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NAMHSA - February 2014 News
NAMHSA News for the period of February 2014, based on the minutes compiled by Jackie Arns-Rossi, Recording Secretary. View the Enhanced News. FEBRUARY 1 -------------------------------------------------- Jackie Moore passed along a question from a member in her Region: "If someone has a resin or custom that is NAN qualified in halter and/or performance (but not workmanship) and has the horse repainted, for whatever reason, if they keep the same name for the horse, does the horse keep its previous qualifications?" There was some discussion. All members responding to the question (Stacy Quick, Lyn Norbury, Niki Hertzog, Jackie Arns-Rossi, Lynn Weber) felt that the horse would need to be requalified, as it was essentially a new horse. It was noted that NAMHSA does not currently track this information and that this is on the honor system. There is no formal policy, but it was considered a "generally accepted practice" that this would be a new horse. Jackie Arns-Rossi also reported she personally knew of a horse in the late 90's that had qualified as one color and showed at NAN a different color. There was also very brief discussion about how a nationwide database could be used to prevent something like this from happening in the future. FEBRUARY 2 -------------------------------------------------- Lyn Norbury advised the BOD, with Amy Peck's approval, that she would be taking over show holding duties for Tornado Alley and Hog Wild Live. It was understood that both of the original show holders, Jessica Sneeringer and Jacklyn Catena, would not be allowed to show. FEBRUARY 4 -------------------------------------------------- Lynn Weber forwarded a question from the Region 5 list: "Can volunteers show by proxy like the judges can? Someone on the Region 5 list is asking and I said I'd check." Tom Dean (VP) replied the following day: "The solicitation for volunteers states that they may show on days other than the volunteer day. While it is fairly simple (if a little cumbersome) to keep judges away from proxies and the division they are showing in by proxy, keeping stewards segregated would be almost impossible." Pauline Entin urged caution in restricting volunteers excessively. Jackie Moore and Carmen Robertson both noted that either they or people they personally knew had both showed and served as ring stewards. Kathy Williams felt this should be a BOD decision, and not up to the individual NAN Chair. Lynn Weber updated the NAMHSA website to reflect the new Judge's Procedure for moving entries at NAN under Section IV, Amendment F. FEBRUARY 5 -------------------------------------------------- The following poll closed: Should the Board of Directors change the wording on the Green NAN Cards to say Breed, Breed Halter or should the current wording of Halter remain? Change Green Cards to say Breed - 1 Vote (9%) Natalie Kilpatrick (R4) Change Green Cards to say Breed Halter - 3 Votes (27%) Stacy Quick (R1) Pauline Entin (R3) Niki Hertzog (R9) Keep the current wording on the cards - 7 Votes (64%) Kathy Williams (R2) Lyn Norbury (R5) Jackie Moore (R6) Annette Dean (R7) Chris Wallbruch (R8) Kate Cabot (R10) Tom Dean (VP) Abstain - 0 Votes (0%) Tom Dean requested forwards from Jessica Sneeringer and Jacklyn Catena formally transferring ownership of both live shows to Lyn Norbury. The BOD received a forward of the email sent to Lyn Norbury from Jessica Sneeringer transferring ownership of Hog Wild Live from Jessica to Lyn, but not for transferring ownership of Tornado Alley Live from Jacklyn to Lyn. FEBRUARY 7 -------------------------------------------------- The BOD received a forward of an email sent to Lynn Weber from Jacklyn Catena asking for her information for Tornado Alley Live to be removed from the NAMHSA website as she had refunded everyone's entry fees. FEBRUARY 10 -------------------------------------------------- Stacy Quick posted a question from a member: "I had a member email me about show results. The results were submitted with the persons shower number, no horse names. Can this be updated? Not something I've done before so I just wanted to make sure I provide the correct information." Carra McClelland advised Stacy to have the shower get a hold of the showholder and have the changes submitted to Amy Peck. She advised that Amy was the final arbiter of approving the changes. Carra McClelland forwarded the formal proposal for a National Registry to the BOD (found below). Immediate discussion ensued. Those in favor of the system felt it's benefits