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NAMHSA - February 1-15, 2011 News
NAMHSA News for the period of February 1-15, 2011, based on the minutes compiled by Bobbi Devine, Recording Secretary. FEBRUARY 1 --Bobbi Devine (Recording Secretary) submitted the January 16-31, 2011 minutes report. These were approved by Jackie Arns-Rossi the same day. --Carra McClelland (R4 Representative) reported that she observed on the NAMHSA-Discussion requests for more disclosure of the Board discussions. Jackie Arns-Rossi (President) suggested that reps DO bring more discussion to their respective groups. --Eleanor Harvey (Parliamentarian) posted NAN stats from 2010 to illustrate that the MGC is basically NAN's "set" classlist. She uploaded to the NAMHSA Discussion files section documents detailing the 2010 NAN classlist with the number of entries and the MGC that went along with it. --Lynn Weber (Web Manager) asked that Carmen Robertson (Treasurer) or Silke Brockmoeller (Vice President) take a look at the NAN Auction 2008 Treasurer's Report, as she had found a discrepancy. FEBRUARY 3 --Jackie Arns-Rossi reminded the Board that the pressing issue of resolving the VP/Pres dilemma needs to be solved soon, so that the ballot may be presented to the voting membership. --Silke Brockmoeller posted that still no applications were received for the NAN 2011 Sponsorship Chair. Carra McClelland volunteered to post the solicitation to Model Horse Blab. --Eleanor Harvey suggested adding a "Donate Now" button to the NAMHSA website as a way for the hobby public to donate to NAMHSA without having to make a purchase. --Lynn Weber posted a link to the new Financial page that she had created for the website, and invited review. --Bobbi Devine posted that she sent out the candidate solicitations to the various lists. FEBRUARY 4 --Silke Brockmoeller forwarded two applications for the NAN 2011 Sponsorship Chair position. --Lynn Weber posted the official announcement to the hobby public regarding the new Financial Documents page on the NAMHSA website. --Jackie Arns-Rossi reminded the Board that only one discussion can be on the floor at a time. She suggested that since the last deadline for Sponsorship Chair applications is 2/11, that discussion should wait until after that deadline. The Pres/VP issue is more pressing at the moment. FEBRUARY 6 --Eleanor Harvey said that she would like to transfer files from the original Board Yahoogroup list to the current one and asked for assistance on how best to do it. --Pauline Entin (Public Relations) noticed there were a few files missing from the Board's document files (NAN 2010 Program, most recent MAC file) and asked that those be uploaded. FEBRUARY 7 --Tom Dean (R2 Representative) reported that the Hagen lot winner from NAN Auction 2010 had not been contacted by Lauren Wood regarding shipping charges. Tom asked Carmen Robertson to confirm that the lot had been paid for. FEBRUARY 8 --Jackie Arns-Rossi forwarded another inquiry regarding NAN 2010 raffle stickers that were not received. --Jackie Arns-Rossi also mentioned that she has not received a response from Lauren Wood about the request to submit the entire amount owed to NAMHSA and then receive reimbursement for expenses. FEBRUARY 9 --Discussion continued regarding how to amend the Pres/VP succession issue. --Gail Schuenemann (Show Secretary) said that she would be happy to send stickers owed to the two people who inquired, along with letters of apology. Gail requested their addresses. --Jackie Arns-Rossi suggested that if the Board entertains bids for NAN 2013, that the bids should include information about the locale's rules and regulations regarding auctions and raffles. --Teresa Buzzell (R3 Representative) offered to write a "how-to" guideline for submitting successful Independent NAN bids. Jackie Arns-Rossi encouraged her to do so. --Carmen Robertson notified the Board that a check was mailed to the Region 6 basket winner for the refund of the shipping charges for the Region 6 raffle basket. --Teresa Buzzell (R3) reported an update on her research into Arizona's laws regarding raffles: Well, after making a complete 360 through various legal entities through the Arizona gov't, this is what I currently know: There are two provisions we may be legal to do a raffle in AZ but the ambiguity is troubling and both options have regulations that we would have to look at more closely. An licensed AZ attorney who is familiar with the gambling laws needs to be consulted. This shouldn't be too costly. A helpful hobbyist provided me with