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NAMHSA - February 1-15, 2012 News
NAMHSA News for the period of February 1-15, 2012, based on the minutes compiled by Bobbi Devine, Recording Secretary. *FEBRUARY 1* --Amy Peck (Show Secretary) posted the latest Newly Approved Show listing: Region 1 Spokane Spring Minis Model Horse Show 3/31/2012 Spokane, WA Debbie Talbott Luck of the Irish Live 2 3/17/2012 Silverton, OR Wendy Ward NW Expo 4/21/2012 Corvallis, OR Traci Durrell-Khalife Swap, Shop & Sale-A-Rama Live 3/24-25/2012 Camas, WA Barb Ness Region 2 Over the Hump Live 3/25/2012 Pahrump, NV Donna Anderson Region 3 Colorado Kickoff Show 3/31/2012 Westminster, CO Regan O'Keefe Jewel Heist Live 4/7-4/8/2012 Mesa, AZ Lauren Hoeffer Region 4 Dream Acres Live Model Show 3/31/2012 Parkersburg, IA Letrisha Wise Region 5 RED DIRT ROUNDUP 11/17-18/2012 Midwest City, OK Chris Flint & Lori Batchelor Region 6 No Shows to Report Region 7 Tri State Live Spring Mini Show 3/31/2012 Maumee, OH Dee Majors Model Horse Mania 3/24/2012 Nicholasville, KY Cristy Brown Region 8 Meows and Minis 9/8/2012 Itasca, IL Chris Wallbruch IL-IA Live Model Horse Show 4/14/2012 East Dubuque, IL Brenda Metcalf Region 9 Mid-Atlantic Regional Horse Show (MAR) 3/31-4/1/2012 Queen Anne, MD Betsy Andrews Region 10 Golden Oaks Stables' Spring Open Live Show 4/14/2012 Concord, NH Lianne Keary Quabbin Valley Performance Open 4/28/2012 Spencer, MA Joan Fauteux NEMHC 22nd Annual Summer Live 6/24/2012 Spencer, MA Nancy Timm & Jen Al-Beik China Buffet 6/24/2012 Spencer, MA Linda Dean Region 11 No Shows To Report *FEBRUARY 2* --Silke Brockmoeller (President) posted the February agenda: 1) Raise Judge Pay for NAN 2012 and beyond 2) Ideas for alternative fundraising, create job duties/job description 3) Head Ring Steward position, complete job description, pay and advertise 4) Work on policy document for judges to proxy show at NAN *FEBRUARY 4* --Bobbi Devine (Recording Secretary) posted the January 16-31, 2012 minutes report. These were approved February 7, 2012 by Teresa Buzzell (Vice President). *FEBRUARY 7* --Teresa Buzzell (Vice President) posted that NAMHSA's attorney has advised that incoming Board members are no longer required to sign the non-disclosure agreement concerning Margaret Thompson, since she is now deceased. He did suggest though that the Board create and require a code-of-conduct type document to be signed by any new Board members. *FEBRUARY 8* --Lyn Norbury (R5) requested that correct information be distributed regarding the terms of Individual Membership. *FEBRUARY 10* --Silke Brockmoeller (President) tabled the current discussion regarding the job description for Fundraising Coordinator. Silke motioned to take up the discussion to raise NAN judges' stipend to $100 per day with a $10 lunch allowance. Lyn Norbury (R5) seconded the motion. *FEBRUARY 11* --Bobbi Devine (Recording Secretary) announced that she will be sending out nomination requests for the 2012 Regional Representative and VP candidates for even-numbered regions. *FEBRUARY 12* --Teresa Buzzell (Vice President) posted that she has been communicating with the donor of the HR Swaps from the NAN 2010 Auction. The donor wishes to purchase the item back, and has offered $250 for it. Teresa asked the Board if they wish to accept the offer or put the piece for sale or auction. --Bobbi Devine (Recording Secretary) posted that the first round of 2012 Regional Representative and Vice President nomination requests have been sent out. *FEBRUARY 13* --Tom Dean (R2) suggested that perhaps instead of accepting the $250 from the donor of the HR Swaps, the Board should simply ask the donor to refund the proceeds she received from the initial sale and then NAMHSA would return the item to her (essentially a "no-sale"). --Carmen Robertson (Treasurer) posted the January 2012 Treasurer's Report: January 1, 2012 through January 31, 2012: Total Income: $550.50 Total Expenses: -$1,708.30 Balance in BoA Checking 1/31/12: $73,152.98 Balance in Paypal 1/31/12: $1,249.98 Balance in NAMHSA Accounts 1/31/12: $74,402.96 *FEBRUARY 14* --Eleanor Harvey (Parliamentarian) noted that five voting members had agreed thus far to accept the $250 offer for the HR Swaps, and said that if all were in agreement, the measure could pass by unanimous consent. --Unanimous consent could not be reached on the $250 offer for the HR Swaps. The issue will come to vote after the current motion of the NAN judge pay raise has gone to vote. *FEBRUARY 