would include easing work for show holders as well as the NAN Registrar and SMS, saving NAMHSA money by not needing to print and mail NAN Cards, also making the Merit Award System easier to use. Lyn Norbury felt that the proposal should be sent to the hobby public for all of the members to see and discuss openly, not privately. She suggested that the BOD poll all of the region lists before sending it to the BOD for a vote to get an idea of how many in each region would be for or against it, therefor letting each Regional Rep know how their region would want them to vote."I don't believe the hobby public should have this forced on them without the choice to do so being a majority of what the regions want for themselves." Kathy Williams felt she would be more in favor if the system was optional, but felt that requiring it for NAN entry made it mandatory. It was noted that online NAN entry was already mandatory by Natalie Kilpatrick. Jackie Moore clarified that the system would be optional for regional shows to use, but would be maintaining status quo for NAN entry. Showers that used the system locally had the ability to have horse information saved when showing on the local level and would not need to re-enter it for NAN entry. FEBRUARY 11 -------------------------------------------------- Discussions on the proposal continued. Kathy Williams and Lyn Norbury both felt that the system would increase work load on exhibitors and those not going to NAN would not experience the full benefits of the system. Lyn Norbury felt that the registration system would benefit mostly the NAN Registrar and that changing the system to benefit this one person was not worthwhile. Eleanor Harvey reiterated Robert's Rules of Order reminding the BOD that when a motion is made after an issue is put on the floor it may be seconded. When that occurs discussion ensues and a vote or tabling and removal of the motion follows. She reminded the BOD that the discussion period for the database was open until 2/18/14 at 4PM CST, or 7 days, which should allow everyone ample time to read the proposal and ask questions. Lyn Norbury objected to Carra McClelland's earlier statement that the proposal's wording would be discussed by the BOD and then put to a vote on whether or not for it to be sent to the hobby public. Lyn did not feel that voting to send it to the hobby public would not allow for regional representatives to discuss it with their respective regions. Eleanor Harvey again intervened explaining that the reason the BOD was having an internal discussion was to consider the merits and flaws of the proposal prior to it being released to the hobby public. Lyn again objected on the grounds that the BOD vote would pre-empt any general hobby discussion. Jackie Moore attempted to explain that the BOD would be voting whether or not the proposal has enough merit to be presented to the membership for discussion. Natalie Kilpatrick motioned to accept the proposal and communicate it to fellow hobbyists for review which was then seconded by Jackie Arns-Rossi. Lyn Norbury and Kathy Williams both felt the proposal was premature to take to the hobby as-is. FEBRUARY 12 -------------------------------------------------- Discussions regarding the database proposal continued. Terri Wright advised the BOD that she was stepping down as the Region 11 Representative. In light of the resignation, Jackie Arns-Rossi announced that she had received a nomination for a new Region 11 Representative. Terri Wright suggested changing the name of the proposed registry from 'National' to 'NAMHSA' since NAMHSA covers two regions. Natalie Kilpatrick asked Carra McClelland to add the suggested policy changes regarding repeat show cancellations to the agenda. Carra confirmed it was on the agenda. FEBRUARY 13 -------------------------------------------------- Discussions regarding the database proposal continued. Natalie Kilpatrick asked Carra McClelland to add removing postal ballots as an option to the agenda. Carra confirmed it was on the agenda. Jackie Arns-Rossi posted a draft for the R11 ballot which Carra McClelland immediately approved for immediate release. FEBRUARY 14 -------------------------------------------------- Discussions regarding the database proposal continued. Jackie Moore posted a revision of the database proposal. FEBRUARY 15 -------------------------------------------------- Discussions regarding the database proposal continued. FEBRUARY 17 -------------------------------------------------- Discussions regarding the database proposal continued. Jackie Moore posted a