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NAMHSA - February 1-15, 2013 News
NAMHSA News for the period of February 1-15, 2013, based on the minutes compiled by Jackie Arns-Rossi, Recording Secretary. FEBRUARY 1 -- Jackie Arns-Rossi (Recording Secretary) posted the January 16-31, 2013 minutes for approval. These were approved by Teresa Buzzell (President) later that day. -- Discussion continued about offering reciprocity to other national model horse organizations. Jackie Arns-Rossi suggested that any policy should include looking at the essential rules an organization requesting reciprocity has in place. Teresa Buzzell agreed and asked Carra McClelland (Vice President) to draft a policy. -- Lynn Weber (Website Manager) posted a link where pending show results could be found: https://www.namhsa.org/membershows-pendingresults.htm. This information would be linked to both the Member Shows section and the Results section of the website. -- Teresa Buzzell posted the February Board agenda: I. DONE: - VP Voting - NAN Auction/Raffle for 2013 II. ON GOING: -Solicitation for Fundraising Coordinator, Reg 2 & Reg 4 Reps (deadlines soon) -Show Results - Listing for late/delinquent show results III. NEW/Waiting for Discussion -MA Ideas -MSOTY - Year Round Solicitation for Shows/Year Round Coordinator -Reciprocity of NAN qualifications with other organizations (Carra to lead discussion) -National showers data base IV. Other -Please note: The webcam proposal brought forth by Stacy Faraci was originally added to this month's agenda, but this proposal was rescinded and is no longer on the agenda. This does not affect in any way the future possibility of a web cam at NAN. -- Tracy Eilers (Region 1 Representative) forwarded a question from a hobbyist in her region. The question was whether or not a CM with a large amount of molded on tack would be allowed to show in halter classes. In general, the Board members felt that this horse should be allowed to show in halter classes, as OF plastic, AR resin and china horses with molded on tack were not prohibited. FEBRUARY 2 --- Amy Peck (Show Member Secretary) advised she would be adding the link for pending results to each edition of her new shows report. FEBRUARY 3 -- Teresa Buzzell reported that she had received no applicants for the Fundraising Coordinator position. She asked Lynn Weber and Pauline Entin (Region 3 Representative and interim PR) to repost the position with an extended application date of March 10, 2013. She also asked Jackie Arns-Rossi if there were any applicants for the Region 4 Representative position, and for Pauline to repost the Region 2 solicitation. FEBRUARY 4 -- Teresa Buzzell advised that the NAMHSA calendar was back in the Cafe Press store for 72 hours. She asked Lynn Weber and Carra McClelland to post the information. -- Jackie Arns-Rossi reported she had one candidate for Region 4 Representative and would draft a ballot later in the day. She suggested a 3 week return period to allow mailed ballots to come back. --Lynn Weber said she had reposted the Fundraising Coordinator position. -- Jackie Arns-Rossi posted a draft of the Region 4 Representative ballot. This was approved by Teresa Buzzell and Carra McClelland. -- Lynn Weber posted a link to a newspaper article about the Harrisburg NAN and reminded the Board there had been discussion about adding these articles to the website. She suggested the name NAMHSA Press for the new section. This name was later changed to NAMHSA Press Room. -- Carra McClelland said she did have time to draft a policy for reciprocity between NAMHSA and BMECS (British Model Equine Collectors Society). She also explained the differences between a NAMHSA member show and a BMECS qualifier. The biggest difference is that because the hobby population is smaller in the UK, BMECS does allow showholders to show. They do not allow showholders to judge classes with their own horses. Carra said that from personal experience she knew they were very strict about making sure individuals did not judge their own horses. She also explained that the BMECS had held three national shows, and entry numbers were around 35. FEBRUARY 5 -- Pauline Entin reported she had reposted the Fundraising Coordinator and Region 2 Rep search posts. -- Lynn Weber advised that the NAMHSA website server had finally been switched to GoDaddy from the former site. -- Carra McClelland posted a draft of requirement for reciprocity for international model horse showing organizations. Teresa Buzzell responded with a couple of comments. FEBRUARY 6 -- Carra McClelland updated the breeds list and asked Lynn Weber to add the updated list to the website. -- Lynn Weber posted a list of Board member emails and asked everyone to verify the addresses. FEBRUARY 7 -- Teresa Buzzell advised that discussion