a list of three attorneys in AZ who may be able to provide referrals to someone who can help me as well as the suggestion to contact the state bar association if necessary. One continual suggestion through the phone process is contacting the Legal Referral Service (an AZ thing) for a referral for a local attorney who does this sort of stuff on a daily manner. The referral fee is $40 and INCLUDES the first 30 minutes of consultation. I went ahead, paid the fee and have a name/number of an AZ attorney. I have a call into the attorney's office and will be called back later today when the appropriate person can call me back to discuss an appropriate phone call meeting date/time. They also need to make sure there is no conflict of interest between me and their current client base. (Not a problem, I'm sure!) At that time, I do plan on finding out the hourly rate, just for our information and just in case. My intention is to conduct this phone meeting ASAP - either early in the AM or late afternoon. I want to have a legal opinion BEFORE we discuss the sponsorship chair as I see me working with her in close concert for both to be super successful. FEBRUARY 11 --Jackie Arns-Rossi requested to table the discussion about the Pres/VP succession issue in order to now review the candidates for NAN 2011 Sponsorship Chair. She asked Silke Brockmoeller to present the candidates and their applications. --Silke Brockmoeller posted 5 applications for the NAN 2011 Sponsorship Chair. --Carmen Robertson uploaded three financial reports to the files section: January 2011 Treasurer's Report: 1/1/2011 through 1/31/2011: Total Income: 0.00 Total Expenses: -$110.95 Balance in BoA Checking 1/31/11: $84,570.27 Balance in PayPal 1/31/11: $812.42 Balance in NAMHSA Accounts 1/31/11: $85,382.69 NAN 2010 Financial Report: Total Income: $36,509.00 Total Expenses: $38,571.35 Overall total: -$2062.35 The full accounting of the above report can be viewed at: https://www.namhsa.org/financialreports/NAN2010statement.htm NAMHSA 2010 Fiscal Year Statement: 1/1/2010 through 12/31/2010 Total Income: $69,221.20 Total Expenses: $60,075.76 Overall Total: $9,145.44 The full accounting of the above report can be viewed at: https://www.namhsa.org/financialreports/2010annualreport.htm FEBRUARY 11 --Carra McClelland posted a proposal that she and Erin Corbett (former Region 1 Rep) head up the Year-Round fundraising efforts. Jackie Arns-Rossi said she appreciates the proposal, but asked to table the discussion on this until the Sponsorship Chair and Pres/VP issues are taken care of first. The item was added to the agenda. --Teresa Buzzell posted that she spoke with an attorney regarding Arizona regulations on raffles. NAMHSA can hold a raffle, there is no paperwork to fill out for the state, and there are no special ticket printing requirements. The threshold is $10K before having special requirements for reporting to the IRS and state. FEBRUARY 13 --Jackie Arns-Rossi posted an update regarding lingering NAN 2010 Auction and Raffle issues, from Lauren Wood. The Region 6 raffle basket had been mailed. Lauren said the actual cost of mailing exceeded the payment for mailing she'd received from NAMHSA by a total of $9.14. She asked for this difference to be made up. She also asked if she could be reimbursed by NAMHSA for the NAN 2010 Auction party expenses prior to sending NAMHSA the cash she has been holding for NAMHSA. She also offered to scan receipts. She inquired if the HR cold painted china lot from the Auction had been paid for. Lauren stated she had never received money to mail the item, and thus she still had it. --Jackie Arns-Rossi, Eleanor Harvey, and Pauline Entin were all in agreement that NAMHSA could not send Lauren a reimbursement check until the funds owed to NAMHSA were received by Carmen. FEBRUARY 14 --Tom Dean posted that he is willing to take shipment of the remaining auction item (the cold-painted H-R) and hold it until payment is made by the winning bidder. --Jackie Arns-Rossi motioned that a NAN 2011 Sponsorship Chair be selected from the 5 applicants. Tracy Eilers (R1) seconded the motion. Jackie requested that a poll be set up for this purpose. Poll was begun February 15. --Jackie Arns-Rossi posted that she had sent a follow up letter to Lauren Wood. In that letter, she asked Lauren to ship the HR to Tom Dean and reiterated NAMHSA policies regarding accounting. Jackie explained that all money from the Auction and raffle must be remitted prior to the reimbursement check being sent. She directed Lauren to the check request