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NAMHSA - January 2014 News
NAMHSA News for the period of January 2014, based on the minutes
compiled by Jackie Arns-Rossi, Recording Secretary.View the Enhanced News JANUARY 2 -------------------------------------------------- A Region 7 show holder wrote Annette Dean asking if she could void all placings (including NAN Cards) from any exhibitor asked to leave due to unsportsmanlike conduct. The majority of the BOD agreed that only NAMHSA has the ability to invalidate NAN Cards, not show holders. JANUARY 6 -------------------------------------------------- Carra McClelland posted the January agenda: 1. Explore options for email distribution list. 2. Possible change of wording on NAN Halter Cards 3. List member names on website 4. Code of Conduct Preparations began for soliciting Regional Reps and Vice President. A lengthy discussion regarding exclusivity issues began regarding a Region 5 show holder. JANUARY 7 -------------------------------------------------- Discussions regarding Region 5 continued. Discussion regarding the email distribution list began. A Region 6 member wrote Jackie Moore asking when NAMHSA had been established. Jackie Arns-Rossi replied that it was founded online in 1994 with the first NAN being held at the Holiday Inn Ballroom in Lexington, KY in 1995. JANUARY 8 -------------------------------------------------- Discussions regarding Region 5 continued. Carra McClelland uploaded another bid for the 2015 North American Nationals to the files section of YG. JANUARY 9 -------------------------------------------------- Discussions regarding Region 5 continued. Chris Wallbruch approached the BOD seeking approval to move the MSOTY discussions to Facebook after encountering numerous problems with YG JANUARY 10 -------------------------------------------------- Natalie Kilpatrick motioned to accept the new mailing list proposal, Carra McClellan seconded and Eleanor Harvey called for discussion. Carra asked that the discussion be concluded by 5PM CST on Friday, January 17. Lynn Weber reported that she had been experimenting with the MailChimp interface. Natalie Kilpatrick invited all BOD members as viewer accounts so that they could explore the new format. Chris Wallbruch sought out suitable alternatives to YG for the MSOTY committee; one of which suggested was a forum. Discussions regarding Region 5 continued. JANUARY 11 -------------------------------------------------- Discussions regarding Region 5 were deemed closed by Carra McClelland. Discussions for an alternate venue for the MSOTY committee continued. JANUARY 12 -------------------------------------------------- Chris Wallbruch advised that the ProBoards forum for the MSOTY committee was up and running and that she had begun testing. Lynn Weber noted that should this become permanent the ProBoards could be linked to namhsa.org for a nominal fee. Amy Peck posted a list of the latest NAN qualifiers. JANUARY 13 -------------------------------------------------- Carra McClelland reminded the BOD that they were to be discussing the mailing list for NAMHSA announcements. JANUARY 17 -------------------------------------------------- Jackie Arns-Rossi started a poll to accept or reject the mailing list proposal. JANUARY 19 -------------------------------------------------- Discussion regarding the wording of the mailing list proposal ballot began as there was some confusion from Kathy Williams who stated she hadn't realized the entire proposal was being voted on and believed that only a small portion was pertinent. Eleanor Harvey explained that when there is a motion and a second it is the wording of the proposal that is being voted on. JANUARY 20 -------------------------------------------------- Lynn Weber created a form for Regional Representatives and Vice Presidential nominations on the NAMHSA.org website. JANUARY 21 -------------------------------------------------- Discussions began regarding removing the word "HALTER" from green NAN Cards and replacing it with "BREED" or "BREED HALTER." JANUARY 22 -------------------------------------------------- The poll to accept the new