on the reciprocity issue would end on February 12. Stacy Faraci (Region 7 Representative), Tracy Eilers, and Tom Dean (Region 2 Representative) all expressed opinions in agreement with the idea of reciprocity. --Jackie Moore (Region 6 Representative) expressed some uncertainty about reciprocity, asking if procedural differences between the organizations were an issue. In particular, she noted that allowing qualifications earned through an organization which allows their showholders to show to be used for NAN entry could lead to questions regarding why NAMHSA member showholders can’t show at their own show. Jackie also asked about whether it was important to have similar judging criteria, length of qualification validity, etc. --Jackie Arns-Rossi also expressed some concerns about reciprocity, but was generally in favor of the idea. She noted that reciprocal organizations should have some sort of approval process for their member shows (as NAMHSA does). She noted that one of the key reasons that NAMHSA was founded was to help “level the playing field” for shows across the country. She recalled how before NAMHSA existed, it wasn’t uncommon for parents to judge their own kids’ horses, artists to judge their own work, shows to be by invitation only, etc. Jackie felt that having restrictions in place to prevent these types of ethical issues was an important prerequisite for reciprocity. --Lyn Norbury (Region 5 Representative) suggested that perhaps international shows could be allowed to apply for NAN qualifier status. She said that opportunity could be offered to all countries, but interested individuals would have to follow NAMHSA’s guidelines and rules, rather than NAMHSA bending to accept other organizations’ rules. Lyn felt this method would help maintain NAMHSA’s standards. She noted that rules might normally be more lax in other places. -- Pauline Entin was also in favor of reciprocity, but cautious. She did not feel that allowing shows outside of North America to be NAN qualifiers was the right move given that NAMHSA is the *North American *model horse shows association. She also suggested allowing qualifications earned outside of North America only for NAN entrants with non-North American addresses. That way, if that model qualified outside of North America were sold to a person who lives within North America, the new owner would have to re-qualify the horse at NAMHSA member show. FEBRUARY 8 -- Tracy Eilers forwarded an email she had received from a hobbyist who had offered a collection of old Breyers and Hagen Renakers as a possible donation. Tracy had replied by letting the hobbyist know that there were many options for the collection, including donation to NAMHSA. -- Carmen Robertson (Treasurer) initiated discussion about NAMHSA’s credit card reader. She reported that in the past three years, NAMHSA had not used the credit card reader. The card reader costs $30.95 a month plus $200 a year for fraud protection (required). She noted that NAMHSA also had the ability to process credit cards via an on line via a separate merchant account. This mechanism was used for purchases such as raffle tickets (not allowed via PayPal). The on line credit card capacity costs $40 per month plus $330 annually for fraud protection. Since the on line mechanism is used, Carmen recommended retaining that account, but eliminating the card reader and associated account. --Some discussion ensued about using a service like Squaretrade or another smartphone card reader. Carmen did not think these services would be useful since a physical card was required to use them and NAMHSA’s need was to accept credit cards on line. Several Board members spoke in favor of giving up the card reader. FEBRUARY 10 -- Jackie Arns-Rossi commented with respect to the potential collection donation that NAMHSA had not ever had a collection donated to it before, although several years ago some horses had been auctioned off as part of a legal settlement. She noted that selling the collection would be a big undertaking, and asked if this would be a project for the new Fundraising Coordinator. Stacy Faraci offered to deal with cataloging and dispersing the collection so long as it was not too large, if a Fundraising Coordinator was not identified soon. FEBRUARY 11 -- Jackie Arns-Rossi posted a draft of the ballot for Region 2 Rep, requesting approval to send it out later that day. Teresa Buzzell gave her approval. Jackie later reported that the ballot was out. FEBRUARY 12 -- Tracy Eilers requested to add to the Board agenda discussion of lifting the proxy limit on NAN judges. Teresa Buzzell replied that it would be added to the March agenda. -- Carra McClelland posted some thoughts about reciprocity, in particular that NAMHSA could not dictate how other organizations handle their