form. REGIONAL REPORTS ************************** Region 1 (Tracy Eilers) December held one show, The Buzz and Wally Bonus Room Live, hosted by Diana Patterson at her home in St. Helens, OR. It was small but packed with cool horses and a VERY fun show! We really do need reclining couches during breaks for all shows. There was also a pants-busting amount of sugar in the forms of donuts, cookies, and mountains of chocolate! January had one show, Ring in the New Year Mini Show, held by Amy Peck in Kent, WA. Thanks to Rich for allowing us to take over the magnificent garage space again with hordes of horses! Region 1 has some really cool minis that came out to do battle. The OF classes were huge and the CM/AR classes were tough! We also had Erin Corbett visiting from Holland at the show. February has a neat show coming up held by Amy Peck called the "Light, Sport, Spanish Specialty Show" to showcase some of the athletic breeds. It is sold out already! Everyone here in the Region is looking forward to the longer days and better weather as we creep towards Spring and an increase in shows again! ****** Region 2 (Tom Dean) January 15th saw two shows running concurrently in San Martin,CA. Ponies on Parade, a Performance show hosted by Karen Harper; and Stock Options, a specialty show for stock horses of all persuasions, hosted by Lindsey Hall. As usual with these themed shows, it was a chance to show and see lesser shown models that don't get included in the more "standard" show strings. Really enjoy the relaxed pace and chance to 'catch up' these smaller shows provide. ****** Region 3 (Teresa Buzzell) January was a light month with only one show going on in Arizona - an all draft/pony show put on by Cindy Davis. Upcoming shows include Jewel Heist Live & Arizona Spring Fiesta in Phoenix and Little Guys Live in Colorado Springs (held as of this report). Winter shows are always a little bit of a risk as snow can become an issue. This year, the nasty weather held off a little bit for us in Colorado - just long enough for us to get home safely from Little Guys! Upcoming shows include: March 5, 2011: Blue Skies Live in Calhan, CO. Contact: JerryLynn Rice March 19, 2011: OSC: Last Chance Showdown Open Performance Show in Tucson, AZ. Contact: Deb Ash Both shows should have room left so enter now! ****** Region 4 (Carra McClelland) No report ****** Region 5 (Lori Batchelor) Except for miserable weather, region 5 has been quiet this month. No shows planned for February, but March will bring us Lone Star Live on the 12th & 13. ****** Region 6 (Jackie Moore) Hello All! There was one show in Region 6 in January; MITS (Models In The Sunshine) was held Martin Luther King Day weekend in Ocala, FL. This two day show (with a Friday Swap Meet) drew in entrants from almost all regions, both in person and by proxy, as well as proxy entrants from the UK and Australia. It was so fun to have folks (and models) there from far and wide as well as from right next door! Kuchi once again made an appearance at the Friday Swap Meet, and Kimberley Smith shared her tackmaking skills by putting on a seminar. Competition was tough both days, and all entrants should be very proud of their placings! The Region's regular February show, Panhandle Live, has been postponed, making the next show on the calendar Carolina Gold Classic in Monroe, NC on March 12. ****** Region 7 (Heather Jackson-Lain) January's weather is always so unpredictable around these parts that we don't have any winter shows. Next up will be the return of Model Horse Mania in Nicholasville, Ky. ****** Region 8 (Marilou Mol) No report ****** Region 9 (Pat Coulter) No report ****** Region 10 (Kate Cabot) Has everyone had enough snow yet? No shows to dig out for in January or February in Region 10 this year, but we will all be so happy to get back to the show scene (and the spring weather!) starting in March! Get ready for Jump Into Spring Live in Cato, NY on March 12th and the all novice show, Saddle Up for Spring in Concord, NH! Until then, keep warm! ****** Region 11 (Sandra Gibson) January held the annual Winter Blahs Live in Calgary, Alberta! We had people from far and wide come out for the show (Some as far as Manitoba & Quebec!) That's across the country. It was a good time, lots of people showed up & had great fun. Some beautiful horses were viewed by all. The next show is Red Deer Rebellion, to be held in Red Deer Alberta and that will be in April :) Best of wishes to everyone & see you then. ****** Posted by Pauline Entin, NAMHSA PR 3/5/2011 | |
Last updated on March 5, 2011 |