revision of the database proposal. FEBRUARY 18 -------------------------------------------------- Discussions regarding the database proposal continued. Jackie Arns-Rossi confirmed that the R11 ballot had gone out. FEBRUARY 19 -------------------------------------------------- Discussions regarding the database proposal continued. Jackie Moore posted the final revision of the database proposal. Carra McClelland asked Jackie Arns-Rossi to start a new poll. Should the Board of Directors send the National Tagging Database proposal as outlined in message 49391 to the hobby public? - No, do not send the proposal - Yes, send the proposal - Abstain Carra McClelland advised that there had been no further action on the lawsuit initiated by the Region 9 show holder as her attorney had not yet replied to the request from NAMHSA's attorney. FEBRUARY 21 -------------------------------------------------- Carra McClelland introduced the next agenda item, "Do we want to maintain a list of member names on the website? This was suggested by the R1 rep (Stacy Quick) a little while ago and we touched on it, but let's get it cleared." Discussions regarding maintaining a list of member names on the NAMHSA.org website began. FEBRUARY 25 -------------------------------------------------- Natalie Kilpatrick reported that she had various Cafe Press announcements scheduled monthly via the MailChimp newsletter. She also reported that of the 217 recipients of the newsletter, 124 had opened the email (57.1%) and 25 people clicked through to the CafePress page. Erin Corbett noted that a greater than 50% open rate was considered very high. FEBRUARY 26 -------------------------------------------------- The following poll closed: POLL QUESTION: Should the Board of Directors send the National Tagging Database proposal as outlined in message 49391 to the hobby public? INDIVIDUAL VOTES No, do not send the proposal, 2 votes, 18.18% - Kathy Williams (R2) - Lyn Norbury (R5) Yes, send the proposal, 9 votes, 81.82% - Stacy Quick (R1) - Pauline Entin (R3) - Natalie Kilpatrick (R4) - Jackie Moore (R6) - Annette Dean (R7) - Chris Wallbruch (R8) - Niki Hertzog (R9) - Kate Cabot (R10) - Terri Wright (R11) - Tom Dean (VP) Abstain, 0 votes, 0.00% - None Carra McClelland suggested 60 days to allow as many as possible to read and allow the BOD to make any changes that were deemed necessary. Carra McClelland motioned to put the member names on the NAMHSA.org web site with three options; 1. Provide a public facing listing (with an opt out option when joining) 2. Provide a password protected listing that is only accessible to Board members 3. Do not list member names on the web site with the exception of required contact information for member show holders. The motion was seconded by Natalie Kilpatrick and Eleanor Harvey called for discussion. FEBRUARY 27 -------------------------------------------------- Natalie Kilpatrick asked for a copy of Sandra Gibson's bio for a press release. Jackie Arns-Rossi supplied that bio to the BOD. Natalie Kilpatrick asked that adding a NAMHSA member and BOD forum be added to the agenda. Carra McClelland added it to the agenda. Carra McClelland asked Natalie Kilpatrick to send out the database proposal to the hobby public adding a deadline of April 15, 2014. Natalie confirmed that the press release had gone out to Yahoo! Groups, MailChimp, Facebook and Model Horse Blab. She reported a strong response on Facebook groups urging regional reps to engage in discussion on the topic. Kathy Williams and Lyn Norbury disagreed that there was much discussion in their respective regions. Carra McClelland and Sandra Gibson pointed out that while the R2 and R5 FB groups were not particularly active they were not the entirety of the membership. NAMHSA DATABASE PROPOSAL -------------------------------------------------- The NAMHSA Registry committee hereby proposes the creation and implementation of a NAMHSA Registry System. The goal of this system is to make showing easier for entrants, judges, and show holders. By using one system, entrants can show across regions without changing tags. It will also be simple to keep track of which of their horses have qualified for NAN or are eligible for Merit Awards, and NAN entry will also be easier. For judges, only a number will need to be written down to record their placings. And for show holders, results typing will also be made much easier as the system will autofill the horses' and owners' names from the horse ID. This system would consist of one database, accessed from a single website, with the following tables: NAMHSA Entrant Registry NAMHSA Horse Registry NAMHSA Show Registry NAN Entry For each table, there will be required fields of entry. Some tables may also have optional fields of entry. These fields can be added to in the future, if it is decided that some other information is needed. Each entrant, upon notification to either a Registry Administrator or a Show holder, will be given an entrant number and a password to log in to the Registry. This password can be changed by the entrant at login. The entrant number will likely be 5 or 6 digits (to be determined). NAMHSA Entrant Registry Required fields: Last Name First Name email address Optional Fields: Mailing address phone number NAMHSA Horse Registry For the horse registry, only the information needed for local shows will be required at first. If an entrant then wishes to enter a horse in NAN, the optional information will then be required information. Once the horse has been entered in a NAN, that optional information will be saved, and will not need to be reentered for another NAN entry, unless fields need to be corrected or edited. Required Fields: Horse Name Horse Breed Horse Gender Optional fields, required for NAN entry: Make Scale Color Standing or In Motion Run Size Sculpting Artist Painter Performance Activity Other optional fields: Age Once a horse is registered, the horse will be given a unique number. This number will likely be six digits long. The ID number will stay with the horse, even if the horse's other information (such as owner or breed) changes. The horse's name can also be changed and still keep the same ID number. Currently, a horse's show record is tied to its name. When the horse's name is changed, the horse's show record starts fresh and the horse must be requalified under the new name in order to enter NAN under that name. The system will be able to keep track of which qualifications were earned under which name for a single horse. A horse will still need to be entered in NAN under the name that it showed under when it qualified for that particular class. Once an entrant has entered their horses into the system, they will be able to create a document from which they can print labels for their horses. The labels will have the entrant number, horse number, horse name, horse breed, and horse gender. These labels can be affixed to tags and/or cards, as needed. The entrant will be able to select horses from their entered horses list and print out a list of horses they are bringing to a specific show, if desired or requested by the show holder. Entrants will also be able to pull up their horse list and see at a glance which horses have qualified for NAN, Regionals (if applicable), and Merit Awards. When horses are sold, it will be a simple thing to transfer a horse from being associated with one entrant number to another. This will be a two step process where that association will be changed in the table, and both the new owner and the former owner will need to accept the change (to assure that the correct horse is transferred). In the event someone is selling horses for someone who is ill or passed away, a system administrator will have the ability to reset the owner's password so that the seller can have access to the registry in order to transfer horses. A system administrator will also have the ability to manually transfer horses, when provided verification of the sale, if a seller neglects to accept the transfer. If an entrant decides to change their horse's breed during the show, they will only need to write out a new tag or card with the new breed assignment. The breed assignments are not really tracked for local shows, and the breed assignment will only need to be correct in the case of NAN entry. If an entrant wishes to show a horse that they are unable to register before the show, they need only write up a tag or card with their entrant number, the horse's name, breed, and gender. The entrant would need to register the horse after the show and contact the show holder with the horse's number after it is registered. NAMHSA Show Registry A show holder will be able to log into the system and create their show. They will enter their classlists and other show information. This could even be used to streamline the show approval process. Show holders could create their show and then submit them to the Show Member Secretary through the Registry system. Or, show holders could submit their show information to the Show Member Secretary as they do currently, and only shows that have been approved will be allowed to be created in the system. Preference