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NAMHSA - January 16-31, 2011 News
NAMHSA News for the period of January 16-31, 2011 based on the minutes compiled by Bobbi Devine, Recording Secretary. JANUARY 16 --Bobbi Devine (Recording Secretary) submitted the January 1-15, 2011 minutes report. These were approved on 1/16. --Carmen Robertson (Treasurer) uploaded the December 2010 and Fourth Quarter 2010 financial reports: December 1-31, 2010 Total Income: $1128.00 Total Expenses: -$3760.98 Overall Total: -$2632.98 Balance in BoA Checking 12/31/10: $87,766.22 Balance in Paypal 12/31/10: $47.65 Total in NAMHSA accounts 12/31/10: $87,813.87 Fourth Quarter 2010: 10/1/10 through 12/31/10 Total Income: $1489.00 Total Expenses: -$5214.95 Overall Total: -$3725.95 JANUARY 22 --Pauline Entin (Public Relations) inquired if any applications had been received for the NAN 2011 Sponsorship Chair position. Silke Brockmoeller (Vice President) replied that no applications were received, and to go ahead and repost the solicitation with a new deadline of 2/1/11. This was done. JANUARY 23 --Pauline Entin inquired if there had been any resolution to the issue brought forward by a NAN 2010 raffle ticket purchaser. Jackie Arns-Rossi replied that she was working with Lauren Wood (2010 Auction and Raffle Coordinator) on the issue. --Jackie Arns-Rossi relayed an email that she received regarding a possible NAMHSA bylaws infraction at a member show. --Jackie Moore (R6 Representative) asked if the Board had seen the post on NAMHSA-Discussion from Lyn Norbury regarding ideas for the NAN classlist. Carra McClelland forwarded the post for review. In short, the suggestion was to set a standardized classlist for NAN instead of making it up after entries are received. Discussion ensued regarding the point that the Minimum Guaranteed Classlist (MGC) is a set classlist for NAN. JANUARY 24 --Teresa Buzzell (R3 Representative) inquired if the Board was receptive to holding a raffle-type event at NAN 2011. Eleanor Harvey (Parliamentarian) indicated that the laws governing raffles in AZ and Tucson needed to be explored before attempting to put together a raffle. JANUARY 25 --Pauline Entin posted a website link to begin researching AZ laws for raffles. Teresa responded that she'd already looked at the link and would follow up further. --Gail Schuenemann (Show Secretary) inquired if there was any further discussion regarding the issue of the possible NAMHSA bylaws infraction at a member show. Jackie Arns-Rossi asked that Gail email the showholder and remind her of the NAMHSA rules. JANUARY 26 --Jackie Arns-Rossi posted an update regarding the loose ends with Lauren Wood and the NAN 2010 Auction/Raffle. Lauren has the Region 6 raffle basket and promised to ship it by the end of the week. Apparently raffle stickers were lost along with the notebooks that were lost post-Auction. It was also noted that Lauren had not yet remitted all cash monies collected at the Auction and raffle. --Jackie Arns-Rossi also suggested that now may be the right time to explore establishing a paid position for routine NAMHSA work, including fundraising. --Eleanor Harvey reminded the Board that proper accounting procedure dictates that all monies collected (such as at the Auction and raffle) must be submitted to the Treasurer (Carmen Robertson). Then Carmen could write a check to cover expenses incurred. --Lynn Weber (Web Manager) said that Zazzle was used to produce the raffle stickers. They should still have the file that was submitted to them. --Gail Schuenemann posted that she was willing to part with some of her stickers to give them to the person who inquired after them in order to close the matter. --Jackie Arns-Rossi brought up some ideas regarding the Minimum Guaranteed Classlist (in response to the suggestions brought forth by Lyn Norbury). This brought about more discussion including ideas on a national database and tagging system. JANUARY 28 --Jackie Arns-Rossi reminded the board that the issue regarding the Presidential and VP succession needs to be addressed, as the time for sending out ballots is fast approaching. The second issue that needs to be addressed is whether or not to bid out for NAN 2013 (the next independent NAN). She also strongly suggested that the Board begin looking for key staff for NAN 2012. --Jackie Arns-Rossi posted the current requirements per the Bylaws for the President and Vice-President positions. She presented two ideas for changing the current voting and succession policy: a. The hobby elects a President, who then selects a Vice-President. b. The hobby elects both the President and the Vice-President. Jackie also suggested that anyone running for the offices of President and Vice-President have a minimum of one year of Board service in order to learn the protocols involved. --Silke Brockmoeller checked in and apologized for having been quiet on the Board due to work and family demands. She will weigh in on the Pres/VP issue as soon as she has had a chance to read and absorb everything. --Teresa Buzzell posted her NAN 2011 Raffle proposal. She noted that the proposal was pending upon the legalities of holding a raffle in Arizona & Tucson. Teresa invited comments on her proposal. JANUARY 29 --Pauline Entin inquired if there was a group rate established at the Marriott Star Pass for NAN 2011. Lynn Weber (WM) replied that there is a group rate of $118.00 in the contract. Others noted that no code had been supplied for this group rate. (It was later confirmed that no code is needed.) JANUARY 30 --Pauline Entin suggested that the Board (or a subcommittee, perhaps the Financial committee?) review the current financial policy (established in 2003/2004) and update it to current conditions. She posted the policy for review. Jackie Arns-Rossi responded that while this is definitely a good idea, it would be best to wait until the next round of Board officers is in place, as she currently does not have the extra time to spare to this effort. --Pauline Entin inquired if the NAN 2010 Financial Report and the 2010 Auction Report was available on the website. Lynn Weber responded that these reports were never posted, and that she would be happy to post them to the website once received. --Lynn Weber proposed adding a new page to the website for all financial documents. Jackie Arns-Rossi agreed and requested Lynn to do so ASAP. --Jackie Moore posted that the Region 6 Raffle basket winner emailed her to inquire if she could have the $60 she paid for shipping the basket refunded to her since she had not received the basket. --Pauline Entin motioned that the Board refund the $60 to the raffle basket winner. Tracy Eilers (R1 Representative) seconded the motion. --More discussion ensued regarding what to do regarding Auction and raffle loose ends. Eleanor Harvey pointed out that while it is fine to refund the $60 to the winner, it is not acceptable for Lauren Wood to keep the basket. She needs to ship the basket, or deliver it to another local hobbyist to ship. In addition, Lauren needs to follow the rules for reimbursement set forth by the NAMHSA Financial policy. She posted a draft letter to be sent to Lauren via email by Jackie, to be followed by a certified or registered letter. --Jackie Arns-Rossi posted that she will be away from February 19-26, and will not have much internet access. JANUARY 31 --Teresa Buzzell reported that she has begun contacting the various AZ government offices for information regarding holding a raffle. --Jackie Arns-Rossi posted an update regarding the raffle basket issue. Lauren is ready to ship the basket, but needs a UPS deliverable address (she currently has a PO box address). Lauren also revealed that she still has one auction item that was not sent to the winner. Jackie requested that the appropriate Regional Representative contact the Auction item winner to find out more information. Posted by Pauline Entin, NAMHSA PR 2/12/2011 | |