mailing list closed with 12 votes. No - 3 Votes (27.27%) Kathy Williams Lyn Norbury Annette Dean Yes - 7 Votes (63.64%) Stacy Quick Natalie Kilpatrick Jackie Moore Chris Wallbruch Niki Hertzog Kate Cabot Terri Wright Abstain - 1 Vote (9.09%) Pauline Entin JANUARY 24 -------------------------------------------------- Carra McClelland motioned to change the wording on green NAN cards from "HALTER" to "BREED" or "BREED HALTER" which was seconded by Natalie Kilpatrick. Discussion resumed for 7 days. Lynn Weber created a page for people to signup for the new mailing list on NAMHSA.org Natalie Kilpatrick posted a draft announcing the new NAMHSA mailing list. It was approved by Carra McClelland and went live. JANUARY 25 -------------------------------------------------- Natalie Kilpatrick drafted up the first NAMHSA News to go out via the mailing list. Lynn Weber created a form for MSOTY nominations on NAMHSA.org Discussion continued regarding green NAN cards. JANUARY 26 -------------------------------------------------- Jackie Arns-Rossi notified the BOD that Carra McClelland was indisposed and that Tom Dean was to oversee the BOD until further notice. JANUARY 30 -------------------------------------------------- Jackie Arns-Rossi began a new poll: Should the BOD change the wording on the Green NAN cards to say Breed, Breed Halter or should the current wording of just Halter remain? JANUARY 31 -------------------------------------------------- Natalie Kilpatrick requested and received approval to send out Regional Representative and Vice President nomination solicitations. REGIONAL REPORTS -------------------------------------------------- REGION 1 ------------------------- No report. REGION 2 ------------------------- We have several shows coming up on the calendar: High Desert Live 2014 will be held on January 26, 2014, in Ridgecrest, CA. Showholder is Dixie Duggan. This show is now sold out! Divisions will include: OF Breyer/Other, OF Peter Stone, CM, AR, OF/CM/AR Performance, and China. This year there will be a new Kids Division. Website: http://highdeserthallolive.webs.com/index.htm Gold Country Model Horse Show will be held February 89, 2014. GCMHS be hosted by Robin Kent and Marie Sobieski in Davis, CA. This will be the 11th year for Gold Country! Congratulations, Robin & Marie! It's a big 2 day show with classes for everyone! Website: http://www.gcmhs.org/ On February 22, 2014 the St. Valentine's Show will be held in LaVerne, Ca. This show is now a Peter Stone sponsored event with special awards. The Stone Company will be there. Show hostess is Suzie Francis. Divisions will include OF Plastic Breed & Collectability, OF Plastic Mini, OF China, Performance, Customs, Artist Resins and a Youth Division. This show is now sold out! Website: http://www.horsyme.com/StVal.html In March two shows are scheduled in Galt, CA, hosted by Heather Visser. A mini show on March 15th and a performance show on March 16th. Websites:http://theachyacresminispringfling.weebly.com/ and http://bigvalleyperformanceshow.weebly.com/ May 17, 2014, is the date for Sharon Massouris' First Show of the New Season mini show in Anaheim, CA. Sharon always holds this show in conjunction of the Preakness race where we all cram into her home, show models, eat a great lunch and watch the race! REGION 3 ------------------------- Happy 2014 everyone. Unlike most of the country, we had a cold December, but a relatively clement January so far. For the most part, the region has been quiet. We had one show in December, Teresa Candelaria's One Woman AR show on the 7th. That was followed a month later by her OF Plastic show on the 11th. I heard the plastic show was the biggest of the series saved the best for last I guess! Many thanks to Teresa for putting on this show series. We have nothing planned yet for the rest of 2014 hopefully there will be some shows in March and April. In other region news, congratulations (I think!) to Yashka Hallein for taking on the NAN Chair position for 2014. Both the Chair and Registrar will be Coloradoans this year! And congratulations to Dayle Steinke, who is our new Merit Award Coordinator. Dayle is also from