15* --Silke Brockmoeller (President) requested Bobbi Devine (RS) to set up a poll for the purpose of voting on the NAN judge pay raise. --Pauline Entin (R3) noted that a budget should be in place before the vote occurs to give an accurate accounting of how the pay raise will affect it. --Silke Brockmoeller (President) posted that she and NAN co-chairs Carra McClelland and Stacy Faraci are working on a budget, and to hold off on the vote until it is posted. --Teresa Buzzell (Vice President) posted some options to consider regarding the sale of the HR Swaps. REGIONAL REPORTS Region 1 (Tracy Eilers) No Report ****** Region 2 (Tom Dean) January saw one show in the region, the New Years Bash Model Horse Show on the 21st and 22nd. Held in Ridgecrest, and hosted by Trish Cavalliere, the show was well attended and had some very competitive classes. Next year's repeat is already being planned. Next up, Eureka Live in Santa Barbara on Feb 12th. ****** Region 3 (Pauline Entin) Hello Everyone, Keeping warm, I trust. Region 3 had just one member show in January, CassAway Live hosted by Cindy Davis in Phoenix, AZ. This show was just for chinas (both OF and CG) and customs. The show was small but enjoyed by all attendees. The rosettes featured artwork designed and donated by Sommer Prosser. The show hall was great, lunch was provided, and everything ran very smoothly. It looks like we have a hiatus in the region again until late March, when Regan O'Keefe is planning a season kick off show in Westminster, CO. In the Southern part of the region, the next show will be Jewel Heist Live, which will be back in its traditional location in Tucson, AZ in early April. Remember that NAN 2013 bids are due on March 1, 2012. Recruitment for judges and volunteers for NAN 2012 (in Lexington, KY) will begin shortly. ****** Region 4 (Carra McClelland) No Report ****** Region 5 (Lyn Norbury) January brought Midwinter's Night Ball to Austin, TX. for Region 5. It was hosted by Shannon Southard and Kim Wandrey. I didn't make it to this show, but it had stellar reviews! I am told it was a HUGE success. ****** Region 6 (Jackie Moore) Hello All! MITS (Models in the Sunshine) was held Jan 21 and 22 in Ocala, FL, with a swap meet on Friday, Jan 20. The weather was beautiful, second only to the beauty of the horses on the tables! It was so great to meet so many people who were either showing for the first time or who had driven down from other regions. On Saturday, a very special guest came to visit the show - Carole Fletcher brought her magnificent Peruvian stallion Magnifico! Carole and Magnifico performed at Breyerfest in 2006 and a Limited Edition model of him was available in the Breyerfest store. We were very honored that Carole and Magnifico took the time out of their schedule to come perform for us. Magnifico is such a handsome gentleman and just loved to ham it up for the audience. Next up on the Region 6 calendar is Panhandle Live in Milton, FL on Feb 25, and two shows in March: Carolina Gold Classic in Monroe, NC on March 10, and Hollow Horse Live in Cumming, GA on March 31. ****** Region 7 (Stacy Faraci) No Report ****** Region 8 (Marilou Mol) Hi, all! Region 8 was pretty quiet in January, which was too bad since the weather was GREAT! I did make it to neighboring Wisconsin for the Milwaukee County 4-H Horse + Horseless Project show in Oak Creek. I enjoyed the show. We will be hopping in the spring! Upcoming shows in region 8 include Great Lakes Congress No Frills show in February, March, and April, Show for the Cure on March 24, and Brenda Metcalf's Il-IA show on April 14. Our neighbors in Wisconsin and Letrisha Wise in Iowa have spring shows as well...come show with us! ****** Region 9 (Pat Coulter) January was typically quiet in Region 9. We had a two in one show in Maryland, "A Mini Halter Show" and "A Mini Performance Show" held by Barbara DiAnnibella and Betsy Andrews. There's much more coming in February, April and March, so be sure to check the approved show listings on the NAMHSA website. ****** Region 10 (Kate Cabot) No Report ****** Region 11 (Terri Wright) January saw "When Fur Flies" show in Calgary Alberta, where the proceeds went to support the local 4H and rabbit hopping clubs. It was a well-attended show, with lots of laughter and fun by all. Congrats to the winners! We look forward to the next show, East Kootenay Live, in picturesque Cranbrook BC, on May 5th! ****** Posted by Teresa Candelaria, NAMHSA PR 2/29/2012 | |
Last updated on March 1, 2012 |