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NAMHSA - February 16-28, 2013 News
NAMHSA News for the period of February 16-28, 2013 based on the minutes compiled by Jackie Arns-Rossi, Recording Secretary. FEBRUARY 16 -- Jackie Arns-Rossi posted the February 1-15 minutes for approval. These were approved by Teresa Buzzell on February 20. -- Discussion continued on the reciprocity proposal, mostly focusing on protecting NAMHSA’s core principals and less on the details of implementing the proposal. FEBRUARY 18 -- Pat Coulter (Region 9 Representative) posted two issues that arose at a show she had attended on the weekend. First, she felt it took too much time to locate information about the NAN card validity extension dates on the NAMHSA website. She also noted there were showers who were unaware of any changes. Secondly, there was an issue with the showholder’s daughter attempting to show in the Open division of the show. She recommended a reminder about family members of the showholder being disallowed to show at NAN qualifiers. --Lynn Weber responded by reposting the information on the NAN card extension to the home page, NAN and Merit Awards pages. --Teresa Buzzell responded by pointing out that NAMHSA does put out a lot of information, but could not assume that people read the News, NAMHSA-Discussion, their regional email list, the blog or Facebook. She recommended that the Board members understand that they have more focus on NAMHSA than most hobbyists. The Board would continue to do its best to get information out as broadly as possible. She noted that each representative has the responsibility to be active in their region - talking to people, informing them of things, fielding questions and having the answers for those questions. (Easier than it sounds.) As a group, the Board has the responsibility to make sure that all of our avenues of communication are used to inform the members and hobbyists about our activities. She also recommended a how to hold a show section on the website, as well as an additional handout for showholders. -- Lynn Weber noted she was still waiting on the two board member biographies she had requested in December. FEBRUARY 19 -- Lynn Weber posted a new schedule of Board member bios. -- Jackie Arns-Rossi reminded the Board that the R4 vote ended the following Monday, and the R2 vote the Monday after that. FEBRUARY 21 -- Carmen Robertson uploaded the January 2013 financial report TOTAL INCOME 1,696.00 1/19/2013 DEP Deposit Merit Awards, Show Fees 290.00 1/25/2013 EFT Deposit Merit Awards, Individual Memberships, Show Fees 1,406.00 TOTAL EXPENSES -1,219.92 1/2/2013 EFT NPC Credit Card Processing -70.97 1/2/2013 2237 Amy Peck SMS-SMS Salary -300.00 1/17/2013 2238 Auld Crafters Inc Merit Awards Expenses-Merit Awards -331.00 1/19/2013 2239 Badger Press Inc SMS-NAN Cards -479.58 1/25/2013 EFT Deposit PayPal Fee -38.37 Balance in BOA checking as of 1/31/2013: 68,615.11 Balance in PayPal as of 1/31/2013: 40.00 Balance in NAMHSA accounts as of 1/31/2013: 68,655.11 FEBRUARY 22 -- Amy Peck posted a list of newly approved member shows. A list of all NAMHSA member shows can be found at www.namhsa.org. Amy also reminded potential showholders to send their applications to show-secretary@namhsa.org. In addition, she included a reminder that all NAN qualifier results are required to be submitted to NAMHSA in an electronic, searchable format within 30 days from the date of the show. A listing of show results that are due can be found at https://www.namhsa.org/membershows-pendingresults.htm FEBRUARY 24 -- Pauline Entin posted a draft of the December 16-31, 2012 NAMHSA News. FEBRUARY 26 -- Lynn Weber asked for a due date and recipient for applications for the NAN Head Steward position. Teresa Buzzell requested that the contact for the position be NANChair@namhsa.org. FEBRUARY 27 -- Carra McClelland posted another draft of the reciprocity proposal. The text of this proposal is below. “In order to help grow the hobby on an international scale, and to foster greater participation in North American Nationals and the National Shows in other countries, NAMHSA would like to offer reciprocity to interested organizations. Requirements for reciprocity: 1. A card system like the one NAMHA employs. Cards must be given to the 1st and 2nd place horses in each qualifying class. NAMHSA’a card color scheme is: Green – Breed Halter Yellow – Collecibility/Workmanship/Non-Breed Halter Pink – Performance Matching colors are not required, but cards from each division should be clearly marked. 2. Results should be accessible for reference by the NAN registrar. These should be presented in a searchable format such as a PDF file or Word Document. 3. Cards from other countries are ONLY valid for NAN entry, not the Merit Award Program. Cards from other countries are only valid for NAN Entry for the dates printed on them. 4. Qualifying shows for the national show for an organization seeking reciprocity must go through an approval process similar to NAMHSA’s, where the show is submitted to and approved by an individual or group of individuals and cards issued by the governing body. 5. Organizations seeking reciprocity must allow for a level playing field. To that end, customizers should not be permitted to judge their own work and showholders should not be permitted to judge their own models or models they have owned within the last 6 months. Reciprocity will be considered on a case by case basis by the BOD and may be reviewed and revoked at any time if the BOD deems necessary.” --Teresa Buzzell asked for further discussion. Jackie Moore asked if Jim West (2013 NAN Registrar) had been consulted, if there would be issues with NAN entries mailed from overseas (deadline wise) and asked if show results must come from the governing body the foreign cards had come from. Carra revised the proposal to address these issues. -- Jackie Arns-Rossi posted the results of the Region 4 representative election. Participation was 11 votes out of 32 possible votes. Natalie Kilpatrick was elected to take office immediately. Jackie noted that no snail mail results were returned from this vote. --Jackie Arns-Rossi reminded the Board that per the Bylaws the deadline for soliciting candidates for representatives in odd number regions was March 1. Teresa Buzzell asked Carra McClelland and Pauline Entin to draft a call for candidates. FEBRUARY 28 -- Pauline Entin posted a draft of a regional rep solicitation. There was a question if nominations had to be taken via snail mail or not. -- Carra McClelland reported that new R4 rep, Natalie Kilpatrick had been added to the BOD list and made moderator of the Region 4 yahoogroup. The BOD welcomed Natalie to the board. Posted by Pauline Entin, R3 Rep and Interim PR 4/11/2013 | |
Last updated on April 11, 2013 |