shows. Carra felt if another organization felt their system provided essential fairness, we should respect that. She also noted that the UK organization’s system was in fact similar to NAMHSA’s, and reciprocity would expand the ability of showers to enter NAN and/or enter horses purchased from the UK at NAN. Carra felt that cards from other organizations should be honored for NAN entry for whatever the dates were from the issuing organization, but cards from other organizations should not be eligible for merit awards. She also disagreed with allowing other countries to hold NAN qualifiers, as most other places already had an organization in place to regulate shows, and that these countries took showing as seriously as in North America. FEBRUARY 13 -- Carra McClelland posted a new draft of the Reciprocity Proposal. FEBRUARY 14 -- Carra McClelland posted another version of the Reciprocity Proposal. FEBRUARY 15 -- Carra McClelland motioned to accept the Reciprocity Proposal as posted on 2/14. Tom Dean (Region 2 Representative) seconded. Eleanor Harvey (Parliamentarian) opened the floor to discussion. **Regional Reports** Region 1 No report. Region 2 (Tom Dean) One show to report in January, High Desert Holiday Live was held in Ridgecrest on January 12th. Hosted by Dixie Duggan, the all-halter show featured a large class list and some very competitive classes. I heard rumors that next year will be even bigger. On tap in February, Eureka Live in Santa Barbara on the 24th. Hosted by Donna (and Harvey) Stone, and sponsored by the Stone company, this has been a staple on the region's show circuit. I'm sure this year will be every bit as enjoyable as years past. Tom Region 3 (Pauline Entin) Hello Everyone, Not much to report for Region 3 this month. It's all quiet on the Western front, as the saying goes. The first approved Region 3 member show of the new season will be "SPORK" on March 16th in Tucson. This is a specialty show that will undoubtedly bring out gorgeous models and odd-shaped prongy spoons. Until next time, Pauline Entin Region 4 No Report. Region 5 (Lyn Norbury) January brought the ever popular Midwinter's Night Ball to Georgetown, TX on the 12-13th. This was the 5th annual show hosted by Shannon Southard, Kim Wandry, and Brad Johnson. MNB was selected for the Breyer Benefit Program and one lucky person won the Limited Edition Breyer Zuni. Congrats to Lynn Weber on being the winner! February will bring 28 Days After Christmas on the 15th, hosted by Jacklyn Catena, and will be held at the Will Rogers Garden Center in OKC, OK. Don't forget Lone Star Live will be coming on March 9-10th in Ft Worth, TX, Hosted by Sue Stewart and also on March 9th will be Mid Kansas All OF Live Show in Rose Hill, KS, hosted by Gay Mahlandt. Lyn Norbury Region 6 (Jackie Moore) Hello All! There were no shows in Region 6 in January. Right now, we are gearing up for Panhandle Live in Milton, FL on February 16. We have one show coming up in March: Carolina Gold Classic on March 9 in Monroe, NC. Hollow Horse Live Test of a Halter Champion, originally scheduled for March 30 in Cumming, GA, has been postponed until April 13 (same location). See you there! Jackie Moore Region 7 (Stacy Faraci) January was quiet for Region 7 but the spring is already shaping up to be an exciting one. With many Region 7 showers gearing up for NAN in Harrisburg, the shows are filling up quick! Snow Show-ers live sold out not only once but a second time when a larger venue was found! Also around the corner is Pimped Rides Live, a brand new show in Knoxville TN for Customs, Artist Resins and Custom Glazes. The idea for a Region 7 Regionals show is also in discussions. Information has been posted to our Yahoo and Facebook groups and I'm happy and hoping to encourage discussion at any of our local shows this spring. We are shooting for Region 7 Regionals 2015! Happy showing! Stacy Faraci Region 8 (Chris Wallbruch) Region 8 is quiet for the months of January and February, but we're all gearing up for the spring show season! Current shows in the lineup for us are: March 16, 2013: Show for the Cure Live in Elk Grove, IL. Contact: Jenna Nejman. March 23, 2013: Great Lakes Congress No-Frills Show in Huntley, IL. Contact Kaitlyn Camardo (GLC Inc). April 13, 2013: Plastic Ponies On Parade in Fenton, MI. Contact: Shelley Hogle. April 20, 2013: Great Lakes Congress All Mini No-Frills Show in Huntley, IL. Contact Jamie Rott (GLC Inc). May 11, 2013: Great Lakes Congress No-Frills Show in Huntley, IL. Contact: Jamie Rott (GLC Inc). Please see https://www.namhsa.org/showsbyregion.htm for links to classlists and contact information. Chris Wallbruch Region 9 No Report. Region 10 No Report. Region 11 No Report. ****** Posted by Pauline Entin, R3 Rep and Interim PR 4/10/2013 | |
Last updated on April 11, 2013 |