would be for classlists to be entered into the system as a document or spreadsheet. If the classlists will need to be entered class by class, it is suggested that dropdown lists be created to make this process easier (always with an option for a showholder to enter a class name not in the dropdown list). Part of the show holder system will be a list of entrants. The show holder will enter the entrant IDs as people enter their show. If someone without an entrant ID wishes to enter the show, the show holder will be able to create the ID and notify the entrant of the ID number. There will either be a system in place for the new entrant to then complete their own registration, or a Registry Administrator will need to do this step and contact the entrant with their password. Judges will need to record both the entrant number and the horse number during the show. The horse number should be sufficient for doing the results, but the entrant number may be needed in order to determine the correct horse if the horse number was written down incorrectly. Show holders will be able to complete their results by entering the horse ID numbers into the classlist; the system will autofill and replace the numbers with the horse's name and owner's name. Show holders will be able to create both full results and results with only first and second placings listed. For the time being, NAMHSA Member Shows will not be required to use the system. It will be up to the individual show holder whether they wish to require entrants to register or not. The system will, however, be required for NAN entry. One goal of the system, however, will be for it to, eventually, be used NAMHSA wide so that there will no longer be a need for printing NAN cards. The projected cost for hosting the database would be less than $100 per year. There will be very little maintenance involved. There will be automated backups and system administrators who can issue passwords and do manual fixes to records if needed. It will be up to the BOD to determine how many administrators would be needed and whether or not these would need to be paid positions. Regions will be encouraged to set up lists of members willing to do data entry for region members who do not have a computer or who would be uncomfortable registering their horses themselves (either on a volunteer basis or for some sort of compensation). REGIONAL REPORTS -------------------------------------------------- REGION 1 ------------------------- No report. REGION 2 ------------------------- Recent Shows: High Desert Live was held on January 26, 2014, in Ridgecrest, CA. Many thanks to Dixie Duggan for hosting a fun and lively show. Everyone had a wonderful time! Gold Country Model Horse Show was held on February 8-9, 2014, in Davis, CA. It was hosted by Robin Kent and Marie Sobieski and was an action packed, 2 day show with great participation. Kudos to Robin and Marie for bringing us this great event again this year! Upcoming Shows: On February 22, 2014 the St. Valentine's Day Show will be held in LaVerne, Ca. Show hostess is Suzie Francis. This will be a Peter Stone sponsored show and is sold out! Divisions will include OF Plastic Breed & Collectability, OF Plastic Mini, OF China, OF Performance and a Youth Division. Website:http://www.horsyme.com/StVal.html In March two shows are scheduled in Galt, CA, hosted by Heather Visser. A mini show – Achy Acres Mini Spring Fling on March 15th and a performance show Big Valley Performance on March 16th.Websites: http://theachyacresminispringfling.weebly.com/ and http://bigvalleyperformanceshow.weebly.com/ The Fantastic Plastic Classic #11 will be held on April 12, 2014 in San Martin, CA. Jane Morehouse has been holding this plastic extravaganza for 11 years now. Website: http://www.fantasticplasticclassic.com/ The next day, the FPC sister show features primarily customs will be held onApril 13, 2014 in the same hall. Bay Area All Halter Custom Classic and China Show / aka Jamboree Custom Show . Our showholder is Sheryl Leisure. Website:http://www.gcmhs.org/baahcccs/ On May 17, 2014, Sharon Massouris will host her mini show in Anaheim, CA. Sharon always holds this show in conjunction of the Preakness race where we all cram into her home, show models, eat a great lunch and watch the race! REGION 3 ------------------------- No report. REGION 4 ------------------------- No report. REGION 5 ------------------------- No report. REGION 6 ------------------------- Hello All! There were two shows in Region 6 in January. January 18 was Palmetto State Live in Jenkinsville, SC. From all accounts, this