Colorado! REGION 4 ------------------------- In Region 4 the Milwaukee County Horse/Horseless was held by Charlene Ehlert in Oak Creek, WI. It turned out to be a great show with plenty of eye candy! In February Karen Meekma is holding the Sleigh Rally Model Horse Show in Columbus, WI. March will see the Sinawa Model Horse Show in Valders, WI held by Greg Stebnitz and the Crystal Creek Riders Double Judged Spring Model Horse Show in Randolph, WI hosted by Kathy Gunderson. Finally, in April, Brenda Metcalf is again hosting the Pie Show in Hazel Green, WI. Wisconsin is definitely a hot spot, but we'd like to see even more shows around Region 4! It's a big region with lots of empty space in between cities, but there are plenty of exhibitors who will make 4, 6 or even 8 hour drives to attend shows! If you're interested in hosting a show and would like to know how to get started, email me and I'll be more than happy to help you out! REGION 5 ------------------------- No report REGION 6 ------------------------- I hope everyone had a wonderful and safe holiday season, and Happy New Year! There were no shows in Region 6 in December. We have several shows lined up for the new year! We have two shows scheduled for January: Palmetto State Live in Jenkinsville, SC on Jan 18 and a fun show scheduled in Columbiana, AL on Jan 25. Coming up in February and March are: All The Pretty Ponies Live in Gainesville, FL on Feb 8, Palms and Ponies Live in Apopka, FL on Feb 22 23, Central Alabama Live in Montgomery, AL on March 1, and Carolina Gold Classic in Monroe, NC on March 8. There are more shows scheduled later in the year as well, so make sure you check the NAMHSA website for upcoming shows. See you at the shows! REGION 7 ------------------------- No report REGION 8 ------------------------- Cold enough for you? As we shiver in Region 8 in record cold temperatures, it's nice to reminisce about the December 7th No Frills Holiday Show in Huntley, Illinois! This show always sells out quickly, as entrants know not only to expect tough competition with lots of friendship, but plenty of extra perks like the annual potluck lunch! The show was made more special by a surprise appearance by Sandy Cord and Stu and Arlene Bentley, all of whom had brought many nice discontinued models for sale. The day was wonderful! Upcoming shows in our region... February 22, 2014: GLC NoFrills Show in Huntley, IL. Contact: Lisa Esping. March 15, 2014: GLC NoFrills Show in Huntley, IL. Contact: Liz Cory. March 22, 2014: Show for the Cure Live in Elk Grove, IL. Contact: Jenna Murphy. Please check https://www.namhsa.org/showsbyregion.htm for further contact info. Happy showing...spring will be here soon! REGION 9 ------------------------- No report REGION 10 ------------------------- No report REGION 11 ------------------------- No report FINANCIAL REPORT -------------------------------------------------- Balance in BOA checking as of 12/31/2013: 70,851.80 Balance in PayPal as of 12/31/2013: 229.60 Balance in NAMHSA accounts as of 12/31/2013: 71,081.40 BOARD MEMBERS FOR THE PERIOD -------------------------------------------------- President: Carra McClelland Vice President: Tom Dean Treasurer: Carmen Robertson Recording Secretary: Jackie Arns-Rossi Region 1 Representative: Stacy Quick Region 2 Representative: Kathy Williams Region 3 Representative: Pauline Entin Region 4 Representative: Natalie Kilpatrick Region 5 Representative: Lyn Norbury Region 6 Representative: Jackie Moore Region 7 Representative: Annette Dean Region 8 Representative: Chris Wallbruch Region 9 Representative: Niki Hertzog Region 10 Representative: Kate Cabot Region 11 Representative: Unrepresented (Terri Wright, Interim) Individual Membership Secretary: Danielle Miller Show Secretary: Amy Peck Member Show Results Processor: Amy Peck Public Relations: Natalie Kilpatrick Webmaster: Lynn Weber Parliamentarian: Eleanor Harvey Merit Awards Coordinator: Dayle Steinke 2013 NAN Chair: Niki Hertzog 2013 Member Show of the Year Chairperson: Chris Wallbruch Judge's Handbook Committee: Carra McClelland Posted by Natalie Kilpatrick, PR 2/24/2014 | |
Last updated on February 24, 2014 |