Classic on March 9 in Monroe, NC. This show promises to, once again, be a packed hall full of top-notch entries, and we are all looking forward to it! Next up on the calendar is Hollow Horse Live Test of a Halter Champion in Cumming, GA on April 13. Another show not to be missed! See y'all there! Jackie Moore Region 7 – Stacy Faraci No report. Region 8 – Chris Wallbruch The spring season is beginning and there is a SLEW of shows coming up the next few months! March 23, 2013: Great Lakes Congress No-Frills Show in Huntley, IL. April 13, 2013: Plastic Ponies On Parade in Fenton, MI. April 20, 2013: Great Lakes Congress All Mini No-Frills Show in Huntley, IL. April 20, 2013: Indy-Mini-Con Live Model Horse Show in Beech Grove, IN. May 4, 2013: Stone Horse Country Fair in Shipshewana, IN. May 11, 2013: Great Lakes Congress No-Frills Show in Huntley, IL. Also, if you have not yet joined our Facebook group, please do so as there's always a good conversation going on! http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/groups/298022553628867/ Region 9 – Pat Coulter No report. Region 10 – Kate Cabot It is usually pretty quiet in New England and New York during the snowy months, but this February saw the first Cod Classic held in Brewster, MA (on Cape Cod) by Ann and Rob Harris. Anticipation was very high for this show, it having been delayed from its original date by Winter Storm Nemo, but a small and happy crew was present for the show the next weekend, February 16th. The day was great, the competition was fierce but friendly and the home made pizza was delicious! We hope that this will be the first of many shows for the Harrises (even if they are not held in February in the future). Region 11 – Terri Wright No report. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAMHSA congratulates the following horses and their owners who earned Merit Awards in March 2013: Register of Merit for Excellence(requiring 6 NAN cards in one class): SweetPea - OF PS Pony Foal - Vickie Carper Yucatan - OF Other Pure Light - Sarah Whelehan RogueRiver - OFP Breyer Halter Collectibility - Adrien Synnott Posted by Natalie Kilpatrick, NAMHSA PR 5/13/13 | |