was another fantastic show. Breyer's Lionesse was won by a young girl who was there showing in her first show ever! Congratulations! Kudos to show hostess Lisa Garcia for reviving this series of shows. January 25 was a fun show in Columbiana, AL. There were 15 entrants and everyone had a great time. Kudos to show hostess Amanda Smith for introducing the hobby to so many young collectors! Right now, region members are getting ready for All The Pretty Ponies in Newberry, FL on February 8. The show is sold out and is sure to be a great show. We are also getting ready for Palms and Ponies on February 22 and 23 in Apopka, FL, as well as two shows in March: Central Alabama Live in Montgomery, AL on March 1 and Carolina Gold Classic in Monroe, NC on March 8. 2014 is proving to be a busy show season in Region 6, so be sure to check the NAMHSA website for upcoming shows! See you there! REGION 7 ------------------------- We had one show in January hosted by Chesna Wertz New Year's Bash Live: "The 5th Annual New Year's Bash Live was a great success this year. It was our first time getting the show NAMHSA approved, and we had plenty of support in doing so. We had over 40 entrants listed to come, but due to a freak blizzard that came in early Saturday morning, 5 entrants were unable to attend. Although the weather had an impact on travel, it did not effect the quality of the competition. Our classes, including our Performance division, were outstanding, including a 70+ OF Breyer QH class. The judges were thorough , yet quick, even with the large numbers in classes, to help the show run smoothly. The show was wrapped up around 4:30 so everyone could get home safely before round 2 of the snowstorm came. Our raffle was also well supported this year, with many donations. A big thank you to all who supported through donations and class sponsorships. A big thank you to all of our judges and entrants as well! The show has been moved to March 7th, 2015(in attempt to avoid Mother Nature's wrath.), and we will be applying for NAMHSA approval in the near future." Our upcoming list of shows are: March 15th – Model Horse Mania in Nicholasville, KY April 19th – Model Horse Anonymous Live 4 in Athens, TN April 26th – Four Leaf Clover Show in Xenia, OH REGION 8 ------------------------- There were no shows to report in Region 8 for January most of us are too busy digging ourselves out from epic layers of snow! There are several great shows coming up, however.... February 22, 2014: GLC NoFrills Show in Huntley, IL. Contact: Liz Cory. March 15, 2014: GLC NoFrills Show in Huntley, IL. Contact: Liz Cory. March 22, 2014: Show for the Cure Live in Elk Grove, IL. Contact: Jenna Murphy. April 12, 2014: GLC No Frills All Mini Show in Huntley, IL. Contact: Marilou Mol. April 12, 2014: Plastic Ponies On Parade in Fenton, MI. Contact: Shelley Hogle. Please see https://www.namhsa.org/showsbyregion.htm for addresses and classlists! REGION 9 ------------------------- No report. REGION 10 ------------------------- No report. REGION 11 ------------------------- No report. FINANCIAL REPORT -------------------------------------------------- YEAR END Total Income: 47,325.86 Total Expenses: 44,502.99 Overall Total: 2,822.87 JANUARY Balance in BOA checking as of 1/31/2014: 70,372.35 Balance in PayPal as of 1/31/2014: 421.85 Balance in NAMHSA accounts as of 1/31/2014: 70,794.20 BOARD MEMBERS FOR THE PERIOD -------------------------------------------------- President: Carra McClelland Vice President: Tom Dean Treasurer: Carmen Robertson Recording Secretary: Jackie Arns-Rossi Region 1 Representative: Stacy Quick Region 2 Representative: Kathy Williams Region 3 Representative: Pauline Entin Region 4 Representative: Natalie Kilpatrick Region 5 Representative: Lyn Norbury Region 6 Representative: Jackie Moore Region 7 Representative: Annette Dean Region 8 Representative: Chris Wallbruch Region 9 Representative: Niki Hertzog Region 10 Representative: Kate Cabot Region 11 Representative: Terri Wright (Res.), Sandra Gibson Individual Membership Secretary: Danielle Miller Show Secretary: Amy Peck Member Show Results Processor: Amy Peck Public Relations: Natalie Kilpatrick Webmaster: Lynn Weber Parliamentarian: Eleanor Harvey Merit Awards Coordinator: Dayle Steinke 2013 NAN Chair: Niki Hertzog 2013 Member Show of the Year Chairperson: Chris Wallbruch Judge's Handbook Committee: Carra McClelland Thank you, Natalie Kilpatrick NAMHSA Public Relations Subscribe to the new NAMHSA Mailing List in full HTML! https://www.namhsa.org/mailing_list.htm | |
Last updated on March 20, 2014 |